SMH Scrapbooking Club !!!!

I like all the Monsters LO.. so nice! CL, Ann, now i thinking if i should go for Monsters class.. but probably no more hor.

Just to share.. another shadow box i did. TFL..


hahaha, if I see Spree thread now, I'll just skip the posting.... alamak, I'm packing and still buying abit from you and then also some from Felicia...very bad man...I decide to stop purchasing all SB related stuff for now... finally boxed up my SB-stash and items.
CL & MamaChan - Precisely! That's why I will normally browse through and skip the postings. But this time round, will need to join 3As' yss spree to get the websters papers. Got a few last time at laines and loved them.
Really nice monsters LOs done up by so many of you, actually wanting to join CL and Ann class that day but thought the class may be full and somemore it's my daughter's bd so did not commit to it.
Autum : your shadow box very nicely done, how you all are able to match the colours so well. Can I check what did you do with your frame?
I have re-created my frame by painting it but still does not look good.
I paste patterned paper on the wooden frame.
for the inner 'frame', i use border punch to punch on cream cardstock and paste directly on the glass. so far i have not tried painting because i know i am not artistic enough to paint well! haha.. so cut and paste strips of patterned paper is easier and 'safer'. :p
hey ladies,
i am looking for honey bee or cutter bee to replace my current pair. my current pair still can cut but i can feel it's not as sharp.. so i guess i need a new pair soon. anyone got spare to sell? or i buy from spree?
Autum, thanks for your advise. I agreed, I painted 2 to 3 coats to the frame and still dun look good. Got to try your method and hope it works.
I just brought my 1st pair of honey bee last month at Joann spree @ USD8.39. 3As' doing another batch, maybe can order from her.
Hi all!
Have been MIA for sometime. Busy recovering from a stubborn sore throat and fever. Finally feeling much better. saw a gynae and confirm my 2nd pregnancy at 5 weeks

Having the mood to scrap so much but my body just doesn't move to the table and my stash is so messy cause i've been throwing everything into a box. I have to start packing my house next week. Think of moving feeling abit sian
babyrainbowz, congrats.

3as, you very fast leh. Me controlling, have not used the thickers i got from you thru the PC Thickers Deal yet. Glad that you got your mojo back.
Huge Congrats to you! yOu must take good care of yourself wor...avoid carrying the heavy stuff by yourself when you need to pack stuff and shift things around.
All the best with your house moving... I'm still packing here and there after 2 weeks. still haven't "seen the light at the end of the tunnel" feeling. LOL!
you sure have a lot of stash too. My next task of the day is to sort out my 1 box of stash too.

So cute of Anya. Nice layout.
PC Making Memories Embellies Pack is ready for collection.

Pls make payment to posb savings 150280532 before collecting. Thanks.

The participants are:
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Sets</TD><TD>Item</TD><TD>Ship</TD><TD>Total </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ade</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>9.98</TD><TD>2.43</TD><TD>18.12 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ivy Taz</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>19.96</TD><TD>4.86</TD><TD>36.24 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ying</TD><TD>6</TD><TD>59.88</TD><TD>14.58</TD><TD>108.71 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Baimom</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>9.98</TD><TD>2.43</TD><TD>18.12 </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Baimom: It's $5.99 + $3.99.

Ade: From my place at Bukit Timah. Did you join my other sprees? If yes, can collect altogether. Else, can PM me where you stay? I'll see if there's another spreeist who stays close to you.
