Prof PC Wong - IVF with Norethisterone

@mesara i was about to write for af issues also - my af last only 3 days :( ! And big cramps also
You think its an ivf side effect? Any ideas girls ? Mesara how long they lasted? As usual?

Mesara, is your AF bleeding unusual? The cramps could be due to your body trying to fully expel a thicker than usual lining, due to all the supports plus your AF this month being quite delayed. But if unusual bleeding then best to check it out asap. My AF this month was also a bit off, started out normal, by day 3 only spotting, but day 4 suddenly picked up to moderate flow again, then day 5 back to spotting. But no cramps.
@bbcripps i got exactly like you the cycle after ivf : af monday spotting tuesday wednesday flow thursday spotting friday flow then finished
This month saturday sunday flow monday almost over :(
Hi ladies, my flow was crazy too especially after my D&C then menses come shortly after 2 weeks fm date of D&C!!

I m schedule in dec for the scoping to clear any fibroid or polyp in my uterus tat Dr Chew can find !!!!

I ask him if I can do FET after the scoping and he say no problem but I'm thinking to wait for one menses cycle to come after the scoping then do the FET....

He suggest to do a natural FET for the first round and see how.... He say if do medicated FET, I need to eat alot medicine ... :(

But he also said that for natural FET, I must ovaluated and then can only proceed to do the egg transfer .... Also, he will need to scan on daily basis from day 14 of my menses onward... OMG... Im gg to be late for work even I manage to be the 1st patient .... :( how to explain y I'm late every day for work ???

He also say doesn't mean when u come menses, u will ovulated....

Hmmm.... I tot if egg didn't meet up with hb troop and then it will break down as our monthly menses????

Haiz.... Now thinking if I shld do a medicated FET or not....
Duffy bear
Yeah Crazy too :)but mine so short am scared of synecchies :( and i have cramps :(
For your FET is There a way to tell your employer you ll reach late? For exemple you have to drop hubby or your mil vertu morning somewhere ? Well just make up some thing??
Duffy, not necessarily u will ovulate even if u get your menses regularly. Menses is the breakdown of the lining, not the egg, so whether u ovulate or not, as long as there's no fertilized egg implanted, the lining will shed every month n become your menses. Prior to your ivf, do u use ovulation prediction kit to track ovulation? I think if u can get a positive opk every month regularly then most likely u do ovulate regularly. For me, Prof also suggested a natural FET, n I prefer it that way too, cos my body will be in more natural state. But ultimately go with your heart la... n of coz doctor's advice.

Sounds like a good idea to wait one menses cycle first, let your womb settle down abit first. 1st patient still will be late ya? Maybe try to go super early n do BT first, n make sure u r the first one for the scan. At least that way u should be able to leave NUH by around 8am. Maybe those few days take taxi to work so u won't be too late?
Gigi, sometimes I also worry if a shorter cycle means our lining no good, or that it didn't shed properly. Cos as I get older, my menses get shorter n shorter. :( All the gynae I asked said it's ok though.
I Know bbcripps :( i keep thinking its too short :( same they say nothing but i cant help thinking this problem happened after D&C And synecchie removed in mount e
Sigh ... Hopefully we ll succeed!
Miric, have a good cry n shake off the disappointment, n then look forward to your FET ok? U have so many frozen embbies, sure will succeed very soon. A FET is alot less taxing than a fresh cycle, if u ovulate regularly, u can do a natural FET with no jabs, just a few scans n BTs. Have a good rest babe {{hug}}
Today was hard for me cause my son burst into tears cause his school mate was telling at the teacher how his young brother learned to draw at the preschool And my son had nothing to say cause no brother or sister - i was so sad cause usually i can reconfort him but now what to say ? We love him he is our miracle we ll do any thing to give him one he has great friends
I Know girls you fight for one i fight for 2 - we all have our fight And we Will succeed
@mesara i was about to write for af issues also - my af last only 3 days :( ! And big cramps also
You think its an ivf side effect? Any ideas girls ? Mesara how long they lasted? As usual?
Gigi my flow usually last for 7 days. D2 n 3 heavy then subside. This af flow was normal n d2 3 cramps were subsided with painkillers. But I had sharp pain on my left ovary plus backache till spain on the lefr side. That was unusual. The pain moved from left to centre yesterday and now my right side has the pain. Wonder what is this moving thing causing the pain. I am wary of my movements scared the pain attack will come. My previous iui also like tat. Pain persist after af n was admitted in kk for a week. Scan n blood test revealed nothing. Discharged after jabbing Alot of pain killers. Am upset that the docs dont really bother investigating the case for us.
Mesara, is your AF bleeding unusual? The cramps could be due to your body trying to fully expel a thicker than usual lining, due to all the supports plus your AF this month being quite delayed. But if unusual bleeding then best to check it out asap. My AF this month was also a bit off, started out normal, by day 3 only spotting, but day 4 suddenly picked up to moderate flow again, then day 5 back to spotting. But no cramps.
Bbcrips flow is normal. Infact af ending liao but dint know why this pain. I will go for a scan coz after iui af did not come n I induced it after 7 weeks. Might be thick lining but it has shedded n no af but still pain. Haiz so complicated n its disrupting my work n home life badly.
Good morning mesara
Yep i agree i feel frustrated too
My hubby was reminding me yesterday night that docs mentionned after iui ivf AF cycles could be affected in terms of frequency and quantity and That is why they recommend at least 2-3 cycles in between procedures sooo we have to wait again ...!
Good morning ladies... Im gona buried myself with thousands of emails later lol so that i dont have the time to mourn!
May i ask usually AF will come within the week or? Thanks
And abt AF cramp, my acu dr taught me to slice few ginger in hot water, cover it for awhile and drink it. It will soothe the cramp... U may wana try?
miric, I was about to post the same thing to mesara. My TCM Dr also say to drink ginger red date to reduce the cramp and at the same time cleanse out your lining. No harm trying.
Mesara, oh dear your cramps sound really bad, yes, like what Miric n Bb blues suggested, ginger tea will help soothe the cramps n keep your womb warm. But maybe next time u r at the gynae u can request for a detailed scan to rule out anything serious. Take care. U starting your nor e this month?

Gigi, awww, I feel for your son. But hey, think abt it this way, I want 2 kids too, u already have one so u r halfway there, I'm still at the starting line doing warm ups, haha.

Miric, Prof says AF usually starts 2-3 days after u stop the inserts. For me this round my last insert was night of the 4th, n my AF came on the 6th. Work is a great distraction, think I would have gone mad if I had to stay at home n had so much to think abt my uphill TTCing journey. Though there r moments when it still hits me out of nowhere la, like yesterday morning when I'm drinking the damn horrible brew from my TCM, can drink until start crying cos felt so sorry for myself, haha. But with a very grumpy impatient hubby hassling me cos we r late for work, I snapped out of it very quickly. Go watch Thor la, nothing like a bunch of good looking muscle bulging tights wearing men to make u feel better! :)
bbcripps, yup... At times really feel sorry for myself too... Been thru lap op to unblock tubes n found endo, treated... But still cant conceive naturally then went blocked again...haiz...
Then embark ivf with needles needles needles, acu also needles, bt also needles @_@ needles-full man!! The bloated tummy, oozing of blood during jabs... Many food cant eat, pressure from MIL!!! WTH!!! Im sure many of us always ask "why me?" Haiz..
Yup, why me? 3 neighbours staying same level gave birth last month, at times they gather opp my unit to share their bb talks... The other 2 units all have kids already... So they will ask me whens ur turn?? Well,... I always wanted to ask them back, yah, whens my turn? :(
Hubby brought me watched Thor ytd... Honestly, my soul was away... Been controlling my tears...
Hubby told his parents we are doing ivf, so mil very gan jeong, keep asking how when what... And faster do another ivf for 2nd child! This aunty son that uncle DIL having no. 2already! Aiyo we still waiting to have grandchildren... Its really painful....
They dont know this bfn yet... I seriously dont know how to handle this... How to break the news to the folks :(
Miric - hugs babe. We all go thru this "why me" question. I've shed a lot of self pity tears :( I dunno why we are "chosen ones" to go thru this emotional and physical pain. I hate needles too. When we first started I told hubby I will do one fresh cycle only cos I dun think I can keep injecting myself. I was happy when I had 12 follicles. I told hubby ok I hope we hv 4 embbies. 1 put in and 3 to freeze so that I can do another 3 FET and put a stop to IVF whatever the outcome. And guess what? I had 1 lone surviving embbie that's in me. Why?? Well I cried and now it's over. If it's a BFN this time, I am all set for another fresh cycle in Feb. Bring on the d**n needles!!! I will take u on! Cos I know I am strong and I am resilient.
Find the time to mourn dear, I think it's an important part to closing this chapter before u begin the next. It will happen for us all! Hugsss!
bbcripps, yup... At times really feel sorry for myself too... Been thru lap op to unblock tubes n found endo, treated... But still cant conceive naturally then went blocked again...haiz...
Then embark ivf with needles needles needles, acu also needles, bt also needles @_@ needles-full man!! The bloated tummy, oozing of blood during jabs... Many food cant eat, pressure from MIL!!! WTH!!! Im sure many of us always ask "why me?" Haiz..
Yup, why me? 3 neighbours staying same level gave birth last month, at times they gather opp my unit to share their bb talks... The other 2 units all have kids already... So they will ask me whens ur turn?? Well,... I always wanted to ask them back, yah, whens my turn? :(
Hubby brought me watched Thor ytd... Honestly, my soul was away... Been controlling my tears...
@miric my hb went to Watch thor as well !! At great world city but did not feel like going
For your neighbours the best is to tell you re having issues no? So That they ll stop wondering

@bbcripps if you can transfer 2 yes cause beeing only Child is difficult for a kid thanks for your support i really appreciate
miric, yes, I also ask myself this question, why me. We did not do anything bad to other people too. Every time a cycle failed, I will cry miserably but lucky for this forum, I still manage to keep my sanity. We choose not to tell my in laws about us doing ivf, I do not want to manage other ppl expectation and still have to find ways to console them when we failed, as if we are not sad enough. But I still tell my mum so she will stop asking me if I have seen this doc or that tcm. But after 2 cycles, I also stopped telling her because she don't know whats gg on and keep asking me how ah, what ah, when ah, inevitably causing me stress. So, must remember you are not alone, we are here to support each other ya. If feel sad, just pour out here, we can all understand. Regarding breaking the news to your in laws, perhaps is easier to let your husband do the talking.
Yes, lucky to have u gals to allow me to let go my sorrows lol! Thank u gals!!!
I'm sure mil will call me after my hubby broke the news to her! She will asked why?? U too weak right?! Do again lor!
I cant blame her but sometimes, or many times, her words can be quite insensitive *roll eyes*
Yup, i'll just cry and mourn then close this chapter before moving on! Thanks babes!!!
Good morning mesara
Yep i agree i feel frustrated too
My hubby was reminding me yesterday night that docs mentionned after iui ivf AF cycles could be affected in terms of frequency and quantity and That is why they recommend at least 2-3 cycles in between procedures sooo we have to wait again ...!
So when will you start the cycle gigi
And abt AF cramp, my acu dr taught me to slice few ginger in hot water, cover it for awhile and drink it. It will soothe the cramp... U may wana try?
Thanks miric. I will definitely give anything a try to ease those irritating cramps
Thanks bbcrips miric n bb blues I only have ginger at home. Will try that first. Thanks for the advice ladies. Yes I will be starting nor e on 25 nov. Tomorrow will go to kk for detailed scan coz can claim. Nuh under fertility cannot claim.
Anie angel that's the spirit man. I feel motivated reading yr post. I m also scared of needles n wonder whats going to happen to me. Hope I will become as strong as u in this journey. Be strong n positive. I pray for your bfp dear.
Sisters just like u gals I see many relatives n friends cuddling their bundle of joy n here i am yearning for one badly. None at home or work knw abt my ttc journey. Hubby n me chose to keep it to ourselves. When we attended the counselling session they asked me who will I confide in . I said hubby n sisters in forum. The counsellor laughed. You gals are super great moral support. Thank u
Take care Mesara.

@miric ..big hugs babe.this too shall pass. U u feel gd cry it out. Coz tomorrow u need to fight back. U hv frozen embbies waiting 4 u.think of them..Prepare your body n mind for tomorrow.
Mil... I feel talk to dh n let him know that this disclosure to mil puts extra pressures on u.he needs to respect your choice too. Mil reform is beyond our control but hubby will unnerstand.
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Miric..*big hugs* be strong ok. Cry all out & move on..we can all understand ur pain..dun give up trying alrite..we will all graduate one day..

Mesara, i also have cramps after af this round. My af this time is crazy. 1st day heavy flow, 2nd day v light, 3-5 day spotting & ends. So weird. My usual af abt 7 days. Day 1-2 norm flow. I also have bad cramps this round. But af finish liao but still got on/off cramps on my right side. Worried too. Gonna see dr loh tmr. Will request for scan. Hope everything ok..hows ur cramps now? Better after the ginger drink? Take care..
Hello ladies!
Syrian please let us Know the outcome of your aptmnt tomorrow !
Just back from nuh to collect my report - argh they mentionned again my success rate 10-12%
Loh gives me a 30%! My gp 20% lol better to laugh
Syrian I am better after ginger drink. Thanks. How r u n how was yr scan report. I have not done my scan. Need to walk in kk a& e to do it.
Thank you ladies, yup, I cried and cried and cried yesterday while hubby went back to work... SHIOK!!! I'll just need a little time to get over this self pity drama! LOL...
did think of going to SF Loh but cost wise quite taxing.. I need not to pay anything (except the blood test during 1st visit), I still have balance available, I jokingly asked CHR nurse, can gov give me the balance amt? greedy me right...? hahaha
The acu sessions quite save from the subsidize and spend on acu...
only will get to see prof next mth...dont know what to expect... What is is procedure if to FET...
Miric, hope u feel better soon dear, take this time to pamper yourself abit, first thing I did after I got my bfn is to get my gel nails appt fixed, haha. Remember, we count our blessings -> we feel full from what we have, not feel empty from what we don't have. U have sooo many beautiful day 5 embbies, u r going to get your bfp in no time! FET is very simple in comparison, if u r doing unmedicated FET, just inform CHR on day 1 to make appt for day 10, then daily/alternate day scans till u ovulate, then ET 5 days later. When r u planning to do FET?
Miric no need to think of some other doctors prof is great i went to Loh cause i wanted dhea And he could tell me how to get he is very into new not 100% proved methods - i wanted to give a try and take it cause i have very poor ovarian reserve and quality you re not in this case so dont worry ok??
Syrian bbblues nervous babe kopibaby i we are low amh but dont compare with us your results were excellent !
Take care and prepare to strike !!!
Bbcripps: I did a blood test some years ago to check if I can ovaluated and result was oki... But tat was 3 years ago, I think....

In this case, can I buy these ovulation kit / test selling in eBay???

Thinking to monitor if I can ovulate in my next menses cycle b4 gg for FET...

Gigi: *envy envy* u gg skiing next mth !!!!

Miric: hope u r feeling better Bbcripps suggested, go pamper urself ba b4 starting all over again!!! :)
Agreed that this forum is so important, only the gals here know exactly how we feel. others just can't understand why we prefer to keep certain things not said. The stress of having to go thru all these are stress enough and still we have to face those insensitive relatives, colleagues, friends, mother in law? Haiz. We just have to cry silently in our heart. Jiayou ladies here.
Duffy, yes u can get those cheap ovulation prediction kit (OPK) from qoo10. Each stick abt 50-70 cents. AF will come 14 days after u ovulate if not preggie, so if u r on a 30 day cycle, u should ovulate around day 16, so u can start testing around day 12 onwards. Do not use first morning pee for opk, usually recommended to test around 2pm n 8pm. Closer to expected ovulation day, some people test 2x a day cos opk test for LH surge which can last for only few hrs so u might miss it. Do remember that opk is different from hpt in that if the test line is fainter than the control line, it is NOT positive. Test line has to be as dark as, or darker than control line. Think it will be good for u to monitor your ovulation, it's good for u to know when to work extra hard *wink wink*, plus it's useful for the doctor to plan your next course of action. Jia you, n all the best!

Nervous babe I totally agree. I have soon very well meaning friends n colleagues but they will never understand the anguish n emotional turmoils we face in this TTCing journey. Especially when they have no problems popping out babies n think that "just don't think abt it n relax" will magically solve all our problems. So I'm super grateful to have all the ladies here as my like-minded comrades in this fight. We will win this battle, never give up, never surrender!
yup, this forum is so important... where I can find pple who really understand what I am going thru...all of us here going thru...
yah! I had ice cold coke yesterday!!! wahahahha
I'm only seeing Prof mid Dec when he returns so duno what's and when the arrangement like... so probably FET will be Jan?
AF not here yet... the on and off cramp arrrgghhh... and really lots of discharge even after I stop the insertions since Mon... normal?
gigi, cos I heard SF Loh has magic hands! hahaha so tempted to go to him before we decide on NUH... but the cost... hmmm...

actually, I'm still wondering which part went wrong for my case... since both are hatched blastocysts... and acu dr actually congratulated me after 3rd day of ET when feeling my pulses! So does it mean implantation did happened but some where some thing went wrong? haiz haiz haiz...
Miric, hatched blastocyst, wow, u have great quality embbies there! Though this round did not work out, I have no doubt u will succeed very very soon with your frozen embbies. Keep the faith, n think of your potential babies waiting for u in NUH... U have done the hard part, all u need to do now is to get your body into the best shape possible n reunite with them. Jia you!

*Hi-5* I'm a ex-coke addict too! When I was younger I will wake up in the middle of the night n HAVE to drink coke. N it has to be bottled (not canned) coke poured into a glass full of ice. Ahhhh, shiokkk!!! But since I started ttcing, I had to give up my beloved coke. Only very very rarely when I really cannot tahan, I will steal one small sip from my hubby. N I will hold that small sip in my mouth for as long as possible to savor. Damn chiam! Haha.
Bbcripps: thanks for the info... I will search the ovulation prediction kit from qoo10 during my lunch time.... So if tested dark line, does it mean tat I'm ovulating ??? I not trying any natural conceiving cos I got ectopic pregnancies on my left and right tube .... So definite gg for ivf or FET.... Now only worry tat I'm not ovulating and I gotta to postpone my Natural FET to medicated FET!!!!

I m planning to do my natural FET in Feb .... So dun wish to delay any further ....

Btw, y is it doing natural FET, I must be ovulating then can do egg transfer???wat happen to those who are not ovulating naturally??? Meaning gotta be on medicated FET???

Duffy, u will see the line getting progressively darker as u approach ovulation, so the day when the test line is as dark, or darker than the control line, it means your LH is peaking, n that u will ovulate 12-24 hrs later. The opk can stay positive for up to 2 days, then the test line should get lighter. Ya I think u must ovulate to do a natural FET cos at different stages of the cycle the body is releasing different hormones, early in the cycle I think it's estrogen to stimulate follicle growth, second half of the cycle it's progesterone to nourish the womb for implantation n pregnancy. Something like that la. So if u don't ovulate naturally then they have to manipulate the hormones with medication. They will plan the natural FET to coincide perfectly w your cycle, so if u ovulate today, they put back the day 3 embryos 3 days later. So technically there's a chance for triplets - 2 fr the lab, n 1 as a gift (or joke) fr God conceived naturally, haha!
