Prof PC Wong - IVF with Norethisterone

Thank s pantieileen. I am experiencing twinges since past 2 days. Not like af cramps. Its pulling sensation left diagonal from belly button. Weird.

@mesara : yes there's a pulling or like stitches sensation on my left tummy before i discovered i was pregnant too. I tot it was from my left fallopian tube surgery "imaginary wound" but afterwards i read and the sensation was because the embryo is trying to embed itself into the uterus lining. Yes, it's not like period cramps more like something is pulling inside your tummy. Maybe got hope! Standby your pregnancy test kits!!
Hi delaza, are u seeing a Pte gynae now and planning to switch to see Prof PCWong from NUH?
As for me, when I switched to NUH, I had also gone for some procedures and IUIs too. When I switched to NUH, for my first appt, I brought all the reports to show to Prof and he will direct from there. When I was w my Pte gynae, she recommended IVF for me, thus going to Prof was for second opinion.

If you are keen to seek second opinion w Prof, u can call the clinic to make an appointment. Not sure if going through the polyclinic route is cheaper but it was easier to call them, and make appt direct.

Dear Hopemiracle30,
thank u so much for ur response. to answer ur question, I have never been to singapore, & I am an overseas patient. therefoer, I have never seen any of the doctors in Singapore. thats why I need ur help a lot. If you like to help me could u please drop me a line to [email protected] ?
I will tell u more about myself. we did several iuis but didnt work. so we are planning t o visit singapore and see a good doctor. I would be glad if u can recommend me some names for good clinics and doctors.
we are planning to land singapore at the end of january. so your advises will be too muchvaluable for me. thank u!
Dear All again,
I am an overseas patient and keen on starting treatments for conceiving in singapore. I wonder if any of you help me in finding a good fertility clinic & a doctor in singapore to meet up and speak? I am looking forward to do an ivf from singpore.
Your advises and ideas are highly valuable for me since I know nothing about the country/ accomadadtion/ g\hospitals/ food or anything.
Unfortunately I do not have any relative or freinds overthere.
I trust that you will help me. the system of this forum is also bit new to me. If anybody wish to really help me please drop me a line in [email protected]. Unless you simple directions in the forum to a hospital or a doctor would also be much more appreciated.
Thanking for reading this
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Delaza, just dropped u an email. Hope it helps a little

Mesara, during my 2ww, I did feel some cramp at one side, the right side in particular where I ovulated.
The cramp is like pulling and tugging feeling. Felt it too during my FET. When it was near my due AF, I also experienced AF like cramp. Thought it was gone case but AF no show means there is hope. When I tested on cd 28, it was negative. Tested again on cd32, BFP. In between, I did have AF cramp, as if the mensus is really about to come. *stressful*
I did see my sinseh in between, he just asked me to see if any of my AF symptoms surface ( migraine, pimples on my scalp) etc... Cos all these tell tale signs are v accurate to warn me abt pending AF. And he gave me some med to take cos I told him I was scare of another chemical preg. At that point, he prob detected the preg pulse but he didn't tell me, he was hoping my body will pull through till I tested BFP since I had history of chemical preg during my FET.

I know it is v hard to ask u to relax now. But try to 放轻松. Have a nice weekend!
Thanks hopemiracle. I was having pulling sensation till early morning and its gone now. Symptoms subsiding. 4 more days to bt. But bt day13 and I read day12 then results will be more or less accurate. Wonder when to test.
Hi sisters just finished scan today, got 6 folli in the left and 10 on the right, size about 13-14mm
Still have slight bloatedness but my e2 level today is 6115, this consider very high right?

Mesara hang on there, only left few days. I think your symptom is a positif symptom.
Straw e2 is good for 16 follies. Today which day of stim. I just git sad today as my symptoms are subsiding. I am cakkjng out my embbies to hold on to me tight. The rest in HIS hands. I have nit tested as I have only one clearblue kit and want to keep it for tue just to prepare myself before bt.
Mesara it is better not to test. Coz if test negatif you will be sad and if test positif you will still wondering if it is false positif or not. Try to make yourself busy so no time to think abt it. I know it is easier to said than done, but you have done your best and all is in His hand now, put your trust in Him and you will feel relieve.
Dun lose hope, a lot of sister who bfp without any symptoms.

Today is my D8 stim
Hi ladies! Hows everyone doing? been MIA for some time..

Congrats to both hopemiracle & pantieileen!! grabbing ur bb dusts!
Both of u are fine examples of miracles happening when u least expected it.
Wishing u ladies a smooth pregnancy ahead!

Anyone can suggest what to eat to improve egg quality?
Hi syrian hope u have recovered completely and back in full form. Dont knw wat will improve egg quality.

Sisters my bt on wed. Worried as poas - today. Wed will be 13dp3dt. Hoping for the best. Bt no need to see prof right. Take bt go home n wait for their call abt noon is it. Bt at 8am.
Thanks Syrian! For egg quality, i think Chinese med or acupuncture helps. If u see the posts by pantieileen, I couldn't agree more. I know of a sister who took immunocal and her embbies were fantastic too, but not sure if it was indeed immunocal or her body is just well :)

Yoyo, I didn't my medical report w me during my first visit. Dr Que will spend some time to take down ur history, maybe u can share w him. U may bring along if he wants to see them. For me, I just summarized my history.
Hopemiracle can doctor que converse in English?

I am just keeping an open mind this cycle. At least I knw I tried my v best..11dpt mite be early. C hw tomorrow. Wednesday is my big day haha.
Hopemiracle can doctor que converse in English?

I am just keeping an open mind this cycle. At least I knw I tried my v best..11dpt mite be early. C hw tomorrow. Wednesday is my big day haha.

Hi Mesara,
Dr Que is a Singaporean. He can speak English quite well. He is also good at illustrating medical issues in layman terms so as to help us understand better.
Good morning girls And happy new year !
Am back preparing next round end of the month...
I wanted to ask you girls do you Know if i can take dhea And maca together ? What is the recommended dose for maca?
Good luck for the BT s today
Hi gigi! Welcome back!

Straw1, good luck to your er tomorrow. You may have seen my post in another ivf thread... I only have one follicle & not pinning any hope.

Mesara, don't despair. Take this opportunity to build up your health and body system before making a comeback. I am sure one day we will see light at the end of the tunnel.
Babygrin, this one folli maybe your miracle, dont give up. We will all someday have our precious in our hand.
Hello girls
Babygrin 1 is at least 1
Hopefully you ll find a way to improve your follie number
Straw 1 good luck for er
Mesara you ll strike one day just keep on trying
Good luck girls
Straw1, how was your er? NUH will call you tomorrow?

Gigi, did you mentioned before that you are taking dhea? How was the experience? Any side effects?
Hi babygrin
Check my previous posts i had a lot of side effects it took me a lot of weeks for my body to adjust - now am fine And its been 3 months almost
I ve not done my secound ivf yet i ll tell you at that Time if it worked for me ;)
Congrats hopemiracle30, so envy of u to strike naturally.
Gigi, Does dr loh uses Nor e as well? End of the month is to see him to start stim?
I stopped my DHEA as there are too many break out for me, cannot imagine if I took it for 3mths. So sad. Started on bee pollen and same things happened so I stopped.
Syrian and bb blues when are you gals planning to do ur cycle?
Babygrin, you are not alone, there are a few low amh ladies here and I am one of them, I also on high dosage and my D2 scan was only 2 follies. Good luck for your ER.
Hi nervous babe
Ok nore is to plan your ivf dates - Loh does not use it you just phone first day of your menses to start on day 2 of course you need to be a patient you cannot show up like that
I start stim yes end of the month
What do you mean by break out?

Hi sisters, my first cycle ended today. No egg was retrieved. I will start to prepare for the next cycle.
Can any sister advise me which doc should I see for prescribing dhea? Must it be doc from hospitals or GP also can?
I know it can be purchased online but I still prefer to take it under the supervision of a doc.
Hi Babygrin... sorry to hear that. Have faith and dont give up yah! *Hugz*
Sorry i can't help you on dhea, but i think it's not an approved medication in Singapore, that's why have to buy online? Other sisters please correct me if I'm wrong.
Thanks cheeka, I will not give up and will continue to persevere :)
Yes, it cannot be purchased over the counter and prof doesn't use it for his protocol and therefore, does not prescribe it.
So I need to look for another doc but not sure who to go to.
Hi babygrin
Oooooh sorry :(
What did prof propose? You can ask to talk to him even over the phone
For dhea we are several girls here taking it
Nervous babe stopped
Syrian also
Bbblues is taking 50mg
Am taking 75
Kopibaby also (50 i think )
Machobaby also
Jumbo girl as well etc etc
See we are many low amh here
This is difficult to strike for us but we keep on trying
Dhea can be found in kkh (dr tan hh or de sadhana ) or tfc (dr sf Loh who was previously in kkh - head of fertility department - he s been replaced by sadhana ) if they dont have at the kk pharmacy they Will ask you to order on line on brand: natrol
Go to our old posts
Usually they retrieved about 75% eggs which is 4 follies makes 3 eggs
So no wonder you had no eggs
If i was you i would go for natural ivf ( no medication - only one follie grow )
Do you ovulate each month? Do you have your menses on a regular basis?
Wow... didn't know so many sisters also low amh.
Gigi, thks so much for the info! I will start to call and make appt.
Prof didn't suggest natural ivf coz I am not sure if I ovulate at all. Since Oct 2012, my menses interval kept stretching longer & longer, from 28days become 6 weeks, then 2 months and finally once in 3 months. Then I started taking royal jelly, evening primrose oil and chasteberry (vitex), and amazingly it came back to a monthly cycle again! But because the test kit is so expensive, sometimes I test & sometimes I don't. So not sure if I missed testing when I ovulate.
Hum of course if you dont ovulate naturally , natural ivf is not the answer
You might try to Check your temperature or i Know clearblue has a great monitoring machine quite expensive but you buy only once And Thats it
Oh ok. I will go look for the monitoring machine.
I did monitor temperature and mucus for abt 2 months. During ovulation, temp suppose to surge for a few days right? Mine is very inconsistent, surge one day, down 2 days then surge again then down. I tested during surge but not positive. So after a while I gave up.
Thanks mesara. I have recovered & now starting to battle next round..hows ur BT? Hope everythings fine..

Thanks hopemiracle for the advice. Im planning to see Dr Que next wk. Can pm me his contact details? Really hope tcm herbs & acu can help me in my egg quality & quantity.

Straw, hows ur ER? Hope all went well.

Gigi, welcome back! U starting ur cycle soon. So excited for u. Sorry I cant answer ur query..not sure. U might wanna ask Dr Loh abt it?

Nervous_babe, im postponing my cycle to may instead. Mar seem too early for me. Have not started tcm yet & juz recovered frm pneumothorax. Will let the body recover fully 1st. When u starting urs? Decided to do wif Dr Loh too?

Babygrin, sorry abt ur failed cycle. Dun give up k. We are all strong ladies here. Keep on trying. Welcome to the low amh group..
Thank you nervous babe! Wishing u all the best in your preparation for your next cycle.

Babygrin, *hugs*
Keep up the good spirit and fight on! Meanwhile, take time to tiao ur body before the next attempt :)
Hello syrian
Thanks yes excited too :)
I had an AFC count the other day with Loh it was 5 maybe 6 so am happy its better than the 4 follies i had 3 months ago - 1 extra follie seem nothing but for us you Know its great
For maca i ll ask Loh yes but i Know the answer lol he Will tell me one par day (as per box) And i have to take for 3 months at least...
Happy you recovered! Have you been to Loh ? What did he say
Syrian good that you have recovered and be ready for the next battle, I am sure we will all graduate one day.

My er was fine, but I still have the crampy and slightly bloatedness now, normally how long will the crampy gone? Called chr and they asked me to monitor amd said crampy can last for 5 to 10 days, is that true?

Also embryologist just called me and they want to do day 5 transfer which is on tuesday as right now I have 6 good quality embryo and 4 satisfactory grade but I am still worry...
Syrian & hopemiracle30, thks for the encouragement. I have booked appt with dr tan hh from kkh this tue for consultation on dhea, but I still want to continue with prof for next cycle.

Straw1, all the best on tue and all the way to spreading bb dust!

Mesara, read your updates in another thread. Prof is right that u need to solve the pain issue first, then nurse yourself back to health before the next cycle starts. Jia you gal!
Babygrin thank you. I still have some crampy like ovulation crampy and slight bloatedness.

Mesara when is your appt with dr fong? Prof is right, you need to eliminate the pain as it really disturb your routine.
Omg hopemiracle i just read you bfped ?!? And naturally ?!? How great !! Congratulations i wish you all the best
Gigi I meant pimples breakout, so much that ppl keep asking me what did I eat, that is only 2-3 weeks after I started. So I wonder hw would it be after 3mths. Do update us once u start ur cycle, gd luck and so excited for u. Haa

Syrian, I wanted to start in mar but am not ready too. Didn't change much to my diet, lifestyles and havent start acupunture. But I guess I will always not be ready so if I m able to get a slot, may do it in mar. Worry the longer I drag my amh will go even lower as we age. since you just recovered, is gd to go slow. May could be a gd time. Btw, i will stick with prof. U?

Any 1 cycling in mar? Is gd to have similar condition lady to cycle together so that we can encourage and compare notes.
Gigi, your AFC abt 5-6? Thats awesome! At least you can see some improvement with dhea. 1or 2 more follies is considered a bonus for pple like us. Who noes the number will get better with maca root?

Straw, u have so many gd follies. Try not to worry so much. Day 5 transfer is better. High chance to succeed. Pray that u will.

Nervous_babe, im doing my next cycle with Dr Loh. Same as gigi & bb_blues. Done both my IVFs with prof. So not gonna stick with him again. Btw I have just started tcm today and have change my tcm to Dr Que as recommended by hopemiracle, panteileen & bb_blues. Hope can see some improvements.


I understand your predicament. True lah, cant drag too long as amh will drop further. But make sure to prepare your body for next round, mentally & physically. No point rushing if body not healthy & at its optimum yet. Thats why im postponing my next round to may. Im also worrying abt my endo recurring if I delay further. Cross fingers, hoping it wont..
