SMH Scrapbooking Club !!!!

Enjoyed my Laines - Monster Class today. 3 layouts. Completed 2 liao. Cannot wait to share.



hi annisa,
tks for the tip so the accent is to put last right? did you put a base colour 1st then stamp? cos saw you got 2 shades of pink...

autum - tks hee i haven got the mist will try other ways heheh

A&A&A - haha i got the small one too .. need to add more to collection heheh

the monnster layout very nice... i saw the webster layout today. lost of layering and cutts... gotta try at home see can achieve so high standards... heheh

tks everyone!@!!!
I find webster very hard to achieve as Jaz is very very well known for layering.

Ya i enjoyed it a lot at Laines class today. And it is great to finish all at class. I only come home to complete the title.

One more to go as I do not have the appropriate alpha for title. will update once I have completed it
Go to class they teach you step by step. This one no difficult.

And we have helping hands. I finish I help annissa or who ever faster will help one
I guess I can go for such inspirational classes once I'm done with my house packing/moving to my mom's temporarily first... come I've packed and packed, it seems like the house was never packed at all! Total mess at home now!
CL: The monsters LOs are so nice and cute!!! *screams* Aiyah! My khaki and I decided last min not to go leh, and we ended up at my place for a crop session.. Looks really fun!
My monster n urs LO almost the same.
During this lesson I learn a lot.

Annisa, Amy,
Thanks for borrow me your card. (Annisa)
And thanks a lot for the advice from 2 of you. Really appreciate. (^^)
wasted leh. I enjoyed alot. Ha ha i dun hav luxury to go hi tea so me and friends now meet over scrap classes.

share your layout lah. I going to find 1 alpha to match my last layout first.

Ha ha you give me idea to finish up the scraps. Ha ha I was still thinking to throw or use.

I packed till the day before I hand over key. When buyer came to inspect, I was left a tiny weeny bit.

My motto for the packing. Anything unused or refer to for past 5 years, they go into the bin. Ha ha i set 5 years instead of 2 or 3 years because otherwise my scrap materials all goes ha ha
wow the monsters LO look realli nice!!

oh ya... i'm planning to make a mini album for my baby's 1st bday party (the photos taken from the party).. now looking for the mini album to do it coz i wanna do some pages before the party.. hahaa.. anyone has idea which mini album will be nice for that? kekekee.. thanks! =)
Wah...loving all the monster LOs ! CL, lots of cutting ?

Jojo, let me guess...the font looks like pressed petals chip chatter alphas - you traced on cs and cut ?

Momma2omas, agree the studio calico kits are tempting...I am ogling at the stamps !

3As, in the end did you order from Unity ? Short notice and I couldn't decide what to get :) ...
which front you refering?
The LAUGH & GIRL ? I'm using Quickut cookie cutter Yogurt Alphabet paste it with foam dot, you will have the chipboard feelings.
MichL : same here ... the stamps are stinkin' cute ! However, quite pricey ...

Ladies ... am interested in getting some UNMOUNTED rubber stamps from Cats Life Press.
Shipping is only USD5 for any amount of unmounted stamps.
Anyone interested? If so, can start spree
3As, USD25 inclusive of shipping to SG u mean? or only within US? for the orders u're placing tonite, how much will the shipping to SG roughly be ya? :"> thanks!
confirm will be the Oct kit plus the daisies.
if shipping is incl will add in alphabet. i send u email n sms u again tonight.
Carol: It says on their website..
"Our wood mounted slides can easily be stamped as is as well as our cling foam stamps can be adhered to any acrylic block. Unity handles are NOT required for use with any of our stamps."
momma2omar, agree the SC stamps are cute but pricey. <font color="ff0000">UNMOUNTED rubber stamps from Cats Life Press</font> YES I am interested !!

3As, you've got mail!
Here's my monster LOs:



I reduced till the images blur!!! Those who have my facebook or photobuket, can see bigger pix there.

It's good to go for classes together as we can "borrow" things from one another, no need to paiseh, also we can help one another in area we can. Most importantly, the class is noisy, not so "serious" as we joke while we scrap.

Aniza....I want CatLifePress, been waiting for the longest time for this. I'll email you. Thanks.
you know what. I have finally decided that I actually do not remember what I have packed in the warehouse and what I have accumulated so far. So I just brought out 1 small comic box. Will start to Lelong again. Ha ha.
CL....I messy messy, pour out the whole plastic bag of buttons, eyes and embellishements and PASTE!!! Dont want to keep.

I can loan you my box of stickles to add some bling bling to the edges.
Hi ladies, finally I have sometime to come back and come in to see all your work. Have been super super busy. Next week, got to start again cause got 2 events coming up. Next month, already got 3 lining up and 2 of them are big big events. Sometimes I see liao, I really "bo lak" (no energy).

I remembered I join some spree, but I cannot remember all the details liao. Can all those people that I owe money voice out, so that I can make arrangement for payment and collection?

CL, I know I still haven't arrange to meet up for collection. That day Ming sms me about YSS. So if anyone cannot get me thru email or here, pls sms me. I think I response faster. Now my gmail and facebook all access by my son, I'm just too tired to do anything when home somemore still got housework to do. Last week bro's wedding and next week son's exam. I feel like I'm lost in piles and piles of things. Do you all have such feelings before? My mom ask me to consider a maid again, but I don't want. I'm sick of maid problem.

Sorry for my long winded story here. Just need to let out. Now got to continue sending e-invite to clients again. Chat again.
