Sharing your views on Bad/Good Overseas Spree Organisers

agrees with bubuchan

i had been organising sprees for almost 4 years already i think. started off cos i hated joining others' sprees and being at the mercy of their meet up timing.. now i do it cos i enjoy it or i got things to get.

mainly cos my regulars want something and i will hope that i can "get" it for them...

actually i was quite surprised that SMH don't allow handling fees, cos at the spree comms i org spree at, in the past, we have handling fees ranging from 50cents to $1 depending on organisers leh.. haha..

2kidsmommy (kimmies)

I'm the sis. this should be my last post for your case.

1. well, your hubby thinks I'm rude, hmmmm... you dont expect me to smile at him like a pervert do you?

2. I did ask him to check if the goods are correct. even if I did smile, he wont notice it since he's looking in the bag.

3. Since after he looked in the bag he turned his body away, i pressume he's walking away, so the bag seems fine. I had to rush back office to pack my things to rush to childcare to pick my kid, having half day childcare, so i rush off. I don't have a nice hubby around me to pick up my stuff and my kids and take care of my life.

Thinking of it, if i meant to be rude, i wont reach early and waited outside the lobby for him. I could have given you more problems and excuses like stuck in the toilet, which I had a bad tummyache and almost got stuck. I force myself to rush and clean up quickly so i can be early since I'm late the previous day.

so much for rushing to be early and he thinks i'm giving attitude.
To me, I don't mind if "GOOD organisers" earn credit card points, but if "BAD organisers" earn credit card points + super high shipping + don't know what else other perks, then I definitely won't want to join that particular organiser anymore...standing in the shoes of spreeist, why want to be overcharged?

Agreed that organisers have to have the passion to organise a spree, from placing order, sorting out items and posting out items.

Can opt for courier or registered mail. No need to meet up.
celia: i am equally surprised that you think handling fees are correct. in my 4 years on SMH, i've never come across any other spree organiser who voiced such an opinion. I saw the comment by mab3ru yesterday & didn't think much of it till i came in today and saw what u said.

i want to reiterate what pooh3bear said. handling fees should only be for things like envelopes, bubble wrap & such. there shouldn't be an "admin" fee tagged on. in fact, if any spree organiser wants free bubble wrap, paper & such, welcome to get it from me. i have tons of it from iherb & nuff said.
re jngyi/teaapack/tequilaneat....

I am disappointed with the lack of updates. after initiL update, she disappeared again. she gave a mobile number that no one picks up, does not return SMS or emails promptly.

just realize that she charges $12 to $22 for courier service.....
<font color="aa00aa">Hi, Gracelynn:</font> <font color="000000">S$12 to S$22 for courier services is exorbitant. Unless you are requesting courier to deliver (very) heavy items such as books, liquid form products such as shower gel, body lotion etc to a designated place, otherwise, for light weighted items such as clothes, bags etc, I don't see why such hefty courier charges are being imposed (possibly for delivery to a single address).
bubuchan (nurnurnini)
i like the way u said abt <font color="aa00aa">PA$$ION</font> vs <font color="aa00aa">PASSION</font>

(-_-) (oppsgal)
u know, not many spreeist wan to go by courier... coz it's extra cost.. so i try my very best to meet at the said place for them, then if one of us cant make it due to unforseen circumstances, we got to change the date again. But luckily, i got quite understanding spreeists from the RL spree.. btw them and me... so far still quite good,...

Gracelynn (gracelynn)
omg, u paid such high courier fees...what you courier to incur such high courier fees??

from ta-q-bin website on the courier fees bases on the size of the parcel.

This is for speedpost:
Not specifically refering to you, just wana know more abt the rules &amp; regulation here. So far, I had joined quite a no of sprees here but yet to encounter any Organizer charging handling fees for self collection. Being Organizer myself, I don't see why there's a need to charge handling fee if spreeist opt for self-collection @ my convenience. Agreed that I do charge handling @ times, but its only for those who opt for postages.

(-_-) (oppsgal)
Thanks for sharing!!!

bubuchan (nurnurnini)
Agreed with your saying of PA$$ION but @ least an Organizer shd state upfront abt their T&amp;C (ie. handling fee).
I will not join sprees that charge handling charges unless the ordered item is really unique. By joining, it is encouraging or giving the wrong idea to the rest to do so.

I've seen some organisers especially those who are spreeing from China and Taiwan websites, they are charging the handling/admin charge based on PER ITEM (imagine one orders 10 items!). If handling/admin charge is based on PER SPREEIST with value within a dollar for the organiser's hard work, perhaps I may still consider if the order is unique.

However, I will pay the extra charges for the envelopes, tapes because it is not fair for spree organiser to absorb these stationary costs. Do bear in mind, some organisers are charging each spreeist 50cents to $1.50 for such stationary cost. Imagine if there's 10 spreeists x $1.50 = $15. $15 stationary costs for envelopes, tapes should be more than enough??
$4.90 (size 60 &amp; 80) from gmarket for ta-q-bin. But have to prepare for having to call them to double check timing and date, once in a while, courier might make some mistakes.
For small and heavy things, is good to use ta-q-bin. For bulky and light weight, then use registered mail.

Stones? haha... So far I haven't receive any organiser asking me to pay S$12 to S$22 for only courier services, unless the shipping cost + courier?

Should not charge handling fees like per item. Have seen some charge $1/item.
But material fees (envelopes, wrapping paper, bubble wraps) still alright. meaning per order up to $0.50+, still understandable, since organisers need to buy envelope. Nowadays big envelope $0.50.
Oh yes, I came across a spree that self collection also charged handling fee. I'm puzzled!!?? Why is there a charge for self collection??
<font color="000000">Agreed with mummy oppsgal that good quality envelope are not cheap.

If you would to pop by Popular, they have 3 categories of envelopes differentiated by their colours, that is brown, white and the orange brown, with the orange brown being the most expensive among the 3 colours, can cost between S$0.30 to S$0.50 per envelope depending on the size.

I remember paying S$12 for my TBP books and I think the weight of all my books justify the courier charges as it is real heavy
Personally thinks that China/ Taiwan spree is kindof troublesome and got to purchase in bigger bulk, so can understd why organizer are charging handling fee. But don't think that shd be the case for US/UK spree.
Actually 50cents for handling(stationary costs) is quite reasonable. As oppsgal had mention ~ nowadays envelopes can be costly. Handling of $1-$1.50 is fairly high from my opinion.
Yes, I was puzzled too and thats why I'm questioning.

(-_-) (oppsgal)
Wow, $1/item ~ isn't that obviously profiting ???
I've been spreeing from Taiwan for a long time. It's not true that orders need to be purchased in bulk. It works like US/UK Spree. In fact, for Taiwan sprees, handling fees are waived if the order hits the min amt and this amt is not a lot (range between SGD50 to SGD80 only), and these websites offered members credit points in terms of cash which can be offset for next purchase.

I'm not sure with China website though. However, I believed China websites do not entertain small purchases.

I ever joined a China spree where organiser charged paypal charges (which I understand), and also handling fees are charged on top of the stationary fees, postage and shipping costs. Handling fees are charged with different amts depends on the # of items ordered. I understand spreeing from China website is kinda troublesome, so if there's handling charge of $1 per spreeist and not based on per item, I kinda fine with it for the hard work.

Yes, I agreed 50cents for stationary costs are very reasonable. Same thinking as you, $1 to $1.50 if a bit high, but I think it depends on how bulky the items are.

Hmm perhaps the handling fee for self collection is to pay for the organiser's transport fee??
I do not mind paying for $0.50 to $1.00 handling fees cos I know that the envelope + tapes and the transport to get to the post office and to go back home will cost more than that.

But paying more than $10 for delivery charge is totally absurb. I would rather pick it up myself! I think that organizer have to explain to u why the courier charges is so expensive. Once I wanted to get Hari Raya goodies from one mummy (not from SMH). She charges me $15 for courier. I rejected her and tell her can I arrange for my own courier. She refused to do so cos this is how she earns more money. She will send to all the mummies who ordered around the same area. Imagine 5 mummies x $15 that would total up to $75 and she is staying at Pasir Ris where else I am at Eunos. I drop my order and have not order from her ever since.

Only know both taiwan and china sprees got the "agent fees" to pay.

Just curious, which spree you are using for taiwan spree?
Sidetrack a bit...cos curious about this:

Why do some organisers state that they have a right to adjust the exchange rate up when they receive the cc bills? how come they never say they will adjust it down if the rate from cc is lower? Whether do they adjust in the end I don't know. Or I have to assume that these organisers will adjust the rate down automatically?

(note: refering to the US exchange rate here, not sure about other types of exchange rate)

As to handling fees, probably its for their efforts of organising and coordinating? its not easy to become one anyway.
<font color="aa00aa">Hi, joy118:</font> <font color="000000">For my TBP spree with Oceans, she does adjust her Sterling Pounds exchange rate downward depending on which batch of order my order falls in.

For the rest of the sprees I have joined, exchange rate is fixed.

But come to think of it, exchange rate differences is only significant if your transaction is high. Usually most spree will close at USD200 or USD250 as anything more will incur the additional 7% GST.

Taking USD exchange rate as an example:-</font>

<table border=1><tr><td>Transaction Amount in USD</TD><TD>Exchange Rate</TD><TD>Transaction Amount in SGD</TD><TD>Differences </TD></TR><TR><TD>$100</TD><TD>1.35</TD><TD>$135.00</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>$100</TD><TD>1.36</TD><TD>$136.00</TD><TD>$1.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>$100</TD><TD>1.37</TD><TD>$137.00</TD><TD>$2.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>$100</TD><TD>1.38</TD><TD>$138.00</TD><TD>$3.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>$100</TD><TD>1.39</TD><TD>$139.00</TD><TD>$4.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>$100</TD><TD>1.4</TD><TD>$140.00</TD><TD>$5.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>$1,000</TD><TD>1.35</TD><TD>$1,350.00</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>$1,000</TD><TD>1.36</TD><TD>$1,360.00</TD><TD>$10.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>$1,000</TD><TD>1.37</TD><TD>$1,370.00</TD><TD>$20.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>$1,000</TD><TD>1.38</TD><TD>$1,380.00</TD><TD>$30.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>$1,000</TD><TD>1.39</TD><TD>$1,390.00</TD><TD>$40.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD>$1,000</TD><TD>1.4</TD><TD>$1,400.00</TD><TD>$50.00 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Hi all, I started organising my own sprees as I had a sort of bad experience before. The spree org used borderlinx n shipping was so ex cuz her orders were so little n gst was incurred. 1 tee was $2+ for shipping and it was gymboree! That was the first time I spree w gymboree so I didn't know that there was direct shipping available. Anyway I got feD up and decided to do my own sprees. My first spree I copied the format from another spree org (forgot who).I felt paisay to charge handling fee and was scratching my head at the exchange rate to charge. Until my fren said "oh nw all 1.38" so I jus follow la.

I dun charge handling fees cuz I tink the diff in exchange rate can cover Liao. Gradually I did more n more batches and am actually enjoy doing sprees altho sometimes not enuf orders I order myself to close fast. Lol! Luckily I gave a few away as Xmas gifts. Else stuck!!

As for shipping costs, yes it's very unpredictable. I use cgw as recommended by another spree org and I love their repacking svc. Usd7-10 to repack from 13kg to 4.5kg. Ya I actually kena before from crazy8. Thank god for cgw's repacking svc <3 <3!! I use a baking scale to measure individual weight of the items n split among all spreeists( recoomended by yet another spree org) So far no issues.

Reading comments on ppl questioning abt slightly higher rates is quite sad! For all the effort, a few cts more per dollar shld be ok? After I start to org spree, I realize that it's really not so ez. Staying up till 1-2am to plc orders/do spreadsheet, wait for revised orders.. I'm not complaining as it's part n parcel of organising spree and I like to org sprees. Bt I dun grumble anymore if spree org plc order slihtly late cuz other spreeists not paid yt m there's nt enuf orders to close the batch..and when I do join other ppl sprees, I pay promptly too. Dropped my bad habit if delaying pymt! =x
<font color="ff0000">Advise to displeased people who "demand" their comments to be posted in spreadsheet but comments have been removed with NO notice given:</font>
1. ask moderator to set up a system too, see if moderator can help:
2. Post with your own forum nick OR nicks in this forum, if cannot post here, do post in other threads
3. Create your own spreadsheet and have your own rules
4. <font color="ff0000">DO NOT “SPAM” THE SPREADSHEET or mis-use spreadsheet</font>
5. Do not view or post if think spreadsheet is unfair

<font color="ff0000">This spreadsheet is for BAD/GOOD OVERSEAS SPREE ORGANISERS ONLY. Please <u> do not post in spreadsheet </u> if you disagreed with the terms or think is “unfair”.</font>

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1"> Things not to ask:</font></font>
1. who have posted the comments in the spreadsheet, as no records are shown. That is the pro and also con of the spreadsheet – anonymous for entry of records. Please do exercise your own judgement when reading the comments posted by others.
<u>Do beware of:</u> Bad organisers might post comments of themselves as "good organisers" or bad spreeists might also sabotage good organisers in spreadsheet etc.
2. for modification of spreadsheet (sorting the records or adding new information columns etc) as it is time consuming. Thank you for your understanding.

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">To view:</font></font>;hl=en&amp;output=html

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">To post:</font></font>

<font color="0000ff">Only selected comments made will be posted in the spreadsheet/forum to share.</font>
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Please be considerate when entering comments.</font></font>

Thank you for sharing your comments/views on spree organisers. Hopefully a rating system will be created soon by moderator...
jamie nov:
hihi! ya, org spree not easy!! hehhe...
i usin CGW too.. im using via borderlessbuys cgw amex... cos faster shipping.. their repack service is gd but hor, takes a bit longer..

and i realise amex cc rate charges usually higher than my uob.. :p
shokel: yes their repacking svc saved my life and my pocket lei.. lol! usually i get to save abt 50% of the shipping! esp 1 spree i did for maclaren items. the vol wt was 8.5kg, actually only 3+kg!
<font color="000000">May I just leverage on this thread to ask a question as I wish to seek some advices. Please pardon me if my posting is too long.

When you do a meet up to pay and collect an item (i.e. COD) and the condition of the item is not what is explained by the seller, would you reject the deal at the point of meet up?

In another forum I have patronised, I have confirmed my purchase with another mummy on some storybooks. Throughout the PM correspondence I was given the impression by the seller that the books are brand new and therefore needs to be sold at a higher price. In consideration that the books are described as brand new, we have agreed on the price and have arranged to meet up.

Upon meeting up, I realised that the conditions of the books are not brand new i.e. the vertical edge of some of the books are already decolourised, which indicates that it has been read frequently. However, I still proceed with the transaction, thinking that probably that happens to 1 to 2 books only.

Late night when I reach home and start wrapping those books with plastic cover, I realised that 2 books have names written on it :S

I have contacted the seller and she is willing to take back her books and does full refund to me. However, all the books are already wrapped and thus I have requested for discount. Seller has rejected my request for a discount. Seller then mentioned that she can always re-sell the book to other mummies and she don't need the plastic cover.

Fearing that removal of the plastic book cover will further compromise the book conditions and resulted in further disharmony/rooms of argument during meet up, I have decided to keep the books, at a price which I don't think the books are worth paying.

Having said the above, for meet-ups, is it advisable to break off the deal? I hope to seek some advices as I seldom do meet up myself. Thank you.</font>
i think u should not accept to keep the books. return it in whichever manner it was given to u. since u have open up some, then leave it as it is. tat way for the rest too.

if it's not as per describe and the seller dun budge on reducing the price, i dun see a reason why u should be so kind to accept the not-as-describe items that u were intended to buy in the first place.

as she already said, she can stll resell to other poor mummies who might be the next "victim" so just return all to her, take back ur $$. dun compromise on the $$ part, since she oso not apologetic about it..

as a warning to the others who might be the next victim, i suggest highlighing to the moderators if they do have 1, or try to write something to "warn" others about this particular seller...

Sorry if i might sound "harsh" coz i m quite particular on these kind of describtion thingy....
<font color="aa00aa">Hi, pooh3bear:</font> <font color="000000">Thanks for the advice. That is what my hubby advice to me as well. He even said to remove all the plastic book cover (which I have already fixed them to the book with scotch tapes) and just return the books to the seller, claim back the $$$.

Latest update from the seller via sms is that she will consider extending discount to me so I am waiting for her reply till end of today. To be fair, she did apologise to me in her sms about the book conditions but she seems more keen to recall the books then to extend the discount to me.
<font color="aa00aa">Hi, pooh3bear:</font> <font color="000000">Just an update on the status. The seller did not revert to a discount so I guess it is gone case already. In fact, she stops sms-ing me
Bubuchan, Then u should let us know who is the seller. It is good if we can expose the bad sellers from the WTS threads. This will create awareness to all future buyers and hopefully more sellers will be honest when selling their pre-love stuffs. Anyway, if they have bad reputation... there will another year before they are able to post in the WTS with a new Nick.

Also, one thing I noticed plp are selling 2nd hand stuffs just few dollars short from major dept store and there are even plp selling same or even more expensive than what u can get outside. That part I really do not understand... if it is just $5 lesser for a 2nd hand... I would rather get new one... I believe that 2nd hand items should be sold 2/3 or lesser of the original price unless it is BN, BNWT and played once, twice and really looked brand new.
<font color="aa00aa">Hi, Rina:</font> <font color="000000">The seller just revert to me and she is willing to extend some discount to me. Now pending for the refund to be made on Monday. This seller is from another forum I have patronized and not from SMH. The lesson I have learnt from this purchase is if I am really not comfortable with the item condition that is if the described condition is not what I get when I meet up, I should reject and call off the deal even if it means not dealing with that seller again.</font>
Hi bubuchan,
just read your scenario.

I don't know how much you've paid for the items, but I think I'll just forget it. Previously I've bought some preloved maternity and newborn clothes from another SMH mommy. Paid around S$50 if I'm not wrong.

1 of the maternity dresses cost around S$17 has a big patch of yellow stain. Another 2 rompers, cost S$2/each, had serious ballings.
My mother even commented that the rompers is equivalent to rags.

I wrote the seller, she willing to take those stuffs back but in original form. Faint! I already washed them leow cos the clothes smell is too 'storeroom' for me to take.
Then I LL lor ... I can only remember the nick and even the item price list to remind myself "cheap things no good, good things no cheap".

Forget it la! Just make sure don't buy from her again. Treat it as Lesson Fee la.
For COD, people should check items on the spot before accepting the items.

If bring back then find out, it is a little late to ask for refund. The seller can always don't refund or seller can say items are damaged after the meet-up and so don't refund.
Hi oppsgal,
my case is via postage.
When I looked through the picture which was posted in WTS previously, I realised the 'yellowish' portion is not within the photo range. Anyway, its been some time leow, just learnt a lesson.

For COD, I feel that usually I won't check in details too. Cos meet up is usually at MRT stations or crowded places, I feel very awkward to openly check those items especially clothings.

I just meet wit a bad spee who charge me US exhange rate at 1.95 and gst and custom tax on top of the sandals payment which add up to $12.10. Anyone experience so high exchange rate?

In additional she want me to pay for the register mail but I stated clearly I want self collect as she need to be overseas. I told her I got no urgency but she refused.

She said If you would like to refund the sandals due to the top up, i am able to refund u 50percent of cost or an alternative would be helping u to sell away and u would be able to get back at 80% cost of what u have paid after i manage to help u sell it off.

What should I do? Continue to top up 12.10+2.50(registered mail)or ask for 50% refund?
Tan SK

US exchange rate at 1.95? So far the highest is 1.48 (rate few months back), but currently the exchange rate went down, the lowest I have paid so far roughly is 1.31.

How to get 1.95? What credit card used? Registered mail is S$2.24/S$2.25.

I think depends on how badly you need to have the sandals and how much paid for it. If I were to pay lots $ for the item, I would just top up, rather than waste 50% of the money for refund. By the way, who set the rule of "50% refund"?
By postage then cannot check. Can always take a photo and post up for the seller to see after receiving the item. Then "discuss" on the reasonable amount for refund.
<font color="000000">My issue has been resolved as the seller has proceeded to refund the discount to me. But definitely will check my products more thoroughly in future during meet-up and have the courage to reject a deal at the point of meet-up if the condition is not what is being described.

As for exchange rate, US$1 to S$1.95 is way too high. That was the rate many many years ago when the US currencies are very strong and they have yet gone to war with the middle east countries.

As for tax, I think the only tax involves is GST. In view of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) we have established with many countries worldwide, any purchase that is less than S$400 will not have GST imposed. That purchase amount will be the cost of the items (converted to SGD) and inclusive of the freight and insurance charges. Which means if the cost of the price of the item is less than S$400 but after adding up the freight and insurance charges, it exceed S$400, that package will be charged with 7% GST.

As for duties, there are 4 types of dutiable goods in Singapore which is as follows:-

1. Intoxicating liquors, including spirits, wine, beer, ale and stout;
2. Tobacco, including cigarettes and cigars;
3. Motor spirit; and
4. Motor cars and motorcycles/motor scooters

With no taxes and duties imposed, I can't understand why such a high exchange rate has been imposed.
Hi hi,
I feel a bit strange on the spree that SK joins. Those orders and details are not shown in the thread - not transparent at all.
How does spreeists know SGD400/batch had been exceeded and incurred GST?
Like this, problematic organizers(eg. maybemummy) can easily start another spree with maybe a purchased ID with new spreeists ordering. Isn't it?

Hi SK,
maybe you can ask the organizer to share the screenshots to you to confirm those amounts are indeed incurred. Usually organizers will send you those shipping charges and sort as they have nothing to hide.
Btw, I don't quite understand why you have to pay exchange rate of U$1.95:S$1 because the orders should be directly in <font color="ff0000">Singapore Dollars</font> ( by choosing the <font color="ff0000">country</font>.
Moreover, this site is in Europe right? Then why USD? strange leh.
Btw, International Shipping is FREE right?
SK, personally i think that the 1.95 exchange rate meant an Euro exc rate is it? then it is reasonable.
But shipping charges should not be charged for footshopping sprees cos it should be free above SGD325 mah. unless spree org didn't cap.

kerene, exc rate is right, cos although footshopping shows the pricing in sgd, our cards are charged in euro, then converted to sgd by our banks leh
Never show exchange rate, never show bank account to transfer to, never show table breakdown and items place for order... how to join?
<font color="ff0000">Advise to displeased people who "demand" their comments to be posted in spreadsheet but comments have been removed with NO notice given:</font>
1. ask moderator to set up a system too, see if moderator can help:
2. Post with your own forum nick OR nicks in this forum, if cannot post here, do post in other threads
3. Create your own spreadsheet and have your own rules
4. <font color="ff0000">DO NOT “SPAM” THE SPREADSHEET or mis-use spreadsheet</font>
5. Do not view or post if think spreadsheet is unfair

<font color="ff0000">This spreadsheet is for BAD/GOOD OVERSEAS SPREE ORGANISERS ONLY. Please <u> do not post in spreadsheet </u> if you disagreed with the terms or think is “unfair”.</font>

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1"> Things not to ask:</font></font>
1. who have posted the comments in the spreadsheet, as no records are shown. That is the pro and also con of the spreadsheet – anonymous for entry of records. Please do exercise your own judgement when reading the comments posted by others.
<u>Do beware of:</u> Bad organisers might post comments of themselves as "good organisers" or bad spreeists might also sabotage good organisers in spreadsheet etc.
2. for modification of spreadsheet (sorting the records or adding new information columns etc) as it is time consuming. Thank you for your understanding.

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">To view:</font></font>;hl=en&amp;output=html

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">To post:</font></font>

<font color="0000ff">Only selected comments made will be posted in the spreadsheet/forum to share.</font>
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Please be considerate when entering comments.</font></font>

Thank you for sharing your comments/views on spree organisers. Hopefully a rating system will be created soon by moderator...

I would to seek advise to this recent spree I have joined.

In spree org's initial updates, she has mentioned that she will be calculating shipping based on units and confirm that my order is successful. So subsequently in her updates, I notice there were a couple of missing items on my order list. So after checking with her, she said that 2 of my items were prohibited hence order was not placed.

When items finally arrived, she sent out another spreadsheet with updated shipping based on actual weight of the items (i.e. actual shipping charges / total weight of items in spree)

After I have topped up the balance, she emailed me saying that she has somehow found 1 of the missing item in the box after-all and wanted me to top up shipping again.

In this instance, how should the shipping costs be re-calculated? She had used the "actual shipping charges / new total weight of items"

To me, the actual shipping charges has already been accounted for as all spree participants has paid the shipping. Should she actually refund the since the per gram cost is actually lower now before collecting the shipping from me?

Anyone else who likes to post any good/bad comments on the organiser - Celia(celiaa), can do so with your own forum nick. Spreadsheet seems to turn into some debating session.

Thank you.

momo-chan, i believe you are lilian?

I thought we settle this issue in email liao?

Anyway, to clarify for all:

the charges charged by CGW to me was $138.14,
total weight was 7349 gram.
Per gram is 138.14 / 7349 = $0.02/gram.

That is what is shown on my calculation
(I used excel formulas to calculate)

Lilian's items were 1804gram.
Her shipping charges should be 1804 * 0.02 = $36.08.

She initially paid $54.40.
Her item prices were $51.68 after discount.
Shipping was $36.08.

Shouldn't she be topping up $33.36?

Let me know if there is anything wrong with the way I calculated.
As for why the supposingly prohibited items appear in the box though CGW said that it was prohibited thus not ordered, I am not sure. I am sure whoever who used CGW before, knows that they screw up all the time and give us funny tricks. Isn't it a good thing that your item arrived anyway? :)

Not sure what is the issue of debate here, but I welcome suggestions if the way I am handling it is deemed wrong here. I had stated very clearly on my starting threads, that if you don't agree with me, don't join my sprees. I state everything there, down to the details of the price of my envelopes and packing fees, to where I can do meetups ONLY, to what discount codes are there, to SHARING my personal discount codes. Though I admit I am slow in replying at times, at max 1-2 days I will reply you, unless your email really land in the junk that I don't check. But give us all some leeway, I am sure many of the people here work and have a family to handle as well.

To comment on some of the spreadsheet comments on me, to the one who posted that I didn't help and enable PM and don't have flexible meetups:
AGAIN, i reliterate - I state everything on the thread - that I ONLY meet at that place. But I am not heartless. If you have dying reasons as to why I should meet you elsewhere and is NICE about it, I will try my best. The person who posted as good org, and said that I was flexible, probably was the ones that I met up out of my way, just cause they were polite enough to ask and their reasons were compelling. As for PM. I didn't accept them because SMH PM system is bad. I can't track it well, so I disable it. But I provide my email address. What's wrong with EMAILING?

As for contact number, I do give out to those who ask for it. AGAIN, i say, ASK. and it shall be given and we will all be happier people right?

I think momo-chan just want some clarification.

Let dont talk abt initial cost. Base on what is posted, i gather this is what happen.

1. Item arrived.
2. Item sorted and shipping by actual weight of 7374g and S$138.14 as stated by Celia above
3. Celia informed spreeists to pay shipping
4. Spreeists pay shipping.
5. Celia informed spreeist that found extra item and ask spreeist to pay.

If event (5) found happened after Celia had sorted and allocated items under event (2), shouldnt the shipping be recalculated?

<font color="0000ff">Shipping Cost= S$138.14
Weight of item before Celia found the extra = 7374g</font>

So, assuming if extra item are found is 5g, then, should this be add to 7374 g?

Then shipping will be S$138.14/(7374+5) = S$0.0187?

So, all spreesist should have a refund since the shipping charges became lower?
just to clarify.
all spreeists were refunded of the difference.

an email was sent out to them and i had so far refunded to two of them.the other 2 hadnt reply my mail yet. the last one is momochan, who is not affected by the refund exercise since she hadnt topped up in the first place.


does that settle everything now?
celia (celiaa)

Maybe she wants to double confirm the amount is correct before doing the transfer.

Has not topped up also need to find out the correct amount to transfer - refund/top up.

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Deleted from spreadsheet:</font></font>

Ceclia-Bad Spree Organiser (Aeropostale/ RL/ Supre/ Bath and Bodyworks/ ON)
Not helpful. Request to collect from her place, but she stated no other collection fee. If you notice, everytime someone post a bad comment on her, immediately, there will be a good comment on her... Shipping is high and charge high handling fee of $1.25 if you opt for registered post. High shipping cost too.

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Anyone else who likes to post any good/bad comments on the organiser - Celia(celiaa), can do so with your own forum nick. Spreadsheet seems to turn into some debating session. The next comment made on Celia(celiaa) will be deleted without posting in the forum.

Thank you for your cooperation.</font></font>
