Prof PC Wong - IVF with Norethisterone

Hi all, i'm peanut_2.0 and i've finally decided to step out of my silent reader role and join you sisters in our quest for a miracle of our own. My DH has been encouraging me to join this forum for emotional support ever since we started with our IVF journey. First of all, congratulation to sisters who have bfp-ed and are currently waiting to hold your bundle(s) of joy in your arms.

A little bit of history: I was diagnosed with PCOS and DH morphology issue during our check at a pte hospital after ttc for 2 years (in 2009). We bfp-ed on our first iui attempt but lost the bb's heartbeat at 8th week. Opted for d&c at week 9 following confirmation of miscarriage. Then, 3 iuis the following year but to no avail. Doc suggested ivf but we told ourselves decided to go to restructured/govt hospital for the cofund.

Following that, in 2012, we saw another pte gynae who advocates natural conception. Through her, i was diagnosed with, endometriosis, infection and entanglement of my tubes as well as my cervix being pulled behind my vagina (which according to her the reason why DH troops prolly could not reach the eggies). To cut the story short, we tried for a couple of months but we took a break bcos all the stress took a toll on our marriage. Hence, last year July, we decided to start IVF at NUH.

Our first cycle in October had to be abandoned because my dosage was 112.5 and my eggies were not responding. It was also done by Dr Anu bcos prof was on leave. So we started a new cycle recently with Prof (150 iu, pergoveris and cetrotide, retrieved 19 follies, 11 matured abd 11 fertlized) and now we are on our 5 day post embryo (day 5) transfer. (Trf 1 embie whom we speak to every night to stay strong based on all your advice and frozen 5). However, im writing to you because i'm a little concerned that my infection might have come back because i feel itchiness around my vagina area. I thought it was normal because i read that the fluid they use to clean your cervix might cause some itchiness however for the past two nights, it has been very itchy. Called CHR on saturday afternoon but i got scolded instead by Nurse Serena for not calling earlier -she said sternly: "and you are calling now, when the clinic is closing and prof is not around?" Then she offered some common sense advice after which left me crying for 10 mins in my DH's arms. In fact i didnt want to call bcos it would mean i had to acknowledge that there is a problem but my DH talked me into it. She then said to call back on Monday if it does not stop to see prof.

Anyone had this itchiness problem? And does anyone know who this Serena is? Why is she so mean? So far i have spoken to karen, nurse jin, charmaine and christine. All of them are very nice. Im very affected that it will affect my chances. And even if we bfp, im afraid we will have another miscarriage again with my endo and infection history :(. Its been a long journey for all of us and im sure you can imagine how difficult it is during this 2ww period.

Sorry for the super long post...
Good morning And welcome here peanuts!
Thanks for sharing your story this cycle seems super good its always positive to have day 5 transfer !! :)
For this nurse story i Know Jane And karen and Serena i think is the pretty pony tail one
Dont worry they are all nice she was probably stressed And worried for you - you know they are used to women who call for nothing so Thats why !!
For the itchiness a vaginal cream might help - prof Will give you something dont worry you have to relax

Syrian - great we re together tell me who is this dr que ? Speaks english ? Where can i find her is she expensive ? Long wait ?

Have a nice day girls !!
Hi peanut, are you still feel very itchy now? Chr is very busy in the morning, perhaps you walk in to prof clinic is better.
@gigi31 : Thank you for your comforting words. I could barely sleep last night and this morning i called and Nurse Jin told me to come and see Prof.

@straw1 : ya, quite itchy. In fact i just saw Prof. He was very comforting and i even saw his smile today! Lol! I went to the women's clinic straight and it was crowded too! But i didnt wait long even though i was a walk in. I think they give priority to those post ET?

He said it could just be yeast infection so he took a cotton swab for testing which will come back on Wed. So in the meantime he told me ti try tolerate it for two days and he did not want to give anymore med for now since i already have quite a lot of meds as u all would know. He even assured me that it would not affect my chances of getting pregnant because the infection if it is, is outside. So relieved!

On another note: where to get the immunocal? Also I wish i had done tcm after reading the effectveness of tcm from the different sisters here.. All the best everyone!
Hi hi ladies! So loong didn't log in and someone is missing me?? Lol.

Nervous_babe, yes, I have switched from Dr Zhao to Dr Que after few ladies saw him and conceive naturally. Since I have not succeed under Dr Zhao, no harm trying a different TCM for a second opinion. Only saw him few times. First few times, he said my body is so weak and say no way my body is ready for conception! So depressed lo. But after the 4th acupuncture, he finally say my body is ready. I intend to do my next cycle after CNY with Dr Loh. What about you? Have you been going for your TCM? I think my body is weak because I stopped going TCM after my last cycle so is best to tiao your body at least 2 months prior to your cycle.

Gigi, Dr Que (can call him Albert also) is a Singaporean and can speaks english. He don't accept appointments, so just walk in. His clinic is at Tang Shan Medical Hall, Marine Parade Blk 86. His working hours is 11am to 1pm and 2pm to 730pm from Mon to Sun but Off on Thurs and first Sun of the month. The clinic no. is 63485983. He will be on leave from 29 Jan to 6 Feb. FYI.
Anyone had this itchiness problem? And does anyone know who this Serena is? Why is she so mean? So far i have spoken to karen, nurse jin, charmaine and christine. All of them are very nice. Im very affected that it will affect my chances. And even if we bfp, im afraid we will have another miscarriage again with my endo and infection history :(. Its been a long journey for all of us and im sure you can imagine how difficult it is during this 2ww period.

Serena : ok mah, local singaporean slim ponytail no glasses
Karen : abit more meaty, local singaporean hair shorter than Serena, speak better english
Jane : from Shanghai
So far the 3 of them are nice. The Singaporean indian girl also nice (very pretty).

Try to call them before lunch daily. Coz sometimes Prof don't work full days. There's also an emergency handphone number to call, i call before twice. The nurse will rotate to pick up calls even on PH.
Nervous_babe, yes, I have switched from Dr Zhao to Dr Que after few ladies saw him and conceive naturally. Since I have not succeed under Dr Zhao, no harm trying a different TCM for a second opinion. Only saw him few times. First few times, he said my body is so weak and say no way my body is ready for conception! So depressed lo. But after the 4th acupuncture, he finally say my body is ready. I intend to do my next cycle after CNY with Dr Loh. What about you? Have you been going for your TCM? I think my body is weak because I stopped going TCM after my last cycle so is best to tiao your body at least 2 months prior to your cycle.

Hi BB_Blues. I also tot my body "very very strong" coz i tot heaty body = good. Mine is very heaty until everytime eat abit spicy = pimple breakout.
In the end, Dr Que diagnose me as "Xu Bu Sheng Bu" so must detox my liver and kidney for 1 month before i boost up my womb.
Oh ya, ladies who are doing IVF with Dr Loh, shall we move over to the main IVF thread and leave this thread for ladies who are under Prof? Just find a bit weird when we are discussing about Dr Loh in this thread. Moreover, I see a couple of ladies who discussed in the main IVF thread are also under Loh. Of cos, we can continue to share/advise our IVF experience with Prof here too. Hee. Just a suggestion la. ;)
Hi BB_Blues. I also tot my body "very very strong" coz i tot heaty body = good. Mine is very heaty until everytime eat abit spicy = pimple breakout.
In the end, Dr Que diagnose me as "Xu Bu Sheng Bu" so must detox my liver and kidney for 1 month before i boost up my womb.

pantieileen, tcm can be very contradicting right. My prev TCM said my body very "Han" (cold) but he said that is a very strong word and my problem is my qi is weak. My prev tcm ask me to take more black chicken soup but he said don't take. When my lining was thin, I asked if I should take red bean soup, he said better not. I was very confused but since I am now following him will just listen to him. Lol.
@bb_blues : Previously i was with EuYangSan Dr Xia Rong. She say my womb very "Han" cold ask me to take heaty stuff like black chicken, red bean, Ginseng also but i eat already massive pimple breakout and my period blood clots didn't change, still like egg yolk size.
Then i read a book "Pregnancy Miracle something" it mention period blood clots are not normal then what Dr Que explained to me also make sense. My liver heaty so i get pimple breakout, my kidney also overwork coz i eat salty, processed and spicy food so he ask me to abstain and restrict myself. The stomach and intestines digest and then absorb but if liver and kidney cannot process well then the nutrients also cannot reach the womb the womb forever lack of nutrients thats why alot of blood clots.

Strangely after acupuncture and maintaining my diet (more fresh fruits, veggie, fish), reduce chicken beef and mutton (coz he says these are heaty) then my blood clots disappear and another month he said i'm ready for IVF but then already managed to conceive naturally. Up to a certain time then can "bu" back and even "Bu" cannot overly "Bu" coz i got heaty background. abit extra then i pop pop pop pimples so must try to reach equilibrium.

My guess is some TCM sinseh just zero down to womb whereas he's abit more holistic?
My analogy is like the human body is like a car, Want to increase horsepower doesn't just mean by bigger engine capacity will accelerate fast, must also play with air intake, exhaust, header etc.
@bb_blues : Previously i was with EuYangSan Dr Xia Rong. She say my womb very "Han" cold ask me to take heaty stuff like black chicken, red bean, Ginseng also but i eat already massive pimple breakout and my period blood clots didn't change, still like egg yolk size.
Then i read a book "Pregnancy Miracle something" it mention period blood clots are not normal then what Dr Que explained to me also make sense. My liver heaty so i get pimple breakout, my kidney also overwork coz i eat salty, processed and spicy food so he ask me to abstain and restrict myself. The stomach and intestines digest and then absorb but if liver and kidney cannot process well then the nutrients also cannot reach the womb the womb forever lack of nutrients thats why alot of blood clots.

Strangely after acupuncture and maintaining my diet (more fresh fruits, veggie, fish), reduce chicken beef and mutton (coz he says these are heaty) then my blood clots disappear and another month he said i'm ready for IVF but then already managed to conceive naturally. Up to a certain time then can "bu" back and even "Bu" cannot overly "Bu" coz i got heaty background. abit extra then i pop pop pop pimples so must try to reach equilibrium.

My guess is some TCM sinseh just zero down to womb whereas he's abit more holistic?
My analogy is like the human body is like a car, Want to increase horsepower doesn't just mean by bigger engine capacity will accelerate fast, must also play with air intake, exhaust, header etc.

Yes, you are right, he is more holistic and not only focus on the womb. Your analogy is so true.
Hi Ladies, Do you all visit DrAlbert during your menses?
Hi yoyo, I only saw him recently so cannot really advise. Generally is better to see TCM in your day 5 or 6 of your cycle when your menses should have cleared. I doubt you can do acupuncture if you are having your menses. But not so sure for Dr Que, perhaps other ladies can advise.
Thanks BB_blues.... I thinking of switching to Dr Que as its nearer to my hm .... Some gals mention tat Dr Que do acupuncture and give medicine during menses to plurge out old blood.... Today mine reported so dunno if to see him anot.....
How's your apt with him?
@gigi31 : Thank you for your comforting words. I could barely sleep last night and this morning i called and Nurse Jin told me to come and see Prof.

@straw1 : ya, quite itchy. In fact i just saw Prof. He was very comforting and i even saw his smile today! Lol! I went to the women's clinic straight and it was crowded too! But i didnt wait long even though i was a walk in. I think they give priority to those post ET?

He said it could just be yeast infection so he took a cotton swab for testing which will come back on Wed. So in the meantime he told me ti try tolerate it for two days and he did not want to give anymore med for now since i already have quite a lot of meds as u all would know. He even assured me that it would not affect my chances of getting pregnant because the infection if it is, is outside. So relieved!

On another note: where to get the immunocal? Also I wish i had done tcm after reading the effectveness of tcm from the different sisters here.. All the best everyone!

Hi Peanut, just to share on my personal experience on vjj itchiness... In 2011, I had a period of severe itch until it was bleeding. I went to ER and confirmed infection, put into antibiotics and inserts. It went away.
In 2012, I was diagnosed with thyroid issues. I was eating thyroid medication and the itch came back every month. They endocrinologist did not believe me that the itch was a side effect of the medication.
In 2013, still have monthly itch. I went to GP, given inserts again. But didn't help. After ttcing for almost 3 yrs, we decided to proceed with IVF. But I was still worried with my thyroid problem and itch, so I read a lot on books about immune system and even went to a naturopath at the last minute before IVF.

On hindsight, my severe itch in 2011 was a sign of imbalance of my digestive system, and that allows the yeast to grow and cause infection/itch. I read that also in the books. The imbalance in our digestive system could cause so many immune problems, including thyroid issues.

Late 2013, I was put on supplements by my naturopath (i.e. liver detox, caprylic acid supplement, G3 juice, lemon balm capsules, pro/prebiotics) and had strict diet with no sugar, no fruits cos of the sugar, lots of veggie, no bread/yeast products for 2 weeks immediately prior to my IVF (It was a last minute decision). Usually, detox lasts 3 weeks, but I did only for 2 weeks cos my IVF protocol starting soon. True enough, after that, I never had any vjj itch anymore. That is despite I was still eating my thyroid medication + all the injections + antibiotics given for IVF.

Is your vjj itchiness a recurrent one? Or one-off? My suggestion is to research on caprylic acid (it naturally fights off yeast). It's not for you to take now because you are in your 2ww. FYI, extra virgin coconut oil contains caprylic acid. I bought half-litre for $20++ and use it occasionally for cooking. Some even advocate eating one teaspoon of coconut oil every other day. But do your research first before doing anything. Wishing you all the best and good luck in your 2ww!
@pantieileen ya my previous gynae who advocates natural conception( despite being one of the pioneer ivf docs at sgh eons ago) also said blood clots are not normal, especially on the fourth day of menses. She says it means that theres inflammation in your uterus.
@jumbogirl Thanks for the info on immunocal..
Does Dr Que speak English? My back up if BFN to see a tcm. If BFP, would you recommend acu?
@cheeka Thanks for sharing your experience. My itchiness had happened before in 2012. It started to happen after baby-dancing (BD) with DH and then i was diagnosed with an infection which i cannot remember what its called. Together with endometriosis, i went for surgery and she had to laser off the infection in the uterus all the way close to the anus area cos the infection had reached there(TMI sorry!) during recovery, i was given a lot of antibiotics via iv for 5 days (no inserts though bcos doc didnt want to disturb the area). My doc also suggested a diet which was very similar to yours i.e. No refined sugar at all, lots of veggie and even avoid animals that consume waste such as catfish, shrimp or similar crustaceans. Thanks to that i lost 5kg within 1.5 weeks. So im hoping its not the same one bcos it hasnt happened for quite some time, only after ET. Therefore, im inclined to go with your explanation or hormonal imbalance. So i shall go back to no more refined sugar( no more cupcakes for me :() and avoiding bread/yeast products. Thanks so much for your advice!

I was prescribed with immunocal last time by my previous gynae. She suggested drinking it with orange or lime juice which was tolerable as the it disguises the yuckiness ;)
Hi yoyo, I only saw him recently so cannot really advise. Generally is better to see TCM in your day 5 or 6 of your cycle when your menses should have cleared. I doubt you can do acupuncture if you are having your menses. But not so sure for Dr Que, perhaps other ladies can advise.

I do acupuncture during period also, but i wear thick and long pads, scared lie down stain the bed.
Thanks BB_blues.... I thinking of switching to Dr Que as its nearer to my hm .... Some gals mention tat Dr Que do acupuncture and give medicine during menses to plurge out old blood.... Today mine reported so dunno if to see him anot.....
How's your apt with him?
Oh, now that you mention, I do recall some ladies seeing him during menses. Maybe can just pop down since is near your place.
I find him a man of few words. He kept quiet after taking my pulse the first time. I have to ask him before he said my qi is weak. Frankly speaking, I do not have high regards of him after the first consultation but I do not want to keep changing tcm so decide to try him for at least a cycle. He did say my qi is improving after a few acu sessions so I guess he must be good right.
Which TCM were you with previously?
@pantieileen ya my previous gynae who advocates natural conception( despite being one of the pioneer ivf docs at sgh eons ago) also said blood clots are not normal, especially on the fourth day of menses. She says it means that theres inflammation in your uterus.
@jumbogirl Thanks for the info on immunocal..
Does Dr Que speak English? My back up if BFN to see a tcm. If BFP, would you recommend acu?

My previous gynae "Prof KL Yam" from KKH tell me "BLOOD CLOTS ARE NORMAL!! Only abnormal if it causes acute cramps". I mean come on lah, cramp and pain tolerance also difference everytime tell me normal the refer me to do IVF straightaway.

Dr Que speak english. if you have Bio background even better, everything in TCM lingo then makes more sense. Want to be more kiasu ask him translate the herb prescription then google online to see what are each herb for.

Pregnant CANNOT do acupunture!!
Oh, now that you mention, I do recall some ladies seeing him during menses. Maybe can just pop down since is near your place.
I find him a man of few words. He kept quiet after taking my pulse the first time. I have to ask him before he said my qi is weak. Frankly speaking, I do not have high regards of him after the first consultation but I do not want to keep changing tcm so decide to try him for at least a cycle. He did say my qi is improving after a few acu sessions so I guess he must be good right.
Which TCM were you with previously?

No leh...everytime i alot of things to talk about. I always have a list of questions and observation about my body ready. Even now that i'm pregnant i still note down anything funny to my body and ask him if normal or not.
Oh, now that you mention, I do recall some ladies seeing him during menses. Maybe can just pop down since is near your place.
I find him a man of few words. He kept quiet after taking my pulse the first time. I have to ask him before he said my qi is weak. Frankly speaking, I do not have high regards of him after the first consultation but I do not want to keep changing tcm so decide to try him for at least a cycle. He did say my qi is improving after a few acu sessions so I guess he must be good right.
Which TCM were you with previously?

Last time I'm with tcm Dr Tan Kian Sing... Just finished his packet medicine..... I think I drop by tomorrow to see Dr Que. Thanks ladies.
Wow, this thread is active today :)
Many Dr Que converts too!

Yoyo, ok to see Dr Que during mensus, like wat Pantieileen says, wear long pad ah. All the best!
Hello ladies
Yes very active !
Bbblues syrian yes we should shift i agree this thread is not ours anymore :( now that we are not in nuh anymore ... Gigi
Oh I see! I am also following that thread :)
Yes, we are just shifting to the ivf/icsi support group but will still pop in here once a while to share nuh experience la.
Hope you gals dun mind us shifting over as I feel this thread should be discussing about Prof Wong and NUH la. Not really fair if we keep babbling about SF Loh here. Haha.

This is actually a great thread where I met all the wonderful ladies here. Hope other ladies with Prof Wong continue to keep this thread alive. :)
Today is my et day. Quite nervous about it until cant sleep well last night. Can we take our lunch before the procedure? Coz my procedure is quite late in the afternoon.
Hi straw1, all the best to ur ET later. No need to fast for ET, yes, so u can eat ur lunch today. However, as u need to keep ur bladder full for the transfer, do pace urself w the water parade. The most difficult thing in ET is the bladder holding. Based on my experience, avoid juice and caffeinated drinks as these are diuretic and makes u want to pee more.

Dun worry too much, the procedure today is very easy. Relax relax....
@straw1 Good luck ok!! My prayers are with you. Its always nervous but exciting. Ya, go easy on the water, try to lie down for another 15 mins post ET. I really couldnt tahan that time so i peed as soon as they transfered me to the room. I continued to go every 20 mins after that. So im sure your bladder is better than mine ;) exciting!
Hopemiracle and peanut thank ypu for your comforting reply.
I am on the way to NUH now after do one last acu this morning.

Just wondering is it normal to have embryo grade keep on changing everyday. Lets say today this embryo is satisfactory grade but tomorrow the same embryo can become a good quality?
Pantilien weird is yestaerday was satisfactory and today become good, but I am happy for it, haha...

Now officially in 2ww, just transfer 2 precious.
Pray for the best and let God decide for the rest.
If become good means got chance to reach blastocyst stage loh. All cells are different, sometimes dividing well but slowly. Afterall they use the same growth media. But most of the time is degradation coz it's still a external environment compared to real body.
Thanks peanut really hope we can strike. I was thinking to go bintan but need to see prof 2 days later and I will come back to work tjis coming monday.

My embryologistvtold me they want to monitor my other embryo before freezing them, is that normal?
Bb blues last time did u take dr zhao medicine? Or which TCM medicine you taking?
How abt nw? Beside gg acupunture you also taking dr que medicine? Boil or packet? Expensive?

Babygrin, how's ur review with dr tan? Managed to get your DHEA?
Nervous babe, yup I got it already! Feels so excited to start on it. Hope I don't encounter much side effects. Keeping fingers crossed.
Its 25mg in the morning & 25mg at night. Is this the typical dosage?
I wanted to buy 3 mths supply but the pharmacist refused to give me. Said after I finished then go back again... aiya...
Bb blues last time did u take dr zhao medicine? Or which TCM medicine you taking?
How abt nw? Beside gg acupunture you also taking dr que medicine? Boil or packet? Expensive?

Babygrin, how's ur review with dr tan? Managed to get your DHEA?
nervous_babe, yes, I took Dr Zhao meds before, hers are in powder form, just mix and pour hot water. Very convenient.
This time round, I did not take any herbs from Dr Que because I am doing SO-IUI and is better not to take any meds during injections. But my hubby took his herbs for 4 days. His herbs have to be brewed. Think the 4 days of herbs is about $35. You can ask them to brew for you but need additional cost and have to collect around 2-3 hours later. I am not sure of the additional cost for brewing as we brewed ourselves.
But my hubby took his herbs for 4 days. His herbs have to be brewed. Think the 4 days of herbs is about $35. You can ask them to brew for you but need additional cost and have to collect around 2-3 hours later. I am not sure of the additional cost for brewing as we brewed ourselves.
Between $10-15 for brewing and packaging
Thanks bb blues and pantieileen. I was thinking to only go to him for accunputure. Wonder will he be ok.
Babygrin yes 50 mg is the norm. Many sisters here taking 50 mg. I am the greedy one, I started on 75mg straight. Btw, hw much u pay to see dr tan? I thinking to start my dhea again but of course with a lower dose. Does he say what kind of side effects is bad? I was having v bad breakout after I took it.
nervous_babe, you can just go for acu with Dr Que. I started with acu only when i was preparing for FET.
You may consider taking his med if you are keen later on. I find the med helped me. He changes the prescription according to the body condition and also time of the month.

dear ladies, I just visit Dr Que ytd...... like what you all said . He did accu even I'm day 2.... say to clean up those blood.... today going dwn to collect medicine.... I ask him anything wrong with me... He say dunno what 'qi' not enough... other than that, I passed..... haha ... dunno what he mean by pass.....
Maybe previous TCM 's herbs, accu made me 'pass' ....
Jia you all ladies!
