Premature babies support group

oh yea, I remeber asking dr if the hernia is painful - causing her pain that's why need the op. the reply is that it dont cause her pain now. so dun worry. no pain rite now.

the surgery is becoz in future it potentially cld cause serious issues but rite now not serios and not urgent. so its not urgent operation. just better do it ASAP while baby is small and that area to sew is 'smaller'.

Will see small line on side of lowertummy which is the stiches. my girl's was abt 1-1.5cm only on each side. can take bath after 1-2 days. didn't need to give her any pain medicine.
good morning daec,
no problem. me too obtain it from the dietrician. but there is no hard and fast rule. its just a guide
have fun with food. DM really inspire us with bringing out little one to botanic garden hor.

hello jolene
i'm glad i've influenced some of the mommies here to bring their little ones into the nature (ie. botanics gardens). i think a bit of sun is gd. esp in s'pore, whenever we go out, it's always shopping malls, which is all aircon. not much chance we can go into sun. but frankly, i oso dun really like sun, cos i got eczema. but only end of yr, when weather is more cooling, so better go b4 it gets 2 hot
tru la, in SG - tend to go shopping malls. mums like u and mich inspire me hehe

I would like nada to live a healthy fit lifestyle. think bringing her out to nature would nudge her towards that. For me too lah. I would want to change to that lifestyle too. hehe
hi mommies, does any of your babies cry when they are about or passing motion? Mine seems to cry very badly whenever she is going to do so or in the process of it. She is fine once its over. is this normal?
hi jewel,

yes, my bryan cries a lot when he poos or even farts.. and it sounds so painful. i was also wondering if it is abnormal. but bryan also has a hernia condition so i am not sure if this adds onto the "pain".

bryan also keeps wetting his bed even though we change his diapers very regularly.. we also make sure we fasten the diaper properly. is this indication of time to change to a bigger size?

thank you so much for the info. it is definitely very reassuring to hear more about it. i keep worrying about the condition. I will push for surgery asap cos can see his scrotum one big one small when he struggles or cries.. very sad. it looks very painful to the mummy though it may not be painful to him..
Hello mummies, good morning!

Hmm...hi jolene, who are you? are you the singer? hee.

disneymickey, your girl is not tan, she is glowing, I mean like shinning with good health. You know those who are healthy will have a glowing look. Thats very good!

I must try to bring dash out more too, maybe to swim. hee.

Precious one, yah! angel will def adapt well to the playgroup, not to worry.

Hi jane, the girl is hardworking, and smart, but she doesn't talk much. I am not very sure whether she can understand or hear me, because no one taught me how to use the hearing aid thing...
think I must go and ask.
xbliss, what brand of diapers are you using? I was using Dryers new born which was the only brand that can fit her small body, but it appears now that it is getting tight, so am upgrading her to a S size now but even when she was on Dryers, there was no problem with leakage even after 4 hours.

Anyone who is seeing Dr YY Yip at Gleneagles? I am transferring my baby to him from SGH, wonder if there are any reviews on him as I was told he specialise with preemies.
good morning mummies

hi kkf
i think maybe she is shy. does any speech therpist come by your school to guide the teacher how to use the hearing aids (its fairly easy). i am sure she understand & hear you, if not i think she would indicate it. i understand from my speech therapist that they normally would pay visit to the school to brief the teacher on how to guide all the special needs student.

jewel and xbliss
if leakage is often, then yeah most likely have to upsize the pamper

opps sorry, not sure about Dr YY Yip
jewel & xbliss,
jane is rt. need to upszie. oso, some bb juz dun fit into certain brand. tried buyign cheaper brands like Giant or PetPet, but keep leaking. got so frustrated tat i change back 2 mamy poko. though per piece is more x, but i gather tat the effort to change diaper, bedsheet, clothes not worth it.

checked w colleague, she say her daughter oso cannot fit PetPet, whereas my nephew can. so maybe it's got something 2 do w girl & boy.

though my ger is q small size, but she's wearing diaper same size as one of my colleague's boy. i guess every bb is diff
On diaper, I second DM that every bb is diff, you have to try a few brands and find one that fit best. My girl just cannot take huggies, she will get diaper rash easily, don't know why. We have tried pampers, dryper, pet pet, huggies and the Japanese brand in orange packaging. Now she is on mamy poko pull ups for outings and pamper or the jap brand for nights. We also tried drypantz pull ups before settling for mamy poko pull ups.
hi precious_one

the japanese brand u refering to is nepia. is a good brand. very lasting for night use

my boy all along using drypers :p cheap haha but then sometime like disneymickey say, different bb is different pah..
Ya, Nepia is good but hor the size too small for my boys
only the training pants has their size but still early to start them on that yet....
so sad
U all forget me liao.Last time i use my this nickname lah.Then i change to fairytale.Becoz now got one mummy call fairylander,so i change back lor.If not,very confusing right?
jane, didi
Ah yes, just went to look at the orange packaging at it is Nepia....Yeah, I would recommend this one for night use... can hold more volume....
Hi Mummies,

Happy New Year to all of you and your loved ones!

Hope you remembered me... I posted here in October when my gynae informed me that I had cervical funneling in my 23rd wk of pregnancy. I had high chances of preterm labor and early delivery.

I was put on bed rest and only got up to eat and use the toilet. I wanted my twins to stay in my womb for as long as possible... I was so happy when each week passed... It was a miracle for my babies.

So sorry for not posting for so long as I could not get up to use the computer. I was lying in bed reading preg books and watching TV. Now I am 35 weeks pregnant. I think I really cant hold on much longer as the weight of my twins is quite heavy for me to bear. After discussion, My gynae says I can deliver next week when I am 36 weeks pregnant.

Thanks mummies for all your advice on preterm delivery which you gave to me in October.

And for all mummies-to-be who are facing a similar situation to what I did, I hope my story can inspire and motivate you.

By the way, is 36 weeks ok to deliver twins? May I know will their Lungs be matured or do they have to stay in ICU? They weigh about 2.1kg each now.

Thanks mummies ... You are the best
Hi sweet rose
My younger sis delivered her twin boys in Y2003 at 36 weeks in KKH. Like you, she was asked to be on bed rest for about one month before 36 weeks. She was given the steroid jabs for babies lungs though. Only one of her twin, who weighed slightly under 2kg was warded in NICU, I think for a day or two only. Both were dischargd as healthy. I believe your babies whose weight are above 2kg, as long as no complication during birth, should be able to go home with you. Well done and wish you all the best in your delivery and welcome to motherhood soon! Cheers x 3
HI Sweet rose,

i think ur twins shld b ok since they r >2kg. i dunno if u know, most of our bb are born <2kg &amp; stayed in NICU/nursery till (almost) 2kg then go home. like wat precious say, prob need to monitor only. 36wks is gd. anything <37wks then is premature. so ur twins only 1wk diff which is q common.

regarding lungs, i think ur gynae/pd will b the best persons to gauge. if gynae think necessary, u'll b given a jab to strengthen their lungs b4 birth. so dun sorry.

good luck &amp; take care
Jane no leh, no speech therapist come my school. The girl is under counseling because she is a bit sensitive and cannot get along with classmates. Yesterday, first time I saw her giggling so happily with the counselor! in my class, she is like sooo unhappy!
Her mother used to employ a social worker or what to help her in school with the teacher.

I am still trying to communicate with her. With a class of 41, it is really hard to give her individual attention.

My boy use pet pet too!

Sooo sorry fairytale, used to call you fairytale leh. Jolene!
Ok, will call you jolene from now. so sorry. How are you jolene? Will you be trying for another one soon?

Sweet rose, 36 weeks to most of us here is already a blessing. Well done! if I can carry baby to 36 weeks already go thank god thank buddha thank this thank that.
36 weeks is not really premature, just slightly and normally can go home just after few days at most.
Dash going mandeville music school first day later at 5pm, late lesson.

Tomorrow julia gabriel. Wow. he is a busy boy cause got a kiasu mum. haha. But this mummy a bit regret, cause I want to rest! hee.

Think will drop one after the lessons end...

I think I will have a lot of problems with my classes this year.
Dear Mummies,

Thanks for all your replies and words of encouragement ... they made my day!!

My gynae did advise me that it is better to deliver at 37 weeks as it is considered full-term. But because my bump is getting very heavy and my legs more swollen, he agreed to deliver me next wk when i m 36 weeks pregnant.

Yes, i could not go out ever since i found out that i had cervical funneling at 23 weeks. The only place i ever went these few months was to the hospital for gynae appointments!!

Once again, thanks so much for sharing my joy and I will keep you gals updated after I deliver next week.
sweet rose
If you can, hang on until 37 weeks lei, jia, I was confined in bed since the day I was confirmed pregnant....and I gave birth at 24+4, cannot tahan those days of restriction. During those time, I also just went to hospital for gynae appointments and I was on wheel chair. After delivery, I couldn't even stand properly...legs too weak....those were the days, the experience killed all thoughts of having 2nd one completely.

May be check into the hospital to tahan until week 37th, since you already hang on for so long liao....can? Every 1 day in the womb for the babies make a BIG difference. Jia You!
Yes, remember those days of bed rest. I was actually on bed rest from 5th month, but me was on home rest, so did not really restrict movement.
Dunno if I have another, will I be on very very strict bed rest from dunno when...sigh.

But bed rest gave me the time to read a lot of books.
juz bought napia frm NTUC, cos there's a sale - L size 2 packs (42pcs each pack) for $26.95. my SIL using napia 4 her newborn bb girl &amp; say it's v gd, so i try lor. but bit worried abt nite? anyone use napia 4 nite?

did dash enjoy himself? he's so sociable, i'm sure he'll.
Nepia is very good for both day and night...

A used nepia for night for some time, then some time ago, Pamper had a sale and I bought many packs so now still using pamper for night. Once pamper finished, I'll go back to Nepia, as it is I still have one unused pack of nepia. I'm very crazy when buying essential items, I buy loads of time buy, then no need to buy for many months....hehe...typical housewife. kekeke
Precious one, Thats good, dun have to wait till last min then buy mah.

I use pampers at night, and pet pet during day to save money.

Disneymickey Dash is a bit overwhelm by all the classes he is attending. Hahaha. All the lessons are fun, but eventually really got to drop one, else he will be very tired out.
ya, maybe when u attend all classes, u can evaluate which is better then can choose which to drop.


hmm..tried napia yesterday afternoon. but ytd ws bit 'siao' drank a lot of water. so the diaper became sooo heavy &amp; leaked! so still can't tell if napia 'good' or not? anyway, think i bought wrong size. bought L size, cos mamy poko she's oso using L size, but i find it's bit 2 big.

btw, last nite hubby told me, maybe we shld juz enrol ws in kinderland. cos
1) nearest to my mom's place &amp; our place, we can juz drop her there on the way 2 work &amp; my mom can pick her up easily. think will start in mar (cos feb got CNY, 2 many hols heehee). prob will start w half day. but sure will end up w lots of crying..

2) after viewing 4 childcare, we find tat this is still the best.
good morning mummies

aww...its monday again.

siang is now gradually holding and walking by himself. but still lazy to crawl (sigh :p)

kkf now i worried about siang. but frankly, i think the ger must be quite bright because she can join the normal stream (and your school standard quite high ler) student for class... esp there is 41 person in your class. you definitely have difficultly communicating with her and if i am not wrong, its difficult for her to pay attention when all is talking... hmm...if its not too troublesome, can u let me know more about her? i am really curious to know how is she coping in a normal stream school (ie school work and test results).

wow..dash have such good exposure for classes.
oh Disneymickey,
Nepia cutting is bigger...
oh you too is planning enrollment for ws. wow...all the kids like all going to school.

U are at JG too? We were there for the 2pm class at Evans. So many people and sooo noisy. I think I won't be continuing with the 2nd term even though my dd seems to enjoy it. It's really noisy and luan. I still have buzzing in my ears after I left the premise. hahaha...
My zoukette days are over a long time ago. hee hee.
hello mummies, good monday morning.

tiring weekend for me cos we had to do spring cleaning.. cos our area just finished building, it is still very dusty.

I see the topic of the week is diaper? I am still seriously considering changing to other brands or upsizing.. still got leakage even though we make sure we fasten properly. haiz. i shall upgrade to S size first though bryan just only reached 3kg. Oh yar, this week is his full term week! supposed to have been delivered this week!

Just to check, my mother in law likes to rock bryan a little when she holds him.. u know like rock boat? rock him front and back when he is lying in her arms.. i'm kinda worried it might affect his brain as he used to have low grade bleeding and still got a small cyst in his brain. any comments on this?

dun be worried. there was an article in chinese newspaper about a wk 26 premie who had all kinds of complication. now he is in hai sing high and excelling in art. i remembered one of the kid i used to visit as part of my work didnt enjoy crawling.. in fact she moved onto "walking" very fast. i suppose it was more a hassle to crawl.. :p

glad dash enjoyed his classes! how is life like now that school reopen?

i remembered u saying angel starting school too right? how is she doing?

sweet rose
delivered yet? dun worry, to last til 36 wks is already the best. like kkf, i was also on bedrest since 5th month. u look at all of us here... i think 30 wks is like the average lor. ur twins will do just fine. do update us when u deliver.

some updates on bryan
we went back for hernia review.. paed surgeon said cannot feel any lump and said not operating yet. gave another review in 3 wks. we are told to monitor. he is now drinking about 70ml per 3 hrs. he has learnt to grab our shirts when we hold him and also more wakeful. when he flip him onto tummy, he is able to take the hand that is "stuck underneath" out. He can also manage to turn his head about 1-2 times whilst on his tummy. Yesterday hubby was feeding me crackers when i was playing with him. he followed the crackers so intensly and started smacking his lips..then he started looking at the cracker pack hubby was holding.. think he might just turn into a "potato" in no time with all his greedy behaviours..

roughly when do we change the feeds to 4 hrly?
hallo xbliss and good morning,

oh yes, i read that article too. (i follow quite closely on all news on premature baby :p).

i only hope he can go into normal stream school :p. siang crawl but ... but he now know he can just grab and really lor, why shld he crawl ler. then he crawl and tried then he just sit its is like he is not moving..i also dunno how to describe him :p plain lazy... then he move in the cot. move a while he tired he just scream for anyone to come..haiz.

i tried to play chase ball with him. after a while, he will just sit up and 'signal' the ball to come to him...haiz...:p. no words can describe really keke

oh oh bryan ;) at this stage (full term) he is already flipping. wow he will progress fast. good that his hernia is ok. hope it will resolve by itself. bryan has eye for good food ler

about changing the feeds to 4 hourly. i think it will take time. siang just most recently begin 4 hourly feed :p
morning xbliss,
i dunno abt 'damaging the brain' thing when rocking bb, but i know it'll become a habit - meaning next time, bryan will b expected to b rocked! but well, i'm oso 1 who always rock bb :p i think they like la.

can't advise u on the 4hr feeding..cant rem leh .pai seh
bryan hasnt learnt to flip.. it's the parents who flip him during his daily physio exercise... hehehhe.. trying to follow the physio activities that we have been directed to do with bryan lahh. Normally they will have one hand trapped under them when they first flip. Previously bryan doesn't know how to take that hand out.. but after some struggles now he can.

wah... take so long to start 4-hrly.. i am going crazy with all those sleepless nights.

haha.. so u are one of them too! yes i agree babies have a thing for movement. i dun rock bryan but i carry him and walk him around the house..he is addicted to it now. i remember during PSG that one of the specialists (dunno doc or physio lah) did advise against rocking like how some pple do it with full term babies.
Hi Mommies,
Have you all already bought CNY's clothes for your bbs ? me haven't gotta any, getting panic
I haven't bought mine too
1st year buying for my 2 bbs
Glad to hear that Bryan is doing well and most likely, no hernia ops. This is good news.

A just started her first day of school today. As expected, she will cry when mummy is out of sight. When I went to the loo this morning, she cried, then vomited, dirtied her school U. She refused to eat and drink too. Then when it is play time at the playground, she got herself into a police car and refused to leave it. I dragged her out and resulted in her crying again. Anyway, it is her first day, I hope that tomorrow will be better......I headache ah, cos didn't eat proper breakfast, she had to be in school by 0800 hrs.

Bought A's new year clothes already. Actually, each time we went out, we just buy and buy resulting in her having lots of new clothes always. I personally feel that buying clothes for girl is usually on impulse cos so many pretty dresses out there. So, always lose control. My hubby wants to postpone the CNY trip to one or two weeks later....just realised that A's birthday falls on CNY eve this year.

How I envy you. Dash is so sociable and independent. You're one fortunate mummy who's spared with this crying thingy on first day of school.

Glad to see that you have set your heart on Kinderland for WS. One burden off the chest. Otherwise, very fickle, wants to be everywhere.
wow.. what a day at school. but i suppose it is like that for most kids.. adjustment and all. my mum told me i sat at the kindergarten door kicking the door and crying for 1 mth. she had no choice but to stand by the door and watch me. it's really a trying phase. i can't imagine how it would be like when bryan's turn.. shudder shudder. haha. hang in there! i am sure u will do just fine!

u are full of excitement for cny uh? pls pass on the festive spirit! i am so tired caring for bryan that we din have any xmas mood or 2008 mood for past 2 weeks. i really need to feel happy for CNY since it's bryan's first CNY too. I saw fox havign up to 40% sale. maybe can try fox? i bought 3 pcs at the fox sale 1 mth ago and prob he can fit that by cny.
Think it is quite common when you have a dotter, like my sister too, she is like forever buying clothes for her dotter
for my boys quite standard either t-shirts, jeans or shorts, oh ya must buy them 1 pair of shoes cause their 'chinese' birthdays fall on every 1st day of CNY
and they are 1 this CNY

Me excited for CNY, no lah... wish it will come later
hey, must feel happy, this year Bryan can collect angbao liao
actually it my bbs's 2nd CNY, they are borne on the early morning of last year CNY
yup, went to Fox's but see nothing much, hmm all the good buys are all snapped up

hi xbliss

about feeding schedule, different bb different... for siang he toke quite a while to wean off the night milk (my quite a while is just recently :p). you won't go crazy....very soon, bryan will be wean off night feed. baby drink milk more is good
grow grow go go go

about rocking. siang used to sleep in yao lan then he stop a while. recently, he ON yao yao again (but just to yao and not sleep inside)....

yes yes those notes by the physio is very good. simple and easy to follow. soon bryan be moving
