SMH Scrapbooking Club !!!!

I just got my big shot! but still in box n havn't get any dies yet. My table so messy need to re-organise and get some tiered storage for my desk. Now hardly have free time to do much stuff. How about Cricut? It seems to b very good but nv ready any reviews. here in SG got sell?

I think you got your answer for your earlier question.
I think I saw that rainbow in MWL make and take. You have to piece the rainbow together. The dies at MWL are from $20+ for like one small animal (abt 10cm) to $100+ for frames etc. I got my Sizzix at MWL when they have buy one machine for $199 + 3 free dies. Alternatively, you can use QuicKutz dies for Sizzix.

Sometimes, they have sales and they can be as low as $2 for a die.
would love to help u get it... was trying to get enough orders for the nov kit, but respond poor... if not u can tobang. btw, congrats on being LO of the week on MWL!
Ying: Thanks..
I like the Sizzix Bigz XL dies at the moment, cos I want the templates to cut out mini album pages. I'm currently crazy (a bit obsessed) over mini albums after watching the tube videos. :p Hope this is not a 3-min fever thing.

MichL: Yup.
I think I'll wait for more specials on Thanksgiving.. Hopefully there'll be some promo locally as well. Thanks..
Am always looking forward to more yss promotions..

Ann: Is there any warranty issue when buying the machine overseas? Hubby brought up this question. Trust men to think of such things. :p
momma2omar, congrats on LOTW at MWL! The Studio Calico stamps are just way too cool ! I know I shouldn't but I just can't resist ! So, momma2omar & jelly, please count me in for SC stamps ! :p
there about. i usually dun collect the payment until the loot arrives... so u might pay a little more, but still cheaper than mwl even when they hv a sale ... so let me know lah
Erm... Am I mad to be buying dies first without owning a machine??

Lenny: How heavy are the dies? Shipping is quite dear.. If I order, you want me to organise? But I really want to consider well before jumping into getting a machine. Actually my friend wants to lend me her QK this sunday to try out. Was hoping I can wait til then for a verdict.
Oh yes.. I want to ask this..

Jojo, Amy, Taz, Aimini: Whose add shd I ask the courier to send the loot to to? Can one of you send me an email to confirm this pls? Thanks..

Taz: Besides yss, you have the making memories embellishment packs from a PC deal here with me.
shipping abit ex for sizzix bcos die heavy. i had ordered fm sizzix b4 so quite familiar... if u want to organise also no prob... i hv quite a bit to buy since i am getting quite alot of bigz xls
hello.. so much talk about die-cut machines. and so many of you have that! amazing.. I feel so lost. haha.

my zutter, i haven't use yet! haha. but definitely it's meant for mini-albums la. I bot it real deal.. so happens to have that deal at Spotlight.
Thanks so much for the voucher.
Btw, wanna check is QK sillohutte can cut normal paper/cardstock too? or only vinyl?

I think send all the loot my address, and I will pass the rest to Amy, Taztaz & Aimini. PM you my address & hp. Let me know when will send it to my place.
So far, I only use pps haven try others.

Can check who is using QK silloutte?

That time saw you prepare some goodies bag for your child for children days. Can teach me how to do it ah? I need to prepare it for my son 2 yrs old birthday end of this month.
I paid for the paper and paid for 50 cents per box and got paper market to cut the boxes for me.
Others are bling bling and scallop punch out from remaining paper.

QK Silloutte can cut paper and cardstock too.

Chipboard yes. Felt I dunno if it is clean cut

Paper market got sell the box? I just went there on Wed.......aiya.........
Btw, will you have order for Martha Sterwart punch? The fishker corner punch that I purchase last time, can't punch well on my cardstock, is that too tick or..?
sometimes it depends on the paper thickness. Like Martha Stewart Punch, it cannot cut pp which are too thick.

You can email me if you want the punch. I can order for you with shipment arriving end of Nov/ Early Dec.

Can share with me via pm what you previously order and how much you finally pay for bigz xl die ? ha ha what is a must have die le ? Feel like getting 1 die to try out with my bug
Lenny: I see.. I want to order Bigz XL die also. There is free US delivery on $100 purchase. I think we can easily reach this amt.

CL: Cuttlebug can cut chipboard hor? Your comment on felt is for QK or the bug?

Hey, actually you girls can swap dies right? Am sure there're many designs in all your collection together.
ya can cut chipboard. But I have not use felt on bug so not very sure. Amy has bug right her comment on felt is on bug ?

Ha ha frankly speaking I just lelong my alpha fonts and focus on embossed and nestling. So i do not have shape dies. Ha ha
CL: I see.. I thot Amy has the sizzix..
You sold your alpha dies? But how come?

Jelly: Can I ask how much does a Bigz XL die cost in Sing? Will they go on discount when on promo or are they usually excluded like tools are?
AIYOOOO seeing sooo many people interested in the BS dies, I'm sooo tempted!!! I can resist as long as I think of the bulkiness of the dies which will post a serious storage issue for me.

3As....I've QK Silhouette, Revolution & Squeeze but havent try cutting felt. I heard Revolution CANNOT cut felt, Squeeze can.

I've lots of QK dies, be it alpha set or shapes, I can loan you if you need.
Jelly: Me too.. I was just adding the ides into the cart and hit over $120 liao.. But I managed to cut til below $50. Wahahha.. I think can cut further. I won't need so many alpha dies..

Ann: You have so many machines? Put them to good use leh, else so wasted. Any tips to look out for when buying dies? I really don't want to buy just becos there's a good deal (doesn't this sound familiar? Haha!!), and ended up not using them. :p It's always a prob when there is sale.
hey.. hello all..

I think I am coming into thread like once per week only man. When I have chance to breathe =P Still super busy with work, tying up all the loose ends and preparing for next yr!

I'm having some problems with my phone and hence using an alternate line to call / sms at the moment. If you're looking for me and can't get thru, email me instead.

I am also in the midst of STASH clearing.. going to LELONG big time very soon. Wahaha. Just going through all my stuff gives me the shivers, its SO MUCH! Man!
yes you pay them to cut lor. Got different template to choose.

I seldom use the fonts. Shapes I use more. I like thickers so far I just use thickers
I suppose got sb stuff clearing for all of us to grab ba........... ^^

btw, I wanna print out journal on the cardstock, but the laser injek can't print properly.
Can share any idea how to print it on cardstock?
3As...DIES selection:
- for font, QK has 4 sizes, I've at least 1 curly and 1 straight font for each size.
- for shapes, I'll go for dies that is versatile which I can have repeated and repeated usage for different projects.
- Nestibilities for the various shape like scallop circle, square, heart, rectangle are essential as it's difficult to "scallop" yourself.
- Dry embossing, choose those versatile folder like swirls, circles, checked, scripts which you can use on majority projects

THINK hard on how many uses you can have with the dies then commit to buy.

I havent used my Silhouette, Squeeze is also NEW, loaned to someone to try for 2 weeks.

QK has very good international support. Email them if you have problem, they'll help you. This is a review I got from friends. I haven't try myself though I'm supposed to do it last year to ask them to help me with 1 spare part which was damaged due to usage.

Thickness of material you can cut is greatly depends on the thickness of the dies. QK is a thin plate, therefore, cannot cut chipboard. While Sizzie is at least ½ inch thick, therefore can cut thicker material.
QK is really good. Remb I had a missing die from my alpha set, I emailed them about it and they sent me replacement FOC.

Jelly is my personal friend whom I've known before we came to this thread and we go to each others' house often. So, I'll naturally be ok to offer her first.. since she will probably come over before I finish clearing my stuff anyway! Hope you do not mind. I've LOTS of stuff, will definitely have more available for grabs one.

Jojo....I print ALL my journal as I've terrible hand-writing. Print per normal.

If I need to print on specific spot or position or journal pad, I'll print on plain paper 1 time, position the actual paper over the printed area, scotch tape lightly, then print.
