Prof PC Wong - IVF with Norethisterone

Yoyo, thats good news. You have been seeing Dr KS Tan frequently before going to Que? You know, Dr Que failed me the first few times. He graded my body as less than 5 (out of 10) in terms of readiness to conceive! I wonder if is because I have not been diligently going for TCM thats why my body is weak. Cannot be lazy now. Lol.

dear ladies, I just visit Dr Que ytd...... like what you all said . He did accu even I'm day 2.... say to clean up those blood.... today going dwn to collect medicine.... I ask him anything wrong with me... He say dunno what 'qi' not enough... other than that, I passed..... haha ... dunno what he mean by pass.....
Maybe previous TCM 's herbs, accu made me 'pass' ....
Jia you all ladies!

Yoyo, Sounds great! Ask him your rating next time :) He usually gives a rating on a scale of 10.
Continue to eat well and right. Ask your hubby to see him too for booster dose of med... All the best!
Hi BB blues, I only with Dr Tan KS for 2 months plus.. did 2 accu with him, drank all his medicine that he wanted me to drink... He's a nice doc too but so busy... hard to get appt and is far for me...
So decided to change to Dr Que recommend by hopemiracle30 and pantieleen... =)
Hmmn.... my advise to you is to follow Dr Que instruction.... just drink and accu for at least 6 mths.... Your body will change better.... must believe in urself..... Jia You...
Ladies yesterday was my ET but until now I dont know how many snowbabies do I have. When normally embryologist will inform you about the frozen embies?
Hi Hopemiracle, I didn't know got ratings... haha.... I'm going this sat again as Dr Que want to see my man.... =)
I will asking to rate me... hahaha...
Hi Hopemiracle, I didn't know got ratings... haha.... I'm going this sat again as Dr Que want to see my man.... =)
I will asking to rate me... hahaha...

I think he may encourage u to try natural when the time comes :) Hope he passes ur hub too. Do take his advice seriously esp the food he says not to take. Like for my hub, he told him not to take green tea, peanuts etc. So ask him what is good to take and what to avoid. I am so excited for you :D
Ladies yesterday was my ET but until now I dont know how many snowbabies do I have. When normally embryologist will inform you about the frozen embies?

Hi straw1, just relax ok? They will call you later today to inform u the status. I see that your results all seems very good. So dun worry. All u need to do now is relax and let the work inside begin. All the best and enjoy your 2ww!
Hi Hopemiracle30, Ytd Dr Que ask do IUI, IVF or medication b4? My ans is no, then I said KK dont allow me to do IVF cos my result are normal... He laugh and say all normal, why don't try natural.... I say I try natural 2.5 yrs liao ....
So he say he want to see my man this Friday if we want to try natural this month......
Dr Que did not tell what food I cant eat lei.... Do he advise you gals? But Im very cautious lah... totally don't eat 'liang' food..... as advise by previous TCM...
@straw1 The same thing happened to me, i was wondering how many snowbabies i would have. On the day of ET, Mary the embryologist called and said i had 3 good, 5 satisfactory and 3 below satisfactory. So after putting in the best one, she said will monitor again. So the next day post ET, she called to say 5 have blastocysts will be frozen. So you should find out later wait for the good news!
nervous_babe post: 6716501 said:
Thanks bb blues and pantieileen. I was thinking to only go to him for accunputure. Wonder will he be ok.
Babygrin yes 50 mg is the norm. Many sisters here taking 50 mg. I am the greedy one, I started on 75mg straight. Btw, hw much u pay to see dr tan? I thinking to start my dhea again but of course with a lower dose. Does he say what kind of side effects is bad? I was having v bad breakout after I took it.
Nervous babe, dr tan's fee is $112.35 incl gst. Doc always like disclaimer... he said diff ladies react differently to dhea. He only mentioned oily face & acne. Maybe he didn't want to frighten me. Gigi said she encountered side effects initially but now ok. Jumbo girl said she didn't have much problem after taking it. Whatever it is, we have to give it a try.
Peanut, thanks. Still waiting for them to call. When is your bt? Do you take full HL? And any symptom so far?
How is your itchiness? U see prof today right.
Hi Hopemiracle30, Ytd Dr Que ask do IUI, IVF or medication b4? My ans is no, then I said KK dont allow me to do IVF cos my result are normal... He laugh and say all normal, why don't try natural.... I say I try natural 2.5 yrs liao ....
So he say he want to see my man this Friday if we want to try natural this month......
Dr Que did not tell what food I cant eat lei.... Do he advise you gals? But Im very cautious lah... totally don't eat 'liang' food..... as advise by previous TCM...

Must be proactive and ask. I very kiasu must make full use of my $8 consultation fee, every session also i ask what i can eat or cannot eat in case my body condition changes.
yoyo, i agree with Pantieileen, just ask.

Cos my body is 'sensitive', some food I take can easily tilt the balance.
I went to Malacca for a short trip and had Chendol and accidentally coconut ice cream, then in my following consult with Dr Que, he said my rating dropped.. *sad*
After that episode, I avoided food w coconut e.g. Laksa, curry etc.
I love soup and esp 'lao huang gua soup'. But cos it is 'liang' I also try to avoid or cut down.
I also avoid taking tea (my daily dose of caffeine to keep me awake) cos it is known to affect conception.
Even now, I still ask Dr Que what food can be taken or avoided.

I know this sounds miserable, but think about it, all the money paid and effort put in for acu and herbal med, you will just try your best to eat well and right.
Hopemiracle what kind of food we have to avoid when we are ttc? My tcm didnt tell me much and during stimming she only told me to eat more egg white.
Hi straw1, take protein as recommended. When I was TTCing, I take 2 egg white per day and also immunocal. For my body, Dr Que didn't recommend me to drink red date longan but I believe some sisters took that during their 2ww. I avoid taking caffeinated drinks and stick to milo, milk and orange juice. Avoid cold drinks but I still take cold orange juice to mix w immunocal, this one I cannot resist. For soup, avoid the 'Liang' ingredients like old cucumber, lotus root. I had mainly chicken soup, corn soup, ABC soup, black bean soup. No coconut for sure.

During my natural TTc, I also take chicken essence when I feel weak. But Dr Que won't advice the same for all ladies cos some ladies are heaty and thus may not tolerate chicken essence well. I can only share what is good with regards to my body. You may like to check w ur sinseh and see what she advises. Cos different body will require different food/supplement.
@straw1 I saw Prof on Monday and yesterday the nurse called to say the results are out. She said no infection which is great! But i was still doubt ful and asked whether it will go away on its own..she said yes. And true enough, it has itched less. I stayed at home for the first 3 days, even avoided taking the stairs during the first 24 hours. But after the 3rd day i was quite bored. I figured staying at home would make me feel even more stressful so i went out for a couple of hrs during the weekend. They did give 19 days HL but at the moment im not working since i took 6 months no pay just to try for a baby and taking a break from work bcos Work was really "killing" me. And for the past few days i have been going out for lunch. But made sure i came home in the afternoon to do the inserts. Then rest for the rest of the day. At least i wont go insane staying cooped up at home...
Ya and based on the advice here, i have been taking egg whites just like what @hopemiracle30 said. But i took 4 because i didnt buy the immunocal. Ate brazil nuts, ensure milk as well and avoided cold drinks. I miss cold drinks so much! So far no symptoms or rather, i dont allow myself to think about these. I went through that during my 4 iui and i know it would just stress me out too much. So i try not to think so much about symptoms...
Ya and based on the advice here, i have been taking egg whites just like what @hopemiracle30 said. But i took 4 because i didnt buy the immunocal. Ate brazil nuts, ensure milk as well and avoided cold drinks. I miss cold drinks so much! So far no symptoms or rather, i dont allow myself to think about these. I went through that during my 4 iui and i know it would just stress me out too much. So i try not to think so much about symptoms...
Hi Peanut, dont worry too much about symptoms okay? I also didn't have much symptoms during my 2ww, except for slight cramping around one week after ET. But well into my pregnancy, the symptoms come in a vengeance (I wish they don't come at all, but it's part of the journey). Just take it easy, and relax during 2ww.

Hopemiracle, how's Dr SLL? I only see Dr CYS once, but find that he doesn't talk much, chop chop type... but the midwife at NUH said that he's the best choice if want to have natural birth. He also didn't scan me at 16 weeks. He said the next scan will be at 20 weeks.
Peanut good to hear you are okay now. Yeah I cant keep my self do nothing at home too, 1day post et I walk to have my lunch outside already as I hope it can help with my blood circulation, hope it is okay for my embbies and I am planning to go to work on next monday, cant take too long leave, haha...

Today just finish my post et review by prof, he seems pleased with my result although he said it is not guarantee a pregnancy...
Hoping for the best....
Hopemiracle, how's Dr SLL? I only see Dr CYS once, but find that he doesn't talk much, chop chop type... but the midwife at NUH said that he's the best choice if want to have natural birth. He also didn't scan me at 16 weeks. He said the next scan will be at 20 weeks.

Hi Cheeka, I'm with Dr Su Lin Lin too, one of the friendliest gynae at NUH. Saw my friend's Csection scars done by her, quite nice. She scan me at every visit (the little room beside her room. I ask for "waiver of ultrasound fees coz Prof doesn't charge" and amazingly they never charge me since the 12th week. If you don't ask for waiver then it's SOP to charge 95+ every time. Don't go tell the nurses someone in the forum said ah...coz one of Prof nurses thought me. By right consultation fees also can ask for discount but cannot ask for too many freebies.
Thanks cheeka.. Im waiting with bated breath.. Now at CHR waiting to get progesterone jab..wondering whether the receptionist did tell someone i'm here.. Im trying to avoid talking to her as i might lose my temper...:mad:
Peanut hahah, same goes with my husband almost angry with the receptionist. Once we saw a nurse then we will try to direct our issue to the nurse.

Peanut may I know why do you need progesterone jab? I dont have any.
Hi Cheeka,
I am still seeing Prof, the last appt on the 27th for the last review with him also for my Oscar. So I havent met Dr Su Lin Lin, but read online that she is quite friendly and patient. I have already told Prof that I would like to be referred to her :)
Btw, do you know BB's gender already? :)
Peanut, yeah... the sisters here commented that the receptionist is in her own lala land.

Hope & Pantieileen, I also heard she's quite patient, and young... but I am thinking of natural birth. That's why seeing Dr CYS instead. Thanks for the tips Pantieileen. Do you think I can also ask discount from Dr CYS for the ultrasound? :p I dont know bb's gender yet. Waiting for detailed scan at 20 weeks in Feb.
Hi sisters, I saw prof for post ivf review today, then collected crinone gel for 10 days and paid for the gel. When I got home, I suddenly wonder how come I need to pay leh? Isn't it covered under the govt co-funding? On the day after my ER, they gave me 7 gels but didn't ask for payment. I am so blur, never ask the nurse just now... :(
are in still in your 2ww?
Previously after my ET, mu hub will collect all the support and this will be included into the IVF bill, thus we dun need to pay for the gel separately. U shd only pay if you are taking more gels that is outside the IVF cycle.
Oh I see... maybe that's why. My er last week failed because no egg was retrieved. So probably the cycle is deemed as ended already. The gels that I collected today is probably considered out of the cycle.

I am actually in my 2ww because last week when no egg was retrieved, prof did an iui instead. But I know there won't be any miracle, coz I don't have any pregnancy symptoms at all.
not to worry about preg symptoms. As Cheeka shared, she didnt have any during her 2ww too.
Some may have some may not. I had AF-like cramp when my AF was near in my successful natural cycle. Experienced the same thing during my fresh IVF cycle but BFN. Just relax and wait, continue to hope for miracle :)
Hopemiracle, I try not to harbour any hope, otherwise it will be a 2nd blow within a month. Now I am just looking forward to the next cycle.
If something good really happened 2 weeks later, then it is truly a miracle :)
Baby grin, my iui is without any inserts. Didnt know iui also need support. During my failed cycle, my menses was delayed.
Take it slow and hope for miracle, just hold ur DHEA for a few days if you ever need it.
After working out with prof And the nurse, seem like I gona delay my cycle to April as most days prof will be out. Any cycle buddies in April?
Nervous babe, I just googled and found out that menses will come only after I stop the inserts. Not sure if it is true.
If I start dhea end of this month, then most likely my cycle will start early May, after you. Hopefully by then you can spread some bb dust to me :)
Baby grin for my case, yes, after i stop my inserts, a wk later, then I got my menses.
Nw I am thinking to visit dr tan to get my DHEA even I got mine online, hopefully his not as much side effect? Haa, self console.
Btw, where is his clinic and number to call? I have not been to KkH b4.
Hi nervous babe, I saw Dr Que for one month to prepare for FET. Then after failed FET, about 2 months before I conceived. ButDr Que will advise that different ladies different condition, thus will require different period to tiao. I was quite fortunate to strike fast, but even now, he says my body is still weak, so must take care of myself well.

Babygrin u need the supports until BT or ur mensus comes. Ur body may not produce sufficient or the required hormones thus u need the support if preg really comes abt. For my FET, my mensus came even when I was on support. I was on oral duphaston for all my IUIs attempt when I was w my Pte gynae.
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Hopemiracle30, did you stop all support immediately once menses come?

Mesara, not sure... I didn't even know there is private suite in kkh... Lol :D
Babygrin, my case was a bit complicated. I had spotting first and I called CHR, they told me to continue support.Then when it got heavier, I asked for early BT, but BT showed weak HCG level. I was supposed to continue with support until the repeat BT but I started the actual flow. Thus I stopped the support.

I feel that you should continue w support until BT or when mensus come. U may call CHR for their advice too if uncertain.
Hopemiracle30, really nice of u to drop by this forum so frequently, seem like is so quiet here. btw, dr que didn't acu the back? Only front? Sry for asking so many qns.
Don't know when to see him as I have ovulated this circle and now could be implantation phase but so far implant nvr happen before, Haaha. Want to see how he rate my body.

Babygrin, you can stop the support if menses come.
Hi nervous babe, no prob. I will help when I can contribute.
During my intense preparation for my FET, Dr Que acu front and back. If I rem correctly, he said back not really necessary. After the failed FET, I only acu front all the while and took his med daily.
So you have not seen Dr Que before? I know Dr Que does not acu patients post ET. He believes to leave the body alone to allow the embbie to find its little corner to implant = He will tell you the story of chinese brewing the wine concept, just leave it to brew quietly during the implantation phase :)
You can see him anytime and see what he says about your body. But bear in mind TCM needs time to tiao the body, need to persevere and wait patiently :p
Wow... Hopemiracle 30.... Dr Que tell you so much......
Maybe I'm quiet and always don't know what to ask . That y he didn't share wif me so much....

Mesara, which Dr Tan are you referring?
nervous babe, Dr Que did not poke my back during the first few sessions but when I told him my lining is thin, he start to acu my back for the next 3 sessions. He said my back is so stiff and stiff back may affect ovarian functions. Sure bo?! Anyway, acu on the back is very comfy but he charged $5 more.

Hopemiracle, during your natural cycle, do you need to see Que after you ovulate? He didn't see me after my IUI liao, he just said to inform him the result then we see how to proceed from there. So just wondering if normal conception cycle also don't need to see him after O?

yoyo, I also din ask him much. Agree that he is the quiet type. But do ask him question if you have doubt.
bb blues.... huh.. stiff back may affect ovarian functions...... I find my back quite stiff too lei..... I better ask him this sat....
bb_blues, I dun like the back acu... I have shortness of breath while lying face down..hehe
I think the back is to enhance, but not in his usual protocol.

I can only share from my 2 months of trying natural.
In my oct cycle, he acu all the way even after my ovulation. Maybe he didnt detect any reaction taking place so he continued.
In my Nov aka successful cycle, I rem I had one more acu session after my ovulation. After that, he said he detected 'false alarm' and he told me to just wait. no acu after that. He didnt comment much also, just asked me to observe and see if my usual PMS symptoms come about. In between, I went back to see him cos I was not feeling well, no acu and he gave me some med.
When I shared with my family, they all said he is so powerful, can detect pulse for fertilization and implantation ah?? haha. I never ask Dr Que about this. Till now, I am still amazed :)

Yoyo, I was also very quiet when I first saw him. We didnt talk much until later on when we know each other better. He gives very good analogy to describe the condition when I dun understand it in the chinese medical term. I guess he can share more if he does not have a long queue outside :)
