SMH Scrapbooking Club !!!!

And this.. TFL..


Ming: Yah, Chatterbox Fabulous. Love this line. I've used up the pps when these embellishments arrived. So am using the embellies without the pps. Haha..
3a - i do that ALL the time! =P but i've not even touched my fabulous stuff yet.. oops.

as usual, i love your style of scattering embellies all over yet looks so pulled together!! zebra riding LO is extra cute, love wat you did with the sassafrass pp!
JTS, a few LOs I did with the limited scrapping material @ my mom's place. The rest are in storage like CL, so maximising the SL Sep 09 kit. TFL



ladies.. been so long since i SB. still not up to doing LOs yet. But did a shadow box for a friend last night. JTS..


your last LO of your Fave Things with no photo.. cool! I havent done any photo-less LOs before. hmm, maybe i should do one also cos i have the same kit. ha.
that is a very lovely shadow box layout. Very nice

Nice layouts and me too like that last layout. Very very cool.

Nice come back with the layouts. Both many things to see.

Your layouts never fail to wow me. Ha ha Now I wont be able to scrap til my gal's exam over.
dear all, I've accidentally purchased 2 sets of Silhouette SD Digital Paper Cutter from Quickutz and now want to let go 1 set at $350. Set is brand new in box and bought from US. Plse sms me at 90615360 if interested. i really cant afford to keep 2 machines...
ann, in tis case, can collect by postage? u advise me e postage fee, thanks.

ladies, nice LOs & shadow box!!!

3As, seems like ur skill has up 1 level again after e break. especially the 2nd pcs, nice combination.
I used the fleur de lis EK punch to punch the black cardstock.. punch until my hand so pain! I had to use a lot of force to punch down. hmm.. u have this problem? or maybe it's just this design because it's more intricate..
Ming: Haha!! Thanks..

Kaimom: You've been productive!

Autum: Love your shadown box. Very pleasant and pretty.

Sugarbabe: Hope I can continue this mojo mood.
But I'm left with just one more pic to scrap. :p
Nice LO leh......think I have the same kits with you. I like the Zebra Riding very much....

Nice LO even with limited material......

I like that shadow box, give me some idea to do it for my sister wedding.
Monsters Class at Laines: Has anyone attended this? Any feedback pls? Can I check the Laines samples online?

Kate: You attended the Websters class right? Can share your LOs? Thanks..
thanks.. for Laines' samples, u have to go to their store to see. they don't post pics of the samples online.. or even if they do, they take glimpse of parts of the end product so can't really tell or make out what it looks like overall. Maybe their strategy is to make pple visit their store? haha..

mine is just a simple box. i remember last time some of the other scrappers (like Ming etc).. they did wedding shadow box or LOs.. so much nicer! hee..
I modified an earlier LO I did. Now it doesn't look so bare.. Haha.. JTS..


Autum: Thanks.. *sigh* Am not going down just to look at the samples lah.. So silly, they shd really post them online too.

Jojo: Thanks.. Dorcas is the expert with Sassafras Lass pps..
I blur liao. I thot u have this Fleur de Lis.. just remembered yours is the Fiskar Lacy days.. hhaha.. salah. I think i should stop buying EK punches and try some other brands!
I'm loving your SSF layouts!!! Very lovely! Love how you're working the papers! I so wanna scrap but no is in a mess due to the packing for the move and my work is crazy now! sigh...

I think we beta clarify which PC deal we referring to.

me & jojo referring to flowers grab bag.
PC (flowers grab bag)
1. Carol
2. Jojoyp

PC (ribbons)
1. littlepea
Ladies.. I do not know how to order fm oversea leh.. Not ordering for myself as i still have balance ribbons..

Jojo: Are u ordering for the flower grabs? Checked with 3As alreadi?
Mamachan: Thanks.. Haven't been scrapping for so long and felt a bit rusty.. Really thanks for all the encouragement here.
Now in the mood of cutting lah, and the SSL pps look really good for cutting..
Hope you can settle down into your own home soon..

Carol, Jojo, Ade: The PC deal today is the ribbons. The flowers grab bag was yesterday's deal.

Ade: I know baimom was ordering today's deal. You want to check with her?
Mamachan: Have u shifted hse? Btw, ur stuff is with me.. Tomorrow i will pass to BB Rainbow if i am able to meet up with her.

3As : Ur flowers are nice. Are u using the pearls or the brads to paste on the flowers? Tot i saw ur close up view of flowers yesterday nite..

AnnissaKoh: Even u stopped quite sometimes, the LO still look great lor. I have stopped quite a while . Nite time, cannot do coz he almost wake up b4 12am and need me to sleep with him. Yesterday nite was even crazy. Wake up ard 11+, pat him to sleep, the moment i go out of the room,within 3mis, he wake up and cry inside that room. Haiz!!!End up, i log off and sleep with him..
The add on flower really give a diff feeling from the previouse one. Can make yourself feeling fresh. I'm agree to framed it too.
Hiya ladies ,

Just wanna find out if anyone has any experience subbing with Studio Calico (shipping rates, customer service) ?

Thanks a bunch.

SC kits are beautiful and the shipping is reasonable to SG. up to 4 kits at US$16.50 and add-ons are shipped free. customer service is good
love the way they pack the kits as well
