Prof PC Wong - IVF with Norethisterone

Stressed out.. Being obese and family history, am with high blood and glucose intolerance.. Am ordered to do 24hr urine test to check on my hormones due to abnormalities. To check on liver, kidney & glucose test too.. Heart bom bom bom with all the pressure tests, not forgetting upcoming heartbeat scans and other tests..I am almost breaking down. Hope your bfp is not as tough as mine...

Think of the moment when u first started on ivf..all the tests n needles,both physical & mental stress..if u hav gone through then, u r definitely courageous enuf to go now
Think of the moment when u push out ur bb n hold him/her in ur arms...this will b ur motivation & goal to cheer u on....
Never underestimate mother's love...u hav wat it takes to fight on...:D


Doc has also prescribed NorE (18 days) for me for my next fresh. I thought NorE should be 5 to 15 days only? Anyone has similar extended NorE too?
NorE is mainly to control your timing for AF which in turn controls timing for ER. No worries, it's not harmful in any way if u need to extend.
Think of the moment when u first started on ivf..all the tests n needles,both physical & mental stress..if u hav gone through then, u r definitely courageous enuf to go now
Think of the moment when u push out ur bb n hold him/her in ur arms...this will b ur motivation & goal to cheer u on....
Never underestimate mother's love...u hav wat it takes to fight on...:D

Yup must think positive & look ahead towards the goal!!
When I began ivf, I already started thinking of names, reading up on baby strollers, breastfeeding blah blah.. to distract my mind.
Kept telling myself I'd get there one day!!!
Think of the moment when u first started on ivf..all the tests n needles,both physical & mental stress..if u hav gone through then, u r definitely courageous enuf to go now
Think of the moment when u push out ur bb n hold him/her in ur arms...this will b ur motivation & goal to cheer u on....
Never underestimate mother's love...u hav wat it takes to fight on...:D

@MonkeyChick : really admire your strong courage!
Even after bfp, I also feel the stress and on the verge of breaking down at times. Especially when I was quite sick previously.

Plus the fact that we have gone through so much with all the needles n etc to get here, hence can't help to always think that this pregnancy is more 'fragile'. I need to be more careful and etc... And on top of this,still need to continue with all medical support till 12w.

Seriously, this journey is really not easy... Trying very hard to keep my mood up.....
Am prescribed with Duphaston (12 days) to time my delayed menses. Was told to take the pill at the same time at equal intervals daily. Feels bloated today. Is this normal or is this the side effect?

Doc has also prescribed NorE (18 days) for me for my next fresh. I thought NorE should be 5 to 15 days only? Anyone has similar extended NorE too?

On improving egg quality, is CoEnzyme Q10 effective? Can it be taken with IVF medication like Duphaston and NorE?

I'm on duphaston and as far I dun feel anything.Mayb call Chr to check if this is normal if it gets worse?

As for norE, I dun rem a fixed number of days for NorE, mostly based on how u worked out the days to time ur fresh when u r discussing with ur doc...

I asked a few times on what I can eat as supplements to help my ivf journey...better eggs, higher success rate...the answer as far is none...hehehe...I wld say keep a healthy well, rest well...that's the minimum we can do...
Yup must think positive & look ahead towards the goal!!
When I began ivf, I already started thinking of names, reading up on baby strollers, breastfeeding blah blah.. to distract my mind.
Kept telling myself I'd get there one day!!!

U definitely will get there soon...:D
Keeping urself busy on knowledge n parenting is a good way...i will jot that down to remind myself when time comes...:p
@MonkeyChick : really admire your strong courage!
Even after bfp, I also feel the stress and on the verge of breaking down at times. Especially when I was quite sick previously.

Plus the fact that we have gone through so much with all the needles n etc to get here, hence can't help to always think that this pregnancy is more 'fragile'. I need to be more careful and etc... And on top of this,still need to continue with all medical support till 12w.

Seriously, this journey is really not easy... Trying very hard to keep my mood up.....

My courage is only still in theory for the 2nd part...urs,remembeRainbow,Lambi,queby77 ones r in action...u ladies r truly the courageous ones....
we all noe that this journey is nvr easy till the day we hear the first cry...u hav wat it takes to get to the first cry after reading ur previous episode ...hang on ya...u really hav gone through an ordeal...n u hav emerged as a stronger u...ya?;)
My courage is only still in theory for the 2nd part...urs,remembeRainbow,Lambi,queby77 ones r in action...u ladies r truly the courageous ones....
we all noe that this journey is nvr easy till the day we hear the first cry...u hav wat it takes to get to the first cry after reading ur previous episode ...hang on ya...u really hav gone through an ordeal...n u hav emerged as a stronger u...ya?;)
Thanks for the encouragement!!!
Hi all.... Unfortunately my pet will remain naked for now..... I do wanna say that you ladies are a really amazing and supportive bunch and the camaraderie here is awesome. Please do not ever give up fighting for your dreams. I certainly will not give up myself.

Will be taking a short break from this thread but i'll still be lurking around when i feel like it. My next appt with prof is on 8 July, will definitely try to do a natural FET cuz my body does not take oral meds very well. Unless prof recommends otherwise.

Queby my cycle buddy.... stay strong ya.... the tests are super stressful i agree but u need to do what u need to do to keep your babies safe. I am sure everything will be fine.... NUH is just being more conservative to do more tests and scans to make sure everything is on track.
Am prescribed with Duphaston (12 days) to time my delayed menses. Was told to take the pill at the same time at equal intervals daily. Feels bloated today. Is this normal or is this the side effect?

Doc has also prescribed NorE (18 days) for me for my next fresh. I thought NorE should be 5 to 15 days only? Anyone has similar extended NorE too?

On improving egg quality, is CoEnzyme Q10 effective? Can it be taken with IVF medication like Duphaston and NorE?
Calm down calm down (argh I know it's easier said than done). Being too stressed will raise your blood pressure. Go watch the Return of the Superman!

Fact is that the bikini is the start of another marathon for us. You will have to control your diet very strictly from now on. I would actually welcome those frequent, comprehensive tests for us because it means that the medical team is monitoring your body very closely and ensuring a cosy environment for your baby all the time.

Hey if the medical team is capable of impregnating you on the first attempt, they are also capable of solving any issue during this marathon for you! ;)

My hubby has hypertension and diabetes, while I have blood disorder gene that will go to my descendants. I'm placing my faith in the medical team.

Please consider arranging a counselling session at NUH or elsewhere if the marathon becomes too emotionally over-whelming for you at any point in time. I gained new insights about me and my hubby during our first counselling session though they made his blood boil.

Thanks girls, tears wanna roll down when reading your encouragement. Hubby outstation some more. Emo wreck. And all your words are such comfort to me, the support was immensely strong-felt. For baby sake and future sake, facing my own issues is in due, I will have to adhere to a sibeh strict diet. I can only smell & visual Mao Shan wang only. Wishing all mommies to be a safe journey ahead.

Much love.
Hi all.... Unfortunately my pet will remain naked for now..... I do wanna say that you ladies are a really amazing and supportive bunch and the camaraderie here is awesome. Please do not ever give up fighting for your dreams. I certainly will not give up myself.

Will be taking a short break from this thread but i'll still be lurking around when i feel like it. My next appt with prof is on 8 July, will definitely try to do a natural FET cuz my body does not take oral meds very well. Unless prof recommends otherwise.

Queby my cycle buddy.... stay strong ya.... the tests are super stressful i agree but u need to do what u need to do to keep your babies safe. I am sure everything will be fine.... NUH is just being more conservative to do more tests and scans to make sure everything is on track.

Big big hugzzz...sayang ok long as we dun giv up...our pets will get that nice bikinis one day...nurse ur emotions n pick up the bits n pieces while u r resting for the next battle...hugzzz
Hi all.... Unfortunately my pet will remain naked for now..... I do wanna say that you ladies are a really amazing and supportive bunch and the camaraderie here is awesome. Please do not ever give up fighting for your dreams. I certainly will not give up myself.

Will be taking a short break from this thread but i'll still be lurking around when i feel like it. My next appt with prof is on 8 July, will definitely try to do a natural FET cuz my body does not take oral meds very well. Unless prof recommends otherwise.

Queby my cycle buddy.... stay strong ya.... the tests are super stressful i agree but u need to do what u need to do to keep your babies safe. I am sure everything will be fine.... NUH is just being more conservative to do more tests and scans to make sure everything is on track.
Dear bud, thanks for keeping your thoughts with me, I am with you this moment too. Lots of hugs. I will be anticipating your return victory.
Calm down calm down (though I know it's easier said than done) because you have high blood pressure. Being stressed will raise your blood pressure. Go watch your Return of the Superman!

Fact is that the bikini is the start of another marathon for us. You will have to control your diet very strictly from now on. I would actually welcome those frequent, comprehensive tests for us because it means that the medical team is monitoring your body very closely and ensuring a cosy environment for your baby all the time.

Hey if the medical team is capable of impregnating you on the first attempt, they are also capable of solving any issue during this marathon for you!

My hubby has hypertension and diabetes, while I have blood disorder gene that will go to my descendants. I'm placing my faith in the medical team and the medical advances.

Please consider arranging a counselling session at NUH or elsewhere if the marathon becomes too emotionally over-whelming for you at any point in time. This is the plan for myself.

Pls take care ya...I'm worried when u mentioned blood disorder...
Hi all.... Unfortunately my pet will remain naked for now..... I do wanna say that you ladies are a really amazing and supportive bunch and the camaraderie here is awesome. Please do not ever give up fighting for your dreams. I certainly will not give up myself.

Will be taking a short break from this thread but i'll still be lurking around when i feel like it. My next appt with prof is on 8 July, will definitely try to do a natural FET cuz my body does not take oral meds very well. Unless prof recommends otherwise.

Queby my cycle buddy.... stay strong ya.... the tests are super stressful i agree but u need to do what u need to do to keep your babies safe. I am sure everything will be fine.... NUH is just being more conservative to do more tests and scans to make sure everything is on track.
Tight hugs my dearest cycle buddy. Take care and all the best for your upcoming FET. Thks for your encouragement and support during this ivf cycle together. U will be missed. Lots of luv from your buddy. :)
Thanks girls, tears wanna roll down when reading your encouragement. Hubby outstation some more. Emo wreck. And all your words are such comfort to me, the support was immensely strong-felt. For baby sake and future sake, facing my own issues is in due, I will have to adhere to a sibeh strict diet. I can only smell & visual Mao Shan wang only. Wishing all mommies to be a safe journey ahead.

Much love.

Take more a known holistic remedy for hi helped me n I saw it work on my auntie...but balance is the key bp dived from hi side to slightly lo side after I consecutively took celery juice for more than 7 days

I'm also a good lesson learnt for not overdoing it..hehe
Hi all.... Unfortunately my pet will remain naked for now..... I do wanna say that you ladies are a really amazing and supportive bunch and the camaraderie here is awesome. Please do not ever give up fighting for your dreams. I certainly will not give up myself.

Will be taking a short break from this thread but i'll still be lurking around when i feel like it. My next appt with prof is on 8 July, will definitely try to do a natural FET cuz my body does not take oral meds very well. Unless prof recommends otherwise.

Queby my cycle buddy.... stay strong ya.... the tests are super stressful i agree but u need to do what u need to do to keep your babies safe. I am sure everything will be fine.... NUH is just being more conservative to do more tests and scans to make sure everything is on track.
Your pet will not want to remain naked for much longer :)

Take good care of yourself ok *hugs*
Hi all.... Unfortunately my pet will remain naked for now..... I do wanna say that you ladies are a really amazing and supportive bunch and the camaraderie here is awesome. Please do not ever give up fighting for your dreams. I certainly will not give up myself.

Will be taking a short break from this thread but i'll still be lurking around when i feel like it. My next appt with prof is on 8 July, will definitely try to do a natural FET cuz my body does not take oral meds very well. Unless prof recommends otherwise.

Queby my cycle buddy.... stay strong ya.... the tests are super stressful i agree but u need to do what u need to do to keep your babies safe. I am sure everything will be fine.... NUH is just being more conservative to do more tests and scans to make sure everything is on track.

@chloe_ng , hugzzz.
Hi all.... Unfortunately my pet will remain naked for now..... I do wanna say that you ladies are a really amazing and supportive bunch and the camaraderie here is awesome. Please do not ever give up fighting for your dreams. I certainly will not give up myself.

Will be taking a short break from this thread but i'll still be lurking around when i feel like it. My next appt with prof is on 8 July, will definitely try to do a natural FET cuz my body does not take oral meds very well. Unless prof recommends otherwise.

Queby my cycle buddy.... stay strong ya.... the tests are super stressful i agree but u need to do what u need to do to keep your babies safe. I am sure everything will be fine.... NUH is just being more conservative to do more tests and scans to make sure everything is on track.

Take care Chloe. Maybe I will be joining u in the next cycle. Let's all jia you jia you
Hi all.... Unfortunately my pet will remain naked for now..... I do wanna say that you ladies are a really amazing and supportive bunch and the camaraderie here is awesome. Please do not ever give up fighting for your dreams. I certainly will not give up myself.

Will be taking a short break from this thread but i'll still be lurking around when i feel like it. My next appt with prof is on 8 July, will definitely try to do a natural FET cuz my body does not take oral meds very well. Unless prof recommends otherwise.

Queby my cycle buddy.... stay strong ya.... the tests are super stressful i agree but u need to do what u need to do to keep your babies safe. I am sure everything will be fine.... NUH is just being more conservative to do more tests and scans to make sure everything is on track.
Take care Chloe! How many frozen embbies do you have left?
Hi ladies! I was offline for a couple of days and all these messages to catch up!

Chloe, sorry to hear about your disappointment! Please know you are not alone in this journey and you shall overcome! Thinking of you and your frozen embies! I also took a break after my failed fresh cycle and went traveling for a while. It was necessarily as the TTC journey can be hard on you emotionally and physically. Hugs!!!!
Hi ladies! I was offline for a couple of days and all these messages to catch up!

Chloe, sorry to hear about your disappointment! Please know you are not alone in this journey and you shall overcome! Thinking of you and your frozen embies! I also took a break after my failed fresh cycle and went traveling for a while. It was necessarily as the TTC journey can be hard on you emotionally and physically. Hugs!!!!
Thanks girl... it's your second fresh now ya... u didn't have frosties? When was your first cycle?

Good luck this round!
Hi can I ask those who fail fresh cycle... af take how long to come? Mine like no news I don't even have spotting
Hi can I ask those who fail fresh cycle... af take how long to come? Mine like no news I don't even have spotting

For me, as long as I stopped the hormonal support...witch will come n haunt me on day 4..very timely...but the cycle with progesterone oil based 6...was told after 7 days if witch still MIA then go back for bt again...
Girls, if u all have any family history or existing problems, do highlight prof, cos at least can order more tests or refer to specialists..cos ultimately he really is just into fertility.. If u quiet quiet like me thinking no problem.. Then only realize into the pregnancy then garang gabo like me now.

He refer me to heart clinic for high blood, and from heart clinic, doc refer to endocrine, then from there then I realize I actually so serious one.

Dr Anu very nice, see my face cramped with worries assure me everything can be control. So right now I am facing my issues bravely and I wish you all the same.
Girls, if u all have any family history or existing problems, do highlight prof, cos at least can order more tests or refer to specialists..cos ultimately he really is just into fertility.. If u quiet quiet like me thinking no problem.. Then only realize into the pregnancy then garang gabo like me now.

He refer me to heart clinic for high blood, and from heart clinic, doc refer to endocrine, then from there then I realize I actually so serious one.

Dr Anu very nice, see my face cramped with worries assure me everything can be control. So right now I am facing my issues bravely and I wish you all the same.

Thanks for thinking of us even when you are so stressed with your own issues. Oh yes I must remind my doc of my hubby and my family tree's problems when I see him/her next week.

You can carry a small bottle of essential oil, e.g. orange, lemongrass in your handbag to sniff to reduce your wuehwueh.

Days ago, my downstairs neighbour was cooking some dishes whose smell stank and lingered in my house for hours and made me wuehwueh. Sniffing my orange essential oil helped me feel better.
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Thanks girl... it's your second fresh now ya... u didn't have frosties? When was your first cycle?

Good luck this round!

Yes, this is my second fresh. First was around March. Unfortunately no frosties.

For me, I stopped hormone support on Tuesday after BT. AF came on Saturday with FORCE. Never had so much blood gushing out so fast...after that the next cycle was on time and normal, thankfully.
For me, as long as I stopped the hormonal support...witch will come n haunt me on day 4..very timely...but the cycle with progesterone oil based 6...was told after 7 days if witch still MIA then go back for bt again...

Why must bt again?

After my failed FET, my AF didn't come (past my regular cycle by 4 days). Dr didn't ask for bt but gave me 12 days worth of Duphaston to time next AF.
Girls, if u all have any family history or existing problems, do highlight prof, cos at least can order more tests or refer to specialists..cos ultimately he really is just into fertility.. If u quiet quiet like me thinking no problem.. Then only realize into the pregnancy then garang gabo like me now.

He refer me to heart clinic for high blood, and from heart clinic, doc refer to endocrine, then from there then I realize I actually so serious one.

Dr Anu very nice, see my face cramped with worries assure me everything can be control. So right now I am facing my issues bravely and I wish you all the same.

Thanks for pre-alerting n reminding us..nice of u to share...:D

My bp is always on the high side 130+ to 140+ previously..very fluctuating b4 I started ivf journey...I put quite abit of efforts in bringing it down to 100-120 range b4 I started the journey...n the first test I told Dr Anu to look out for me was thalassemia...coz my mummy,sister n auntie have it...thalassemia is no joke,if both of the couple have it, the chance of passing on to next generation is > 50% (this % is conveyed to my sis by her gynae) n the associated complications also no joke...
Why must bt again?

After my failed FET, my AF didn't come (past my regular cycle by 4 days). Dr didn't ask for bt but gave me 12 days worth of Duphaston to time next AF.

In case of pregnancy...due to late implantation...hmmm..duphaston is still safe for pregnancy,in fact a kind of support for pregnancy if u search wiki..

ur doc likely engaging another approach...check with ur Dr?they definitely hav much more expertise n better reason to y this approach than wiki...hehe
Girls, if u all have any family history or existing problems, do highlight prof, cos at least can order more tests or refer to specialists..cos ultimately he really is just into fertility.. If u quiet quiet like me thinking no problem.. Then only realize into the pregnancy then garang gabo like me now.

He refer me to heart clinic for high blood, and from heart clinic, doc refer to endocrine, then from there then I realize I actually so serious one.

Dr Anu very nice, see my face cramped with worries assure me everything can be control. So right now I am facing my issues bravely and I wish you all the same.

Thanks for pre-alerting n reminding us..nice of u to share...:D

My bp is always on the high side 130+ to 140+ previously..very fluctuating b4 I started ivf journey...I put quite abit of efforts in bringing it down to 100-120 range b4 I started the journey...n the first test I told Dr Anu to look out for me was thalassemia...coz my mummy,sister n auntie have it...thalassemia is no joke,if both of the couple have it, the chance of passing on to next generation is > 50% (this % is conveyed to my sis by her gynae) n the associated complications also no joke...

My siblings and I have thalassemia. Does your hubby side have it?

I already told my siblings to get their partners to test for it.
My siblings and I have thalassemia. Does your hubby side have it?

I already told my siblings to get their partners to test for it.

I'm tested negative so my hubby not sent for the sister's hubby was sent for the test right after she was tested positive...good thing tt all were fine...

Is not a major concern if only 1 tested positive...that's wat my sister told me then...n even though my sister,mummy n auntie hav it...they r perfectly no worries ya...:)
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Acupuncture is $30.
Was with her for quite long then stopped.

Then when doing ER/ET I went to her for acupuncture.

Blk 505 #01-2670
Ang Mo Kio Ave 8

Call to get appointment. 6456 0833
Thanks! How long is each consultation? Does she also give meds? Usually total cost is how much?

Thanks! How long is each consultation? Does she also give meds? Usually total cost is how much?

I have jus started seeing her so I have only been there twice. First consultation was like 10mins cos I brought my test results for her to see and told her my background. She asked me if I wanted jus med/cupuncture or both and in the end up I took both. Acupuncture was 20mins front, 20mins back.

2nd consultation was faster cos jus acupuncture.

Consultation is $20, acupuncture $30, med ard $8 per day.
