SMH Scrapbooking Club !!!!

Sally: Sidekick is like the baby, BS is the mummy. The dies that SK can take is limited to smaller sizes; but BS can take all the big sized dies, plus all that the SK can take.

Went to MWL just now.. nearly bought the BS.. but couldn't make up my mind which alpha should I get..

Seriously speaking, is kind of ex.. 35 dies for S$350.. haiz..
i dun buy my dies in SG anymore. i buy direct fm sizzix website if i want any... their alpha dies are 50% cheaper than SG. when they have their anniversary sale, it iw abt 70% cheaper!
3As - think u asked abt cheap corner punch. I saw it at Daiso before. Esle u can try Popular...the one at Popular is not our normal looking corner/craft in not "thick".. it looked flat to me.. hope u can find it. it's a fav tool of mine
hippy babe: hmm so the one in popular looks like what ya? bigger/smaller? i wanna try to go and find.. hehe... what's the brand sold in popular? do u know? :">
Hippybabe: Thanks thanks..
Will go hunt for it at Popular. Must say I've not come across it at Daiso.
corner punch ... I've been going to Daiso at IMM quite often and I've never seen it there. Popular having 20% discount for members now and yes, I saw Carl punch there. btw, has anyone heard/use the Carl Binding System (seen in Popular magazine)? Think MWL just got a batch of EK punches last week but think stock could be almost all gone...

the one that i saw which is cheaper is not Carl punch.... it's sold in a clear plastic packaging and hang on metal rod... it is quite flat....white in color.... sorry huh, really duno how to describe....
Hippybabe: You can take a pic and show us here..

Ky: I saw the Carl puncher at a stationery shop. The one I saw punches holes, it can punch 4 holes at one time. Is it the same one? It works the same as the binderie punch.
But one thing good abt such "office equipment" brands I feel is they're more sturdy. Like the cutter/trimmer I have, it can cut chipboard no problem.
Mamachan, Rachel, CL, Adeline (sunflower), Lenny, Ming: Have sent you emails/PMs for SL payment. Pls check. Thanks..

Ok... Going back to watch Fringe.

Hehe, just went for my check up today and found out about the gender of #2. Am going to buy all things blue... keke... Was wondering if anyone knows where can i find DCWV's nana's nursery for boy? I tried searching on Joann but can't find it anymore so was wondering if i can find it locally. If anyone has a stack to let go or know which LSS still has stock, do let me know ya ;)Actually, its quite funny to think of it coz once i know the gender, the first thing i told my hb i want to buy was a new album, papers and blue cardstock... kekeke...
amy: congrats!!! i think you can try to see whether JDA still have the nana nursery boy or not.. seems like they have quite a lot of dcwv stacks..
SL kit payment made via UOB IB:
From : Savings A/C 107-xxx-xxx-6 SGD
To : babygirl 150280532
Amount : SGD56.70
Transfer Date
: 08/12/2009 (Immediate)
Transaction Reference : 100001426461608
Hey ladies,
Thanks for the well wishes...

Tell me about it... My stash is like 90% pink... only the kits i subscribe are not pinky pink...

Thanks for the heads up, called JDA and they do have the stack but i finally found it on Joann and its on sale so will prob order from there

You are so right... am shopping at Joann now for all the boy stuff... hehe... first few things i bought for baby... LOL... have not done any shopping so far coz i have most of the stuff i would need... now finally a legitmate excuse to buy... But now i am scratching my head coz i always feel i am not good with boy layouts...hopefully this will be resolved by lots of boy embellishment... haha...
Amy....Congrats, can close shop liao. You may check with 1 of the scrapper here, Vivian Low. I remembered some time ago she was selling half stack of the paper.
I have a big box of random scrapbook materials, some are new and unused, some have been opened and use, some pattern papers - new and scraps, some cardstocks. I will try to squeeze in as much stuffs as possible into a 12" x 14" envelope. I will be picking out people to be the new owners to the stuffs until I have cleared everything.

Check out my blog for more details
I bought from Artfriend, 1/2 size 3oz bottle, about S$10.

The smell is really strong. Should keep away from preggies and children. Maybe get the hubby to spray in the yard or something :)
Lennie...I can loan u if u need, I bought but havent try but I know about the smell when I saw a fellow scrapper used it out in the open.
Spellbinders Dies: I'm looking to buy a scallop circles nestabilities. Can someone shed some light on the different series available?

They have
1) Classic Circle Small
2) Classic CIrcle Large
3) Petite Cicle Small
4) Petite Circle Large

And can this be used on the Sizzix BS?
3As, I am not sure about use on Sizzix BS, but re the "Small" and "Large" - its the size of the individual dies, like Large starts from 4.25 inches and decreases in size by 0.5 inch per die, Small starts from 4 inches and decreases in size by 0.5 inch per die. Re the "classic" and "petite", its the size of the scallop.
JTS mini album for a 2005 trip taken with my parents and uncle's family to Australia, TFL! Used 3 different collections - October Afternoon Road Map, My LYB Fresh Print Traveller, and Cosmo Cricket Boyfriend.

WIth my usual more-is-more tendencies, I've not enough space to fit in all the pages into the Maya Road binder, if anyone has any advice on how to keep all the pages together, pls suggest!! I've tried sticking on with gaffer tape, tying together with twine, all failed. =(











Also a Prima flowers bottle I altered one night.. just to try out. Used alot of found objects and I challenged myself not to use a single piece of patterned paper.

Wah, Ming again you never fail to impress me. As for your album, did u try zutter? Can get the largest binding rings...that time Laines allowed me to buy 1 row of ring (instead of entire box)..

My hubby just challenged me to do up a 18"x18" piece of canvas to decorate our new place...u know my style a lot of emtpy space, so am thinking very hard how to fill up the spaces!
Ming very very cool. wow by your work once again

your hb so supportive ha ha mine will probably warn me about putting them up on the wall may consider FP Gated Album idea, separated them into 2 sections, left & right or up & down. You need a THICK cover for this album.

May I pass you my travel photo and stash to do??? kekekeke. too, less is good. Difficult to venture out.
CL, cos we are moving to new place and walls look a little empty, and any art/paintings of some size is not cheap...haha so he thot of cheaper alternative - my scrapbook creations!

Maya Rd is having the warehouse sale again...
Ming: Thanks..
Do the albums pages come with ready holes? If so, how abt getting giant binding rings?
You really can use up stash! I'm so envious. Wish I'm able to wallop up stash as efficient as you.
Thanks for comments.. I have been wanting to do this for LONG time, you notice is 2005 photos!! Ann, I have a LONG WAY TO GO to catch up even my own vacation photos hor, need to slowly wait if you want me to do yours!!

Re: Joining the album pages
My album's more than 3 inches thick total, not possible to use binding rings. Its a Maya Road Arrow chipboard binder album, so I can't use larger D rings as the album cover has already some D rings attached, and the work I did on the cover would be "wasted" if I just transfer the interior pages to another set of D rings.

Also, for Pink Sketches 57:
Did a layout of my fat and happy Meimei with her flower headband, super cute!! I used Prima flower and rhinestone to "copy" her headband in one pic.

Ming: Your meimei really looks like daddy in the second pic. So cute..

Looks like than you have to split into 2 albums in this case.. Zutter rings are not as big right?
Ming: 3" thick??!!?? *shocked*
How abt using binding rings to hold parts of the album pages and then using parcel strings (through the same holes) to hold them altogether?
Ming, great great work! Love the OA Road Map!
I have many many vacation photos and stash too, can I queue up after Anne?!
*gosh* I really should print the photos and start scrapping..but just feel so lazy this holiday season....Zzzzzzz
