Sharing your views on Bad/Good Overseas Spree Organisers

oopsgal, sorry ah. to trouble your spreadsheet and you.

yes i wish that whoever is unhappy with my spree method to talk to me directly by emailing me at [email protected].

also, i didn't charge $1.25 handling fee for reg post (or handling charge for anything actually). please show me proof that i did.

i believe that there are mummies who believed in me and are fine with my methods. many of them keep in contact with me via phone, whatsapp, email etc. i am thanksful for these people. for anyone who have had issues with me, please do not join my sprees anymore, thanks!

Celia: Yes, I am Lilian. My pure intention of my post is to seek advice from other mummies here wrt to the shipping calculations as my understanding could be wrong. I have not specifically name you in my query nor left you any comments in the spreadsheet so I do not see why you have to get so defensive.

And FYI~ I have not heard from you 7 days after I have topped up the initial shipping cost (before you told me my extra item was shipped after all).

It was only after I have prompted you via google chat than I got a response which is my cause of concern. In any case, have dropped you an email with my payment n pickup details.
Hope this case is settled ya
Anyone who is still unhappy, please speak to me directly..
Don't wish to trouble oopsgal and her spreadsheet anymore.

Lilian, I had sent out emails to apologise to all who had emailed me and I hadn't replied too and asked them to resend me everything again, cos GMAIL restarted my account due to the large amount of emails going out of my email address (They treated me as spam mail). These was sent out twice to explain. Perhaps you were not included, I apologise for this.

Btw, had received your email and is actually replying right now.
<font color="ff0000">Advise to displeased people who "demand" their comments to be posted in spreadsheet but comments have been removed with NO notice given:</font>
1. ask moderator to set up a system too, see if moderator can help:
2. Post with your own forum nick OR nicks in this forum, if cannot post here, do post in other threads
3. Create your own spreadsheet and have your own rules
4. <font color="ff0000">DO NOT “SPAM” THE SPREADSHEET or mis-use spreadsheet</font>
5. Do not view or post if think spreadsheet is unfair

<font color="ff0000">This spreadsheet is for BAD/GOOD OVERSEAS SPREE ORGANISERS ONLY. Please <u> do not post in spreadsheet </u> if you disagreed with the terms or think is “unfair”.</font>

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1"> Things not to ask:</font></font>
1. who have posted the comments in the spreadsheet, as no records are shown. That is the pro and also con of the spreadsheet – anonymous for entry of records. Please do exercise your own judgement when reading the comments posted by others.
<u>Do beware of:</u> Bad organisers might post comments of themselves as "good organisers" or bad spreeists might also sabotage good organisers in spreadsheet etc.
2. for modification of spreadsheet (sorting the records or adding new information columns etc) as it is time consuming. Thank you for your understanding.

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">To view:</font></font>;hl=en&amp;output=html

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">To post:</font></font>

<font color="0000ff">Only selected comments made will be posted in the spreadsheet/forum to share.</font>
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Please be considerate when entering comments.</font></font>

Thank you for sharing your comments/views on spree organisers. Hopefully a rating system will be created soon by moderator...
<font color="000000">Let's keep this thread at the top
kimberly (pretty2010) is a very nice, patient, considerate and transparent spree organizer. Thumbs up and recommended!!

Kim is a very considerate and patient lady - the best spree organizer I have ever liaised with, till date. As I was combining orders with my friend, and due to my friend's indicisiveness, she has been changing her mind on the orders. Despite all the troubles, Kim did not even say any harsh word to me; instead, she was ubber patient and there's always a SMILEY behind every of the SMS and email she sent. I feel so bad
I will definitely join her sprees/BP again in future, a recommended SO!!

Kate Spade and Perfume Oils- kimberly (pretty2010)

Is this BP organiser? This spreadsheet is only for overseas organisers. Thanks.
Happy Rabbit year to one and all, especially my favourite spree organisers:

b2eb2e (dangdang books)
Juliet (dorothy perkins, Jshoppers)
Elicia_mum (drugstore)
ptr (ON)
Dinoltan (Gap)
and many others whose sprees I have joined.

May you meet good spreeists and keep the spirit up!
<font color="ff0000">Advise to displeased people who "demand" their comments to be posted in spreadsheet but comments have been removed with NO notice given:</font>
1. ask moderator to set up a system too, see if moderator can help:
2. Post with your own forum nick OR nicks in this forum, if cannot post here, do post in other threads
3. Create your own spreadsheet and have your own rules
4. <font color="ff0000">DO NOT “SPAM” THE SPREADSHEET or mis-use spreadsheet</font>
5. Do not view or post if think spreadsheet is unfair

<font color="ff0000">This spreadsheet is for BAD/GOOD OVERSEAS SPREE ORGANISERS ONLY. Please <u> do not post in spreadsheet </u> if you disagreed with the terms or think is “unfair”.</font>

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1"> Things not to ask:</font></font>
1. who have posted the comments in the spreadsheet, as no records are shown. That is the pro and also con of the spreadsheet – anonymous for entry of records. Please do exercise your own judgement when reading the comments posted by others.
<u>Do beware of:</u> Bad organisers might post comments of themselves as "good organisers" or bad spreeists might also sabotage good organisers in spreadsheet etc.
2. for modification of spreadsheet (sorting the records or adding new information columns etc) as it is time consuming. Thank you for your understanding.

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">To view:</font></font>;hl=en&amp;output=html

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">To post:</font></font>

<font color="0000ff">Only selected comments made will be posted in the spreadsheet/forum to share.</font>
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Please be considerate when entering comments.</font></font>

Thank you for sharing your comments/views on spree organisers. Hopefully a rating system will be created soon by moderator...
out of curiosity, how does an organiser calculate the amount of shipping to charge to a spreeist - by weight or by number of items?

i have not organised any sprees here but am considering doing so, as a way to occupy my time and also because i like shopping, be it for myself or others.

my main concern is how the spreeist might preceive the final cost of shipping. as an example, recently i bought some items from disneystore for my children and the vpost charge was over $280 (actual weight was 13.5kg but chargeable weight was 35.7kg!!). a spreeist might say that the shipping cost should be according to the actual weight because that's how much their items weigh but to an organiser, doesn't this mean you are absorbing a cost that was not of your own doing in the first place? i mean, i would love to have it packed just right but again, it was up to disney and not me on how they pack their items.

has anyone had any issues with this?
for me,

Normally what i do is take picture the dimension of boxes and inside of the boxes. Emailed them the pictures to clear all the disputes.


hope that will help you.

michele - but actual weight of items was only 13.5kg which meant the extra 22.2kg was just empty air which was charged! If i divide that by the volumetric weight, and then charge the spreeist only the actual weight - which means I absorb the shipping charges for the 22.2kg. That's about $170 - Gulp!
hi michele,

keep the boxes? hahahaha :D

for me, normally i will throw the box cos my house not so big and it is disturbing my son play. hahahaha :D
hi cuclaine,

different organisers have different calculation.
hehehehe.. up to you how you want to calculate the shipping charges. kekekekeke
My way...
Depending on the shipping charged, if it's charged by actual weight... easiest...
weight of item/total weight*cost of shipment

If shipment is charged by volumatric weight charge...
I'll place everything on the floor &amp; sort by their sizes.
Smallest being 1 unit,
double of the smallest = 2 units
triple of the smallest = 3 units, etc. etc...
Then shipping charge for the item is;
unit of item/total units of spree*cost of shipment

Personally I feel this is fairer to people purchasing small items,
those who purchase bulky items will have to foot higher shipping cost.

Just my 2 cents.

agree with you.
that wat i do also.

(shipment cost/total actual weight) * actual weight

unit calculation.. hehehehe.. for me.. difficult..
better by actual.. hehehe :D it is fair to everyone.. hehehe
Josephine (jun3),
that's for actual weight charged shipments.

For volumatric weight charged shipment,
it'll be unfair for others who purchase small items.

If this is the way you calculate,
I'll join your sprees for winter clothings/jackets...

is it? hahahaha :D
i thought should be same?

total shipping cost/ total actual weight
example: 230/13500 = 0.01703704
per gr is 0.01703704

if actual total gr is 13500 then 0.01703704*13500 = SGD 230

not sure whether is correct.
cuclaine, i think different org has different method of calculation leh.

it also depend on the merchant as well?
like f21, they have 20 items limitation to their international shipping,
so for me, i have a fixed shipping rate per item regardless how big/small it is..
per for merchant that go by weight,
then it will be fair to split by weight lor :)
the problem is,
too much spree participants join sprees without knowing how the calculation works.
Some organizers are not happy when asked how they calculate...

Just my 2 cents... again...
That's why always join back the same good organisers if possible.

If organisers not happy with questions then spreeists should try not to join them.
<font color="aa00aa">Archive Part 1 - 2010:;output=html</font>

<font color="ff0000">Advise to displeased people who "demand" their comments to be posted in spreadsheet but comments have been removed with NO notice given:</font>
1. ask moderator to set up a system too, see if moderator can help:
2. Post with your own forum nick OR nicks in this forum, if cannot post here, do post in other threads
3. Create your own spreadsheet and have your own rules
4. <font color="ff0000">DO NOT “SPAM” THE SPREADSHEET or mis-use spreadsheet</font>
5. Do not view or post if think spreadsheet is unfair

<font color="ff0000">This spreadsheet is for BAD/GOOD OVERSEAS SPREE ORGANISERS ONLY. Please <u> do not post in spreadsheet </u> if you disagreed with the terms or think is “unfair”.</font>

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1"> Things not to ask:</font></font>
1. who have posted the comments in the spreadsheet, as no records are shown. That is the pro and also con of the spreadsheet – anonymous for entry of records. Please do exercise your own judgement when reading the comments posted by others.
<u>Do beware of:</u> Bad organisers might post comments of themselves as "good organisers" or bad spreeists might also sabotage good organisers in spreadsheet etc.
2. for modification of spreadsheet (sorting the records or adding new information columns etc) as it is time consuming. Thank you for your understanding.

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">To view:</font></font>;hl=en&amp;output=html

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">To post:</font></font>

<font color="0000ff">Only selected comments made will be posted in the spreadsheet/forum to share.</font>
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Please be considerate when entering comments.</font></font>

Thank you for sharing your comments/views on spree organisers. Hopefully a rating system will be created soon by moderator...
hi mummies,
i received a request from one spreeist to post the following message for all to note :

<font color="ff0000">Hi Pooh3bear,</font>

<font color="ff0000">I cannot post in the restricted sites but I do want to participate in Spree. I hope you can help me to post my comments below:- </font>

<font color="ff0000">This may not be the correct site to post this comment but I do wish that all spree organisers leave their email address in their spree thread or in their profile so that those interested to participate in sprees can email their orders to the spree organisers. Thank you.</font>

<font color="ff0000">Regards,</font>
<font color="ff0000">Doreen</font>

how to post this onto the spreadsheet?

Why need to post email address on the spreadsheet?

Quote "spree organisers leave their email address in their spree thread or in their profile"

I think most organisers who accept PM, spreeists who have no access can contact them directly. Some even have their email address stated on the spree threads.

I would like to get some advise from spree organisers here.

I recently bought some items from a BP organiser &amp; opt for registered mail. However, organiser sent me 1 item wrongly. She then proceed to send me the correct item thru normal mail but now item is lost in the mail?

Understand most organisers say they will not be responsible for lost mail thru normal mail but in this case, is the organiser responsible as she sent me the wrong item in the 1st place when I opt for registered mail.

Any advise would be appreciated

hi babydragonfly.
so sorry to hear that happening..

in my opinion you should ask her to bear responsibility for it leh.
cos in the first place you opt for reg post so when she post your subsequent correct item,
it should be by reg post as well mah.

but on the other hand, it is almost impossible for mail to get lost with singpost.
did you tried calling the delivery base/ 1605/ your nearest PO? might help

Get the organiser to bear the lost (cost of item + postage paid for the item if incurred). The organiser should be responsible for the lost since is put as normal mail. Plus you have already paid for registered mail.

I do not think can track where the parcel went since is normal post. By the way how long have you waited for the parcel to arrive? Since is CNY period, there might be delays.

Thanks for your views. Organiser say she posted on 22 Jan. I was also hoping it was due to CNY that cause delay. But already so many weeks liao ...
hmm..isn't it up to the organiser whether she wants her email account to be posted? I personally don't do it cos scared of spam. Given the PM function, I don't see any basis to complain. v strange... think spreeists are coming up with lots of requests just to suit their convenience without much regard for the organiser. but guess there is nothing wrong with asking. only problem will arise when wish = expectations. just my 2 cents worth..

I think some spreeists could not post on the restricted threads in overseas spree, so hope that the organisers could put in the email address on the thread so that can contact them directly.

I have came across organisers who did not have any email address posted and their PM unable to receive any message. In this case, if the spreeists cannot post on restricted threads, they cannot contact the organisers direct, since no email address, no PM messages to be able to receive. If so, best is do not join that organiser.

I kinda agree with you, it might be due to privacy etc? like i don't post my tel number publicly in thread cos i dont want people spamming me with phone calls... haha. but i guess it is fair to all that organisers give at least one mean of contact? :)

yeah.. agree with problem arising with wishes = expectations.. which sometimes can be unrealistic. haha!

hope all have a good valentine day tmr! :)
<font color="aa00aa">Hi, babydragonjfy:</font> <font color="000000">Did the BP organiser indicate her return address in the normal package?

Personally I have such experience before, I have once sent the wrong item to my customer so what I have done previously was to have the corrected item sent via registered mail if the buyer has previously opt for registered mail for her item. If the buyer has opted for normal postage, I will re-send the correct item via normal postage.

As for the supposed wrong item, I send her my returned envelope, with stamps duly affixed, with my return address return on it, so all she has to do is just place the item and seal the item to be sent to me. In this case, both the sender and return address is my address

Based on that past experience, everything is in placed. </font>
Hi bubuchan,

Yes, her address was indicated on the 1st pkg which was via registered mail. I believe she would have also indicated her address on the normal mail pkg as well.

I opted for registered mail but she re-send me the correct item via normal mail instead.

As for the wrong item, I had to pay $1.00 to return her the item. She was suppose to have included $1.00 back to me in the pkg with the correct item.

So right now, double whammy. No item + loss additional $1.00
<font color="aa00aa">Hi, babydragonjfy:</font> <font color="000000">In my opinion, you shouldn't have paid for the postage for the return of the item wrongly sent to you as that is the mistake made by the organiser, not you.

The organiser should pay for both (a) re-sending the correct item to you and (b) the return of the wrongly sent item back to herself. I agree that in your situation it is double whammy.
Reply from Doreen:


Dear Celia,

It is me, Doreen who requested for Pooh3bear to help me post my thread. My comments given below.

Dear Celia - Happy Valentine Day to you. <font color="0000ff">"yeah.. agree with problem arising with wishes = expectations.. which sometimes can be unrealistic. haha!"</font>. My simple request, just because I want to participate in spree, is being misunderstood to be expectations.... So sad. I noticed that you do leave your email address "
<font color="0000ff">but i guess it is fair to all that organisers give at least one mean of contact? :)"</font>. Thank you and keep it up!

Dear Oppsgal - Thank you for being so understanding. You are correct. I cannot post in the restricted site. When I tried to PM the Spree Organiser, I cannot do so too due to the restriction. What I did was to email spree participants to let me have the email of the spree organiser. So far, they have obliged though they need not do so. I will only do it if I really want to get the items.

Dear Pooh3bear - Thank you very much for helping me to post my comments.

Dear Tuffy - <font color="0000ff">"Given the PM function, I don't see any basis to complain. v strange... think spreeists are coming up with lots of requests just to suit their convenience without much regard for the organiser. but guess there is nothing wrong with asking. only problem will arise when wish = expectations. just my 2 cents worth..</font>" I believe Oppsgal has clarified why some spree participants cannot post in restricted site.

