SMH Scrapbooking Club !!!!

MichL: Thanks for the link. Super useful and with all the colors at one glance too! ;)
Now I would like to get the corresponding distress ink pads colors.. LOL..

And crackle paint looks fun to play with too..

My pleasure, ladies! Part of the fun of SB is playing with these interesting products. I have only recently started using Tim Holtz's products too. AND I totally agree about wanting to get ALL the corresponding distress ink pads !!!

I bought Rock Candy distress crackle and distress stickles one week ago and tried them. Totally love the clear effect !! Thanks to Ann for answering my questions on the rock candy crackle - yup, the paper warped a bit after application.

Check this cool video...Tim looks as yummy, if not more, than his products !!! LOL !

Mamachan, no have the stuff so you will be scrapping again..can't wait to see your work again though !
*totally speechless*

This girl is really talented with her mini-album skills... Have added the link as one of my favourites to get some inspiration when mojo is low..

Hope looking at her works doesn't make me feel so inferior in comparison though.. Wahahah!!!
Yes, I had fun trying crackle paint...but I didn't finish using it at one go and the paint has thickened and dried a bit. Anyone knows what to do to "dilute" crackle paint?
the mini album looks fantastic! yes, i know what u mean about doing something pretty but impractical. haha. i will do only if say i want to record any special moment or special event.. but then again, i have been very lazy to do all these stuff recently. kekeke.. then still shop and shop for SB stuff!
Indeed *speechless*!! Don't feel inferior lah..every page/album is a work of art&love. Art is subjective anyway! Just have fun in the process.

Honestly, I am also more the 'practical' kind...what to do with all those very 3D, dangling everywhere mini-albums ? one or two maybe okay ? Five ? Ten ? Imagine the space and dust ? *faint*
MichL: You're so funny (wahahaha!!!) in your description of the 3D but dangling everywhere album, but absolutely right about the storage and dust. :p
I have the MM specialty glaze paint. Have used only half the bottle. The effect looks similar (less the crackle effect). And come to think of it, this can be used to "stiffen up" paper flowers too.

Autum: Think all scrappers "suffer" from having to add just a little bit more pretty things in our collection - whether or not we're using them is totally irrelevant. LOL..
3As! Me again ! :) I am using the Stazon cleaner. Never tried other cleaners (except dish washing soap+water) so can't compare. I use Stazon inks and only Stazon cleaner can remove the Stazon ink which is why I am using this cleaner. I like the handy sponge tip design too.

One thing though, even using the best cleaners, the clear stamps will stain with multiple usage and age. If you don't mind the mess & stain on the stamp, can just use soap+water.
hi mommies
i need 1 more kit to maximise Studio Calico's order. Anyone interested.

i have 2 main kits and 1 add on. any one interested in the add on or main kit, can let me know?

3As.....FYI, I ever ordered from Joann the Stazon cleaner, I've to dispose the 2 bottles as BDL refused to ship for me, claiming that there is a warning message on the bottle which says is flammable or not suitable for children. I need to pay for it out of my own pocket though I ordered for someone else.

Stazon Cleaner is good for cleaning all kind of ink. Sometime when the normal cleaner that I used doesnt clean the stain properly, I'll clean again using Stazon.
MichL: Thanks.

Ann: The courier is getting stricter. I had ordered fabric glues for spreeists before and was kenna rejected due to it being inflammable. But prior to that, the same fabric glue was shipped without any question. Speaking of glues, you've placed orders for tacky glue right? Wanna drop them?
I use the stazon cleaners too, very clean. Laines carry them so can wait for sales to buy. Me going mwl now and Laines later...anyone going? Me looking for Maya roads 2010 calendar stamps or sheers...
3As....Exactly, I ever ordered before and came in smoothly. Probably is sheer luck that they've chosen to open my box to check item by item in detail. H1N1 time, high alert time.

I'm ok to go ahead with the Tacky glue as that is not available in Singapore. Thanks.
Ann, thanks for sharing! I've ordered before too..I think from ship to SG and no problem. Will try to avoid in future.

I stocked up during mwl's 40% off (courtesy of Ann) and Laines sales too. I think I have enough to last me till next year or more :p
yss spree

*stick out tongue* I happen to see yss new arrivals - Sassafras Lass new lines - Amplify, Monstrosity and Sweet Marmalade are in.
Plus she has stocked up the prima flowers..
Send me the orders and I'll add-on. No promises orders will be taken in by her though..

Latest by 6pm pls.. I will place order then.. Scared OOS very fast..
Hey, anyone keen to start a Two Peas spree? I need to get some stuff.

And is anyone keen to share the My Mind's Eye Christmas stack? It's selling at slightly less than $40 (before 15%) @ Laines for 54 pieces of X'mas-themed paper (some are glittered). 18 designs in all. Those who are keen, pls PM me =)
Adamansley, I recognise the Sweet Marmalade pps.. Yummy!!

Mamachan: Seems endless hor? Shopping to make myself happy and busy lah.. Hubby was away on biz trip, and I dare not sleep alone at night! :p :p So chicken.. Good thing he's back and I can have restful sleep again..
Hi all,

Just realised that some of the paints that i newly bought dried up before i even use it. Can we add some thing in to melt the paint?
something simple over the last week..

didnt knoe paper market at RC same owner as Laines.. hehe got 15 % also....

aiyo now very scared go all this shop, buy and buy man...
anyone been to the flower class at laines..? signed up for the 16th nov one...they say bring shart tip scissors... what brand is good??? cutter bees???
Adamansley: Thanks.

Ming: Love these LOs!!!

Becky: Great LO. Yup, both honey bee and cutter bee works fine. Both are sharp-tipped, and honey Bee has non-stick blades, very useful if you use it to cut adhesives sometimes.

I wa at Paper Market over the weekend too. Must admit it was such an eye candy.

CL: Thanks for the direction. Was there cos I was craving for xiao long baos.. Then shun bian went into the shop and looked around.. Damage was within control, just one stamp and a stamp pad. Kekeke..

Autum: Love how you use the scalloped punch on your LO.
ha ha you just dunno how much paper market is how damaging. I love their stationery too. So I have been getting stationery instead of scrapbook
