Premature babies support group

Think you can get those 'newborn' size pampers, brands like Pampers, Drypers do have this new range now

Hmm.... thot my D&D wore the pampers brand newborn size in NICU/ SCN ? not sure too

munyi, yah kkh uses newborn size pampers. apnea is rather common in premature babies, dun worry.

Yan, tot ntuc will have neosure, though very limited.

tomorrow going to see my little gal again! yeah. hope she has gained much weight. going for the injections to mature baby's lungs too...scary. Last time got contractions, so never bothered about the pains, now i think will be painful.

really hope to go to the carnival but sad, not able to move about. next year next year, will bring dash to join again if there is one.
Hi mummies,
has been awhile.... Feeling so empty as Paige is with the nanny... starting work tomolo n is waitin for HR to approve my 4th mth maternity leave....

No problem. Well done yilin... Dr A told us to give Paige Neosure as it is formula milk for premmies. U can get it in KKH same price as NTUC but u need to go counter n tell them u wan neosure, dunno y they dun put in on the shelf.

jia you.... paige was only ard 380g ard 21wk, n i ate quite a few durian n paige was borned 1.18kg at 28 wk... so i believe durian can help bb put on weight...

welcome... preemies in SCN wear PAmpers for Newborn and yes costa is right, the fold it to fit the baby...
Regarding Neosure, maybe you can give abbot lab a buzz to see whether you can buy from them or where can you find them near your vicinity ?
I rem gtg them at cold storage and my parents will get them for me at Bedok NTUC, I think
hi didi
hmm...yeeps by the time i notice the pamper size is S liao :p . but yeah its right..they should have started the baby with NB size ah.

oh your parents also got the neosure from Bedok NTUC? that time i always buy from there and stock is quite consistant (thou not much)

hi shellow
oh paige is with nanny and you are back at work
. i remember the pharmacy staff telling me thats because neosure is a control item...thats why its not on the shelf of KKH pharmancy. then there was a period i was only allow to buy 2 tins at one time
Ya lor, actually sometimes my parents 'sponsor' the milk powder (they don't let me pay them back
feel so bad
so I will get things in return for them)
the reason why I notices it is 'Newborn' size is because I was thinking myself 'dun think I will get the Pamper's brand, they are more ex and with my D&D, they will use a lot more' must look for alternatives
Hee... Pai seh... No problem..


Jus heard from my colleague her fren delivered a 26 weeker at 600g plus on 31st Oct... she was transfered to NUH from pte hospital and is now very worried fro the medical bill... how to ask for downgrade or subsidy???

Ya.. can't agree more.. b4 we know it, they grow
mummylian, last time dash was transferred from raffles to KKH. That time the social worker just helped us to get the lowest rate leh. I think the social worker or wat will be able to help?
Actually the social worker did mention that actually it shouldn't be the case, but because dash will be staying long in hospital, so she helped.

Wow, nowadays really more and more premature babies right?

shellow sure hope my little gal has gained much weight after me eating durians. haha.

Come to think of it, now i really dun ask for more, i just hope my little gal can wait at least till 30 weeks this time before she comes out. I had two premature labor, I dun habor much hope this time. But take one step at a time, let me get over 24 crucial weeks first.

By the way, just received call from shekinah montesorri that dash can start school 1st december. Good good, he has been playing and playing, time for serious work. But quite expensive, hope we can manage to afford. Anyway, me considered not working, so got to pay a bit more, subsidy.
Good thing Dash can get in skekinah
dun worry about the fees 1st, anyway after delivery of Violet next year, you will be gg back to school so it will be fine
you dun need to get unnecessary stress
thanks to all mummies who input on where to get neosure.

yes, i checked wth kkh pharmacy, they have it. tmr will go get 2 tins. the dietician only prescript 1 tin. i dun think enough since my bm is so limted. hope with the help of latch on together with pumping will improve my supply.

today i tried to latch her on 3x. 1st time, only managed to latch for 5min each side then she struggle. 2nd time, tried for 15min also refused to latch...hmm..... 3rd time, latch for 15min each side
so happy. then she can´t finish her prem formula
think tat means she did suckle milk out of my breast

kkh is using pampers newborn. last time, yilin also need to fold 2-3 big folds else the diaper wll go all the way to the armpit. when she got jaundice,, they even used those disposable face mask as her diaper (those tie string type) i feel so sad when i see tat.. but now, no need to fold already though still a little lose.. but she is improving . very soon your baby will reach this stage too, dun worry.

regarding apnea, tats really common in preemies.yilin also had quite a few episode of apnea, even need blood transfusion to increase the oxygen level in the blood. even till she almost 2kg, she still got 1 episode of apnea. try talking to her, let him sense your pressence, sing to him. we always sing to yilin even till now. i always talk to her, look a little funny lah when people see ta, but who cares, so long it is good for your baby. my husband sing till the baby´ mother on the other end of the room also can hear .. haa...

like to ask ah...
how long preemie need to take neosure? if need to take for quite sometime, i´ll try to stock up.
if i not wrong, i think my son drank the milk till he was like 1 year old corrected....after that i let him drink all the other brands haha...

maybe you ask yr doctor....

hw are you?din chat wif you for some time..guess i wld be there late to help out abit..u got my hp right?can text me..din see you for so long alrdy
my d&d took till they are 6mths old as the pd told me that I can stop cause the weight is improving
so I stop
daec, no package price! mmmm.. does not sound good esp towds the end when its weekly visit..

didi,wah.. ur future god-sIL get to taste ur cooking!

kkf, its like that loh..everyone else seem to have smooth pregnancies..but this round u will do!
teachers carrying coach! could it be that the room's circulation /temp is not conducive/noisy thats why dash is not sleeping well too..maybe try to on soothing music at night for both of u (my fren did that for her bb.)

munyi, welcome!
i thot i saw some premmie size diaper at ntuc a fwe months ago but cannot be sure..anyway in SG, they use NB size for my gal...

precious_one, oh yes.. shopping is good..i just spent another bomb on leg warmers :p

costa, yes i was there... SUPER HOT.. with a grouchy hb..where u there too?

shelllow, so u found ur nanny, how is she so far?
yes i was walked past me wif yr ger in the stroller...i recognised you haha....then later i was sitting around when i saw yr husband pushing the stroller but din see you again...

it was hot...lucky it was hot..if nt the muddy track wld be dem sian liao.....

haha, wanted to call you but i cant say "i am costa, you are bloom?" kekekek...

i left after a was my father's great idea to was my first time..really cldnt tahan the human jam at the bridge connecting the kallang indoor stadium to the other side.....can die
Actually hor, the seasoning part was done by hb
I only help to 'observe' the oven

No prob
a few months down the road maybe you could check with pd, (or think they will tell you when to stop giving Neosure
hi all mummies,
sorry for the late reply again...
this few day busy wth my boys things....finding glasses for bryan ....haha and play game ..........when prresue....for relax myself....
actually come in last week but notice nobody reply me,so sad as everybody forget me ....and when i post normally the threat very quiet,so very boring...but when today hre notice all of your remember me!!!!!!!!hurray.....thanks...'
you haven pm me ha???never mind, 1st , let me tell you,when siand start cough ,or flu,,,you must put the weikeshi at his foot,after that wear sock for him....exspecially night and sleep time,,,after that put some at his back which left and right side (lung area)infront is neck,throat,chest and nose abit,,,u can see some improver of the cough...and let him take the soup of fenke with meat,than evertime the soup put the gouqizhi,remember dont too early put ha,,,,when soup ok than put some, cover a while , let him take the soup wth rice or porriage...if he dont want to eat the kouqizhi, just tell him, wah, siang siang soup got red ball,,,u want to try the taste of the ball??just try to let him take the gouqizhi,,,actually got some more la,,,maybe next time u pm me than i write again...
oh, than great, i think he should be back to stage 1 and normal,not too worry...
thanks,i am good , as my maid renew the contract another 1years..actually she need to back on sept as contract end,but she continue as i agree to let her back one, i will let her back this coming christmas,,,renew her as my boys still small and not so strong enough...but now this month look like okey and might be let her back dec but end the contract cos i also worry she will change when she back as a lot of people told me that and now a day she always show me her face,,really tak boleh tahan...
So see how 1st .and my boys was getting strong now evn small size,,,as i giove them 8meal per day!!!!!ha..ha...very kepa right??/cos doctor say my boy not enought eating so the size very small, actually i give them 6meal per day,,and he still say not enough, so i try...and can see the result now,,,know how the eat?
-am they wake up 200ml milk,
-9.45am-half bowl of porriage or mee or dessert wth biscuit,or 150ml milk wth oat
-10am they sleep...
-12pm the wake up bowl of rice wth soup,
-3pm-200ml milk or rice again or mee or bread wth dessert,or misua
-sleep until 5pm,
-wake up rice again wth soup,
-7.30pm,maybe rice again or cake or bread,,,
-8.30pm or 9pm drink milk 200ml wth 2scoop of rice cereal..
and sometime between that they still take bread or cake..i also dont know they can eat so much as when i try than i know..and now a dayt they dont like porriage,they like to eat rice,,but funny is they dont know how to eat normal rice which cook in rice cooker,,,so i try and try the way,finally i use to steam, and they know to eat and like to eat somemore, so very funny of my boys right, really special and headache...ha..haand they like to eat fish ball, meat , and vegi,,,and theie favourte is pumkin rice,last time small boy is pumkin porriage, now they dont want in porriage they like rice...and when i give pumkin porriage , they will eat very slow, but wheni give pumkin rice they say mama kinrice haochi....good,and show their finger,,,after that say xiexie mama and aiaimama..very cute ha...
post their latest photo for you,,must be very miss them right..
hi,,i am at jb here,,,so can pm me if you want .,[email protected]
ok,need to go facial first,,chat wth you again abt 4 or 5pm...
sorry , forget to post the photo,,,
munyi,and some mummy which baby just born which in small size...
my boys 1.19kg and 1.51kg,stay hopital 2month, and a lot of problem and almost lose them ,,,but now ,,,here they are...
and last ime when they at hospital one at second floor one at third floor, i need to go there go here,,ai yoh,,now think back really scare...i think mich will understand as she also mum of two...ha..ha..


happen to get my boys photo when he born,,i think your also first time see....actually got more horrible and ungry photo which taken at hospital,,but i delete it as dont want keep too many of it,,,,hahha....
so sorry as post so many photo so long never post and want to share wth all my happiness....actually hardness and sadness more than that, but still must treat as happy time will post the bryan photo that he wear spec,,,think tonigh will go and get for,,bye,,,char again..leave the message here, when back form faciel will reply your again...
jane, precious,didi.xbliss
thx. may have to move hse, no not due to the quarrel. but coz I have hse issue so it MAY be solved by moving. not wanna face this while preggy but.. funny ha preggy only - got more such issues.

yup the pampers too big for my girl.just bear with it, ur babe will grow bigger than those pampers! at this stage, got challenges as baby still small and adjusting. hopefull will grow stronger and less such stuffs as time goes by. take comfort from other mummies experience and know that our little fighters will grow strong and overcome all with God's Grace.

yup I know. no pkg price so bummer one. I plan to chao to KK if it start problem lah. heard full scans there are cheaper at least, even if the consultation abt the same.

ur boys growing strong! ur pics when they prem baby bring back memories.
wow, you so strong, can carry two at one already struggling with one now ....when my girl asks for "pow pow" now, i faintz.... i bet twins mummy are blessed with stronger arms to carry two, just like my younger sis, my size but can carry two at one go too.

Yeah, glad to see your boys again. Handsome!

Moving during preggy? Like kkf too.... whatever, wherever makes you happy, most important!
Mich dear,
I can't go leh, haiz, last tues evening I injured my feet at 200am, heard darryl crying then I kan cheong rush to his room and in the dark didn't see well, hit his cot, thot ok then in the afternoon, swell a bit and blue black, now limping so think can't go to the Preemies Day
missing seeing you all
ok just do whatever needed to be done
fyi, I also moved house at around 16 weeks too, just that I 'remote-control' the moving at my parent's place, hb did all the 'actual' moving
I second didi. Since decision is not in your hands, just hack-care, move yourself and nada only when the right time comes, the rest leave it to the MAN.
yilin is back at home.. but before she came home, they did a ear screening for her again and she din pass. any babies encounter tat , fail then pass again? i so worried
didi precious
heheh I wish! have my mum with me now. if move, have to cope w 2 kids alone. sure no maid.not used to be hsewife then jump to full chores + 2kids ?!

anyways still pending if loan approved using my agent 'workard'. if cannot, must persuade parens no sell coz then me no home. then must got thru appeal process. v unsettling to go thru while preg.
Paige seems to finish her milk when the nanny feed her (which is good. When i feed her, she just play wif her tongue.... hmmm... mayb the nanny has a way wif her.... so far no complain wif the nanny yet...

my nephew is full term, failed his hearing test twice and passed at the third time. From wat i was told, the hearing test is nt very accurate... For Paige, after discharge, she will had another hearing test again which is next wk....According to Dr A, they will do 1 b4 discharge and 1 after discharge...
I'm sure your parents will understand your situation and will not go ahead with the selling during your preggy. The chinese saying...when the ship anchor at the harbour, it will be straighten naturally. "船到桥头自然直”,so just relax and let GOD handles it.
hi mummies, actually typed to reply u all yesterday, but dash deleted away!! sianz. now got to retype. will do so later.

going for my 2nd injection to mature baby's lungs. wow say, the injection really painful though in the buttok. mummies who taken the injections before, very painful right????? can't even sit properly after the injection. want my life. have to travel all the way to MOUNT E to take the injection later. sianzz.

But tomorrow will be in week 24. yippee.
shelllow and precious_one,
oh ok.. good..
thanks to shelllow again, the book you lent me is quite useful. i read the ear screening part. it mentioned tat, fail the 1st screening is ok, can be due to lots of reason.. now i relax a little.

when i take the injection, was admited to kkh already. i was in lying down position, so dunno how painful it can be when sit down .but can feel tat half my buttock to my ankle was almost numb...
I dunno lah. I not very trustful coz last preggy kena shouted. this time kena also. both coz of hse.I just try to keep calm and follow the flow.
injection at butt meh? i think mine was at my big fat tight... the jab also no use cos less than 2h, deliver liao...

no problem...
it's at thigh. actually i find it bearable leh... my threshold quite ok one. it's over in a jiffy but the site will be a bit sore and probably may develop like some muscle ache pain around that area.

was siang siang at kkh yesterday? i saw a man carrying a siang siang look alike! he even told siang siang to look at bryan and said "baby baby" cos bryan was looking at the siang siang look alike (hee.. say look alike first cos dunno if it is or not!)
i had it at butt. yes, it was painful. but no choice, 2 strengthen bb's lungs lor. when bb came home & cried loudly, we joked tat the jabs r effective haha
haha.. yes it is very effective. bryan is a real loud hailer even til now.

so how was the jab? feel more relieved right? JIA YOU! u must break your personal record by leaps and bounds!! *wave pom pom*

u moved in alr?! yay!!! we are now neighbors!! i bring bryan in his tricycle to ur area often to walk walk blow breeze..hehehe.. we shall meet up one day when u more settled in k? i know this are is very very dusty so i presume u bz cleaning and setting ur own schedule now that u alone with craydon. need help with orientation can call me! heheh.. but hor this area thing much to orientate lah.. hahah

mich and costa
i may pop by premie day, initially is confirmed but hubby down with a bad flu so shall see if he can still bring us. if not maybe i jio powergal to go with me.. BUT HOR... the kopitiam is undergoing reno.. and when i passed by on wed, that area is VERY DUSTY and dirty!!!! must ask them to stop reno on that day!

sorry i din read the above posts properly cos no time. CONGRATS that yilin is back!!! finally the family reunion! u muz be really bz now! must post pics ok!?!??! how the neosure going? i can check my downstairs ntuc for u if u still need. the last time i passed by like got see a few tins.

bryan and terry are so adorable!!!! i love to see twin pic! and good job there to keep them strong and healthy!
hi Yan,

Congrats! Yilin is going home.

Regarding the Neosure, You staying at the West area? Ntuc at Lot 1 and Yee Tee do sell, you can get it from there. Selling the same price as KKH.

Try to Stock up. My boy drinking 120ml very 3hrs, he took 5-6 days to finish 1 tin. Very fast. Nomally, i will stock up 4 to 5 tins at home.
we stay in woodlands. i couldn´t find it in woodlands, so if other area got it, far far also must go.

ya.. got stock up. the dietician prescript 1 can and my hubby bought 4 cans from kkh.. ha..

where do u stay?

does preemie strain a lot when they sleep?
yilin strain a lot leh, keep making sound like the lamb... meh meh meh...... once i hear the sound, i´ll wake up automaticaly so din sleep well

didi, yah, think i dun worry about the school fees. lucky dash got cda account, so using that to pay for time being. put in 2000 govt gives 2000 so total 4000 now, hopefully can tide for a few months before 1 return to work. Actually i was influenced by my ex sec teacher who send her grandson to montessori school, she said her grandson learns quite a lot, so i let dash gives it a try. Dun want to keep changing school anymore.

bloom, yah, teacher carries coach bag, haha. but dun tink anyone will know cause when i go school, i usually dump my bag, and change to a lousier bigger one, cause i need to put many many rubbish.

JACELYN! of course we remember u, and loves to see ur posts. wow ur boys have grown bigger liao! envy leh, you have two little boys with u. bTW, Your boys are eating more than dash leh.

Yan, congrats, getting busy at home with yilin right? now got two girls to handle. But it is very joyful.

Xbliss, really hope to break my record of 27 weeks. hopefully my little gal can be born at least 32 weeks, like wat my gynae said, already very happy liao.

Yeah! finished my 2 injections to mature baby's lungs. Actually for dash, i took the injection before, but also did not wait till 24 hours for the injections to take effect, gave birth in 5-6 hours. Now hopefully the injections really will be useful. Now entering 24 weeks. Yippee. at least cross the important hurdle. Looking forward to 28 weeks, 32 weeks now!

But honestly, now i have phobia, i need somebody to be my side all time round, i really m afraid when contractions will come (choy!!!).

fairylander, how are you now? 1st trimester over liao right?

daec take one step at a time, dun think so much.
