Premature babies support group

hi stressed,

so how's yr dd now? any treatment for GERD?

it's very interesting fact that premmies never get colic. i thot just my luck that bb is not colicky type.
so much premmie info and still learning one year on! thanks for sharing, stressed.

Yvonne n stressed and everyone...good morning....

Yvonne, Thanks for your advice, think i shall print it out and paste it smwhere in my house where everyone can see so that they will know wat to do...

as for the breathing thingy...when wld they not forget to breathe? when they grow older, wld they outgrow it?

Yesterday my fighter had a blood transfusion which i read is common for preemies as they cant produce enough on their own or smthg lidat...

harlo, stressed,

wats the title of dr sear's book?

watz gerd btw?how come preemies dun get colic...maybe they got training from the nicu, heh heh...
morning costa,

don't worry! the forget-to-breathe thingy a short initial phase. unlike full term babies, breathing is not a natural thing for premmies in the beginning months due underdeveloped lungs, etc. they'll master the art of breathing naturally as they grow, gain weight & strength in major organs.

ya, i've lost count of how many transfusions my boy had. premmies can't produce & replace their red blood cells fast enuf & tis will affect their oxygen intake & flow to major organs, so on & so forth...

Thanks, i tink i shldnt worry too much....smtimes the more i think the more i stressed i get...

you are right, they cant produce blood cells fast enough and i thot after transfusion, they wld get sleepy but the nurses told me that infact after blood transfusion, they shld be more alert as more oxygen flowing thru..hee hee...

thanks for the link..will go look at it now...
totally understandable to be worrying... in fact, i get carried away fr time to time too.

my boy developed a slight fever last nite. tho under control now, i'm still cracking my head on wat's cud be the cause & any indication of some upcoming infection

eh, i think i get more carried away than you.....and i already got an older kid...and by right, shld be more steady...

did you bring yr boi boi to see the paedi?hv you
measured his temperature...?

is he his normal self, can feed?sleep etc.....monitor for awhile and r you gvg him medicine?
Hi all,

Am glad to find this support group for premature babies. Am feeling very lost and unsure of that to do.

I just delivered 2 weeks ago, baby was 33+weeks. Emergency C-section. Baby was ok, except for digestion problems and stayed in NICU for 5 days.

Brought her back for a week and observe that she has some breathing problems. Occassionally, after eating, she will suddenly like fast breathing and eyes open and close, as though like a TV set, getting so worried when I still continued to see this symptoms. I checked with PD and she said is normal but I am not sure.

I delivered in a private hospital. Understand that KK has a specialiased department for premature babies but was told I couldn't just make a appointment with the doc. Am not sure what I want too (maybe more for peace of mind).

Are these symptoms normal? Any dangerours signs need to take note? Is there any KK Mums who can share what kind of follow up for the first year?


hey, we're all just kan cheong mummies no matter how old they are... now i can understand how my mum feels.

didn't bring him to the PD cos temp is 37.6. gave him medication but the fever came back after effect wore off.
so far, appetite & energy levels are still normal. a little grouchy when sleeping... must be feeling warm even with the aircon switched on.

will monitor for another day & see how it goes.
hi cFaith, welcome!

really not sure abt the symptoms u've described.

it's probably no harm to try walk-in at KK's Private Children's Clinic for a 2nd opinion. it's located next to the 7-11 shop on ground floor. try to get the PD there to refer to a neonatalogist if possible.
Oh Yvoone! u are so fast. I wanted to get the book and type one by one. hee hee...I'm so old fashion. Thanks!!

Costa and Yvoone, I might have missed u gals mentioning before, but how old are your babies in terms of actual age?

Cfaith, I have the same sentiments too. I never knew KK had such a comprehensive care for preemies. I wished I had knew it earlier. I might save me lotsa of heart pain for me. As for breathing, does she have problems when eating or even when not eating?

If problem happens when eating, u just need to feed a little at a time. Feed an ounce then rest, Feed an ounce then rest. if problems surfaces when not feeding, u need to do more "kangaroo care". Our body acts like a human pace maker for the baby. She will mimic the mother's breathing and thus the breathing will stabilise.

I love to kangaroo my dd. I am still doing so although she doesn't need it anymore. I do it because I feel closer to her.

Which PD are you seeing? I suggest getting a PD that is specialised in preemies. Although this cannot gurantee all her health problems will be met, at least it's better than going to a normal PD who is not well-verse in prematurity in babies.
harlo, gals,good afternoon.....

welcome cfaith,
glad that yr bb only needs a short stay in the nicu....

i think kkh will hv stringent follow up wif the neo nat doctors, right after they are discharged...

why dun you call nuh to find out if yr baby needs to go for any follow up?the neo nat doctor who was in charge of yr bb shld be able to tell you if yr baby needs the follow up....

do you bring yr boy back to kkh for jabs or to normal outside paedis?


my boy in terms of age (accdg to birthday) is 3 mths plus by right but his adjusted gestational age is supposed to be only about 37 wks or so as he was not supposed to b born till later.....
I remember being critised by the LCs in a hospital for carrying the baby too often. I told them my baby is a premature baby. They will insist on my hubby putting my baby in the bassinet while I consult them on my milk supple issues. I was also critised by both the LC and the normal PD when I told them how I feed, stop, feed, stop the baby.

Lucky I trust my instincts. I carried on. I get upset when I remember these things because it shows even the so-call professionals are not apt in handling prematurity.

To think a book like dr. sears can tell me more. hiaz...

Anyway, I forgot to include the book just now. Here it is...
my boy is 11 mths corrected, gestational is 13.5 mths next week, 2.5 mths difference.

i go to normal PD cos didn't know package is available at Private Children's Clinic too. the neo doc did advise back then it's ok to see any doc for jabs cos premmies will be "jabbed" like usual. their prematurity has no effect on the jab schedule or types.

i guess you are right, jabs are same everywhere....


tink i will chk out the book...
morning ladies.

costa, how is bb's cycling progressing? any update on his ROP?

it was a very tiring weekend with my boy's fever subsiding only late sunday nite.
then yesterday he started having rashes all over his body & face. PD says it's viral rash, usually happens after a certain viral fever. no medication to be given unless the rash becomes worse.
otherwise, he's almost back to normal tis morning & seems like the rash is lessening too.

Hope yr boy is better after the rashes subside...

bb is cycling but his oxygen will descend when he is on room air, so they put a small canula to help him wif a little bit of oxygen..shld be ok

his rop improved and then deteriorated a little bit but no need for surgery at the moment..touch wood...hope not....

the eye doc wld check again next the moment, they wldnt be doing anything...
hi costa,

u must encourage bb even more now... remind him u're proud of him for doing well & how strong he is to overcome so much.

his lungs will strengthen quickly as it becomes conditioned to the breathing.

so hv u started the maid search yet?

thanks, i will encourage him although i am still uncertain on the future...shldnt tink too much....

yes, just started the maid search..
is yrs an indo or philipino?
mine's a philipino, wanted to lessen the communication problem.
she's worked here previously so saved me the need for basic housework training... i've no patience.

Tink i wld hire one who has experience before. If hire one who has spore experience, do you need to give her off day on sundays...?

really dun tink i wld be used to hving a person staying in my hse..
morning costa.

it really depends on agent's initial contract & subsequently our own arrangement with the maid. my agent's contract term is strictly NO off-days. If maid asks later (say after 6mths), then it's up to us to give or compensate with more $.

yeah, it does take some getting used to...

Forgot to share wif you lovely ladies tis piece of good news,my kid is in SCN although still under isolation..thats a good sleeping in a big bed (open care) to a smaller cot..its a cause for celebration liao loh...

I used to have a maid and its been four years since she wld take sm time to get used to...

for me, dun mind give her off days but maybe a few mths after that..

do you still give breastmilk to yr boy?
very very good news! soon bb will be home. congrats!

my boy was on breastmilk for 5 mths only, about the time i was returning to work. my supply was only so-so & he was hungry very quickly after feeds, so decided to supplement with FM. eventually, he preferred FM & didnt like to latch on, even refused EBM.

But bb still needs some "training on sucking as he onli managed a little bit a few days ago..tink hor..i will never ever be fully ready..

bb onli managed to drink 15ml milk, the physio person will come train him again, i think...

onli expressing bm..the nurse said as long as the bb drinks bm is good...maybe why bbs dun like to latch on is becuz they are used to bottling in the opinion nia, maybe i am wrong....

my boy also had a super slow start with the sucking motion, a few mouthful for almost a week.
then suddenly cud bottlefeed a whole 120ml out of the blue
so be prepared...

once bb can suck well, u can try to latch him while in SCN... that's wat i did & my boy did manage without much problem.
he was latching fine but tends to get hungry very quickly (less than 1.5hr). so i started supplementing FM & he must hv preferred the flavourful FM more.

u'll do fine. u've overcome the toughest oredi, so no sweat when bb's home.
likely when u hv more time with bb at home, yr maternal instinct will kick in harder. up till now, u're used to having the nurses to fall back on.

I hope so...cant wait for work to finish so that i can rush to the hospital...yterday supposed to see how the nurse bathes him but he was sleeping and visiting hrs were long over, so din get the chance...

hope to have a chance to let him latch on but just scared that he cant suckle well and get breathless.....

thanks for your encouragement...the toughest i have been thru and i hope i can manage..after talking more wif the nures and pple here, i feel better....

yes, im so used to the nurses liao and very fang4 xin1.......hope that i will be confident enuff when he comes home..
hey, dont be so ke qi leh!

i can understand wat u're feeling now... i was in the same position before.
i actually panicked & was lost when the nurse asked when i want to bring him home.
suddenly all the mental readiness/preparation went blank!

in the end, my boy stayed another week before this buay steady mummy brought him home

It seems to me that we can never ever be really ready to bring baby back...full of unknown questions..

tink my new maid wld be coming in 2wks time....

did you go every day for parentcraft courses for the nurses to train you well

tink tonite, i had better go to learn smthg from the nurses...yterday saw the bathing part, but still catch no long never bathe babies liao loh....

eh, i hope that when the nurses ask me to bring him home, i wun kalang kabuk..
morning costa.

so u've hired indon or phil?

is parentcraft course the 4 x 1hr talk by specialist/therapist at SCN side?? i only managed to attend 2 out of 4 cos always forgot & missed the timing (bb was still in NICU then).

for practical session, i only had a nurse show me how to bath & bottlefeed him. then at next available timing, i had to reciprocate; bath & feed bb with the nurse on sight. Nurse then ok my "performance".

subsequently at every visit, i wud request with the nurses that i want to be hands-on so that they will leave the chores for me in the evening. i just practiced as much as possible lor.

the maid agency man just came to let me sign the forms and the maid is a philipino...

i think the parentcraft course that you went is the one i supposed to go but so far, they hvnt asked me yet...but a fellow baby's mum told me she din attend as she has a child before and she noes everything well

but for me, tink i better attend and call my mum and maid to attend also and also i think i better do more hands on....

bottle feeding i cant learn so soon now as the physio pple hasnt trained him yet

but as wat you said before and bingo yterday, the nurses told me the same long as they noe how to bottle, very fast they wld get the hang of it....
think the parentcraft course is held every 1st week of the month only. can't recall the details but 1 of the session given by the physiotherapist is quite informative, eg how to make bb feel secure, etc. i'll try to find & email u the printout.

the CPR course is conducted by the nurse manager as & when they've gathered enough parents to conduct the class. better check wif the nurse earlier, otherwise, hv to wait indefinitely for next class.

cant recall if i've said it (old & forgetful liao)... premmies are usually ready to go home near their EDDs. my boy was discharged at almost week 42.

thanks, i din noe the course is held at every 1st wk of the month...

the cpr course is conducted separately fm the parentcraft course? heard its compulsory to learn tis...

yup,cant remember are you the one who told me babies can go home near edd but some nurses and parents did tell me tis....hopefully he can go back soon...only worry is the eyes...
Harlo, you must be busy wif your work, din "see" you here the whole day..

The rop deteriorated for the right eye...i am very worried leh but nothg can be done..he still has to use the nasal canula....the nurses said the eye doctor said review again next monday...sigh...m worried but nothg i can scared...
yeah, mondays are usually more busy but will still take a break to check the forum, it's almost like SOP. i like to kaypoh ard, read other threads to learn fr other mummies.

sounds like the eye doctor is trying not to operate if possible.
it's tough not to worry... try to look on the bright side that bb's overall condition is good & stable.

the nasal canula is definitely better than being on CPAP. so far, bb has not desat or gone into apnea, rite?

how abt his bottlefeeding effort?

u are right, the eye doc is trying not to operate as it involves risk and also must take GA.

Bottle feeding is slow as it takes quite alot of effort from just let him go wif the flow...

Dun tink so far, bb has desat or gone into apnea...I think i better make a note to ask the nurse again tonite..

btw,do you find the movement monitor useful for you baby last time?
morning costa,

yr little fighter is REALLY doing well despite the ROP issue.
even while in SCN, my boy still desat. that was my main worry then, so i didn't hesitate to buy the movement monitor.

the monitor was very useful. at least i cud hv some proper mental rest & not worry abt bb going into apnea without any notice.

it's rather pricey but does serve its purpose well. if u like, i can lend u the monitor to try 1st.

Thanks, cmg to think about it, i think he may have some desat leh....i oso not sure...

thanks for your offer on lending me the monitor? paiseh lah...

How much is it?i think its worth the price if its good...i happened to flip at some parenting magazine and saw the advert on long does the child need the monitor?
no paiseh lah... i've no use for the monitor now, it's just sitting in the cupboard.
we can arrange a meet-up.

i paid $259. saw recently at motherworks there is a digital version & cost more... $289.

usage really depends on the bb. the monitor also works like the usual sound monitor so maybe can use for longer period.
daytime, my boy sleeps in the living room so that maid can hear his wake-up cries & in the nite he's with me, so i don't need it.

why dun continue to use it incase you are too tired and dun hear him make noises..

is he close to your maid?

eversince delivery, i've been quite a light sleeper.
up till now, i still wake up a few times every nite to check his every wimp, find pacifier, etc.
my boy is very sticky to me when he's sleeping, likes to nudge at me or rest arm or leg on me, etc. guess i cud be spoiling him too much.

when i'm not around, he'll look for the maid. guess the bond is there...
it's rather contradicting; on 1 hand, it's good that he's close to the maid which means she'll be able to manage him well. at the same time, i'm wary that he'll get too attached to her.

so personally, i make it a point to take over looking after him once i'm back home & all weekends. doing all the basics myself, mainly to bond with him & leave the maid time for housework & personal time.

U got the same thinking as me...last time, my son was very attached to the maid..

It onli shows that the maid loves him alot and yet i was afraid that he was too attached...

but the funny thing was the day she went home, he forgotten completely abt her and din even cry...but i guess its good to have the baby close to the maid as well as i read that babies can also learn how to develop a bond wif someone

for tis child, definitely, i wld take a closer hand in taking care of my kid even on wkdays and wkends unlike last time...
ya lor...
heard so many stories abt kids crying for weeks when the maid left & even the parents cudn't pacify... i'm really scared.

think it's really easy to be complacent & let the maid do all the work.
i'm just alot more possessive & people may say cos it's my 1st kid, so more kan cheong.
No lah, dun tink you are more kan cheong.its very natural

i used to be so bo chup and let the maid do everything and everything i also dun must relearn everything..oso good that we noe wat to do, so the maid dun give us "face colour" to see...get wat i mean...
Hi Yvonne,

Never fret that you are spoiling your kid too much. Kids are meant for us to love and nurture. He is sticky to you coz u are not around during the day and he just wants his mummy.

No one on their death bed complains that they spend too much time on the kids. So take this opportunity to be close to him. Years later, our kids will not want to hold our hands already.

Plus kids these days are very smart. They know who their mummy is. Mummy is forever. Not the maid.

My previous maid was a transfer maid and she worked for two employers before, both less than 6 noe we all younger generation not so yim chim.....i was preg when i hired her.Only after i gave birth my mum stayed with me and then sort of looked after my son wif her...

My previous maid was good with looking after babies but not with housework..i just close one eye....but harder for older folks to do that as they are with them more hours of the day...
hi stressed,

thanks for the assurance.
i'll make sure to treasure the closeness while it lasts

hi costa,

ya, it's tough to get the older generation to understand that maids are not robot.
my dad also started complaining abt the way the maid does chores... sigh


Can understand...becuz they are facing the maid more than us.....and sure cannot tahan the way the maids do things.....and the maid's culture is different from us oso..
