Shekinah Montessori House at SK-comments?


Active Member
Hi mummies,

I'm looking around at some CC at sengkang/punggol? I've looked at shekinah montessori and their program and environments seem quite good. Please share your comments with me if u have any. I'm also considering MMI which is next to it.

hi LV,
dun recommend MMI @SK to u.. heard bad feedback fm mummies tat they oni interested in making $$$ not caring for ur kid.

Initially, i wanted to send my son there too. but after a few encounters, decided not to.

Now he's with Shekinah. This week is his 2nd week. Teachers r very patient n caring. Feedback with details on how he's faring in school. but the school intake is quite small. but if u compare the teacher to child ratio, it's better than MMI. For nursery, MMI's ratio is 1:12 whereas for shekinah, it's 1:6 or 7. More value for $$ too, considerin the high fees we pay.
Hi LV,
Finally someone responded!!

Hi etoile,
how old is yr son? My gal is 4yo and has been with shekinah since 2yo.

I tot MMI has much lower ration than 1:12, I am surprised to see 1:12.
Hi etoile,

Glad to get some feedback from other parents. Had been emailing violet to know more about the school. Your child is in nursery? I'm planning to send my girl in dec in playgrp when she's 18mths. When i went down, they told me PG and N1 sometimes play together in the main hall. This is one of the concern i'm considering. Wonder will it be too big a group to squeeze into the hall? I went on a sat where there's no kids, prob i'll drop by on a weekday and meet up with the P to know more.

Violet, people reply. otherwise i got to keep 'fan' you. hehe
hi mothers,
i have heard not very good things abt shekinah but dun wish to elaborate here. i know of a teacher who used to work there abt 6 years ago as well as other parents too. turnover rate of teachers are very high. and there is a proven case of a teacher who always shouts (i mean really scream and shout) at the kids. the teacher is still there.

according to my friend who used to teach there, she said that the teachers were always made by the principle of the school to lie to the parents that their kids are progessing well, din cry during the first week in sch etc etc. these are all just a show cos of course they have to tell parents positive things rite? she had to lie many times to the parents. anyway i'm just sharing what she told me.

to those mothers who put there kids there, i sincerely hope that what we are saying is stricly confidential and hope you wun feedback to the sch. i'm just sharing what happened.
Hi maggie,
A little worry to hear that. Seems that a lot of cc have con in some ways and their own fair share of negative feedback. Actually what i only wanted is for my child to be taken care of in daily well being and some learning, not necessary to shower lots of attention and love or give value added services. But it seems so diff to ask for in our childcare centres. thanks for sharing ya!
Thanks for sharing Maggie....

I do ask my gal about her daily activites at school since she is already 4yo and can articulate well now.

Like LV, my needs fm the childcare is very basic.
When she displays -ve behaviour I will correct her and feedback to the school on the incidents.
so far so good lor....
Dear Violet B,

wow your gal has been there since 2 years old? so she shld be in nursery 2 now? my friend still contacts one or two teachers there and so far what i heard is still the same lor. anyway like you said so long as they take care of your gal then its ok. do u find that the turnover rate of teachers are high?
hi maggie,
sorry, seldom come to this thread...

Actually i oso heard fm a few frens staying in SK that some childcare centres also has high teacher t/o so i guess it's not only to a specific school lor.
Teacher t/o is a concern as children's learning is disrupted as they need to get used to another new teacher. So far my gal can cope well with the changes and so I do not see the need to change centre. If I change a new centre I feel that it'll be more disruptive to her routine.
Just sharing my thoughts on the issues of being 'con' by cc...i guess if you do random visits to the cc you will be able to get a better picture of how your child is doing. Also, observe the children if they are happy and contented in the environment. Observe teacher and child communications as well as teacher-teacher communicating to one another as that will give you a fairly good idea of the teachers' relationships.

Just my two cents' of advice as I was a former childcare teacher... :)
Parents, Parents,

Don't just hear-say hear-say,, some comments have been i hear from frends or frends' frends - i learnt my lesson --- best to check out yourself, what is suitable for your child may not be what other children is interested in
hi, anybody sign up in the enrichment class in their new premise at Punggol?

I am contemplating to sign up for my son...
Any reviews/feedback on the Punggol Plaza branch? More interested in their playgroup.
My girl is in the punggol branch. The classroom is clean. Actually, they are not full montessori. They only let the child handles montessori material.

Problem with my girl is she can't wake up and she is always late for class at 8.30am.
Hi Fushigi,

How old is your girl? Is she in 2,3 or 5 times playgroup? How is the teacher there?

I called and they said the 8.30am class is full ..

My boy is also in punggol branch. I am very satisfied with his progress, find his teachers are good and the environment is clean and NEW
hmm... I thot they are partial montessori in language and maths too besides the usual montessori equipments.

and their teachers often smile leh...sometimes even joke.. :p
Hi celine, is your son in the 2 years old class? My girl is in this class also. The teachers smile meh?

My girl said she likes the Auntie - helper.

So far, they don't allow the children to bring back their art and craft which i didn't like.
yes my son in the starter class, your girl too so both of them are classmates

yes michelle, jeri and liana even henry right? when we go fetch my son they will smile and if have time they will share with me what happen to my son on that day..whether he has been good or cheeky :p

the craft work will be file in a folder and give us back end of every term. When did your daughter join the school?
if they have time they will talk to you but of coz most of the time they quite busy helping the kids to look out for their caretakers so maybe no time to smile :p

then dun worry you definitely can see her artwork by end of this term...this friday parent meeting session they sure smile. haha..
Hi Celine, do they have a meet parent session this Friday? Coz my girl not attending daily.

What i mean the teachers are not smiling, is they are very stern during lessons. Coz i accompany my girl for a few days during the beinging. Teachers are so serious and kids dun seems to be enjoying. Not like those playschool style.

Not many choices in Punggol so guess this is one of the better one here. At least kids are well-behave from what i observed.

Your boy attending daily? Normally you fetch him to school?
yes my son attending daily. how abt your girl? twice or thrice weekly?

And yes they are stern during lessons I think its because they want the kids to really focus on learning well.. my son is enjoying his school alot.

To me its the best choice for me too as it is very near my hse. NO SCHOOL BUS
Hi Celine, i will start her thrice weekly next term. She doesn't seems to enjoy much. Maybe it is very different from the playschool she attended during weekends. Julia Gabriel and tumbletots are so much fun!

Will be sending her to Bridges Montessori next year as i find the environment is much better there.
yes I heard Bridges also not bad..but I dun like there due to distance. Hope your daughter will be happier there
just to share, my child is no longer with this cc. Before I left the cc, they had a price hike in 2008 Jan. After the government announced the additional $150 subsidy, I heard they increased again. For the amount of money you paid for, I think better care should be given. One -ve point is high turnover rate of teachers during my girl one year with them.
Hi, am keen to enrol my child in Shekinah Montesorri @Punggol Plz next yr.

Any mummies with children in the Nursery, pls share ur experience. Thanks!
Re: Shekinah @ Sengkang

Hi, any more latest feedback on the above branch? We're thinking of sending our 4-year old there on full-day.

hi bichon,

my gal graduated fm the SK shekinah last yr and my son is attending full day care there now. I'm happy with the prog that they are doing now and my son enjoys going to sch
hi, any feedbacks on the Shekinah Montesorri @Punggol Plz, as thinking of whether to put my 2yr old there.

i actually beg to differ on the parents negative comments to shekinah. There ought to be discipline and lines drawn in a school. We would all love our kids to be brought up with proper discipline and knows his/her boundaries.
U dera? I SMS u le.. Ltr abt 7odd drop u a call agn!

Gt 15% sale on Tuesday! XX wan go?
hi all, any updated comments about Shekinah Montessori in Sengkang?? Am considering childcare for my kid. thanks!
Im staying in Sengkang too..also considering to send my boy in whn he is 18 mths old. Any further comments on the Shekinah Montessori in Sengkang???

