Premature babies support group

Chewy n Aixin,

haha, my girls names are not grace n faith. My best friend suggested them n I did consider it. When I registered, I use this name cos need to have grace n faith from Lord.

I long time did not go church
Cos bleeding at 8 weeks and rested at home till gave birth. Now too tired to go church as well. Just pray n pray at home. But I did go to Novena church for the novena 2 novena sessions few Sat back. My hubby went for the 9 sessions novena in one Sat n I joined him for the last 2 sessions.

Yeah, hope elder girl can get out of the incubator soon. She is still v sensitive to touch. Oxygen level goes down whenever nurses handle her. Hope she will be better then.


Yes, I also promise my hubby to stay strong but kept breaking the promise and started crying in front of him
Actually our hubbies are also very stressed. Only they act very strong for our sake.

Actually, u are much stronger than me. If you look at the older post in Jan, I kept crying. Luckily many mummies and daddies offered comfort here.

Yes, we should be happy that our babies are alive though they are fighting the battle very bravely.

At the initial stage, I always pray the healing prayer for my girls. Now continue to pray n hope their chronic lung disease will be ok.

I also not v stable yet emotionally, but coping better now
We jia you together!

Will call your nanny when I more confirm when baby will be back. She sounds very attached to your baby. Think she cant bear to leave her in early March. By the way, yours is daughter right?

Yes we have the names for them though we are in search for chinese ones now.

Twin 1 (Tyler) seem to be in pain when we were talking to him. I saw tear drops on his eyes
But dr said all seem good and morphine is still been given. A bag for the stoma is being place as well. Continue to monitor him closely. Dr said no feeding of EBM for the next 12 days. But overall he is reacting well to the new antibiotics given to fight the infection. Hope it continue to improve slowly but surely.

Twin 2 (Travis) is not digesting well since the feeding of 8ml of EBM 2 days ago. More med is given today to stimulate and hoping that he won't have to follow his Kor kor situation. He is not as active today and heart beats seem slightly higher .
Yup my nanny dotes on my daughter very much. She even bought clothes for her.
But you need to talk to her urself. She actually prefer long term assignment like half a year than those one month.

My girls also did not take milk for quite a whole cos of infection. Guess they have this problem. Tyler n Travis are nice names. Are they names of saints? I prayed for your boys yesterday. Now with names, it will be better

Think one of these days, we can meet at KK. But I am always too tired to go. Even nurses look at me, also told me better to rest at home. I really hope to recover from this fatigue soon. Guess never eat enough tonics during confinement
Now starting to drink Yomeishu, hope it helps.

Aixin, I unlikely to get her for long term cos of her fees. Also cannot survive without a helper on weekends when she goes home
But I wil try my luck to call her. When is your girl going to the neighourhood nanny? How old is she now?

I am still thinking whether should go back to work next Mon. Cos if can kangaroo care, I will like to go down as often to carry her. My elder girl just reach 1500g. Doctor will monitor her to see if she can be out of incubator. WOnder how long will she reach 2 kg.

Now v busy preparing for babies to be back. Getting maid, making wardrobe, buying baby stuff... No experience in all these so kind of stressed up, esp I am so weak. Must pray for strength.
Hi all,

My milk supply is really not enough for my babies
I am so disappointed. We have a friend who is willing to give us excess breast milk. The doctors in NICU do not encourage this. But anyone has experience in this?
Gracenfaith i hv low supply too and was v stressed then... i managed to find a v nice mummy with baby about the same age as mine and she donated her milk to my preemie... if u ask the doc or nurse they will not allow donated milk... but for me i dun care cos i trusted the milk donor because i feel bmilk is v important.
My boy drink until he is about 6 mths old. But of cos its up to u whether u want to take the risk and u do not have to declare to the nurse that the bmilk is donated
mrs yap,

thanks. sorry to ask, if your boy growing well? Do u supplement it with formula milk? Do u still give him your own breast milk? Is your boy prematuer as well?

I am really in a dilema on what to do. Read some articles that preterm formula milk is better than donar breast milk. Feel that I am not a good mother

Anybody else whose preemies take formula or donar milk?
HI gracenfaith
Ya my boy is growing up v well. He is 29wker weigh 1.5kg. He is now CA 13mths. He is on total BM until about 6mths old when FM was introduced... he tasted FM and therefore rejected BM as FM is sweeter.
My frd continue to supply BM to him until he no longer interested in BM then i give him total FM.
I dunno about Preterm formula milk, all along i thot Breastmilk is the best... i guess so bcos its what nature intends for the baby
I think it is really a good idea if you can find a BM donor. I read from books and website in US they even have BM bank so that people can donate and use BM. Agreed with Mrs Yap, we can give to our baby as long as we trust the donor. For me I rather trust the donor than the FM. But own mothers milk is still the best of best. And very imp need to get milk from mom that has bb around the same age. If younger bb better.
Exclusive bm is good for premie, that will reduce chances of infection and NEC. The infant formula are more easily contaminated and bacteria grows easily. We can leave bm at room temp for 6-8 hrs but not the FM.
Im going to send my gal to neighborhood nanny around end of March. She 14 months CA now. You may try to call my nanny, I dunno how is her plan. She said she like to rest one month before taking up another assignment. Actually I find it ok for me to handle my bb during the weekend. But for twins maybe need at least 3 adults.
Mrs Yap,

Wow, your boy is of good weight at birth
Glad to know that he is growing well.


Thanks for the advice. The donor baby is 3 months old. So quite close to my babies.

I am still trying to estimate when my girl will be back. Initially very much to want them to come home. Now, getting a bit nervous on whether I can take good care of them

Just went to Kaki Bukit to buy baby cots. Every items has to buy 2X. Really need to cut cost. But as long as the girls are healthy, every sacrifice is worthwhile.

BTW, how long do we need to carry the baby during kangaroo care? I read from internet that it is around 2 hours. If it is that long, I may not be able to go back to work.

You thinking of trying for 2nd baby? Good Luck and get your girl a Di Di
If you're looking for one month confinement nanny, probably my nanny can recommend her friend to you. You just contact her when you more confirm. Your elder twin is already 1.5kg, very fast. If I were you I'll quickly go back to work and save some more holidays when they're back, esp you've two that will come back on different time. I guess your second twin may need extra 1-2 wks stay? And to think about it, the time that you will be most busy will be when both are back. So you may even consider to activate the confinement nanny when both are back. With the help of maid you should be able handle the first twin yourself, provided there's no other special conditions eg need oxygen etc. You can check whether there is maid that has exp of taking care of premie or come with nursing background.
As for kangaroo care, I only tried once in hospital, which is only about an hour or less. After kangaroo care the next day nurse asked me to latch on bb, then few more days later my gal was asked to go home. And because we're not prepared yet, not even buying the cot yet, we requested to let her stay for two more days. Luckily I only took one month leave bf bb come back, so I've two months to take after she comes home. And that time is very imp for me when I think back, cos I make use of the time to learn how to take care of her and establish good milk supply and make proper arrangement, then I go back to work with the less worry. Though my nanny very exp, I still need to teach her things that I think she don't know about premie that I read and learn.
Thx for keeping my boys in your prayers. What is your girls' names? I would like to pray for them too.

Nope they are not saints name. Hubby is non catholic. Yes, would be GREAT to meet fellow mums @KK. I'm trying my best too.. maybe it's early stage .. I still find energy to go daily for now.

Slowly taking yomeishu is good. U must take care as you prepare for their COMING HOME !

How long did your elder girl of 850g takes to reach 1.5Kg? My #2 is 860g yet on feeding... they watching his intestines for now for digestion before trying to feed again this sat. His first feeding wasn't good since he didn't poo.

I'm a first time mum too ..and in search of list of things to buy too. I know it's super 'siong' as well. How much is the cots at Kaki bukit?

Btw, I only start pumping for 1 week.. How do I know the supply is good or low? Any idea on the average ml is consider good per pump or per day? I'm tired at times since I'm trying hard to do 3 hourly once round the clock. But I never make it at times, since I travel to KK to visit my boys!
Hi Chewy,
Do you have the access to use pump in KK? I gave birth in SGH so I don't know how's the setup in KK. What I did last time, I always pump before I go to hospital. Then I'll pump once or twice in the hospital. And I prefered to pump in the hospital, cos no need to wash those accessories, we just rinse and the nurses will collect them n wash together. And plus the hospital pump is a better grade. It was really busy days, and required good planning. I even started work after one month, and I was traveling from home to work, then from work to hospital daily (woodlands-clementi-SGH) by mrt. That kind of life lasted for two weeks only luckily...

The first week for me milk supply is super low, maybe only enuf to spray some on the bottle. But I was super kiasu, I kept those bottles sprayed with milk. When my gal back, I thawed n mixed it with newer batch milk. :D Hmmm, for the storage, the milk can be kept in fridge for one day, then combined together and freeze. That's what I didn't know last time, and end up with many bottles. Once milk thawed it can't be freeze n thaw again.

The second week I got about 30ml-50ml. Occasionally get about 70-80ml, that's usually morning.
Hello Aixin
I used once the other wee morning coz we rushed to hospital for Tyler (Twin #1) operation. Hence, I used their machine. So far I been pumping at home and going to KK separately. Hence, during that period I don't pump. I don't stay in KK for a long time, just 1 hour max so far. I don't have much energy to stay there longer yet and since I'm doing confinement. I want to keep all energy and once confinement over. Will spend more time with them. Now visiting them only once a day.

Been pumping from day 1 after operation till now , it's about 9 days so far. Lately, I do get 40-60ml per pump. On one good day, the total I had was 380ml from 3 hourly pumps x 8 times a day. I hope this is ok average and freezing a lot for my boys.

May I ask how premature was your girl then?
I am disappointed. Although my girl is going to be out of incubator soon, I still carry carry her as she is still on CPAP and unstable. Her oxygen goes down whenever she is touched.

I am still feeling weak though it is better than last week. I was drained whenever I go out. I am worried to go back to work next Mon but need the income. Also feel that staying at home alone too long is also not good for me.

Chewy-- Your milk supply is good for 9 days. Mine is super low. Just pray that Lord will give me the miracle and increase it.

My elder girl is Desiree which means a child that we long for and younger is Renee which is born again.

Desiree took around 50 days to reach 1.5 kg, doctor said it is too slow. Once they are stable, they should gain around 40 g per day.

The cot cost around $250. We bought 2 small cots.

I am feeling very tired, having headache. Still undecide on the milk issue-- donor milk or fm milk. I really feel so lousy that I am not having sufficient milk for babies at this crucial time. I envy all of u who have the energy to go hospital daily n go back to work
For me, the mind is willing but the body is weak.
Pump i kkh
If i m not wrong, there's a place for u to pump there. Forget its near nicu or scn.. U ask the nurse, they will b very willing to help. I visited my boy everyday too but din pump there. Usually after pump i go kk, then come back pump again.. Normally stayed for 1hr+ to 2hr, so reach home still in time to pump. My supply was low at first and the nurses and lactation all are so helpful. Keep encourage u, and tell me wat to eat and drink. I get to see the lactation for free too coz they see my supply so low. My boy was on fm for abt 2weeks b4 on total bm. She gave me a small white tablet to increase my supply and even teach me how to massage to unblock ducts. But i believe its my problem. Coz after that my supply still max 100+ml each time. Aftet he discharge, i still have to give gm for nite feed..
Jagiebaby, my supply is even lesser than 100ml : ( and for 2 babies some more. But thought 100ml per meal is sufficent for one feed?

Does your baby take bm after being feed on fm? cos I read that fm is sweeter n babies may prefer fm n refuse to take bm.

I also saw the lactation nurses.They are v encouraging. I took the white tablets for 2 cycle n still no use. Also learnt how to massage. Every time, massage till I am so tired.
Coz i oni pump 6x a day.. Then by the 3rd month, he's drinking abt 100ml each feed x 8x/day so not enough loh.. My boy ok with bm and fm leh. Din fuss for which one..

Slowly ba, coz at first my supply also abt the miserable 20--30ml each time.. Then few weeks later got better..
Hi Chewy,
My gal was 30 weeker.
Yah you're still in confinement, you're really great to be able to go daily for the 1st week. I only visited my bb on weekend for the first week. After one week then I go daily, but together with my parents. Though I gave birth naturally I also feel the weakness that time, so I can really imagine how tough it is for you. You must rest well first, can get any family member or friend to send the milk?

Go for the bm... Too bad I was not so lucky to find any donor that time.
Don't get upset, premie are very sensitive to touch, so easily got overstimulated. You can put ur palms around their head but not touching them. Let them get used to gentle touching first. As premie always touched by doctors and they can correlate touch with pain.

Your baby feed on fm too?

My bm is really low. last punmping suddenly decrease a lot (never so little for a few weeks)for no reason. Hope next pumpin better.

I have been praying that Lord to provide me with enough milk to feed the babies. Feeling so demoralising that pump n pump till so tired n only get that miserable amount n now even lesser. But thanks for listening.

BTW what is the title of the book that u recommended? I too tired to scroll back to search for it
Nope I never give fm to my gal till 8 months CA. Then slowly decrease bm, totally stop bf when she is 13 months CA. Actually I wanted to bf her as long as possible, but my gal rejected me...
My gal has feeding intolerance prob for the first 2 weeks, so I got a bit of time to save up the milk for her and establish supply. Was really stress when she is about 1.5-1.9 kg, coa my output so low, just met her demand only. But after that she latch on so milk increase. Two weeks bf I went back for work, I pump 2-3 times a day besides latch on. And save a whole drawer of milk in freezer. Are you using ur medela pis? drink soya milk and lots of soup with Ginger might help. Drink only hot drinks that help increase blood circulation and helps milk flow. I took hot shower an noticed milk dripping :D

My main ref book for premie bb care is the premature bb book by Dr Sears. As for Breastfeeding my main resource is from
My supply seems to be dripping. Already super low n now..

Don't think it is stress cos I having been feeling this amount of stress since day 1
In fact today is considered better than many days.

yes, I hav started using medela PIS. Supply remains the same. Guess it is my problem. Just now, when I pouring the milk into the container, I looked at the pathetic amount and wanted to cry. But I told myself to take it easy.

I really feel so disappointed with myself n so envy those mothers who have excess of bm to give away

Now, my last hope is when baby latch on, supply will increase.
I know who is Desiree & Renee. Desiree if memory is right is the same room with Travis. She was next to him last week. I will pray for her tomorrow when I visit my boys.

Gracenfaith, no stress on pumping... you are doing your BEST too! Do you take Fenugreek? The lactation consultant ask me to take that on top of Domperidone. Not sure which one works. But it does work. Go check it out at GNC. JIA U !! I drink alot of warm water / milo before pumping and it seems to help too .

You take good care !
i am taking fenugreek but it does not help
I feel so disappointed with myself.

Ok, will look for Travis and Tyler if I am there. Now busy buying baby stuff. V blurr. Don't really know what to buy

Worried about going back to work coming Mon, I am still feeling weak.

You take care too.
Desiree is just next to Travis
On her left hand side :p
Tyler is in the isolated room for now.

Do A TO BUY LIST !! And start from there.. Don't stress... I know it's hard and worrying about work. But you CAN DO IT !!!

Take chicken essence too ! U need to be strong and in good health.
I went to buy some baby stuff n feel so drained now. I am v worried about how I can recover. Hubby told me to extend the maternity leave. I am still unsure. Now I am more worried about my health. Perhaps I have Thalassamia and never take any tonic during confinement. I tried to nap during the day but was unable to do so. It is v frustrating that I am so tired but still unable to sleep. I have never feel so drained before.

Will take a look at Travis later
Plan to go down in the evening.

Will email u later. Thanks
dear all,

need you help. CPF sent us a letter to ask us to apply for Medishield for our girls. How do you declare the conditions on the health declaration form?

Do we state like conditions of CLD?

Or, it is not necessary to apply as our babies are preamture n the insurance company will not accept it?
I juz declare wat the doc wrote in health booklet.. So my boy is not covered for haemorrage and anemia though he's ok now.. I believe they can are able to check with kkh too..

As for AIA, they din even wan to accept our business, told us to try again after he is one year old. So we try again and they approve without any exclusion
Hi Gracenfaith,

You can submit Medishield declaration truthfully first. CPF will write back to request for a formal hospital report. Bring the letter to KKH admin department(Level 1) and you will need to pay for the report(Can't remember well, but about S$180). It will take at least a month to receive the report from KKH. Submit the hospital report and wait for CPF reply. My first 2 submission was rejected and CPF accepted the latest report but with the exception for the hole in my daughter's heart. We have to wait for the scan in Feb next year. According the Doc, this is a very small hole and will close up when my daughter is older.

What do you mean to submit truthfully? Cos we do not really know what is the girls' condition. Like how are their CLD now. Do we ask the doctor? Or just write them down?

Thanks once again.
Hi Grace,

You can declared what you have known so far online via CPF website. The officer from CPF will send you a letter requesting for a medical report. Use the CPF letter to request for medical report from KKH for submission to CPF Medishield. Very tedious but that the way it goes.

thanks for the facing the same thg sas grancenfaith as i still hvnt submitted the thingy yet,.....

hw do we use the letter to write to kkh?
Hi Costa,

You have to approach KKH admin directly with the CPF request and KKH will be able to provide the medical report which will take a month to get it out. Hope this help.
I know we won't be celebrating the 1st month with our babies. However, we did received a lot of gifts. Example from office. And we plan to just get some pastry or cupcakes as Thank you treats. Is there anything 'patang' I can't do ? One of my friend ask me to omit Red eggs & Ang Ku Kueh?


my "baby" is turning five hahah...

i just received smthg similar under my hbs cpf recently and so decided to ask david..hp i m not too late....and i super blur type...

hp everythg is fine wif yr babies and i noe it will be becuz my son was very sick when born and now he is a big boy already..hope u stick in there ...
I went to Chinese sinseh yesteday. Saw 2 of them, one teacher n one student (happen to b my friend). They were quite concern about me. Saying them I am v v weak. Low blood, poor spleen etc. The teacher told me if I don't tiao properly, she guaranteed I will not recover.

Need to boil special herbs to bath daily for another 40 plus days. It is quite difficult for me as I have no strength to transfer the pot of water to the pail. It will be v time consuming and draining. Hubby also needs to work. I am really worried.

Feel sad that I am so weak. My bm is low and I do not go hosp to see babies daily. Also worried that I may not b able to recover to take care of them when they are back.

hmm.thk mbe can ask smbody help you for the next mth or so or is it possible to bath in a bathroom near the kitchen or smthg....

guess u hv to take special care of yr health..i was in hospital for 40 days and my health really took a toll but still i managed to recover slowly...confinement is a time to fully charge yr batteries.....anyway to get a maid or smbody to help?

i was very weak and fainted a few times in the hospital and tot i wld never recover but i hang in there
ask if you can don't boil. I used herbal for my baths too. I just turn max on my hot water tap to soak the herbals for a while (1/4 pail). Re-add more hot water (1/2 pail)...let it cool to warm before showering now. I used special lemongrass shower gel that will keep the body warm.

I hope they can help you TIAO back now. It's true during confinement you need to take care hence health will be better.
You will be getting STRONGER SOON !!!Have Faith! Ask for some herbal medicine to take too for internally.
costa del sol-- Thanks for sharing. Actually during confinement, my hubby also boiled the water for me to bathe. But it is v difficult for him to do so now.

Wow, you hospitalised for 40 days. Glad to know that you are better now. How long did u take to gain back your health?

My confinement is already over. Now I am 58 days. I also have fainting spell. We are getting a maid. There is nobody at home to help me. My parents n MIL are also old and not v well. Luckily sinseh said still go hope to tiao withn 100 days after birth.


Yeah, my friend told me to do so as well. But hubby said it was not good n tired to rush home in between seeing customer to boil the water for me. But I know he is feelin v tired.

Many said that after confinement no chance to tiao back. Thus I am quite worry. I am also taking medicine now.

Chewy-- Your boy moved house is it? Hubby told me he is not beside Desiree yesterday. You going down later? I thought of going in the afternoon but may b too weak to do so.

We did not celebrate the first month. In fact we told friends not to give any gifts now. Told them that we will celebrate when babies are one year old.

yup, stayed hossie for 40 days....bedridden most of the time...took me a couple of wks to get back my health but then again i guess im older than guess my rate of recovery cld be slower than you...

but of cse the doc did give me some iron pills and one wld be so jialut as me as my case was really jialut...

you wld hv the strength and health to take care of yr babies, i believe..becuz if i can do it, u can..

thk u try yr best to recover yr health..spend more time at the hospital (even if you dun go everyday) talking to the nurses and d health professional so that you can get some advice on hw to take care of them when they are back....
yes within 100 days still can 'TIAO'

Yes I saw your Hubby yesterday at Renee & Desiree in the evening. Nope, Desiree still next to Travis. The baby in between your girls had shifted. NICU looked empty yesterday though.

Yes, today I will be going in the afternoon . Meeting the Drs for weekly updates.

You don't push yourself , rest whenever you can now. Your girls will know . I was told to cut down my daily visits soon too. I stretched myself over the weekend and didn't nap in between. And yesterday was super TIRED. Even the nurses said I looked tired.

I can't reject the gifts that was courier / hand delivery to us. So I think need to return with some cakes without celebrating 1st month.
costa del sol -- I am also v old. Nearly 40s. You only took a few weeks to recover. That's is great.

My Thalasamia does not allow me to take iron tablets. So can only rely on Chinese medicine. The sinseh sadi must take at least a week to see some effect of the medicine. Hope next week will b better.

Chewy-- My hubby was a bit blurr

Too bad, I am unable to nap during the day. So super tired.

U take care too

I have a baby's checklist from baby's kingdom. Will give to the nurses when I am there n get them to pass it to u.
Thx Gracenfaith.

Didn't manage to see the Dr yesterday. He was called to an emergency operation. Going down at noon again today.

Tyler #1 might need another op :S He is not healing from the last operation and Drs are concern.

when will doctor decide on the operation?

the first one and half month is full of all these trials.

U mentioned that you are v tired. Do take care. Otherwise may end up like me, still so weak after confinement

u hang on, I am also coping. yesterday when I stroke my elder girl, he oxygen level went down. Feel sad that I can't even touch her for long. Other mummies with normal term babies would not understand this. But juts need to pray for Lord's mercy.

Feeling a bit depressed n tired (esp after preapring the medicated water to bathe, I decided to use your method).

We just need to jia you n pray together.

Keep us posted
