SMH Scrapbooking Club !!!!


My hand writing also cannot see one......
You use normal paper or cardstock to print the journal? I print on cardstock , the ink not stick on it, as got those small hole.

Can understand what you means. =)

Think most of you have stock up a lot of sb stuff.

Btw, can share how long you all have been in SB?
Most of you already shifu still under junior grade...

Jojo....I used cardstock. If you used textured CS, sure got holes due to the "weaves" of the paper. You can try to print on the reversed (smooth) side.

Same for stamping, stamp on the smooth side to have a clearer image.
CL: What do you use the shapes for? My preference is also thickers. So easy and convenient to use..

Ann: Wow! Thanks for taking the trouble to list down. What do u use scallops for? Is it in card-making? I don't have the practise of sending cards. So if the dies are meant for card making, then I won't buy. You know.. THe reason I'm looking at the diecut machine is cos I wanna make a mini album that dangles everywhere (*Mich's words.. Haha!*), so I'm looking at dies that cut album pages, frames, tags etc.. But I'm really afraid I'll just invest in a machine to make one such album. :p
And then regret later at my decision for being too carried away.. :p
Besides QK
Ek success and Provo Craft are quite good too. I send them for defected items they sent a replacement.

Ha ha Jellypurin
if i am near Ming, I will ask for preview too ha ha. Stay in same kampong mah
I don't means anything. Of course I won't mind.
As Ming is your friend mah. Of course will have priority.

Thanks for the advice, will try it out again.
Lenny: You're closing tom? I'm feeling the pressure.. Dunno if I shd jump in or not.. I'll really like to get the album dies + 1 or 2 sets of alphas on sale.. *sweating* How much will a Bigz xl die cost in S'pore? And are dies entitled to sales promotion?
Ann: Agree with you. Need to use the smooth side for stamping to get a clear image.. Which I feel is kinda counter-intuitive cos the textured side is the "nicer" side.
Jelly: Yah lor.. But you know, the prices are the same as when I first saw them.. before the veteran's day sale.. There's one particular die I want which is OOS since that day.. So the one I'm eyeing is the second-choice only..
so what are you eyeing now ? Maybe dun jump first lor. There is always a sale. Must see what you realli want , get the one that you die die must have. I learnt my lesson. Dun be like me. Many time I lelong things I seldom used, totally never used.

Jellypurin, styliciously
keep forgetting to ask if you both receive the Magnolia stamps ?

The thickers I just keep it. Some use as background of layout or just rearrange to see how to replace like 3 for E etc.
I saw Gingerbread, complete set is retail at S$109 at LSS. This can only be used with Epix cause plate is wider than 4 inches.

All QK dies are of similar plate thickness.

FYI, Aida's class for tomorrow, there are 2 slots.
would like to know how do u all paste the cut out & photo onto the paper is it normal glue??
jux started got a set frm spotlight usin uhu glue to paste but don seem to stick.
& oso button wat is used to paste??
that day I measure that 14.5 cm leh. So not 6"

But in the FAQ in PC web it is 6"

we usually use tape glue from Tombow or Kokuyo

Both available at scrapbook store or popular

For buttons, you can run the tape glue on the paper where you want to glue down. Or alternatively get the glue dots.
Annissa: Thanks.. Have told hubby we're going Laines to try out the machines.. Kekek..

Ann, CL: I read that most times it's not the dies themselves that can't fit other machines, but the plates. So we got to measure the dimension of the dies instead to gauge.

CL: You have plate C for the bug? What's that used for? Looks like the standard package comes with only 1 plate A and 2 plates B.

Sandy Dee: For scrapbooking, acid-free glue is advised. Any brand will do. BUt there are some that're mosre effective/useful than others. Uhu is not on my list. You can get the ones recommended by CL, most commonly used among us for sticking down papers. For sticking down buttons, ribbons, flowers etc, you can consider liquid glue. Also many options available - some more effective than others. I use glossy accent, and recently, my friend recommended me this:
3As, I used to use the Cuttlebug but stopped when I cldn't find replacement plate...can't rem whether it's plate C or B..the thicker one. THe LSSs don't sell them leh...the CB can cut foam, so can make ur own foam alphabets...except the dies are expensive.

Now I use the MM Slice...thou can only cut paper, the design cards are much cheaper and comes with a variety of other stuff like flowers, photo corners, florishes etc.

What time are you heading to Laines later? Am thinking of going too...cos bringing my gal to story telling session @ Borders Wheelock at 4pm...i've the Christmas vouchers which has good discounts for most stuff but not sure abt machines...if u want can call them to check.
A&A&A/MichL/Chicken Little
haha thanx alot thanx thanx will go get it. new to bookscrapping is veri addictive.
thanx 4 introducing

btw want to take up basic BS course saw u all talikin abt Laines & was thinkin of MWL oso. donno which is gd any recommendation??
went MWL last wk the sales person so fierce nv ask much.
I'm down with flu. The full bouts.
And the medication is making me drowsy all the time. Only manage to go out for lunch. Didn't go Laines..

Kaimom: Thanks for the kind offer. I'll pick this up when my energy is back... Really feeling under the weather now..
Why do you need to get replacement mats? THey broke or?

Sandy: I attended Beyond Basic at MWL. I think the basic courses at both are abt the same..
I replace the plates when i find that they are very cut up already. Each time you cut something there is a mark on the plates so if you used it alot, a certain side is too cut up, when you run through the machine, it doesn't make a clean cut. So far i always arrange it such that it only cuts on plate B which i can easily find replacement on Joann. Plate A is very thick, something like a buffer to fill up the space in terms of thickness so that the dies and paper and fitted in nice and snug to be cut. Plate C and B are the slightly thinner ones. Depending on the type of dies u use for example, if u use cuttlebug dies which are thciker, you use plates A, B and B. If u use QK dies which are thinner then u use plates A,B and C. I may have the sequence wrong here depending on which is the thinner plate.

I am looking for someone to share the following...

Mini cupcake chipboard

Mini sheer owls

Just bought from MWL yesterday. To make calculation easier, each half set at $3.50 inclusive of normal postage.
A LO I did from LP's Black & White class in Sep:

A technique which I really enjoy doing, UTEE till thick thick then crack it:
nice layout leh. So fast you finish after te class. Ha ha I still have not used my utee!!!

Lovely layout. Can scrap lift ? ha ha feel like doing something like that for my sis
I received the voucher. Thanks very muchie.

Ming, Ann,
lovely LOs. Ming's got so much details (as usual) and Ann's very classic with black/white.
I received the voucher too. Thanks so much

Thanks for the link n advice on the journal.
Will try it out. =)

Ming & Ann,
Nice LO leh...
Ann, I also like to crack thick thick UTEE, but can only do when the kids are asleep cos they may touch.

Ming, I love your layered flower!

Erna, I am going for the X'mas card class this Fri afternoon leh...anyone going?
Thanks LADIES.

CL...that is from Sep class, now then i complete. I still have 2 more LOs and a few uncompleted projects which I did the class much much earlier!!!

<u>Maclaren Stroller Recall</u>
FYI, this recall is in US. I've checked, the "safety kit" will be shipped to Singapore this week, stroller owner needs to go back to the shop your bought your stroller to claim the kit. I bought from 2 places, that is, I need to go to 2 places to claim!!! Just need to be careful when opening and closing. I ever kena "clamp" 2-3 times when I 1st used them!!
