Sharing your views on Bad/Good Overseas Spree Organisers

Hi Shokel and all

Understand the woes of organisers 'cos I cleared quite a bit of stuff from home a few months back via WTS/Craigs and every trip is an effort to make with the kid. Sometimes the item cost S$5 and more than 10smses, 2 phoncecalls are exchanged + MRTto/fro. I simply take it as a long trip out to buy groceries and an exclusive farewell to the white elephant...

I hope the good organisers out there don't get disheartened - there are many spreesists who appreciate your efforts very much

<font color="0000ff">feif</font>
hehe.. ya lor... some mummies abit too extreme liao..
close one eye, next time ban them from joinin our spree. keke..
<font color="0000ff">i advise all spreeist to take a little time to read the comments.. cos sometimes new spreeist a bit blur then end up complainin abt the same org... or so... haha.. </font>
I do private sprees with my friends ,also in SMH rarely and I can see how much difference is there in shipping cost and exchange rate from some of the sprees here.But there are really some very good and helpful spree organisers here.

For one US spree it comes to 10-15$ and UK sprees , can come to 20$ per 100 pound easily with the exchange rate the organisers using.
I think it would be good if each organiser charge a nominal charge for each order($1-$2) and show the invoices transparently .It would real good if organisers can post the scanned copy orders invoice and shipping invoice so we can ensure we pay which amount for what.And the organisers also get rewarded authentically for their effort instead of other way.
It is really hard to believe that the organisers want to order things from same website again and again for themselves so they conduct spree or they love so much to spree so that they can make their house look like warehouse by running so many sprees without any benefit.Apologies if it is bit offensive.
<font color="aa00aa">Archive Part 1 - 2010:;output=html</font>

<font color="ff0000">Advise to displeased people who "demand" their comments to be posted in spreadsheet but comments have been removed with NO notice given:</font>
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4. <font color="ff0000">DO NOT “SPAM” THE SPREADSHEET or mis-use spreadsheet</font>
5. Do not view or post if think spreadsheet is unfair

<font color="ff0000">This spreadsheet is for BAD/GOOD OVERSEAS SPREE ORGANISERS ONLY. Please <u> do not post in spreadsheet </u> if you disagreed with the terms or think is “unfair”.</font>

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1"> Things not to ask:</font></font>
1. who have posted the comments in the spreadsheet, as no records are shown. That is the pro and also con of the spreadsheet – anonymous for entry of records. Please do exercise your own judgement when reading the comments posted by others.
<u>Do beware of:</u> Bad organisers might post comments of themselves as "good organisers" or bad spreeists might also sabotage good organisers in spreadsheet etc.
2. for modification of spreadsheet (sorting the records or adding new information columns etc) as it is time consuming. Thank you for your understanding.

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Thank you for sharing your comments/views on spree organisers. Hopefully a rating system will be created soon by moderator...
good thread!
agree with feif &amp; rinairfan

to me, spree organiser is just another online seller.As I am an online seller too.Doing Pre Orders,collating the orders and the related things to it, is not an easy task.Quite tedious. So, I do appreciate spree organisers doing sprees as it is still cheap to buy in BP compared to going to the retail shop or buy on your own online.
Anyways, it is your decision to join which spree organisers , as simple as that.

Me too, far from Post office &amp; do not have own transportation ; so I understand the woes of the spree organizers.

Only thing is, there is one or 2 organisers, though their replies are prompt,but still need improvement on "customer service" skills :)
Thanks everyone, for sharing the information with me on the bad &amp; good spree organisers.

<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000"><blink>Wish everyone a Merry X'mas,</blink></font><font color="119911"><blink>and a Happy New Year too!</blink></font>
I joined one sunsky spree with a nice spree organiser &amp; recently got my stuff. Actually, do u ladies know that u can order a few items from sunsky &amp; they wil send direct to u via registered post? Shipping cost is cheaper too. I know cos I just ordered direct again.
Hi spree organisers,

I am confused by the shipping fee calculation. As such, would appreciate your enlightenment on the below.

If the total weight is 20kg. Among it, 19 kg belongs to the items in the box. For the remaining 1kg, it belongs to box that carries the items.

In this case, how do you distribute the 1kg from the carton box? Or does spree organiser have to absorb it? I know that usually it is distribute by weight of the items. But, by doing this, it does not tally cos the carton box (that carries the items) do have weight too and it is not light (at least 500g).

Appreciate your advise on the above.

Thank you and Happy New Year!
Shipping charge / total weight x order weight

Eg Shipping charged by vpost $100 based on weight 20kg
$100 / 20kg x each spreeist's order weight

I will not absorb the 1 kg because I m organizing the spree
Thanks to luckyanli and jxmum for their explanation.

Let's say the shipping is $100 based on 20kg.

spreeist A is 5kg, B is 10kg, and C is 4kg (total is 19kg)

Based on jxmum, it'd be $100/20kg = $5 per kg

As such, A would pay $25, B=$50 n C=$20 based on $5 x weight of their items. Total would only be $95 cos the weight of the box is still not calculated.

For luckyanli, it'd be $100/19kg = $5.26

So, for A($5.26X5)=$26.31. B=$52.60, n C=21.04
Total for the items would be $99.95.

In this case, I prefer luckyanli calculation cos the weight of the box is being evenly distributed.

And, yes, I agree that spree organizers should not absorb the weight of the box because it is not fair. It should be distributed among the spreeist.

Thank you all again and Happy New Year!
Sorry...mistake...what i meant is that u take $100 charged by vpost n divide by the total allocated weight...which is 19kg then multiply by the order weight. total u will get back $100. U dun use calculator, must use excel spreadsheet with the auto formula.

Luckyanli is correct.
<font color="aa00aa">Archive Part 1 - 2010:;output=html


<font color="ff0000">Advise to displeased people who "demand" their comments to be posted in spreadsheet but comments have been removed with NO notice given:</font>
1. ask moderator to set up a system too, see if moderator can help:
2. Post with your own forum nick OR nicks in this forum, if cannot post here, do post in other threads
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4. <font color="ff0000">DO NOT “SPAM” THE SPREADSHEET or mis-use spreadsheet</font>
5. Do not view or post if think spreadsheet is unfair

<font color="ff0000">This spreadsheet is for BAD/GOOD OVERSEAS SPREE ORGANISERS ONLY. Please <u> do not post in spreadsheet </u> if you disagreed with the terms or think is “unfair”.</font>

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1"> Things not to ask:</font></font>
1. who have posted the comments in the spreadsheet, as no records are shown. That is the pro and also con of the spreadsheet – anonymous for entry of records. Please do exercise your own judgement when reading the comments posted by others.
<u>Do beware of:</u> Bad organisers might post comments of themselves as "good organisers" or bad spreeists might also sabotage good organisers in spreadsheet etc.
2. for modification of spreadsheet (sorting the records or adding new information columns etc) as it is time consuming. Thank you for your understanding.

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Thank you for sharing your comments/views on spree organisers. Hopefully a rating system will be created soon by moderator...
<font color="aa00aa">Archive Part 1 - 2010:;output=html


<font color="ff0000">Advise to displeased people who "demand" their comments to be posted in spreadsheet but comments have been removed with NO notice given:</font>
1. ask moderator to set up a system too, see if moderator can help:
2. Post with your own forum nick OR nicks in this forum, if cannot post here, do post in other threads
3. Create your own spreadsheet and have your own rules
4. <font color="ff0000">DO NOT “SPAM” THE SPREADSHEET or mis-use spreadsheet</font>
5. Do not view or post if think spreadsheet is unfair

<font color="ff0000">This spreadsheet is for BAD/GOOD OVERSEAS SPREE ORGANISERS ONLY. Please <u> do not post in spreadsheet </u> if you disagreed with the terms or think is “unfair”.</font>

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1"> Things not to ask:</font></font>
1. who have posted the comments in the spreadsheet, as no records are shown. That is the pro and also con of the spreadsheet – anonymous for entry of records. Please do exercise your own judgement when reading the comments posted by others.
<u>Do beware of:</u> Bad organisers might post comments of themselves as "good organisers" or bad spreeists might also sabotage good organisers in spreadsheet etc.
2. for modification of spreadsheet (sorting the records or adding new information columns etc) as it is time consuming. Thank you for your understanding.

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">To view:</font></font>;hl=en&amp;output=html

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<font color="0000ff">Only selected comments made will be posted in the spreadsheet/forum to share.</font>
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Please be considerate when entering comments.</font></font>

Thank you for sharing your comments/views on spree organisers. Hopefully a rating system will be created soon by moderator...
Please be my judge, is it my fault that all the previous PMs were sent to my SPAM BOX?

I was so glad that her hubby finally emailed me to cancel the order &amp; request for a refund;


On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 8:48 PM
Congratulations! You have received a private message from the following discussion board user: Carolsong


Hi Tan Leng Leng,

Could you kindly send me your Email and contact information. I have not heard from you after 3 Private Messages sent since I made my payment yesterday.

I hope that this is a misunderstanding. If I still do not hear from you, it will be necessary to make a police report with your bank account number and request the police to investigation with the forum administrator for your details.

Thanks &amp; regards,


On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 3:32 PM
Hi Leng Leng,

Thank you for your kind and prompt reply. I am sorry that the Email went to your spam folder.

Could you kindly refund me the money as 2 to 4 weeks is too long for me to wait? My wife Carol bought the cream elsewhere and had already received it.

Please inter-bank transfer the $73.74 back to my

POSB Savings
Account: 018-27702-6

and cancel my order.

I am sorry for any inconvenience caused or misunderstanding.

Thank you.

Best regards,



On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 11:14 PM

This had been the most unpleasant experience of my spreeing hobby since 2005.

I could have asked you to come to our home to collect cash from me instead of a ibanking refund to you.

I've done the refund, please check before you accuse me of running away with your money &amp; make a police report;
Your transaction is completed.
You may wish to print out a copy of this confirmation for your reference.

To Account POSB Savings
018-XXXXX-6 Evan
Amount S$73.74
Transaction Reference 7418548776

Please please please, NEVER NEVER NEVER join in my spree or purchase anything from me.

Thank you,
Leng Leng
Thousands of mummies &amp; daddies have came to my doorstep for collections since I started spreeing in 2005,
this is the one &amp; only time I received a police report warning!

2-4 weeks wait for Egyptian Magic Cream spree is too long?
It's in my spree thread that waiting time is 2-4 weeks!

Please give me a good excuses to continue spreeing...
I think I'm depressed......
Dear Leng Leng,

I am one of the thousands who have benefitted from your various sprees. Sorry that you had to meet such a person as described above. She joined an overseas spree and expected ready stock?!?! She needs immediate response or she needs to report to the police!?!? And she doesn't have the courtesy to close the episode herself - need hubby to do so?

I am not a spree organiser myself - don't think i'm up to it. But in my 2 short years here, I have had unpleasant dealings with 3 persons already, from WTB and WTS sections. Corresponding with these people make my blood boil. I do wonder what experiences they have gone through in life that make them so uppity and so nasty. But these people just exist and if you do meet them, it's through no fault of yours. Making mountains out of molehills seem like what they do for a living.

Finally, I am very very grateful for those who organise sprees for I've saved so much just by participating. KUDOS all you spree organisers - er... the good ones only ok - Leng Leng, Jxmum, Ocean definitely included
Hi Leng Leng,

You're one of the best organisers that I've known around here. I've joined your sprees, and I remembered there was once that I was so busy that I kept forgetting to collect my stuff from you, and you came to my house to pass me the stuff. You also advised me when I asked if I should get a new pump, and you never fail to try to help other mummies, like me.

From the pm that you've posted, it's sad to hear that you've received a police report warning when payment has only been made a day.

I've been both a spreeist &amp; also an organiser. While I may not be among the best organisers around, I do take responsibility to provide regular updates &amp; help mummies whenever I could, and I think I've done my best. However, my patience does run out on certain occasions although I would say most spreeists who have joined my sprees have been nice &amp; understanding. Sometimes, an unpleasant encounter is enough to make an organiser to stop organising sprees. When I was spreeing back in 08, I remembered many good organisers, who are now mostly gone.

I think mummies should be a little patience when joining sprees. Sprees would usually take ~3-4 weeks &amp; pkgs may get delayed due to factors beyond the organisers, such as freight forwarder delaying the shipping. In the spree section, I was ever told by mod that ready stock is actually not allowed. Most spree organisers work or even if they're SAHM, people do have things to do for their own life as well &amp; are not stuck to the computer or mobile phone round the clock, and provide immediate response. I don't even reply immediately to my bosses' emails, considering it's my rice bowl, as sometimes, emails could be just a little too overwhelming.
Also, just to add on, PMs from SMH do get into our SPAM folder occasionally. I've encountered it once &amp; it took me more than a day to notice it as most people would not be bothered to read their SPAM folder. But luckily my spreeist has been patience in waiting for my reply.
So shocking to read about the above! I hope no other ladies on this forum will jump at spree organisers so quickly before checking details and terms/conditions.

It's good that Leng Leng posted the details on this thread lest she posts a -ve review on the spreadsheet to dent your reputation!

Some ladies may not be aware that different merchant/organisers/countries use different methods for shipping and therefore waiting times vary? Likewise calculation of shipping costs. I think certain people may assume that items will reach very quickly.

You have many many many grateful mummies for support here, Leng Leng
Also a big thanks to Jxmum, Simplee, Simplyle, Kittybride, Slepyvon, Bernice, Reira, alien77 and Lynnetmama for making spreeing such a fuss-free experience!
<font color="aa00aa">Hi, Tan Leng Leng (tanlengleng):</font> <font color="000000">I empthaise with you as in the course of organising my BP, I have also experience "difficult" buyers but luckily, 95% are nice mummies who are understanding.

Personally I don't not wish to establish a unhappy relationship with any of my buyers so I will also take your approach, cancel the order and refund that person if I find that I wouldn't be comfortable dealing with her. Though it is not explicitly stated but I will not wish to deal with such buyers again.

I don't join spree very often so usually I will go to those who I have been spree-ing often and are credible but I do notice in another forum that some spree organisers, in order to show their creditbility, actually "manipulate" their sales portfolio, i.e. create new psuedo account, place order, acknowledge payment, all done by the same person. Wonder why he/she has to do that .... </font>
Leng leng, do not let 1 unpleasant experience get you down. YOu have been patient and informative when organizing spree and certainly brought much savings to mummies so do continue!
leng leng - oh dear, that sucks. cheer up.. I may retire soon - all the chasing and "scolding" plus time away from my other domestic + kid duties is starting not to make much sense...
Hi leng leng, I've nvr joined yr spree bt I feel so sorry for you tat u hv to go thru all these.. But pls be assured tat there are many mummies out thr who appreciate d effort fm spree organizer.. I'm definitely one of the grateful one!!

You ladies are simply wonderful!! I saved so much thru spree.. I'm amazed how u all can carry out spree.. It's hardwork!! Tkx so much..

Special tkx to Sleepyvon, rach, kittybride, Burberry, mumz, Vicky, dawnb!! Pls cont as long as u can!!!
Leng Leng

Used to spree with u but nowadays no cos no time to buy baby stuff and I gave up bf ... U are one of the best Spree organisers and my hubby also appreciate the time u have taken to patiently guide him the usage of the breast pump. That Carol must be living in the cave and $70 going to the police? If no reply via PM, post in the thread to check for status lah...
Simply put it this way, the reason why you should carry on spreeing is...this Carol just don't worth it
Hi Leng Leng,

I am also a BP and Spree organiser myself. Throughout all the BPs and sprees, I have encountered very nice, friendly mummies whom I have become friends now. But there are also very nasty ones who have scolded me over emails, smses, FB and phone calls.

It is indeed depressing, angry and tiring whenever I encountered these unreasonable people. What I do is to try to accomodate them as it is pointless to be angry or screaming at each other. However, I will try to remember their nick/ email address to blacklist them.

There are also occasions when I encountered GST charges by VPost which I have to collect back from spreeists. On the GST matter, some spreeists will scold me too.

All these above discouraged me from Sprees, imagine I only started last year when I was on medical leave and wanted something to occupy my time as well as mind. I have explained in my email/ spree/ BP/ FB that I was on medical leave, undergoing treatments which made me exhausted sometimes. I thought I was being upfront so that mummies can understand if I am late in replying etc and also seek their understanding to bear with me and join only if they are comfortable.

Yet, despite all my T&amp;C, I still encountered some forum members being very rude to me.

So now, I only do sprees and BPs if my friends ask me to. I am very thankful that I have came to know very nice and friendly mummies here who have been very supportive last year when I was undergoing treatments. They supported me by encouraging and "asking" me to do sprees etc.
Advised me how to take care of myself better in term of physically, emotionally and mentally.

Pardon me for the long posting. What I want to say to you is that STAY ON DOING! I have never join your sprees before but I know you are one of the best organisers here! Dont give up!
diamond42, I understand how you feel, there are just some mummies who wld expect immediate response, just like the one Leng Leng encountered.

Some mummies hv asked if I'm doing new sprees, but as I'm entering into my 33rd wk of pregnancy, I think I rather not, in case, any emergency arises or I can't complete outstanding sprees before I give birth, don't want unnecessary unhappy incidents during the period that I might not be contactable, &amp; definitely don't warn to be warned of police case. I've only heard of mummies reporting to police really for very long outstanding cases, like weeks/months, definitely not few days.
leng leng, you're a much more experienced &amp; long timing spree organiser, i see what you've encountered, so i better not take any risk. i can't imagine if police comes knocking on my door during confinement, definitely not going to let that happen. now, i just want to quickly finish up my sprees as anything can happen... 1 mummy in my mar 12 mummy grp already given birth in 35th wk. i even chased after mummies to email me their acct details for refund, they not kan chiong, i kan chiong.
Hi leng leng,

There are some black sheeps around but so many of us spree with you before will surely know you well.

I have received my items promptly from you many times even though it's by normal postage.

You are one of my fav organizer, cheer up..
Guess what? I've been threatened by this spreeist! Why are spreeists nowadays so impatient? Emailed me on Wed around 10am to inform address, I posted out on Thursday, just that I haven't had time to update her. And today at 10am, emailed me again to threaten me. And the mail went into my junk mail but luckily I saw it when I checked my email just now. Sigh...

**Leng leng : should I count myself lucky that the spreeist didn't threaten me to go police?**

<font color="0000ff">--- On Fri, 10/2/12, Jynn Tan <[email protected]> wrote:

From: Jynn Tan <[email protected]>
Subject: Where is my item? Will report to Moderator is still no response from you!
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Date: Friday, 10 February, 2012, 10:50 AM</font>

This is the first email received from her regarding addy :

<font color="0000ff">--- On Wed, 8/2/12, [email protected] <[email protected]> wrote:

From: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Subject: My address
To: [email protected]
Date: Wednesday, 8 February, 2012, 10:24 AM

Congratulations! You have received a private message from the following discussion board user: Hugomum


Hi, please mail item to:
Thanks and look forward to receiving the item soon.</font>

Jxmum, please dont get affected. There are still many regular spreeists who are really appreciative of your efforts.

I echoed what Alice said earlier "You ladies are simply wonderful!! I saved so much thru spree.. I'm amazed how u all can carry out spree.. It's hardwork!! Tkx so much.. "
