September 2016 Mummies!

BRAND NEW Spectra M1 Breastpump Bundle Deal with Freebies

Selling at $240; Buying from Expo at $248

Reason for selling: Extra set


High Ratings Breastpump from KOREA !!!!!!!!




Weight: 500g

Vacuum Strength: 300mmHg

Warranty for breastpump (Spectra warranty starts from the date of purchase or baby birth date, whichever is later.)

Package Includes:

  • 2 x 28mm Breastshields
  • 2 x White Valves
  • 2 x Tubings
  • 2 x Backflow Protectors
  • 2 x 5oz Wide Neck Bottles

1 x Spectra M1 – Comes with SG adapter and accessories for dual pumping; Double Electric Breast Pump with Rechargeable Battery that last 2 to 3 pumping session of 30 minutes. Weighs only 255g!

1 x Spectra Manual Kit – Emergency manual pump in the event pump broke down.

1 x V-Coool Cooler Bag – Keep expressed milk cool for at least 8 hours with the use of V-Coool Ice Block and Ice Packs; 2 compartments to fit Pump (M1 or 9+) & Accessories at the top and bottles at the bottom.

1 x V-Coool Inner Bag – Contain condensation droplets to prevent wet bag.

1 x V-Coool Milk Saver – Collect milk while latching baby single side.

1 x V-Coool Ice Block – Keep milk cool for 8 hours.

2 x V-Coool Ice Pack – Keep milk cool or use to bring down temperature during fever.

1 x V-Coool Milk Storage Label – Special made sticker to label each milk storage bottles easily.

2 x Bottle Adaptor – Pump directly into narrow neck bottles!

2 x Honeysuckle Milk Bag Adaptor – Pump directly into breastmilk bags!

Interested please PM me or msg me at 90077113


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hello everyone!

first of all, congrats everyone! i am due 07/09/2016 and guess what, i have not decided on a hospital yet. my gynae delivers at mount alvernia, mount elizabeth novena and thomson medical centre. Mind sharing with me what hospitals you guys have decided on? I am just tempted to go KK for some reason too. haha!
Any mummies to be suffering from piles??
Im currently at my 3rd trimester and i have piles even before my pregnancy.
Iam still comtemplating whether to go for a natural labour or via csec due to the piles that i have.

Will the nurses help to push back the piles in during natural labour? Or any mums had experience with piles via natural labour.
Supwr scare to push via natural delivery due to my piles problem.. in dilemma now!
Any mummies to be suffering from piles??
Im currently at my 3rd trimester and i have piles even before my pregnancy.
Iam still comtemplating whether to go for a natural labour or via csec due to the piles that i have.

Will the nurses help to push back the piles in during natural labour? Or any mums had experience with piles via natural labour.
Supwr scare to push via natural delivery due to my piles problem.. in dilemma now!

I have piles too, but it's not serious. They don't bleed or cause pain. I'd still go for normal delivery, and if the piles become worse, treat them rather than go for an elective C-section.

I am taking prune juice now to prevent constipation, and so far my piles aren't giving my trouble. All the best.
I have piles too, but it's not serious. They don't bleed or cause pain. I'd still go for normal delivery, and if the piles become worse, treat them rather than go for an elective C-section.

I am taking prune juice now to prevent constipation, and so far my piles aren't giving my trouble. All the best.

I dont have constipation just that mine is the external ones that require me to push it back after every big business. Recently the piles seems to get worst. Haha
Am looking forward to see my gynae this week hope she can give some cream to shrink it back!
I dont have constipation just that mine is the external ones that require me to push it back after every big business. Recently the piles seems to get worst. Haha
Am looking forward to see my gynae this week hope she can give some cream to shrink it back!

i have an external one that became super big recently (like grape) cos my constipation got worse in 3rd trimester..
got a cream from my gynae to apply but it doesnt seem to shrink it.. only helped to make it less painful..
ive tried to push it back in but it will drop out after a while.. haha
i have an external one that became super big recently (like grape) cos my constipation got worse in 3rd trimester..
got a cream from my gynae to apply but it doesnt seem to shrink it.. only helped to make it less painful..
ive tried to push it back in but it will drop out after a while.. haha

I heard using witch hazel can help to shrink it not sure is it true... anyway really scare the piles will double if going for natural birth.. have to seek my gynae advise! Haha
Hi ladies. I believe most of you have reached week 32 already? :)
Did your gynea asked you to monitor the baby moves in "count-to-ten" Fetal Movement chart?
I'm not sure if I understand the instructions correctly.
The description says that starting from 9am must count baby moves and then tick the hour by when you feel baby move 10 times.
Hm, if I follow the description I need to tick only 1st box, coz my boy is always active in the morning and I can easily reach 10 moves by 9:30am.
Is my understanding correct?
I'm monitoring baby's movements...using the same fetal movement chart as you.
The clinic recep told me not to consider continuous movements. Must space out the movements (eg. >1minute) before considering it as 1 count.
Cos I'm at work, I get distracted from counting.
So it usually takes me about 2hrs to reach 10 counts. Say I start at 9am and I count "10" around 11+am, I will tick at 11am box.
Ic. Hmm, then it's quite subjective, coz sometimes I also forget to monitor and cannot remember if counted already or not and how to count - if it was one move or two or more moves... hehe.

Anyway, I guess the most important is that we can easily get 10 moves every day. If I started counting at 7, i would have achieved the goal by 7:30am. hehe
I just worried that later doctor says that I've cheated coz too lazy to track during the day. :D
Ya...the main thing is to get 10 counts within 12 hours or to observe any change in pattern.
Work days I can monitor from 9am, but weekends I will slp in until 12 noon...lolx.
Probably for weekends, I will just make sure I get 10 counts within ~2 hours to ensure baby's movement pattern is still the same.
Hello.. I am new to this forum.. My due date is on Sept 21. :)
Getting my bags ready.. So getting thousands of questions.. :)
Can anyone please let me know where I can get a good modern Bengkung in SG?
been searching a lot but could not find much info.

Also can you please add me to the whatsapp group (+6596418842) or facebookgroup (p[email protected]).

Hello I'm from July babies group, I have 3 packets of mamy poko newborn diapers. Would like to sell it of at 3 packets for $20, Coz baby outgrow and can't wear it. Interested party please pm me. Self collection at yishun. Thanks
Hello.. I am new to this forum.. My due date is on Sept 21. :)
Getting my bags ready.. So getting thousands of questions.. :)
Can anyone please let me know where I can get a good modern Bengkung in SG?
been searching a lot but could not find much info.

Also can you please add me to the whatsapp group (+6596418842) or facebookgroup (p[email protected]).

I've just sent you an invitation to join the FB group. Check your email inbox for it.
Hi all,

I am a mummy myself and has the same worry as u all do. I always worry whether if the confinement nanny is experience anot, will she take good care of baby, need to be on monitoring, is she lazy etc etc...

I had just finish my confinement and must say that my cl is still as good. This is my 2nd child, and I am engaging her for a 2nd time after 6yrs.

Disclaimer: I am not in any way related to her. just thought that since I hv a good confinement nanny why not share with the mummies here who want to do a good confinement.

I have very good impression of her because of the following:-

1. She take good care of my baby 24/7.
2. She will inform me of what can eat n can't and also will remind me what can do and cannot.
Sometimes if I hv queries, I will ask her and she will advise me. But based on mutual understanding that since I engage cl then I will listen to her advise and also we are open for discussion if any situation corps up (eg different expectations n way of handling babies)
3. She will help me save $$ when doing marketing and buying herbs in sense that she will not spend on the most expensive stuff with no value to mummy.
4. She is a great cook and I can request for food I like and she will cook it in confinement method. (Sometime my mum n relative will drop by n they will pinch on the food and all comment nice).
5. On my 1st week visit to pd, pd already comment that my baby has already increase in weight and is heavier than birth weight. (Baby wt normally drops few days after delivery). PD told me that my baby is in good hands and ask me not to worry.
6. My baby has slight jaundice n she will use her traditional method to help reduce which will be cleared before 2nd visit to pd.
7. She cooks for my family n keeps the area clean to where the baby goes.
8. She helps to wash baby n my clothes.
9. She talks and entertain my baby and my baby listens to her. (U may not believe but she really has a way with baby and that is the reason I engage her service 2nd time on private basis.

Mummies if u are interested and would like to find out more, you may pm me for her details.

Wish and hope all have a smooth n safe delivery.
Hello.. I am new to this forum.. My due date is on Sept 21. :)
Getting my bags ready.. So getting thousands of questions.. :)
Can anyone please let me know where I can get a good modern Bengkung in SG?
been searching a lot but could not find much info.

Also can you please add me to the whatsapp group (+6596418842) or facebookgroup (p[email protected]).


can add me to watsapps group (+65 90065211) thanks
Have u all decided on cord blood banking?
Any comments on the 3 companies?
Stemcord, cordlife and cryoviva?
I didn't decide on cord blood banking coz it looks quite expensive. Is it really worth it to invest in that?

My colleagues, on the other hand, were highly recommending that I do placenta encapsulation...which I find it disgusting. I wouldn't dare to eat my own body parts -.-"
Good morning, ladies. How are you doing?
Did anyone have Strept B screening already? I assume it is similar to pap smear, right?
P3riwinkl3, thanks. Hm, that's quite early. Mine most probably will be done during next app, which is close to week 36.

The funny thing is that when I changed to NUH I tried to book app with Dr. Citra, but even in July she was fully booked till November. So I opted for another doctor. And during last app that doctor said that she won't be able to attend my labor, because she will be on long-term medical leave and the replacement doctor will be Dr. Citra. hahah...
Meeting her for the first time next week, quite curious.
P3riwinkl3, thanks. Hm, that's quite early. Mine most probably will be done during next app, which is close to week 36.

The funny thing is that when I changed to NUH I tried to book app with Dr. Citra, but even in July she was fully booked till November. So I opted for another doctor. And during last app that doctor said that she won't be able to attend my labor, because she will be on long-term medical leave and the replacement doctor will be Dr. Citra. hahah...
Meeting her for the first time next week, quite curious.

Ya, seems a bit early for me to do the screening.
But since clinic said so, just do lor. My result came back ok. Good enough for me. :D

Wow, it's kinda fated that you will meet Dr. Citra... your wish came true somehow.
Just make sure to check with her that she's really available when you go into labour since she's supposed to be fully booked till Nov.
As long as result is fine, than nothing to worry.
Yes, I will definitely check with her about labor availability. Most probably waiting time gonna be long too, since she's in so high demand. :) However, since I'm engaging Emma care to take care of natural labor, so the choice of the doctor is not so critical in my opinion Anyway, the doctor only comes during pushing stage, that's what they told me.
That's good to know.
We are approaching the last leg of our pregnancies, let's jiayou to the finishing line!
I'm counting down 3wks+5d to my scheduled c-sect on 14-Sept. I will be w38+5 by then.
Hope baby don't pull a surprise on me and pop out earlier.
My MIL who's helping me with my confinement will be on overseas holiday from 3-Sept to 10-Sept.
If baby pops out before 10-Sept, I will be helpless :confused:.
Good morning, ladies. How are you doing?
Did anyone have Strept B screening already? I assume it is similar to pap smear, right?
Did mine today. I'm 36 weeks +4. Result will probably be out next week. From next week onwards, my appointments will be once a week.
That's good to know.
We are approaching the last leg of our pregnancies, let's jiayou to the finishing line!
I'm counting down 3wks+5d to my scheduled c-sect on 14-Sept. I will be w38+5 by then.
Hope baby don't pull a surprise on me and pop out earlier.
My MIL who's helping me with my confinement will be on overseas holiday from 3-Sept to 10-Sept.
If baby pops out before 10-Sept, I will be helpless :confused:.

wow, less than month to go!
Ask baby to hang on there till Sep 14. :) shouldn't be a problem, I think.
Did mine today. I'm 36 weeks +4. Result will probably be out next week. From next week onwards, my appointments will be once a week.

I'm actually looking forward to weekly appointments, as it means that I'll spend less time in the office. :D no mood to work. :D
I'm actually looking forward to weekly appointments, as it means that I'll spend less time in the office. :D no mood to work. :D

More like I have no mood to wake up for work's a chore getting up early for work, especially when I slept poorly the night before (a frequent occurrence now). Since hitting 7+mths, I have been taking half day AM leave on/off so that I can sleep in longer.:p
I'm actually looking forward to weekly appointments, as it means that I'll spend less time in the office. :D no mood to work. :D
Gynea will provide MC for all appointments leh. Now I got a problem. I can't finish my annual leave and I am only allowed to bring forward 5 days (to be consumed by June the following year). With the maternity leave + childcare leave + all these MC....I'm gonna have to forfeit some of my leave. On top of that, my boss doesn't mind flexi hours for me since a few months ago so I don't even need to touch my leave. Am I the only one with this kind of problem -.-"
Gynea will provide MC for all appointments leh. Now I got a problem. I can't finish my annual leave and I am only allowed to bring forward 5 days (to be consumed by June the following year). With the maternity leave + childcare leave + all these MC....I'm gonna have to forfeit some of my leave. On top of that, my boss doesn't mind flexi hours for me since a few months ago so I don't even need to touch my leave. Am I the only one with this kind of problem -.-"

hehe, very rare problem. :) Maybe you can start your maternity leave early by using the annual leave first?
More like I have no mood to wake up for work's a chore getting up early for work, especially when I slept poorly the night before (a frequent occurrence now). Since hitting 7+mths, I have been taking half day AM leave on/off so that I can sleep in longer.:p

I also often oversleep these days, but luckily can wake up around 7:30, so most of time can reach work on time. Trying to save my leaves for next year, in case need to take bb to doctor etc.
That's good to know.
We are approaching the last leg of our pregnancies, let's jiayou to the finishing line!
I'm counting down 3wks+5d to my scheduled c-sect on 14-Sept. I will be w38+5 by then.
Hope baby don't pull a surprise on me and pop out earlier.
My MIL who's helping me with my confinement will be on overseas holiday from 3-Sept to 10-Sept.
If baby pops out before 10-Sept, I will be helpless :confused:.
Wow!! you are so near mine. My EDD is 13 Sep!!!
hehe, very rare problem. :) Maybe you can start your maternity leave early by using the annual leave first?
Yah EDD is 13 Sep but my maternity starts 1 Sep...but knowing me...I'm sure I will still open my laptop at home! Now I am desperately looking for a Temp HR to cover my maternity. Cannot find LOL
