SMH Scrapbooking Club !!!!

You have to check on shipping. Must make sure the shippin cost does not add up to be same as Singapore.

You may like to check out, juz did a spree with ann, ginncher and adoncia. Ke ke very happy

I have tried squeeze with felt, does not cut as well. But the foam is good right ?

If you have not invested in any, would you like to consider cuttlebug. I think it is a very powerful tool. A lot of people went for embossing on this tool and it accepts other brands dies

scrapbuggy was the site i'm thinking of ordering from. looks like i missed ur spree.

i'll take a look at cuttlebug too.
how much do they retail in sg?
you might as well consider other options as well - silhouette, bosskut etc.

Personally I did not study the machines so can't help. Stickin to quckutz at the moment.
hi chicken_little, ginncher,
thanks for ur pointers. i'll go look see around. seems like there's a site selling the cuttlebug for only US$59.99.
Och...u need to check the shipping for Squeeze from Scrapbuggy. In general I find her shipping is reasonable. That time my spree, the shipping she paid was US25+, she has charged a flat rate of US15.

Some time ago, think I saw someone in another forum selling the cuttlebug at S$120.
hi annissa,
oh wow, a cuttlebug at $120 is a very good deal. do you think a hand tool like squeeze is enough or should i get a desktop tool like cuttlebug and revolution? i'm still in 2 minds over this.
Och....I'm no good with my hands, I prefers a desktop machine. I started out from Revolution, till now I still prefer Revolution over Squeeze.

Squeeze - need to use strength to clam down
Revolution - just roll over, my hubby called it the pasta machine!!!

Squeeze or Revolution or Cuttlebug or Bosskut.....boil down to the fact, are you a die-cut person? meaning do you like to make your own embellishment, create your own accents, titles.....

I'm a die-cut hard-core fan, enjoy rolling my pasta machine to make shapes, alphabets, words, ornament, blah blah blah.

I would suggest you attend those basic scrapbooking class to try out the various machine to decide what you want.

I tried the Revolution during my class at MWL 9months ago, and my mind is set.
I myself would prefer revolution too as its heavy so it can be desk bound and easy to use.

You can just ask the staffs to bring out the machines to let you have a test.

JTS - another layout just complete =)



Cannot stand you your stuff all so nice and everything i want to scraplift. ha ha I like everything. Ha ha sell me materials leh
i don mind you scraplift wor... but sraplift liao must show show de arh.

I been scrapping about 1 - 3 photos recently, guess its a pharse ba... might be going to scrap multi photos soon and also 2 pages layout instead of 1... guess its time to go back to basic where 2 layouts page are the 'boss'... haha
anyway, thanks for liking that LO

thanks =) i have always love rub ons.. easy to play with and mix around
My current 'pattern' when coming to scrapping..
will be getting all the materials out first.
i will normally do up like a 'kit' pattern..
- 3 cardstocks
- 4 to 6 pattern papers
- 1 sticker [ colour must mix with the pp ]
- rub ons [ its a must for me...haha ]
- journalling strips / tags or 7 gypsies 97% complete stickers

after i have done with my 'kit'.. i will start scrapping so i would be bury among all my materials and easlier to play around with the stuffs when doing the layout

hope it helps =)
i productive got timing de... u see me at one time very happening with my scap... den next moment... all peace liao.. hahaha
if you need ideas or sketch can look for me.. i don mind sharing
haha, I guess I've been kept busy with ad-hoc projects. The last one which kept me busy was my good friend's guest book, I helped to add a little vintage touch to it but controlling not to go all fanciful as she would like it to have space for her guests to sign around the photos.

Love your latest work too.
same here... haha~ was busy doing a wedding book for one of my gf too... guess that explain the recent mojo to scrap till i drop. and also another thing was i gave myself a guideline.. like how many pieces of layouts i have to do, how many mini projects / albums to do, how many cards to do all within this year. so to make good use of the materials laying around. Its quite good to create a guideline so can push us to do scrap...hahaha
Fresh from the oven. Nothing too fancy, just trying to stick back to basics. This LO has been long overdue le! Taken with my hp's camera.

morning ladies,

wah... got LOs to see again... hee...
dorcas, always amazed with your LO...
MamaChan, nice!

ladies, me tried to start with my scrapbooking again last sat... but failed coz this son of mine just dun let me. He was supposed to take his nap and usually took 3 hrs one.. so once he is asleep, I faster took out all my stash and started on one SMALL SMALL LO. sigh... in the end, after sticking a strip of ribbon, he woke up liao... less than 2 hrs... sigh... then I got to fast fast keep EVERYTHING back to the box... so sad... when I was getting ideas and having fun, got to stop liao... sigh...
Then better to quickly sketch it down then that inspiration wont go.

Very mamachan's style for your layout. ha ha when can i achieve this mess yet beautiful style ha ha
Haha, is it that messy? =P I'm trying my best to move away from the messy LO look. Trying to improve more on layering and concising my LOs.
Thanks thanks. I used the Picasa programme to make a collage of pics and print them on the 4R photo paper. Quite a number of my LOs has got such smaller photos too. Took too many pics of my boy in one event le. heh heh.
Nice LO! Your son look so cool machiam like soccer star...
Me same as you, likes to take a lot of pix of my son... hee...

BTW, just want to ask, what do you all use to print the photos har? I using Canon Selphy E1. Will the photos turn color after some time??
I used to develop the photos but too ma fan...
I used my HP photosmart printer to do my own printing. Think the photos should not turn color. If you're scare, what you could do is "fix" the photo with the Krylon Preserve It spray. I've got a small can but yet to use it. I'll go try tonight and let you know if it's easy to use.

But I have tonnes of photos want to print out, I will go the photo printer. faster and save time. Haha. If scrap a few pieces, then print on my own.
I am using Canon Pixma IP4200 to do my printing. SO far.. no problem. If you are worry about the photos turning colour, you can get acid free photo papers from bas brasa, can be quite expensive. Forgotten which shop, but heard one of my gf telling me about it.

Spray, you can tryin getting the spray from spotlight, they might have it.
I got my Krylon Preserve It spray from Art Friend (Bras Basah/Ngee Ann City). They have small cans and large cans. THey have it in Matte form or Glossy form. Quite a number to choose from. Can take a look at that.
ha ha task me task me. Me working just next to bras basah complex. Got a colleague who got art fren card so can get 10% discount.

Ha ha tomorrow after my makan I go jalan jalan to check
Hello ladies,
Looking at this thread inspires me a lot.
I am a writer so will write about scrapbooking. I would love to use your pictures( if you will share them with me) and quotes ( if you will give them to me!).
Do you ladies meet often.or this thread is your link to all the words of wisdom.
i would request if you could share some of your knowledge with me
You name the time and place and I will be there and yes the 'copi' is on me.
As a mom I am making a LO (I think it means Lay out) will upload it for sharing...
Wont be as god as yours Chicken little, Dorcas,Mama Chan.. but will try...
Did you just post in asia parenting too ? Have replied you in that forum for layout sharing.

So far i only met once with Ginncher at my house after class. maybe i can organise the crop party at my place so can meet up and have fun together.

ha ha lunch meeting tomorrow with you lets go check it out.

Yes I did post on asia parents oso.Thanks will read there.
If you gals can meet up and scrap together that will be great I can chat up with you guys and write and learn.. all in one...

I have registered at Laines' oso for start class... as my scraps include only pasting pics nth else

Thanks again
wah... din know there is such a thread!!! I just started scrapbooking and you all looks like expert!!! Now I know where to ask for advise. ^_^
thank you for your warm welcome. I did quite a few already but mine is very simple, paiseh leh :p I will try to upload 2 which I liked alot.
JTS 2 LOs fresh from the oven. Did it tonight. My challenge was to spend 2 hours max per LO and I'm glad I keot within the time frame. It's back to basics and simplicity for me for the 1st LO. TFL!!

{Follow Your Dreams}

{Boys Only}

The journalling is not complete coz I've tasked my hb to do the journalling. So the blank parts are meant for his journalling purposes. =) papers used are from My Mind's Eye papers.

cool mini album you've got there! I really like the red and black theme....can never go wrong. Really reminds me of my relative's house in Perth, her kitchen is themed red, black and white! Very chic! Hehehe, you're right about one thing, the moment got mood to scrap, must quickly scrap as many LOs as possible! I'm on a scrapping roll!
welcome to this thread! Do share your LOs with us yah? =)Nothing to be pai seh about, after all this is a sharing thread =)

Long time no see you on this thread le. Nice LOs!

wow i see your recent work moving on to next level very pro leh. nice nice thumbs up. Ha ha waiting to meet up with you in person to crop man. Ha ha give me 1 month to train my new maid coming next week, then I host the first crop session at my house

ha ha these 2 weeks a lot of output hor.very nice layouts. Time for me to buck up. no time no time. ha ha now always at nite doze off with the kids
