Sharing your views on Bad/Good Overseas Spree Organisers

pooh3bear.. oh.. i thought why doreen email me.. okay, i understand now

babydragonjfy, phew! enjoy your item then!

celia (celiaa)
ya lor.. i also see blur blur when i saw an email beside mine.. so i guess i post on behalf bah..
hi all,
i have a question.....

what do u think of offering GOOD CUSTOMER SERVICE to spreeists?

What do u all think of the diff between BP and Spree... and expecting GOOD CUSTOMER SERVICE from Spree Organisers?

To me, I dun treat my spreeists as CUSTOMERS as to my definition, if you are my CUSTOMER, it means i'm earning from you... if i dun earn and make profits from selling something to you, what makes u my customer?

But what about sprees?
Just sharing shipping costs, "earning" few cents from exchange rates... do u constitute that as making profits and being treated as a customer cuz u paid the spree organiser that few cents extra?

Of coz i dun mean that i treat spreeists like shit or what... but reasonable expectations??

u ask, i reply.

And esp for spree organisers who organise multiple sprees and dealing with hundreds of different demands and spreeists, we still need to sugar coat our words to appease everyone?

We already state upfront...

Please join this spree if you are comfortable with all T&Cs... if u not happy with collection location/exchange rates/shipping costs distribution, then by all means dun join that spree??

Comments please... maybe i am really wrong....
pooh3bear, haha, nevermind lor, also no harm done

rach, wah, you sound very agitated, did someone poke you in the wrong way?

but i do agree with you that people join sprees without read the t&c
then after that say why we like this like that..
and when you say "i got say beforehand mah" etc,
den it will be taken as you defending your actions and don't want to take responsibility.

but in my opinion, the calling names such as "spreeists" or "customers" doesn't matter leh.
it is just a way to address to all mah

if not we always have to list down all the names or call them SISTERS ah...

as for the "earnings". to me, when i was still a spree joiner, not an organiser yet,
i will often round up my figures or even to the nearest dollar when i make payment one leh.
i feel that it is justifiable for organisers to have that extra few dollars
(everyone few cents = a few dollars liao lor haha)
since they spend so much of time and their poor phone bill,
having to text and call spreeists..
however i realised that not all think the way i do...
like i had a spreeist who wanted me to refund $0.0009 to her..
i told her the number didn't exist, how to refund..
but she kicked up a fuss, so in the end i just transfer $0.01 to her lor. :S

just my two cents worth. hehe

To me, BP means have to pay money to organise bulk purchase and Spree means to share out shipping cost, let the organiser earn some credit card points.

Ironically, somehow, some overseas organisers seem to ask for ridiculously high amount for shipping cost when comes to distribution of shipping cost. When asked for the invoice, they refused to share with people who join the spree. So wonder should this be called "profit"? Maybe for these organisers, they should start calling spreeists as customers.

So I prefer to join those really good spree organisers. Transparent with details of breakdown of shipping, thumbs up for these really good overseas organisers.
celiaa> me.... spreeists or customers make a lot of difference..
when people are being treated as customers or treat themselves as customers, they have different expectations of how they should be treated.....

I'm YOUR CUSTOMER so you should treat me with GOOD service... sometimes... i really dunno how good they want me to treat them.... i'm not dealing with 1 person.....

well..someone just said my reply was curt and she no longer want to have any future transactions with me....
well, not that i mind or feels sad that i've lost a spreeist, the fact of the matter is, i really dun care who joins my spree or not...
u join, u order and make payment...
then i order and buy for u... when come, i inform u, u top up shipping and u come collect/courier/postage....

its just everyone's way of getting things easier and cheaper...(than local stores)...
in the process, we makes some frens... people who appreciate us/says thank you.... thats all we spree organisers get....

isnt it??

some CC points to offset some bills/vouchers etc....

sigh.... some expectations are really hard to meet.... but of coz most of the time we meet people who are nice and understand its not easy to org, collate, tabulate, weigh and distribute...

in the process people always think we MUST be earning alot... else why we keep doing it??

Actually, i'm addicted to it... its pretty fun and nice esp when loots come and then we see and weigh/distribute them... its fun to me!!!

even though i'm popping in 2 weeks, i'm still doing it... cuz very hard to stop! i dunno how to stop.... its like always got people ask.. can still order???? and its like... why not??

i feel bad to reject them also....

oppsgal> yah... i saw some spree threads...
base charge: $13.40 each... i really wonder if they only ship in 1 box........
if they had multiple boxes, wah... then they earn $10 easily from each box + high exchange rates.. (1.38 - 1.39)
me no heart to do it....
rach, oh no.. pats pats.. we cannot please everyone bah.. to some, your tone might be curt, but to some, it might sound fine.. different people different upbringing bah

yeah, usually organisers should share invoices with spreeists to avoid misunderstanding mah, i think those who don't share are so weird.. purposely make themselves in a bad light leh. unless they bought personal stuff but don't want to share shipping lor, haha.

for me i organise sprees so that i can see what other people buy, then sometimes i will "copy" if its nice and buy also. slowly buy better than one time buy alot leh, that is my thinking.

hope you are feeling better..
don't worry about that spreeist bah
Hello all,

Just sharing my thoughts in response to rach (rayrachel)’s posting.

Rach raised a very interesting idea – “To me, I dun treat my spreeists as CUSTOMERS as to my definition, if you are my CUSTOMER, it means i'm earning from you... if i dun earn and make profits from selling something to you, what makes u my customer?”

I don’t organise sprees here although I am one of those who like to organise such sprees and always do this for my colleagues (outside Other than the credit card points that I am chalking up, I don’t earn anything from organising such sprees (not all websites offer a ‘point system’ where you can redeem products using the points accumulated). I just enjoy looking out for good deals/products and sharing lobangs with whom I think would benefit/buy. Another reason - I am organising such sprees because I am keen to get something from a source but I don’t have the purchasing volume.

I see such activities (organising sprees, arranging collection etc) as a social thing. I get to know more people through these sprees and one day, they become my friends. It makes me feel very happy to see ‘satisfied spreeists’, receiving their loots and happy with the price they have paid. So I would treat them as if I am a business owner.

Spree organisers should work within their bandwidth. I know of one spree organiser who ‘went over shot’. She opened so many threads (on the same website) and within each thread, so many batches until she also ‘luan’. Ended up, she suffered and spreeists unhappy.

But having said that, it takes two hands to clap. Spreeists should understand ‘there are rules to abide by’. Spree organisers can state 1001 terms and conditions. You want to join, you comply with the T&Cs. If you need/want something which deviates from the T&Cs, then ask nicely. Be prepared to be rejected. Many of these spree organisers are working mothers with at least 1 kid, limited internet access and/or other family constraints. Be considerate and extend your understanding.

At the end of the day, the code of conduct all of us (spree organisers or spreeists) should adopt is to treat everyone the way we would like to be treated. This should make joining/organising sprees a happy experience for everyone. Well, that is unless one expects the be treated like a king la (then again, usually such people don’t do the same for others).
Samantha> I agree with what u said, except I won't treat them like I would as a business owner...
Cuz again..I'm very sensitive to the word "business", "profits". "earn", "sell", "customer"...
Because when certain words are used, there really is an expectation tagged to it.. Scary..

I've spreeists calling me up after receiving wrong items frm merchants... I dun open up the boxes to check... It so happened what was labelled outside the box was different from the contents inside the box.. (it only happened once...) and she asked me to settle it and tone of voice etc wasnt nice like I purposely give her wrong item and halfway thru conversation I realized she tot I was SELLING the item and hence my responsibility to get it settled etc..
And she really tot i was making profits out if it And she explained she didn't know really got ppl do sprees and dun earn money one... And Thats where I "educated" her on the difference of spree and BP and sharing shipping etc....

So... There are really alot of spreeists joining sprees thinking they are really buying from spree org and not knowing the efforts we put in for that few cents...

Kudos to TLL who charges actual CC rates...
I round up a few decimal and HuBbY already complains why am I wasting time on these few cents and not do BPs that can earn hundreds to thousands...but the men just dun get it la....

痛苦谁人知 hor?? Lol...

Although I won't stop speeding just cuz of 1-2 bad experience but sometimes those accusations are really so uncalled for....
<font color="aa00aa">Archive Part 1 - 2010:;output=html</font>

<font color="ff0000">Advise to displeased people who "demand" their comments to be posted in spreadsheet but comments have been removed with NO notice given:</font>
1. ask moderator to set up a system too, see if moderator can help:
2. Post with your own forum nick OR nicks in this forum, if cannot post here, do post in other threads
3. Create your own spreadsheet and have your own rules
4. <font color="ff0000">DO NOT “SPAM” THE SPREADSHEET or mis-use spreadsheet</font>
5. Do not view or post if think spreadsheet is unfair

<font color="ff0000">This spreadsheet is for BAD/GOOD OVERSEAS SPREE ORGANISERS ONLY. Please <u> do not post in spreadsheet </u> if you disagreed with the terms or think is “unfair”.</font>

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1"> Things not to ask:</font></font>
1. who have posted the comments in the spreadsheet, as no records are shown. That is the pro and also con of the spreadsheet – anonymous for entry of records. Please do exercise your own judgement when reading the comments posted by others.
<u>Do beware of:</u> Bad organisers might post comments of themselves as "good organisers" or bad spreeists might also sabotage good organisers in spreadsheet etc.
2. for modification of spreadsheet (sorting the records or adding new information columns etc) as it is time consuming. Thank you for your understanding.

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">To view:</font></font>;hl=en&amp;output=html

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">To post:</font></font>

<font color="0000ff">Only selected comments made will be posted in the spreadsheet/forum to share.</font>
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Please be considerate when entering comments.</font></font>

Thank you for sharing your comments/views on spree organisers. Hopefully a rating system will be created soon by moderator...

Hmmm, the spreadsheet seems to be flooded with comments on celia again...
my sentiments exactly. i am very sensitive to such words as well.
i guess if i am really running this as a service, i will just take the nonsense that people give me,
cos i am paid to put up with their nonsense.. but if we are of the "same level" no earn/no loss,
then why must I put up with your bad temper..

BP so hard lor.. later you charge too high den they find some one cheaper, then people will say you not good leh.
like watsons and guardian.. (hehehe, out of point haha)

my chinese not very good but i think those chinese words you wrote
is saying no one know our pain is it? if it is, yes.. agree..

oopsgal, so sorry about all of that.
hmm, honestly i am not trying to defend myself
but i got a sinking feeling that all the bad comments mostly are posted by one person..
cos as i read it, all are about the same topic, just different way of phrasing.
but i can't be sure, of course.
i have a suggestion, that is you just delete whatever comments that is is regarding me.
no matter good or bad or what lor.
hopefully then it will reduce the spam on your list..
sorry ya
<font color="aa00aa">Hi, oppsgal:</font> <font color="000000">Yap I realise that too. Especially those latest few comments are all made on mummy celia.</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Hi, babydragonjfy:</font> <font color="000000">I am glad that your issues have been resolved.

<font color="aa00aa">Hi, rach:</font> <font color="000000">I think when someone parks their assets (in this case their money) with a BP/Spree organisers, they expect the organiser to shoulder some form of responsibilities for example quality of the product, accurancy of the product etc. Guess that is just human mentality. When you are under limelight, you are subjected to more scrutiny.

I have previously made this comments. I believe most of the spree organisers organise spree because they have a <font color="aa00aa">PASSION</font> for it. After all, it really takes lots of effort and hardwork to effectively manage a spree. If you enjoy doing something you love, you will keep doing it, the passion motivates you.

However, if some spree organisers organise sprees because of their <font color="aa00aa">PA$$ION</font> (i.e. handling fee, additional packaging fee, credit cards points, peaks etc), then it is really up to spreeist to assess if that $$ is worth paying for it.

If there are some factors that cannot be ascertain i.e. shipping charges, OEM/distributor issues, then one may choose to do BP instead of Spree. With globalisation, there are many different means/sources and ways whereby we can get the same items so that could explain the varying cost involved. Be it via a BP or spree, it really depends on the buyer/spreeist comfort level where they wish to get their items from.

As the chinese saying goes, <font color="0000ff">己所不欲,勿施于人</font>. If you don't want people to treat you in one manner, then don't treat others in that manner.</font>
i agree with wat u said. but sadly, not all spreeists share the same way like this.. they see tat spree organizers are pple who are earning big bucks from them, which is a serious mis concept...

ya, i empathise with u... coz my hb also complain i spree too much for the rest and then all i earn is just the bad comments or qns when the parcel was delay. for the CNY, i made the effort to clear most collections even to the buyers convenience as long as it's along my way, and i still gana say i slow in arranging the meet ups..

sometimes, do spree still so cake xin.. but on the other part, u do sprees can help to ease out or share out the shipping fees so tat its economical to even just buy a few items instead of a box of items.
bubuchan, wah why you all mandarin all so good one? what is the chinese saying huh. is it the english translation beside?

pooh3bear, totally agree! "all i earn is just the bad comments or qns when the parcel was delay" hahahaha. mine blasted on me on the messy cartons as well.. but some buyers are really very funny. they say "can i take after CNY, i dont want to mess up my place". but i feel like telling her.. like that you mess up my place, you very song meh.. hahaha..
<font color="aa00aa">Hi, celia:</font> <font color="000000">己所不欲,勿施于人
English translation: do not impose what yourself do not desire to others

Something along that line....
celia, pooh3bear> hahaa...exactly...thats what the last batch before CNY for all my sprees, i state in BOLD....all uncollected items by then will belong to me....

u wanna celebrate CNY i also wanna celebrate ma... u only take back what belongs to u.. imagine i have 10 sprees and 20cartons stacking in my room???? relatives/frens come i also paiseh la....
not as we we have a warehouse to store all these considerate and automatic loh....

when u make things straight, people will guai guai come collect..... some people really MIA.... order pay cost liaoz...then disappear..when u need to chase for shipping, no reply, no email, dun accept PM.... just disappear...then what am i to do with ur items???????

must say u dun collect by xx/xx then belong to me/at my own disposal, then they faster within 2 days all collect....

wah.. u can be amazed at how fast the loots can disappear from ur place sometimes...

of cuz some people got difficulties etc one they email sms say sorry no choice gotta wait, i'll just keep aside for them... but i cant keep for everyone ma..... at least u tell me... i know u got my msg/email.... some no reply...for weeks.. until one day... reply u.. can i come collect/post to me?

wah... finally u realised u got spree items with me huh??

not trying to be nasty/sarcastic here... but there're really people out there take us for granted..... and its like..for that few cents i need to see ur face and like owe u money.....
does anyone of you 'ban' a spreeist? In my own sprees, I do that.

The best way to make those inconsiderate spreeists learn the sweat and pain behind the oranising is to let them do their own sprees.
<font color="aa00aa">Hi, Samantha:</font> <font color="000000">I do have my banned customer list as well. I will also keep them out of future mailing list. We meet people from all walks of life, really cannot please everyone.
hi rach, ya lor. machiam warehouse. hahaha.
yeah maybe i should set deadline too. but like very mean and later kena complained again?

hi samantha, i don't. cos i dont know how to reject people.. bleh

bubuchan, maybe i should start doing so. haha.
rach (rayrachel)
What if spreeists are out of town, no internet how to response? You can always create your own spreadsheet to "ban" spreeists.

Trying not to delete any comments left in spreadsheet... Luckily I have already divided the comments into Archive 2010 and current year, less lag when loading up new comments.
oppsgal> i guess its their basic courtesy to inform that they will be away and will revert when they are back?

I have spreeists who emails me and says since the items havent arrive and they are going away, please keep for me if it arrives and i'll reply u when i'm back...

i think thats very fair and nice...
its the spreeists responsibilities to inform us... cuz we cant possibly know who's going away rite??

i mean how do u ban them as in tell them.. sorry i'm not taking in ur orders?????
simply ignore those spreeists???
rach, I recognise that you ladies may have a prob with 'banning' since most organisers have the 'go ahead to pay, don't need to wait for my confirmation'. I don't do that. This way, I 'control' who can join the spree. After a few times, these people sort of know they are deliberately 'excluded'.

There is an organiser here by the ID S***k. She has something like "I reserve the right to reject your order and will do the refund within 3 working day" or something like that. I thought that was effective (but plain unfriendly).

hahahah u very creative! Yah, right - a spreadsheet about spree organiser can be maintained. Therefore, the same can be done for spreeists! *good idea*
KS sample sale is back... but so sian, wan to host oso troublesome... must use concerige service..

celia, u using comway ah? u got citibank CC, they gt free concerige svc...
pooh3bear. ya i using cgw. citibank cc is using borderlinx. although free conceirge, but they cost you sales tax.cos they are situated in ohio.. cgw is in oregon, a tax free state

alot of people hosting kate spade sprees leh. hahaha.
i open cos i want a bag. nylon stevie. 119 only!

and also cos mil want the passport case. bopian need to 'please' her.. haha
For me I won't inform organisers unless I know that the things will be arriving soon. Especially if I join so many sprees.
For me, I think waiting for a few weeks for spreeists to revert is alright for organisers, since spreeists also waited a few weeks for items to arrive. The word is "trust", to "trust" the spreeists will email back if possible. Just like spreeists trust their organisers. Trust works 2 ways.

Samantha Tan
There is already a list of spreeists created.
oppsgal> yes... i emailed everyone to tell them the stuffs are arriving in approx xx weeks/days....those going away will reply lo....

some just dun la...
ermmmm... its a different things abt organisers waiting for a few weeks and spreeists waiting for a few weeks leh....

Spreeists wait cuz it takes that amount of time for items to be ordered, shipped and delivered....
but once items reached...arent spreeists urgent enough to want to take their stuffs??? still tu 2-3 weeks then collect??? whats the rationale???

and its taking space at my place... like i mentioned previously, we dun have a warehouse to store... its only fair that once items reach, spreeists should be considerate enough to clear and take back ur stuffs...instead of taking space at the org's house?? - no ma??

of coz... i accept exceptions.. like biz trip/ holidays etc.... hospitalization etc....
i dun really throw throw away their stuffs...

but sometimes... sad to say... people behave better when threats are given.... tried and tested...else they just drag and wait forever until they are free then they come and take..... >.<"""

I always give trust until its broken..

I have an item sitting there since Sept 2010... tell me.... i've PM, tried to search if that person is still active... apparently not.....
but never replied....
I've PM like many many times... no reply at all.....

thank God its only 1... if i meet a few more like that... my house will really become a warehouse..and i'm just staying in a small 3 room flat loh.... not some 5room flats where i have spare rooms... or landed property....
Different organizers handle things differently.

So far, I didn't hear my favorite organisers complaining how many items they have put aside to wait for collection and want to throw away. Sometimes I joined a lot of sprees of same organiser, I will ask organiser to put aside my items so I can save on courier by delivering all items at once.

Saw some of organisers start new threads looking for missing people instead of threatening to throw out their things. They do not stay in landed properties, but are kind enough to help spreeists who are unable to collect/response to "keep" until these spreeists appear, although cannot open more sprees due to limited space. Unless for expired food/vitamins, think throwing away is still ok.
oppsgal> yup u are right... every organiser has their own threshold and space to keep stuffs..

I do keep stuffs for spreeists as well... i have many sprees and i have the same regulars who'll keep 10 different items till all arrive to save courier...
that i defintiely understand...

I'm just talking about some exceptional spreeists... nevermind.. this is getting nowhere...
and i'll just get more misunderstood...
Mine already one yr plus and everytime email the lady, she will say will arrange to collect. But then after a while no new.. sigh
rach, wah you are so patient..
i already donated most of the item to 3rd world countries liao..
there's one who didn't pay for shipping then "run away", saying that she don't like the item anymore. so i donated the item away lor.
take it as i am doing kind deeds on her behalf. LOL.

if its food item, i will wait for Boys' Brigade Sharity Gift Box.. den donate :p

Helen, aiyo, maybe she don't want/need the item anymore but paiseh to say don't want?
Didn't know why would anyone paid 1st payment for cost of items then don't want the items?

Either they have too much money to spent and willing to forfeit the first payment, or organisers overcharged the 2nd payment (shipping) until the spreeists felt that the items not worth paying for the 2nd payment (shipping cost + postage) and can get it cheaper outside even after forfeit the 1st payment (cost of item).

One year plus is a bit too long to keep the item...

Actually I agree with many of your comments here.

I only started organising sprees in Nov/Dec after joining friends for the past 2 years.

In fact... organising can be fun and with passion somehow will not get tired. (can even wake up in the middle of the night to track orders... haha)

Personally I have had a great learning experience thur the few sprees I have organised. It's something I have always wanted to try but lack the experience and time.

Verdict :
Plus : Great, lots of satisfaction, get to see how various companies handle their packages, shipping, making friends etc.
Minus :Lots of time and effort spent, as well as fear of spreeist not paying up (just to to ensure payment received before ordering).
<font color="aa00aa">Hi, oppsgal:</font> <font color="000000">I think such incident do happen especially for light weighted but bulk in size item such as soft toy whereby after computing the volumetric weight, the resulting shipping charges could be too high as compare to the cost price of the item.

This could also happen with books whereby the cost price of the book set is cheap but the books are heavy thus making the shipping charges exorbitant. There may be cases that the cost of shipping charges is twice that of the cost of the item.
oopsgal, no leh. shipping was only $2+ cos it was just a tee shirt. lol.

ssmummy, haha i like the "make friend part"

bubuchan, agree that we are all at the mercy of the cursed shipping rates...
Then I have no idea why don't want the item if is only $2+ for 2nd payment. If you find out why, then let me know. Kind of curious. haha...

Not very sure what shipping charge is considered high sometimes. Some might think shipping charge is high, while others think is still ok. Shipping charges also depends what other items are in the consolidation of that batch.
Oopsgal, Yah lor, if i get to find out, i tell you okay, but she didn't reply my emails anymore, so doubt so. haha.

helen, yeah, she paid for everything except for a $2+ shipping and probably postage fees?

oh well, we meet strange people all the time

phew! everyone seems busy with katespade sample sale!
<font color="aa00aa">Archive Part 1 - 2010:;output=html</font>

<font color="ff0000">Advise to displeased people who "demand" their comments to be posted in spreadsheet but comments have been removed with NO notice given:</font>
1. ask moderator to set up a system too, see if moderator can help:
2. Post with your own forum nick OR nicks in this forum, if cannot post here, do post in other threads
3. Create your own spreadsheet and have your own rules
4. <font color="ff0000">DO NOT “SPAM” THE SPREADSHEET or mis-use spreadsheet</font>
5. Do not view or post if think spreadsheet is unfair

<font color="ff0000">This spreadsheet is for BAD/GOOD OVERSEAS SPREE ORGANISERS ONLY. Please <u> do not post in spreadsheet </u> if you disagreed with the terms or think is “unfair”.</font>

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1"> Things not to ask:</font></font>
1. who have posted the comments in the spreadsheet, as no records are shown. That is the pro and also con of the spreadsheet – anonymous for entry of records. Please do exercise your own judgement when reading the comments posted by others.
<u>Do beware of:</u> Bad organisers might post comments of themselves as "good organisers" or bad spreeists might also sabotage good organisers in spreadsheet etc.
2. for modification of spreadsheet (sorting the records or adding new information columns etc) as it is time consuming. Thank you for your understanding.

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">To view:</font></font>;hl=en&amp;output=html

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">To post:</font></font>

<font color="0000ff">Only selected comments made will be posted in the spreadsheet/forum to share.</font>
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Please be considerate when entering comments.</font></font>

Thank you for sharing your comments/views on spree organisers. Hopefully a rating system will be created soon by moderator...
oppsgal, so sorry to be flooding the spreadsheet. hais.. the comments sounds linked up,
feel like im reading a long essay that is broken up into pieces, haha.
how i wish i know who is it so that i can clarify
with her, to ease her anger towards me..
pooh3bear, also don't know what I can do leh.

plus cannot know who is the one as well, so its hard to resolve it also.
haha, but it shows that people are reading this thread..
because lately, i have some spreeists who cancelled their orders last minute
without reasons :p

nevermind lor. it's the friday.. must enjoy.. TGIF everyone!

Maybe you would like to seek some of those "advise" posted in spreadsheet, such as having lesser sprees so that can concentrate on those who have already paid for these closed sprees?

Most spreeists that are new to an spree organiser would probably wish to have more information on the sprees updates. Just my thought.
oppsgal, i actually am doing at a level where I am comfortable at and will not miss out orders/payment leh.
won't go overboard with such stuff one mah.
if i know i will get over-run by orders, then will stop opening certain sprees de. haha.

anyway, i am not sure how many updates is counted good actually. can all advise?

i am currently updating when i order,
when items are at CGW (if applicable),
when they are with me,
when i post out item / when courier pick up items.
unsure when else should i update?

cos to me, it is pointless to send emails that say
"hi all, no updates yet. just updating you that i have no updates yet. thanks"..
(okay that was a joke but you all get my point... haha)
to side track abit..

i find this spreeist of mine really courageous..

"2/18/2011 11:56:57 Good Spree Organiser Celia VS joined her spree only once due to timing and collection suitable for me so I try despite all the feedback."

LOL, honestly, if i am a spreeist and i read so many bad comments about this person, i will hesitate to join her... amazing spreeist i have, wish i know who is this!
(can whoever posted this, please email me? i will like to know you more! haha)


True that when read so many bad comments probably will not join.

I think no need to send emails, but just update on the threads to keep the thread "alive"? Not sure how long no update, threads will be removed. Put smiley faces if needed.

Have you put up a table to show who ordered what items, showing who made payment?

Update on your payment made to the other parties such as vpost or some other services when placing orders?

Update when items reached Singapore (do up table on how much shipping to pay for each spreeist).

Update when post out items.

Emailed to answer questions of queries, within 1-2days if possible.

That's what usually organisers do for my orders. Anything else to add?
