Prof PC Wong - IVF with Norethisterone

I'm very impressed with how you remember everyone! very 有心! :) Muacks!
Yes indeed very good memory. Monkey chick also. Thanks everyone for your well wishes.... My BT is Friday but Im not hopeful cuz I had a negative hpt earlier this week. Will update u guys again on Friday

Do you have any frozen embabies? Plan your next step forward. Go for a nice spa, pedicure, buffet etc to pamper yourself.

I am a timid gal and coward in real life. I fear failures. Ever since I started off ivf journey, I am living in both hopes and fears. So I constantly remind myself that "Failure is the mother of success" and I already prepare my next step forward if current cycle does not succeed. Told myself that it's not a failure, it's simply an attempt.

I need to send my little angels to fight my little devils sometimes. :oops:
I like your outlook! Indeed we all need reminders to remain positive... this is a long journey which can be quite defeating at times
Oh dear ... hope you're feeling better already ...

I used to suffer from a lot of dry coughs ... cough until bronchitis type ... syrups don't work one ... she would prescribe me some capsules for cough and sensitive airways ... can try asking docs if they have other medicine instead of syrup?
Doc not willing to give. He said keep it minimum. I can't imagine the amount of panadols I have popped during the day of high fever. First time ever!!!
Poor you, you indeed suffered a lot... Are you taking any supplements or tcm tonic to improve your health?

Next time your kid will sayang mommy for her sacrifices for him/her.
I have been on TCM medicine for at least 1.5years while ttc-ing.

Dare not take any supplements or tonic for now.
Week 7 onwards was bad. No appetite and vomited few times.
Week 8: went hospital A&e due to high fever. But since preg, doc just diagnosed me as stomach flu. Gave me anti vomiting jab and panadol only. Was there few hours. But fever didn't subside after I went back so seen another GP next day. Doc diagnosed as viral infection. Throat was swollen and given anti biotics. Then, spots started appearing on my palms and again went to a doc. Doc diagnosed as HFMD. So gosh.... I was in such bad shape.

Now after everything, I am left with terrible dry cough. Cough syrup doesn't seem to work. I feel so down and sian... Why is it so drama for me?

Even Prof wondered how I got HFMD.

I feel drained...

Oh goodness a terrible episode...Pls take care n recover well ya...辛苦了....

Been reading this thread since I started my ivf journey.

Just got my bfn result yest. Felt so heartbroken...

Hope to find comfort, support, advice and buckets of bb dust here.

Jiayou, everyone. :)

Hugzzz....sayang...dun giv up long as u strive on, there's hope...n hope can keep us going n fighting until we reach our destination...
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Yes indeed very good memory. Monkey chick also. Thanks everyone for your well wishes.... My BT is Friday but Im not hopeful cuz I had a negative hpt earlier this week. Will update u guys again on Friday

Fight on ya...u r PUPO k?....pregnant unless proven otherwise on bt day...
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Do you have any frozen embabies? Plan your next step forward. Go for a nice spa, pedicure, buffet etc to pamper yourself.

I am a timid gal and coward in real life. I fear failures! Ever since I started off ivf journey, I am living in both hopes and fears. So I constantly remind myself that "Failure is the mother of success" and I already prepare my next step forward if current cycle does not succeed. Told myself that it's not a failure, it's simply an attempt.

I need to send my little angels to fight my little devils sometimes. :oops:

I got many mummies then... woohoo..lolzzz....
I like the way u plan for ur a hope for the best, prepare for the worst mindset...can help shield ourselves from ultimate heart last fet i threw in all my hopes...n in the end my fragile transparent glass heart shattered,machiam like ganna ditched for first comparison to other failures,last one was really way too sadz for me...:rolleyes:...the previous ones were really jus hit n go, hit n go,move on mindset...
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I got many mummies then... woohoo..lolzzz....
I like the way u plan for ur a hope for the best, prepare for the worst mindset...can help shield ourselves from ultimate heart last fet i threw in all my hopes...n in the end my fragile transparent heart shattered,machiam like ganna ditched for first comparison to other failures,last one was really way too sadz for me...:rolleyes:...the previous ones were really jus hit n go, hit n go,move on mindset...

Yes yes, it feels like being ditched by our first love or worse? I can at least tie up my Prince Charming to my Red Room (50 shades of grey):oops: but I cannot tie up the embryo to my Red Lining.

You are an impressive lady. Despite of so many setbacks, you are still so positive!
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No more frozen eggs liao. Had a fresh in Feb and a FET in May - both didn't make it.

Am going to CHR tmr to hear what doc say. :(:(

Mayb u can discuss with doc tmr on wat's ur next protocol n possibilities of failures tmr...list down all the possibilities discussed then plan against them with ur doc's expertise & advice...;)
I love your analogies in posts. Relevant and yet humorous.

Yes yes, it feels like being ditched by our first love or maybe worse? I can at least tie up my Prince Charming to my Red Room (50 shades of grey):oops: but I cannot tie up the embryo to my Red Lining.

I can't stop laughing!!!!bypassers thot I'm crazy liao...laughing at my hp...tie embryo to red lining!!!!

Everyone is impressive here...all fighters...the mummies to b r warriors....the hardships they goin through also nt easy man...
Was ur fet medicated or natural?

Straight after failed fresh, Dr suggested natural FET but my lining is not thick enuff - kena aborted.

To "play safe", I requested for medicated in May.

My embies bank now empty. Got to start another fresh again. In the meantime, wonder how to tiow body to be more receptive...
Am not with Prof too.

But I've attended his ivf seminar - and he caught me not paying attention lor. :eek::oops:

Hehe he must have thrown an question to you to answer?

At the seminar I attended, he was too busy answering endless questions from us until he had no chance to post us question :p

With your past medical records and responses, the doctor will be able to design a more effective protocol for you to follow and improve your embryo quality.

Straight after failed fresh, Dr suggested natural FET but my lining is not thick enuff - kena aborted.

To "play safe", I requested for medicated in May.

My embies bank now empty. Got to start another fresh again. In the meantime, wonder how to tiow body to be more receptive...

I'm doing tcm acu...I can't b sure how much it can help...but after 1.5mths...I started getting normal flow for jus 3 days instead of ugly spotting for 7-8days for Af or bleeding...

Btw, @twinkletot, I like the term "witch" for Af...Hehe...suddenly I felt like I'm snow white,ariel(I changed it from Elsa/Anna to snow white/Ariel, my era princesses)
I'm doing tcm acu...I can't b sure how much it can help...but after 1.5mths...I started getting normal flow for jus 3 days instead of ugly spotting for 7-8days for Af or bleeding...

Btw, @twinkletot, I like the term "witch" for Af...Hehe...suddenly I felt like I'm Elsa or Anna
After the aborted natural FET, I started taking tcm too. Been about 3 months liao.

Everyday take capsules and concoction - 2 times daily. 苦到痹 :confused:

I've also quitted caffeine completely.
Doc not willing to give. He said keep it minimum. I can't imagine the amount of panadols I have popped during the day of high fever. First time ever!!!

Try holistic remedies?the ladies posted quite a few some time of them is using Chinese good for lungs n skin...
After the aborted natural FET, I started taking tcm too. Been about 3 months liao.

Everyday take capsules and concoction - 2 times daily. 苦到痹 :confused:

I've also quitted caffeine completely.

I still haven't quit my daily coffee. :(

I get constipation when I don't take coffee even if I take many fibre drinks and yogurts.
After the aborted natural FET, I started taking tcm too. Been about 3 months liao.

Everyday take capsules and concoction - 2 times daily. 苦到痹 :confused:

I've also quitted caffeine completely.

I stopped tcm med wef today...jus continue with acu...i wanna b a good gal(or auntie) n listen to my doc...hehe

If u hav done alot alr from tcm to ivf to improving on ur lifestyle,diet.....y not jus stay zen like queby77?...coz u hav done ur best,leave the rest to mother nature..
I stopped tcm med wef today...jus continue with acu...i wanna b a good gal(or auntie) n listen to my doc...hehe

If u hav done alot alr from tcm to ivf to improving on ur lifestyle,diet.....y not jus stay zen like queby77?...coz u hav done ur best,leave the rest to mother nature..
I haven't tried acu; not sure if that will be too much for my body to take it. 太补。

I will hear what Dr Chew has to say before I plan my next step.

Actually, I think I saw @queby77 at CHR for her BT on Tue leh. Instinct told me 就是你了。:):)
I wish I can LS with milk.;)

Ensure milk also doesn't help to relieve my constipation this week.
Is Ensure a recommended choice drink for ivfers?

Am taking Anlene for strong bones. It's also my replacement drink from coffee (which I drink every morning for at least the past 8 to 10 years).
Let's limit the coffee daily intake to 1 cup. I google n read that 1 cup daily is alright.

If it makes you feel better my princess Ariel, I still eat my chocolates and snacks weekly, just not everyday.

Lol...princess Sis used to tease me..."yes, u r a mermaid but unfortunately u hav human legs n a fish head/body"....Diaoz...ego burst...

Ya,I'm doing at most 1 cup...n munching chips n cookies as well...will reduce gradually till stim starts...

I copy llao llao yoghurt leh...a natural yoghurt with crushed Oreo n nutella as sauce...very the copycat...I do Greek yoghurt...14g proteins for 140g...nice n yummy
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Lol...princess Sis used to tease me..."yes, u r a mermaid but unfortunately u hav human legs n a fish head/body"....Diaoz...ego burst...

Ya,I'm doing at most 1 cup...n munching chips n cooziest as well...will reduce gradually till stim starts...

I copy llao llao yoghurt leh...a natural yoghurt with crushed Oreo n nutella as sauce...very the copycat...I do Greek yoghurt...14g proteins for 140g...nice n yummy

I am a fan of lao lao and yumi yogurts!

I don't take greek yogurt cos it's saltish and not sweet one. :p Shall buy some with nutella to try this weekend haha. Please teach me more of your healthy yummy snacks!
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I haven't tried acu; not sure if that will be too much for my body to take it. 太补。

I will hear what Dr Chew has to say before I plan my next step.

Actually, I think I saw @queby77 at CHR for her BT on Tue leh. Instinct told me 就是你了。:):)
Ur dr is dr chew from the start? He was my replacement dr for stims and ER...

Just curious why u able to go to a FET straight from fresh, i tot they want 3 af bleed to normalise the hormones
Is Ensure a recommended choice drink for ivfers?

Am taking Anlene for strong bones. It's also my replacement drink from coffee (which I drink every morning for at least the past 8 to 10 years).

Ensure milk is recommended by @remembeRainbow here. Even pregnant ladies can take it. There're strawberry and chocolate flavours.

You certainly have more self-discipline than me. :) Good job for quitting coffee!
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Is Ensure a recommended choice drink for ivfers?

Am taking Anlene for strong bones. It's also my replacement drink from coffee (which I drink every morning for at least the past 8 to 10 years).

Recommended to me by Chr nurse likely bcoz it's high in proteins...I'm in high risk of ohss so high protein diet advised by Chr nurses...mus spell this out clearly else will 辜负 prof references in seminar...hehe
I haven't tried acu; not sure if that will be too much for my body to take it. 太补。

I will hear what Dr Chew has to say before I plan my next step.

Actually, I think I saw @queby77 at CHR for her BT on Tue leh. Instinct told me 就是你了。:):)

You mean 8.30am? Anyeong ✋

Did I sit beside you? Were you called before me for blood test?

When I go in the recep I haven't even draw blood already use lip sync "you pregnant ah" why look so tired..

After bfp, all visits will be at women's clinic already. So see you guys ard every wed and sat

Acu not bu one think is open up your energy channels and circulation so that the organs talk to each other and function accordingly and not kena block.. Something like that
Ur dr is dr chew from the start? He was my replacement dr for stims and ER...

Just curious why u able to go to a FET straight from fresh, i tot they want 3 af bleed to normalise the hormones

I also went straight was asking daydreaming jus now if it's new protocol or standard...

My fresh was Jan'14...Fet was Feb'14... I din ask n think much then coz I thot it's the norm
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Oh...i thought my wait already very long, sorry that you have to wait longer than me. ?(

I was wondering if can call CHR to bring forward the appointment, but since i was occupied, i just follow the schedule.

You may try to call and check if there is any early slot. :)

For me, i will reach 40 yo soon. If delay my treatment, i may not get the gov co-funding for second fresh IVF. I also never expect it will take so long.
I remembered that remember rainbow mentioned need to have 3 cycles of menses after a fresh cycle before start FET. So I reckon that's the reason they gave me appt in July? Anyway I also needed time to recover from the heartache and pick up the pieces after the BFN.. So I just take whatever date they gave me :(
Ur dr is dr chew from the start? He was my replacement dr for stims and ER...

Just curious why u able to go to a FET straight from fresh, i tot they want 3 af bleed to normalise the hormones

Yes, Dr Chew from the start. Who's your actual Dr?

I dunno why can go FET straight. After the failed fresh, Dr just say can try natural FET next round. But my lining not thick enuff - so abort and did medicated instead.

Ur dr asked you to pause?
You mean 8.30am? Anyeong ✋

Did I sit beside you? Were you called before me for blood test?

When I go in the recep I haven't even draw blood already use lip sync "you pregnant ah" why look so tired..

After bfp, all visits will be at women's clinic already. So see you guys ard every wed and sat

Acu not bu one think is open up your energy channels and circulation so that the organs talk to each other and function accordingly and not kena block.. Something like that

Not beside lah.... beside you is your hubby leh.

You were in black doll dress; and took blood before me. And, I think you tell the reception "see u later" after drawing blood.

I guess it's you based on a "melon" quote.

I remembered that remember rainbow mentioned need to have 3 cycles of menses after a fresh cycle before start FET. So I reckon that's the reason they gave me appt in July? Anyway I also needed time to recover from the heartache and pick up the pieces after the BFN.. So I just take whatever date they gave me :(
Can't be me lah..
I only had one natural cycle AF after my failed fresh. Then I started Mercilon liao.
