SMH Scrapbooking Club !!!!

Hehehe, actually it's within 1 week. So many photos to scrap but no time! Been busy doing other things but scrap my own LOs. After exams thought would have more time, then work came swarming in.

Trying to keep my LOs to within 2 hours and stop killing myself trying to fill up all the spaces. heh heh. So immediately after putting boy boy to bed, can immediately get to work. I noticed the efficiency of scrapping faster eversince I've organized all my SB stash nicely, all related items in one box. So I don't waste time going through my stash which was kept all over the place!

me no pro la... Just messy nia..
The 'inspiration' of my recent works is very simple de ... " I want to use as much stuffs as possible so i have excuess to get a new paper trimmer and also i want to see space at home."

Your work now is cleaner and simple. Great job to going back to basic wor.
JTS - another layout i did for a challange at a SB fourm





there are hidden journal and the keepstake at both side of the photo
Lovely all the best to your challenge. Voted for you for the Mother's day Challenge too.

Here is my contribution. A little Count book for my son. Inspiration from one of the forum mummy

Thanks Thanks.

Your book is nicely done. i only managed to do 1 tiny little one for my girl only =( the rest is all LOs, think its time to do a nice book for her and myself too.
Ooohhh, lovely count book you have there for your boy! I've been wanting to do up mine too after seeing our fellow Jan thread mom did hers. I've painted the base, haven't add in anything yet!!! Now the pages sticks to each other because of the acrylic paint... sianz...think I should just cover over with PP.

Thanks thanks. Am trying out different "styles" and apply abit more theory to my LOs. Then again, I might out of the blue go back to being messy!! Hahaha. Great work on your latest LO! Very nice. Very clever of you to hide the journalling behind the main photo. I did something similar to one of my LOs a long time ago! Haha, we must relaly meet up to have a crop party, must "qie chuo, qie chuo". heee
now want to attend crops also hard, cos my girl is with me 24/7 de. unless she tag along, but with her tagging along for cropping session is horrible. Not much work can be done at the end. hahaha. but i don mind gg wor. =)
woah... woah... you all are really good. Please post more LOs to share so I can get some good ideas as well. Since I'm new, I'm only into ready embellishment. Dare not explore into paints or chalks, etc.
Hey ladies,
I have tried to do something...that very remotely looks like a scrap...
How do you gals upload it...when is yur crop session...

Should I upload pics of the material I have...
Cheers PA

You have to resize d pic (max 50kb only) den u can upload attachment from here... & u can upload anyting u wish to share with us!

hello ladies,

Ahem! Okay I have figured out how to load my pictures...Thanks Karen.I am not too sure i want load my LO.. as it is just paper cuttings and picture...Also my camera has decided not to work.

Will try to better job with the LO and then upload

Okay, I met Dorcas over the weekend. Great meeting you Dorcas and Oh My! What an album she has...Inspiring lady she is!!!

Would love to meet for a crop(now i know what a CROP is thanks to Dorcas again!!!) session with you all...???

I offer my place in future. I have dining table which is six seater. You could come down with your material and I could watch al the maestroes at work.I live near the West Coast Park in case you want to bring your kids along.

I am work from home mum so I can do flexi time.

Are we meeting this sat at CCK???

oh oh, how I wish I could join. But Sat and Sun, I got to take care of my 2 kids and to bring them for lessons. Sigh...
Not crop session lah. PA dropping by only so I can just help her kick start or give her some idea lah. Highly recommended her to go to you last week but timing not right for her lah. She is making use of the time that Charmaine is having lesson lah
hahaha, I gian for crop session =P. Guess will wait till the class on 7th March. I'll pass you the cash for the class on 7th March k? Thanks thanks.
yeah the papers are from dorcas... thks to her i always have someting new to play with... at 1st i tot the papers are difficult to use... after doing the mini album, i fell in love with them! hahaha!
Oh, a small group of us attending the stamping and painting class as Laines next Wednesday. =) think got 7 of us? Must double check with ginncher and CL.
*eyes wider*

Can provide more info? Possible to join if I'm interested? I just started and dare not explore into stamping and painting.
eh...gotta ask ginncher/CL if still have space. I think still have bah. It shows what we will complete or learn to complete in the class. It's on 7th May, 10am - 1pm. Basically, we will be learning more on techniques than aim to complete the whole project.

Do give Laines Papertrie a call for more info and then just make payment to them directly. Eh, ginncher and CL, am I right to say this?
MAnaged to dig thru the archives for the list and short description of what we will do. This post was originally posted by ginncher:

"Hi, confirmed w/ Laines our stamp & paint class on 7 May (Wed) from 10am-1pm. Pls make payment to them directly by end this mth.

Teacher will be Sharon. She gave a choice of either we wish to focus on various techniques or complete album in class. Cannot have both cakes and eat them all. Took the liberty on behalf of all & confirm that we shall go for techniques to make our money worth..afterall going there is to learn & pick up new ideas & techniques..let me know if you feel strongly otherwise.

Confirmed list:
1) Ginncher
2) Chicken Little
3) Annissasim
4) MamaChan
5) Cheng
6) Yvonne
7) Karen


MamaChan is right. My posting on Laines' class still hold as mentioned. Laines needed 6 people & I've slotted one not sure if they'll have space to accomodate 1 more. JChew, think you may wish to call them directly & ask pls.

Anyone keen to join me for scarlet lime monthly main kit from May'08 onwards? Its kits are really nice. See URL Link:
(note: I not profiting from it, so not advertising pls...just looking at sharing shipping costs...hee

Wow... her classes looks very interesting! I can't join you girls anyway, cause I thought is a evening class. I'm a FTWM, cannot afford to take half day for the class. Guess I'll probably go for one evening class of my interest in the future. REally sounds fun and a good way to pick up some techniques.

thanks ladies.
Hahaha, I think more than 50% of the crowd going for the class are FTWM =P. Hehehehe, coz this was discussed like nearly a month back. So most of us were looking forward to taking half-day or full-day off to attend a workshop. =) coz most of our evenings/weekends are left for family time. Do join us should you change your mind k?
Christine reply me leh. no more May kit liao. So you probably have to start fom Jun.

Welcome and yes yes join lah. Ha ha it is really fun and based on our busy schedule, i usually only have output after the class ha ha
Ooohhhhh! I like what I see for the May's kit. Kekeke, so how much do you pay overall per kit? I don't mind joining you. Do advise yah? I just found out that my hb is confirmed heading to USA in mid-May for work trip. Maybe can have them send the kit to his hotel in San Diego and he'll bring back for us? I confirm the dates he'll be there and the address of the hotel.
Oh no, your invitation is too tempting. I really want to go, cause I'm new in this and would like to have some ideas on new techniques. The few pages that I've done is basically ideas I got from books and playing around with the limited materials I have. I'm so hungry to learn how to use the paint, chalk, vellum, etc. But 7 May, the class runs till 1pm, will be very rush for me to go back to office cause my lunch is till 1pm and my boss is in town. I think I have to give it a miss this time. But please please please let me know if there is any other activities, so that I can join and "qing3 jiao4" all the experts here. ^_^
The reason why me, ginncher always take leave because we like that instructor Sharon, she is so nice and she always conduct the day class niah
ya lor Mamachan...I love the May's scarlet lime kit. Are you keen to subscribe either from May or Jun onwards? Assuming per main kit is USD32.95 + USD7.80 (ave shipping by 5 kits) = USD40.75. Will use exchange rate of 1.4. Any excess will refund, if shortfall to top up. Basically at cost. How?

Of course won't miss out the chance when your hubby visit US...hahaa...let me know when & website to browse...
hehehe, he confirm travelling in May. I don't mind May's kit. Think ship within US should be cheaper? His colleague was very nice, offered to help consolidate whatever I wanted from the US scrapbook stor and when there's a company document needed to be sent over to him, she'll pack those stuff in as well. HAhahaha. my eyes went *kaching* but somehow I prefer to shop for stuff in person...coz things always don't look like what it seems online.
I oso have confirmation no more may kit. So I think your subscription will start from Jun. So cannot tompang mamachan's hb liao.

I wont join you for this kit because i am on SOMO liao. Dun want to commit another life long subscrptions for the kits. But got nice nice kit tell me I want to tompang as and when
Yeah..CL...confirmed no more May main kit liao cos scarlet lime has also replied me.

Hence I've revised to say it shall start from Jun or any other earliest mth.....& yes, it is a continuous commitment!!
for QUICKUTZ lovers.....

Use Coupon Code SCRAPDAY to save an additional 20% off your order placed on Sat or Sun May 3 & 4. (Coupon does not apply to weekly sales, specials, clearance items or gift sets)

***Special Sales for Saturday Only***
Silhouette Digital Cutter $279.99
Revolution Tool $79.99

I ever checked, shipping for Silhouette is US40-50.
ginncher / CL......cannot resist Scarlet Lime monthly kit. I stopped for 2 months then continue again. Just need to set aside S$55-60 (depends on exchange rate) monthly for the kit.
Hi all ladies, I confirmed cannot join you all for the class, but I've managed to download some of my pics here. Please give me your comments yah. ^_^





Hi CL, hehehe... thank you. Actually, the halloween pics, I cut until my hand numb leh. Then the puzzle one, I kept thinking the colour papers seems to be too close to the background colour of the photos and doesn't make the photos standout.

You can also see that I'm using very simple cut and paste design here cause I don't know other techniques. hahaha... that's why very interested to join the class, but cannot make it. Next time remember to jio me ok. :D
sure sure will jio you but you got attend basic class before ? maybe go join a beginner class so later you can move up with the pace of the teacher
Wah... nice LOs...
JChew, I like your last LO too. The pink one is so sweet too...

Aiya... i cannot join you all too leh. Me no leave one. Sianz...
Maybe i shld also go join the basic class first before scrapping with you all. You all so advance liao... hee...

Laines or MWL
I am just curious hor, how come most of you all mention abt Laines but not MWL har?? Is it becoz Laines are better or cheaper??? Any reasons why?
I like Sharon the instructor who is teaching in the day for Laines so recently I have been going there for lesson.

I did all my beginner class in MWL actually.
CL, I joined a class before. Organised a group of 4 to do a basic session with Vive Creation at Chinatown Point. Got some basic ideas and techniques, then borrowed books from Library to get some ideas on how to put in a series of photos.

Rhys, the pink in fact is the simplest one, cause I bought that designed cardstock and just need to paste the photos, sticks some flowers and sticker phrase and "ta..da.." complete! :p

Got to admit that the puzzle one I took more than 2 hrs to complete. A lot of measuring and cutting. And worst of all, I don't have paper cutter, so I practically used scissors and pen knife to cut pcs by pcs, stick part by part. Very time consuming. Luckily, so far, most people like the outcome. :p
hi all!!
all your LOs made me drool! been out of touch with sbing and love to pick it up again. somemore still owe hb a LO on our 5th wedding anni gift =p

saw that you all going for a class at Laines, is it possible to squeeze me in?
JChew......I like your last tiles LO. Peifu.

Rachel.....think is better u call Laines to check yourself. They'll be able to advise you accordingly.

Wow lau.. nice layouts.
me recently no output cos girl sick =(
den Mojo all 'move out' from my brain liao
hai.. now sending out invitations to ask them to
come back.. hehe
