Sharing your views on Bad/Good Overseas Spree Organisers

Hi Mona, yes u can send them your email but that does not gurantee u will get the invitation. As u will need a valid US address.

So it was a great effort for all the mummies that is doing the Coach Factory sale spree as they have to do a screen shot of all the pages so that we can get see & shop

Thanks to u all
yes. register urself with the coach factory store website link given by froggie. u will get the invitation within 1 month, i think. good luck! i am not sure if they require any US address to do it. but no harm trying.
Hi All,

The point of my sharing is to make sure  no one buy counterfeit and think that they are paying for genuine goods. 

Not accusing anyone of cheating here.

Just to create awareness.

It is best to refer to the official reply from Coach and also direct more enquiries to Coach.
hi froggie,
thanks for your reply.
Then I assume issues the same receipts as u would get if buy from local Coach stores / factory outlets, right? That is why your SIL is able to return the bags to the local stores.
If they issue the same receipts and the Coach stores acknowleged them, I would think they are authentic too.
they only give out one to two receipts for the multiple items. i have screen shots of them in my photobucket but i could not give the original one. there are 2 lucky ladies who got the orginal cos their item happen to be the only item on one page of the receipt.

i think as spree organisers, it is not worthwhile taking the risk to spree for fake items. coach is definitely not hard to get in US, and to get the fakes are even harder. it is a very common bag here and many ppl could afford it and it's definitely not a luxury item that ppl want to counterfeit, not like LV or gucci. the coach knock offs are inferior in quality and if u ever own a coach before, it's not hard to tell the fakes from the real ones.

we are only collecting a little sum for our service and it really takes alot of work to do a spree. i would not jeopardise my reputation for a fake.
"We periodically host an invitation-only online store, usually over a 48 hour window. This site is not searchable and may be accessed only with a user ID included with the invitation. Participation in these events is random, drawn from our current database of email addresses of Factory Store purchasers. To improve your odds of receiving one of these invitations, please be sure to provide your email address when purchasing in a Coach outlet store." ~ Coach


The above website is searchable and may allow you to submit your email address to register. Based on my experience, you cannot access the site at your first time. Then there will come a time of receiving email stating that your access to the site is granted, using your userid and password. Whenever there is a sale event, you'll be able to receive an invitation for you to access the site and will be given the privilege for you to participate. Before you can use an international CC, but now it won't allow you unless you are using a US CC with matching US residential address.

WE ARE NOT SO SURE...don't conclude. But if based on the letter sent by official Coach customer service, that their factory online site is not searchable, then I may think that is a counterfeit and perhaps they also schedule a sales event parallel to the real coach factory sale. That's my own perception.

A friend of mine has already tried purchasing directly from It's authentic...that's what she believed. As for me, I had many attempts...but everytime I check out, I had second thoughts. That's why I have not tried yet to purchase.

Now it's your guts, it's what you believe. Spreeists may believe it's not counterfeit that's why they share to you their privileges. Kudos to their efforts, knowing they don't even get any income from spree orgnizing. They provide screenshots of items on sale because you cannot access the site if you are not registered and not invited. It's guaranteed that their screenshots are not edited with revised prices. Others allow to share their userid and password for you to view personally the site. Now if you're not too confident, why join? I think they are not also aware whether it's fake or not. Or they may also have verified it. For those who have doubts, good thing on your side that someone has tried to verify from coach on what's real and what's not. At least you can rely to that to control your impulse of buying. Those who strongly believe and feel that's bags from spree are authentic, continue to join. All will be happy and fair.
Hi all,

Like what I wrote before, if the purchases that my sil bought can be return to the local store, isn't it obvious that it is genuine? Unless you are thinking that the SA is a fool who does not know how to detect counterfeit.

I agree with what sumernite say, why jeopardise your reputation because of fake goods? Furthermore, Singapore law enforcer takes a serious views on this too.

I have personally sent a few emails to Coach in USA. And, the link that they gave me for the online is the same that I have using.

If you believe what you see is real, you'll always believe it. For those who insist that coachfactory is a counterfeit, nothing can convince you even if I put in all the screenshots that coach replies me. Or, do I have to ask my sil to make a video showing her returning her bags at the local store?

I hope people establish their facts right and not just based on 1 bad experience. No point aruging on this. One must do their homework because alot of counterfeit urls are similar., e.g coachfactoryonline is a counterfeit which is similar to coachfactory.

Yes, you are right. Recently, after receiving the bags and upon checking, it was foung that one of the bags has an unnoticable stain. My sil bought the bag down to the local coach store for a one to one exchange.
Hmmm... but I saw handling fee of min USD5 and above or 10% of sale value charge per order... that not small sum... In fact, thot it is huge profit... Maybe i dun earn that much...

Have you organized a spree before? It is easier say than done. Do you know how much effort is being put in? If you think US$5 or 10% handling fee is a huge amount, how about those who charge S$20 for shipping+handling for a small skinny ID, which in fact the shipping of the skinny ID is less than S$7? Isn't the profit of $13 a lot more than US$5 or 10% (US$1.90)? At least, all my charges are clearly stated in my post, unlike those who gives you low exchange rate, but in the end charge you high shipping rate. Let me emphasise this again - join if you are comfortable. If not, please stay away.
If spreeing is so tough, if there's so much effort required,
why not stay away?

If a spree organizer is making good bucks out of spreeing,
please go to the Bulk Purchase thread.

My definition of spreeing is;
helping everyone save money (including myself, sometimes)
making friends
earning good karma
earning credit card points/perks/freebies

It's good that mummies here are helping to point out the black sheep,
for everyone to stay away from.
To police out those possible cheaters too.

Just my 2 cents,
Leng Leng

Y so defensive? What has it got to do with me organising spree or not...
And why must I stay away from a public forum?

The exchange rate and the profit you get from sprees is alot.. base on the orders you are taking... Well, you should know..

So, when you mentioned other spree organiser charging same tax as you, it really makes me wonder why u so sure other person is lying... haiz..

I guess you are not happy that I am stating a fact. Sorry, if that makes you angry...
i agree with Leng Leng. spreeing is helping everyone to save money and making friends. but most of us in US dont earn credit card points. cos it is hard for us to get credit cards here, as we dont have SSN no.

for me, i wanted to list on BP but the window period for the sale is only 48 hours, by the time i get through the moderator, the sale will be over. for me, my parcels are split into smaller ones and one of them still kena customs! and we paid a hefty GST fine for it. so in a way we are taking the risk to ship all these stuff back.

and u might have heard that some of us actually got cancelled orders. coach and KS actually bans us from buying. so again that's another risk we have to take. and for coach, once we get caught, it's a lifetime before we can buy coach again.

for me, before i close the order, i always let my buyers know what they will be paying and so far i have stuck to that. after the customs incident, my parcels are even smaller, like 2-3 items per package and i only break even for them.

the small fee we charge is for the effort of collation, packing, shipping... and paying our counterparts to deliver. for the past month, i didnt sleep at all at nights.. cos i have to work to answer emails...and take orders etc. if u tell me at these hard work is only worth 1-2 dollars per item. i will be really sad. considering all the risk and time we have taken.

if u join a spree whereby a spree organiser can buy with international card, packing will mostly be done by the third party. probably u dont need to pay for others to deliver cos u can do it urself.

after doing a few batches, i have decided to cut down and only take orders from ppl who understand the work involved. bags are big items, not small ones. we have to carry all boxes to post office ourselves to post them. and it's definitely not easy. i take pics of the bags and i post the receipts too. i know it's worrisome waiting for a long time for ur stuff to arrive. so i try my best to give mummies assurance.

the way i see it: buyers are paying us for taking risk and our service. we dont profit out of the bags.

as for the fake bags issue. go look at the receipts i post. it's shipped by coach from one coach way... florida. when i have time, i will take one pic of the box with the address label on it. actually for those who got ur bags, u can also google ur bag model, and u will see tons of them.. on purse forum.

there are posts taking abt this online factory site:

while is good to keep all informed abt the choices they make. spree organiser like me will get upset when someone thinks we are shipping fakes and get defensive. i think it's a natural reaction.
My post stated clearly the terms and conditions to join in the event. Any learned individual will know this event is exclusive and needs a foreign resident to participate in order to make it work. This is not the same as any online purchase that ships internationally from the online store. The savings generated from such a purchase cannot be found locally.

Freedom to participate in the event is the same as the freedom of speech in this forum.

Baseless claims are ignored. Those who benefited from the event knows best.
This is not the same as any online purchase that ships internationally from the online store.

i agree!! exactly... there are alot of footwork on our part that people dont see!!

we need to pay our foreign counterparts to deliver.
Thanks all for the healthy discussion here. I'm educated about this CoachFactory thing now, I didn't know there's this online store existed and after reading all the discussion I got a better picture now.
Since the terms are stated clearly, it is up to the individual to decide whether to join or not, if expensive, can look for other organiser. What I hate is those who never said upfront but charge a big fee after goods arrived.

Thanks all!
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Dear All

Will be stopping the spreadsheets. Since so many problems.</font></font>

Will be keeping the spreadsheet for personal viewing only. Anyone who like to share info on which good/bad organisers have you joined, with me can do so or you can post here with your nick. Thanks.
hi oppsgal,
Pls don't stop the spreadsheets. It is really very useful for us mommies to know who is the better and the 'to avoid' spree organisers.

btw where got problems?? Who has been complaining about your spreadsheets? If they don't like, then don't read them lah.

also really appreciate your efforts in maintaining the spreadspreets. Kudos! Thus pls pls continue in maintaining the spreadsheets. I'm sure alot of mommies agree with me.
<font size="+1">Hi EM

I do not want to enter into lawsuits for things not written by me in spreadsheets.

Plus who got the time to remove comments one by one if people keep saying want to get the bad comments removed.</font>
Yes agree please don't stop the spreadsheet. Please continue with them. It is indeed very very useful.
You have doing us spreeists a big favour with it. I for one really appreciate it. Thank you!

Think spreeists will have to read the comments one by one... and create own spreasheet using information here.
This spreadsheet is very useful and it is easy for all to input. I hope you can reconsider to take it away. No one can sue you over the spreadsheet since it is not input by you.
If you really tired of maintaining the spreadsheet, I hope you can just leave it and the rest can update. Or is it possible to pass it to someone to take over?

Somebody said might want to sue for defamation.
Ask the posts on bad comments to be removed. If everyone starts to ask for remove here and there then how?

I cannot pass to someone the spreadsheet as is link to email.

So somebody like to start a new spreadsheet can do so. But prepare to have lots of trouble like this.
Hi oppsgal,
haha, what a joke, sue for defamation, she think so easy? Does she knows how much cost needed to sue a person, if she is so wealthy, no need to organise spree to earn the little fee anymore.
Anyway, understand your concern, and can you PM me who is this person? for this kind of 无耻之徒,we shall all boycott her and stop her from using this forum!
Looks like we'll have hard time collecting the valuable inputs now. Especially those new and inexperienced forumner, they sure will kena more of this irresponsible spree organiser.

Relative a lawyer?

Just don't anyhow join spree organisers. Only join those join before since no more information?
Hi oppsgal,
No one would be so free to take up the case lah, and she got no 'case' in this case. This 'sueing' thing is only for rich ppl, not for this kind of 芝麻绿豆,she must be using this to threaten you, just ignore her and if she harass you tell her you'll report to police!
Thanks for the effort you've put in for us!
hi oppsgal,
OMG u kenna threaten to being sued? I assume she must be 1 of the 'bad' organisers. Can please PM me her nick? I would want to avoid this organiser too. Such a petty person. If she disagree with the comments, then just post here to clarify/defend herself. No need to resort to threats.

If she is a good organiser, who would want to write bad comments about her. See jxmum, tan leng leng, etc.., No one write bad comments about them as they have nothing bad to comment about. Thus this awful person that threaten u should just reflect on herself.
Hi oppsgal,
the excel is really useful for us spreeists. Thanks for ur effort.
May i suggest that the excel be opened for a short period, so tt we can save a copy of the excel for our future reference when joining sprees? After that period, you may close it down. This person is really terrible to threaten you, can you pm me her nick pls? I wun want to join her sprees too.

Yes pls don't stop it &amp; Tks for the effort too.

I think we all want to know who is the guy that threatened had you !
Hi oopsgal

This excel spreadsheet has been an invaluable tool to many of us as it enable us to make an educated choice on who to spree with. It would really be a pity if it is no longer available.

To the spree organiser who threatens to sue, if your conscious is cleared, why dont you post your comments here to clear the air??
Hi oppsgal, yes i have been using the spreadsheet to open my knowledge about spreeing. I am very lucky to join really good spree organiser such as jxmum, shokel, cheche, kittybride, lynetmamma, dkdk, icelim and more good spree organisers here in this forum. Kudos to all of them

Please keep the spreadsheets
really appreciate you effort in maintaining the spreadsheet oppsgal
Hi oopsgal,

Thanks to the spreadsheets I learnt alot about what goes into organisation of a spree and some of the pitfalls to avoid when joining one.

Like Dian wrote, I'm also very lucky to have found very reliable and friendly spree organisers: Leng Leng, Kittybride, Simplyle, Simplee, Jxmum, Lynnetmama, Reira, Bernice and Slepyvon. Despite having to travel across the island to pick up items from a few of these ladies, it's nice to have met them in person and know that they put in sincere efforts to help others order items (and hence adding to more saving).

I feel that participants should be appreciative of the efforts taken by organisers while at the same time exercising discretion when selecting sprees to join. Don't join a spree if the terms and conditions cause discomfort or sets off alarum bells within you.
<font color="0000ff">froggie12</font>
OMG!! just because someone commented you are a cheater, you make such a big deal of it??? Come on, we sensible and reasonable spreeists KNOWS that charging handling fee is not a cheater lah. If one is not happy with handling fee, then just don't join lah. No one is going to believe that you are cheater just because some mommy made that comment.

I feel you really make mountain out of mole hill here. Just for that little senseless comment (that anyone with brains would know it's not a good comment to use to judge who is good/bad organiser) you caused such distress to oppsgal who has been a great help in maintaining the spreadsheet.

Sorry if I'm harsh here. I know you feel upset that someone called you cheater. BUT it's because of you that oppsgal is taking down this spreadsheet which has been a great help to all us spreeists here
. Using words like going to sue for defamation is just TOO MUCH. I can imagine how discouraged oppsgal must have felt. She is doing us a great favour and yet got to deal with these type of problem
To froggie12

Not siding with anyone, just being objective here.

I think the issue the of the person who posted comment on you was over the handling fee. All along, many mummies on this forum have this idea that handling fee isn't allowed in the spree section, only allowing charges to defray costs for transport/packing materials/phonecal/SMS. Please correct me if I'm wrong -- think I read somewhere about this rule some time ago on the forum. So maybe to her, handling fee of 10% = non-conforming to the general rule = her views/feedback?

Some months ago there was an active discussion over 50 cents materials charge (for packing/transport etc) and I think most of us on the forum understand that organisers are entitled to their own Terms and Conditions while participants like me are empowered to decide if we wish to join whoever's spree(s).

The word 'cheater' was certainly a strong term used by the anonymous author of the -ve feedback but surely there's no need to make a defamation case out of this?

An informed person who does her own reading/research + using own logic/instincts will be able to well decide if she wishes to join a spree. A few of the good organisers have had their share of misunderstandings over small matters but they're still very popular and trusted because at the end of the day, it's up to individuals to decide if they desire to place trust in a complete stranger to help us purchase items for ourselves/family!
Agree with feif, i also read somewhere about forum rules that organiser is not allowed to charge handling fee for overseas spree section.
However lot of mummies also understand that it takes alot of effort and time to organise a spree somemore with overwhelm orders. So, its up to individual to decide whether she likes to join the spree according to spree terms and condition.
In the end its all about trust and understanding between both sides.
Hi, I just happened to stumble upon this thread and read with interest on the comments made. I just started a spree for the fun and experience of it, and also to save money. I feel that charging a handling fee of $0.50 shouldn't be considered as too much because it's a huge responsibility on the spree organiser to make sure that the things that is being sent is in good shape when it reaches the receiver's hands. Hence, I prefer meet ups which saves me the time spent in packing and material used for the packing. I also spree with other mummies here and I pay the handling fees as well, which I think it's reasonable. As I'm new in organising sprees, I hope experienced spreeists can give me some feedback and comments on this. Thank you.
Actually, when we see bad comments, I would not believe just one bad comment in case anybody sabotage the other one, i would see the total comments given and total bad comments given.

I suggest we write to Forum to ban this user.
Agree with musicbox. I'll read all the comments good and bad + the entire spree thread through to see if it could have been a misunderstanding. If the organiser is the one and only to spree with the merchant she's interested in, then one will have to decide if T&amp;Cs are reasonable, if the items are must-buy and/or worth travelling the distance to self-collect!

There are times I could have opted for courier since bringing the kid out etc will mean spending more on transport/food/stopover (which can be well over $20 like any other family 'outing'). BUT, I still opt for self-collection because I think it's only polite to say thank-you in person to the organiser.

Organisers definitely have costs (as discussed this earlier months ago), from phonecalls/SMS/internet to time taken away from their own family. The thing here is, maybe froggie should clarify with the moderator if her T&amp;Cs are within the rules? This will prevent any future misunderstanding regarding what charges are reasonable.

I mean to say if spreeing luxury brands involve risk of id being banned (as sumernite posted), 3rd parties to pay etc... maybe they should do BP instead 'cos they can state their own handling fees and earn enough to cover their overheads. In the overseas spree, it's more of collecting orders enough to qualify for larger discounts (eg. iherb 12% for above $200), free domestic shipping and share out the international shipping charges.
Agreed with feif on "A few of the good organisers have had their share of misunderstandings over small matters".

I will still continue to join the few organisers whom I find are good despite the few bad feedback in the spreadsheet. Good and bad comments on these organisers made not much difference for me to continue joining them since I have the trust in them.

Hopefully they will continue to organise, as for now I am going to stick to these organisers.
The issue of whether froggie12 charging handling fees is allowed or not is up to the decision of the forum's moderators. Whether or not she has broken the forum rules, it's up to the moderators to take action.
In the meantime, for us spreeists, if you can accept it, then join, if you think it's unacceptable, then don't join. It's that simple!

The fact that the mommy commented in the spreadsheet that froggie12 is a cheater just because she charges handling fees is ridiculous and using wrong choice of words.
I understand froggie12 will feel offended but the fact is any sensible person will know that is NOT called cheating. I dare say that that particular comment alone would not influence us into thinking she's a bad organiser. We know how to read and judge by ourselves.
Thus I feel froggie12 has waaaay overreacted in this matter and this incident (threatening to sue over such a miniscule matter) has reflected badly on her.

As she stated "harm can be financial distress, reputation damaged and anything that can be quantified", I would like to know what financial distress she had experienced, can she quantifies? Is she finally admitting that she's doing a biz here? If her CoachOutlet biz is so important to her, she should do it somewhere else instead of in the spree section, and since she's earning fee then all of us are customers, tell her to save her whatever 'hard work, risk etc' since she EARN a fee from it.
The comment by others did not affect my judgement on her initially, but yes, now she had ruined her reputation HERSELF!
