SMH Scrapbooking Club !!!!

ha ha dun blame on the babe lah. But girl has lots of dress up and more girly layouts to do.

ha ha long time i never see MWL class i dun think I have leave liao
Jellypurin: Congrats!!! This is such a productive thread. Kekeke.. Yup, mine's a girl.

CL: Not blaming her, but it's true lah. The mentality is different. For my #1 girl, it's the same. As soon as I know it's a girl, I went all out to buy her clothes. I bought so much and ended up she outgrew them faster than she could wear them. So good for me, this time round I can bring those out to wear again. Kekek..
My bb will be out before the CNY, so she's a cowgirl!

Classes: I find attending classes are quite expensive. If not for the voucher, I won't go leh.
Hi ladies, could I check if I need to produce VIP card for redeemption of vouchers. My friend gave me some of the vouchers offered by Laines so thinking of attending my 1st scrapbook lesson. Could I join anyone of you in Dec class? Also looking at the things to bring for class, do we need to bring photos or we are able to leave it blank and put up the photos when we have in mind later. If the class need ink for distressing and paper piercer and I do not have these,is it compulsory? or i need to purchase from them. Sorry for all these queries.
Aimini: No, don't have to produce the VIP card. As for photos, I'm attending a mini album class and am told we won't have time to fix the photos, so can do them at home. Anyway, I don't have enough photos to bring along. If you're going for 12x2 LOs class, then perhaps you want to bring the photos along.
And you better call to ask what are the classes still available. I think mostly fully booked by now. But there are people (such as me) who reserve but in the end won't go. So you can ask the SA to place you on waitlist and call you if people back out of their reservations.
this sale is not scrapbook related, but haha, i like to pick out bargains...

Gimmil sales
17 dec to 19 dec
9am to 9pm
usually things u dun hv u dun nid to buy, but distress ink, i encourage u to get cos it is useful. paper piercer, no need, think laines have de

thanks for the well wishes
ha ha mine lagi worst. Ha ha before I know the gender for my #1, i tell my fren, ha ha that guess pinafore, once I confirm gal i come back and get ha ha. Scarely when confirm no stock liao. arrrgh.

ha ha 23 Dec for global class onz ? ha ha I book for my fren now she wants to fly kite. Ha ha can let you take over
Thanks 3As & Jellypurin for your advice. Hi Jellypurin, so is this your first baby? Congrats!
CL - if you dun mind me joining you then can I take over your friend slot if she is not attending. For this class, can I use the $35 voucher to offset? Thanks much!
Aimini: Yes, agree with Lenny, distress inks are super useful. You'll definitely get a brown tone, won't go wrong with this.

CL: Wahahah!! Sama sama.. I think mummies with #1 as girls tend to go overboard buying clothes. After that we've all become wiser..

Re Distress Ink:
Can I check if anyone uses the blending tool and foam when applying distress ink?
can i will tell laines you take over. Ya can use the voucher. Ok since I going you dun have to buy first use mine. Only try liao and you like the distress ink then buy
hee, this one is my #2. am gng for the 23rd global class too!

i use foam but hor, i really like using my fingers, but then again... i hate the stain...
For big area, I used distressed ink pad and apply directly. For smaller & hard to reach corner or curve, I'll used the foam BUT recently I become lazy, I used Copic brown marker, easy & fast to glide through the tiny corners.

Aimini...I would suggest you go see the class sample, if you have the time to print the photo(s) then bring, if not, you may leave it blank.

CL....Globe is on 23th? I need to "plan" in advance. kekeke

Lennie...LP got sell a cleaning block which claimed to be able to clean ink pad stains, I didnt buy as still thinking does it clean?
u want to see my layouts arh.. think u got to wait for quite a while, haven even have the time to sleep... these few days are like a mad rush... and with xmas coming.. lagi crazy..

Now i can understand why you got so many things inside the storeroom liao... i think i will be needing a bigger space real soon to store all my stuffs coming in...
ha ha actually my personal stash more than MA stuff ha ha. Because after clearing to Cheng's place, my hb says ha ha like nothing is move out.

ha ha. Anything for SB man
3As, I thought long and hard about the blending tool and the replacement foam but didn't go for them - to me, too ex! I bought triangular foam cosmetic sponges from Sasa...those that one of the youtube scrappers were using. I feel the cosmetic sponges work like magic...and cheap too :)
3 as & jellypurin - congrates to you!!! when are you due??

me attending too global 9 dec , i dun think i got time print photios ha will leave it blank 1st

aimini- welcome to the club

ha i bought the blending tools but haven use it...

i got so many 12 x 12 ,, anyone goe idea where to store them huh cos some of mine quite layer then put inside album all get crushed??? now i am slowing down to do cos dun know to display or keep them.. they are just laying round my table ;..
Ah yo... now its still my personal stuffs is more then my T"A"T stuffs, but I believe its just a matter of time, that they will grow without my notice.
Dorcas: I'll wait..

Jelly, MichL, Ann: I use make up foam too. But they disintegrate after a while. As in, smaller bits will break down from the foam and they sort of stain my page.
heym I saw this person who uses a clip to hold onto the foam, so this way, you don't have to touch it with your fingers at all! Great idea to keep the fingers clean..

Becky: Do you store the LOs in albums? If you have a lot of bulky LOs, you can get ring albums, instead of postbound ones.
LOL, when I saw your personal stash, my eyes went wide! Looks like you still have more stuff than me.

I just took my SB stuff from the storage warehouse, gotta do a mini album for an ex-colleague whose wedding is on 15 Dec!
becky: easies if you head down to one of the ss and take a look at the albums. ask them to show you postbound and ring albums. this way you can make a comparison.

okok... i try i try..

buy from me la... *thick skin*

I suggest you get the D-Ring albums, great for layered layouts. But you got to understand that the more layer you have on the layout, you might not be able to fit alot of layouts into the albums. As you wouldn't wan the album to "open mouth"
lol... cause those previous CAM stash, i also took out and put into my personal stash.. haha.. okay la. not alot la.. just got a lot of papers and rub-ons nia la.. and plus its so so so messy.

guess what, i got the stocks packed up and put nicely even before Jo finish his tv, and like what u say, he ask "what happen to the stuffs".
I told him, "oh.. those items got legs, so they found a place to hide".
You really tempting us to shop eh! LOL... I will pass on badgirlskits

ah...I see... I look at my own stash and start to shake head. Dunno when I can really finish using them up!
Mamachan, Erna: Yup. See I told you.. Preggie with bb girls is liddat.. Girls just love to shop - it's an innate nature.. :p

Not only are the kits yummy, everything in the shop is also on 50%. I have a few items in the shopping cart, waiting for more people so can share shipping. Else, forget it..
Lennie......Big bite is a good choice.

The cleaning block is S$15+ which I'm still thinking hard on the effectiveness. Cyn said is good that is why she ordered in.
Hello everyone.. I'm back finally from Scotland!! Sorry for my tardy replies to emails and sms-es.

Jelly - Congrats on #2!! FYI, I've just shipped the OTC items. Sorry to take so long, I've not had net access for the past few days, didn't know the items arrived at my BDL.

Ann - Thanks for all the collections, kam sia you very much.

MichL - Sorry I didn't reply your sms, I didn't autoroam that line and only saw your reply when I got back. Sheesh, I would love to get stamps too!

Websters Pages spreeists, items are here, I'll sort them out asap and arrange.
i let the new out la..
those on my FB should have know already.

I just set up a website. Most of you mummies here know that i used to own a site, now i am re-starting with a new look and new concept.

So, please visit to support support me...

hehe. that explains partly why i went 'missing in action'
No worries Ming, I thought you may still be in Scotland. The Thanksgiving sales was 25% off but I believe the orders didn't hit min for free shipping. Since the stamps are wood mounted, I suggest look for Dec birthday spree but so far didn't hear anyone spree-ing. If really spree-ing,maybe want to email to confirm they still have stock of the stamps...quite a few folks ordered the stamps last few days.
Ming: Welcome back! Hey, you really miss out a lot of sprees!

MichL, Ming: I did the Oct BB, so don't think I can do another birthday spree so soon. Else, I really don't mind and am enjoying it.. lol!!!
