SMH Scrapbooking Club !!!!

Thank you, all. Glad that you all like it. I actually din touch on scrapping for the last 2 weeks, cause got maid problem. Sigh...

I wanted to learn more on how to do a 3D effect on the flowers and stuff. Am cracking my brain now how to do 1 out. long as you have flower paper, cut the flower then pop it up. My mini experience is the flower needs to be of reasonable size like 2".
What is flower paper? I bought those ready flowers which you can see in my pics up there. Can it be use? I saw someone's artwork, she stack all over the place with flat and 3D flowers and looks soooooooo...... nice! Like the whole page got flower blooming out from it!
Sorry, I meant patterned paper with flower print.

Oh, you can use ready off-the-shelve flower embellishment to do your LO too.
I think no prob to squeeze in! come and join in! GIve Laine's a call and mention the 7 May wednesday class at 10am. Think should be no problem.

I like your last LO alot!!! Mosaic pattern is very nice! End of the day, it's really not about who is more advance, scrapbooking is really putting your photos together with some journalling and little embellishments to brighten up the moments that you would like to remember =)

For 3-D effects, actually it's all about layering. I.e., a button placed on a round PP which you've cut out which you can still see the edges. =) or smaller flowers sitting on top of the bigger flowers.
dear ladies... wanna ask which machine do u all use to do up nice alphabets and patterns etc? wanna invest in 1 but yet to try out any so wanna ask u girls for your feedback
hi hi ladies .. i've just started to learn more about scrapbooking - hope to be able to make as good a LO as you ladies ..
hi cuclainne and brambles,

Welcome to the club. Hope to see you layout soon.

you may like to look at Quickutz, I have both squeeze and revolution. Or you may like to try silouette if no budget contraint. Alternatively go for provo craft cuttle bug.

Magazine, got many many leh. You looking for idea book ?
thanks for the welcome CL - i have bought some books and magazines to learn and get some ideas before getting started .. wonder if this is the right way to do it .. oh, i saw the video demo on the revolution .. seems like a cool gadget to get if one is really into scrapbooking ..
Revolution??? What's that? All these tools names get me confused.

Besides Ladies, have a wonderful class today!
hi chicken little... thank you!
i'm not exactly new to this thread... posted some donkey months ago. quite new to scrapbooking cuz the methods i know r very basic.

hv 2 completed LOs... will take pictures n post them but it's nothing compared to all the nice n pro-looking ones here

quickutz... heard it's good and expensive! :p but heard that quickutz can only take its own type of dies and not others?

heard good things bout cuttle bug too... almost got it from laines but good self-control :p thot it would be best to get advice from the seasoned scrappers b4 i get any. how?

magazines... saw some nice ones at MWL. i'm getting some inspirations from the magazines cuz my creative juices r limited
any particular ones that r really good... esp for doin baby's LOs?

actually... if u all hv any informal get-together. will love to join u girls. nice to learn from the seasoned scrappers and get the brain working
cuclainne... hello. u can also join the START class at laine's. attended it there n found it fun!

can share wat magazines r u reading?
i got some from kinokuniya .. can't remember the titles now .. sorry but i also bought some books from there: Scrapbooking Made Easy, Clean and Simple Designs for Scrapbooking: Ideas for Design, Photography, Journaling and Typography and another book on taking pictures for scrapbooks. i wish i could have my own space ie room though cos my current work area is just chocked full of other things ..

have you been to many classes? yah i think that might give me the push that i've been waiting for .. hahaha ..

re: the tools, is the revolution a good investment? i suppose it does have its uses other than just for scrapbooking .. paper crafts, etc .. hmm .. cos it'll be my birthday soon and i don't know if i should hint to the husband about this .. hahahah ..
cuclainne... wow, u've got lotsa books!
i'm go back late every day... so tho i've started scrapbooking sometime ago but only completed 2 LOs
sometimes... i just can't seem to get creative

i've attended START class and the SDU Basic Module at laines. really enjoyable... i find scrapbooking v therapeutic especially when scrapping with a group of people

re the tools... i can't give much advice cuz i'm equally new to these. u just gave me a very BRIGHT idea! my birthday is coming soon TOO and maybe i shld ask my hubby to get me something along these lines instead of having him rack his brains for what to buy. hiakz!
i love to read more about the subject before i go further in it .. love to look at the pictures even more. i've got 2 large bookshelves to myself: cooking, sewing, cross-stitch, etc .. the husband knows better than to stop me .. after all, it's a hobby and a way to de-stress oneself ..
maybe you just need to be stimulated visually to get those creative juices flowing .. just like me .. heheheh ..

yah, i think it's more fun when you go with a group .. but of course, you will also learn if you go on your own .. i've tried asking a colleague of mine if she's interested in going for a class but she's not into it ..

heheheh .. yah, at least you'll know you'll get something that YOU want .. heheheh ..
Welcome brambles and cuclainne!

Sounds like you're big on hobbies!!!

Currently I have the Quickutz Squeeze. Use them once in a while. Not all LOs I use the Quickutz.
Cuclainne & Brambles
Welcome to this thread =)
Hope to see your works soon.

I have a silouette, mostly use it to cut scrolls etc but hardly use it now. I still prefer to use either rub ons, alpha stickers like thickers or chipboards.

The only class i attended was SDU basic & master wor. Somemore is after 2 - 3 years of scrapping den i joined the class to 'refresh' myself of the basic. The rest of the remaining time are mostly 'self taught' and go with the flow when i scrap, which is very important, cos if you don go with the flow, you will end up throwing the work away cos it does feel right.
hi mamachan and dorcas ..

yes i have my 'phases' but then again, so does the husband so he lets me indulge in my hobbies once in a while..

i was watching the video demos on the squeeze, revolution and silouette yesterday night and the husband seems most impressed with the latter as you hook it up to the computer, and it's mostly software instead of having to manually fit the dies. but unfortunately it does not work with mac computers now and that's all we have at home.
I personally always use squeeze though i have revo. But when I am lazy I will use revo.

Where do you stay ? Want to swing by to test them out ? Good to have a feel.

I look at the silouette and was so tempted to get but ha ha not pc person find it mah fan and a few of my frens bought and sold off. Ha ha me more convention, like that feel of punching
CL: somehow i think i'll find it more satisfying to punch the shapes than letting a computer do it for me though i have to admit that there's probably more choices with the silouette.

wah .. that would be great.
i'm staying near serangoon mrt .. you?
Ladies, can some kind soul explain to me what is squeeze, revo andsilouette? Where to view the videos? I just bought a die cuts, punch hole and eyelet setter. Have yet to found out how to make use of it.

Besides, thsoe who attended the class yesterday? How was it?
Ha ha you so far leh. Me at CCK woh.

Maybe lets have a crop session on 17 May at my place ? I think this week I clean up my house should be presentable by 17 May liao.

CL!!! I stay in BP leh. kekekek... but 17 May I cannot. We are going for chalet cause it's my son's bday week.

Good to know that the class is interesting. ^_^
Me cannot join you ladies on 17 May. Will be doing wedding co-ordination that afternoon for my church couple.

If you can join in the crop parties organized by the ladies here, I'm pretty sure they can help intro you to all the SB stuff and show you how to use the eyelet setter. =) Or sign up for a basics class!! Am sure it'll really help you get started.
CL: hahahah .. yah, really far leh .. but anyways, thank you for your kind offer ..
i have to check if the husband is back in sg by then cos he's going off on monday and for how long, he doesn't know yet ..

JChew: yah, can view the videos and check products on the site .. so many to choose from!!
welcome! I have the squeeze and revo and stay near you :> (serangoon north). haha, you are welcome to come and try out at my place.
I paid about $200 for the revo machine. But if you need help we can help to source around for the cheapest option. That is without fonts.

I pm you my contact. PA oso coming to my house maybe all come together and have fun. Ha ha I do West meet up first ha ha
hi mamachan & dorcas... thanks for the welcome

was at laines last night to see the machines. cuttle bug is not bad cuz it can take both its own dies and the quickutz ones. silhouette is the best cuz i wanna use them mainly for alphabets but it's out of my budget... for now

so it seems most of u with the machines dun use them that often? i'm still thinking if i want to get it cuz the dies cost a bomb! :p

CL... when u get the heat gun, wanna hv a try too. saw teacher use in class b4 and very fascinated by it especially for glitter effect

cuclainne... i'm at sengkang, we can meet. hehe

17 May i can't make it too plus CCK is too far for me. btw... r ur kids all big already?
ha ha you go look for cheng and cuclainne and you all can form your north meet up. ha ha then one day we will do the central one.

My kids one is 6 and the other is 2 years plus. My gal will do scrapbooking with me. That shall be her dowry ha ha
CL, 17 May cannot leh. See my message above? My whole family will be at Downtown East lah. Can change date or not? Besides, if I go, means I'll be bringing my 2 kids along also leh. My son who is coming 6yo also got hooked to scraping liao. Expensive hobby man.
cheng: thanks for your offer - i might take you up on that ..

CL: do you think it's cheaper to get the Revo from Laines cos over at Junior De Artist, a squeeze already costs $231.40 (usual price, non-member). i think on laines e-shop, a squeeze costs $150+.

brambles: yes you are nearby too ..
oh i must go to laines and see the cuttle bug too then .. how much is it?
JChew: hey - that's good .. might be expensive but at least get to spend time together, having a common interest .. unfortunately my daughters are still too young to understand (3 months and 18 months old). maybe later la .. i harbour hopes

I know you cannot lah. you tell me when you can then i arrange with PA. Will ask other mummis who can meet to come too. Then your boy same age as my gal lah. going to be pri 1 next year right. Which school you sending ? My gal turning 6 in Aug.

You must see if it is including alpha leh. maybe laines one only shapes or something. Must compare compare.

Let me help you do a comparison. pm me your email. Sometimes can find cheaper option. must look around till you find the cheapest then go because so expensive lor. I think i paid 299 for a squeeze and alpha at MWL with free tote bag. Then $200 for the revolution. Then the rest of my alphas i got from ebay

Ha ha lets put down our WTB list. Then lets all share information to make sure all get the best lobang
CL & JChew... my girl is only 1+. it's nice to do scrapbook together... good for character development
hope my girl will be into this nx time

cuclainne... revo n cuttle bug costs $199 at laines. if u buying, buy on Mon n Thur... their double stamp day
cuclainne... 18mths old. think our girls can play together while we scrap

anyone wants to do masters class at laines?
Oh Cuclainne, I'm sure girls will be more into this kind of stuff than boys. My younger girl is also 2.5yo only, don't know anything yet but plays with my crystals, buttons and such. Broke 2 of my ice cream sticks that came with the rub-ons somemore. While my son likes to explore with my glues and tapes and sticky dots, etc. I very scared that he will spoil my paper, waste my stickers, or destroy any of my tools!!! That's also one reason why I only allow him a 8x8 instead of touching my 12x12 papers. Can save my stickers leh. :p hahahah.... But he do enjoy scrapping with me.
CL... count me in ur WTB list leh. if got good lobang, i will get too

think cuttle bug at laines got include some nice patterned dies but not many. no alphabets
Hmmm, perhaps join us for a scrap session 1st and try out the revo/squeeze and then decide. I realize that I thought by have the QK Squeeze, I don't use it as often as I thought I would coz went on the venture into stamping - foam and acrylic, chipboard alphas, rub-ons and alpha thickers. I think so far only 3-4 LOs of mine are used with the quickutz. Sometimes abit regret with my buys =P but then, it was my hb who bought for me
CL, Sat morning my son will have piano class, so I think best is to meet at 3pm after my girl's nap, if possible. I'm sending my "daring" maid back to agent this sat and will be maidless for a while, which I'm sure I'm going to enjoy alot.

I just checked my calendar. The earliest sat that I can make it is 31 May leh. Cause next week, we go chalet, following week got friend's bday party. How?
hi mamachan, that's what i've been hoping to do
to get a feel of the revo/squeeze before i decide. most prob won't get revo tho cuz can only take quickutz die and they're v expensive

i love acrylic too! but similarly dun use much

I anything one. Should be ok with 31 May. For me my gal lesson ends about 3.30 pm. Should be ok.

What happen about your maid ?

My helper came in on 1 May, so far so good after a few drilling session and debrief from me

wise choice to go for Cuttlebug. Let me start the WTB list and share info

1. Chicken Little - Heat gun.

Ginny, Annissa any advice for heat gun. Hand itchy liao
CL: PM-ed you my email. Many thanks

brambles: thanks for the tip - the staff told me that they have different prices for online and retail store products .. maybe cheaper to get online? i don't think your daughter can 'tahan' to play with my daughter because she is super naughty and cannot sit still ..
i give her drawing block and crayons to colour - she ended up colouring the newspaper instead. my colleague said it's good because i don't have to waste money buy papers for her, just recycle newspaper .. hahahaha ..

JChew: yah, my daughter also likes to come into the study and want to see what's on our tables - if i write with a pen, she also wants one .. when i put on make-up, she also want .. hahahah ..

mamachan: so nice of your husband to indulge you .. i wonder if i can hint hint to the husband about these ..
Hi ladies

Just to share a LO I finished up over the weekend.

Bon Appetit!


journalling upclose

I used Basic Grey's Recess Line PP. The "spaghetti" are tose parcel strings painted over by orange acrylic paint. The sheer journalling tag is from Maya Road. Does my brown buttons look like meatballs?
Hehehe, that's coz I scrapped a number of LOs of him and ds! Coz most of the time I'm the one behind the camera and always pic of them together! My hb ah, don't always take pics of me and ds!
hahaha, after yesterday's class. I was quite interested in the heat gun and embossing powder...but....think better not....not quite ready to wanna do embossing yet. maybe when one fine day I have a scrap-room/space to myself.

Hi CL, ok ok. Will pm you if there's any changes. If you want to move the meeting to 3.30pm also can, then I don't have to rush also. hahahah..... :p

Wah... nice LO. Hmmm... I have some pics similar. Maybe I can do something like that too. It's time to go and print photos!!!
