Premature babies support group

I think I miss your post on lymph node earlier. My understanding from the KKH A&E Pd was that the lymph node is pretty common in babies/toddlers. As long as it is not painful and not causing discomfort to your gal, just leave it. I believe it will subside naturally. I don't remember that I monitor it closely previously, that's why when you mentioned it here, it kind of reminded me that I didn't see them on my gal anymore.

kkf, thanks for the info

me working but also decide not to work soon. scared how the kid turn out. even grandparents take care, its diff. grandparents tend to wan to pamper grandkids. can quarrel just coz the kids at fault but the grandparents refuse to disipline, and scold parents becoz the parents displine kids. then if kids not turn out well, parents get scolded.
my fren's kid is in shekinah montessori @ compassvale. maybe u can chk tat out. apparently, his wife has checked out a few nearby & decided on this 1.

tot of gg 2 c the 1 @ 10-mile junction. i know abt the 1 in phoenix.but a bit inconvenient leh..
I also feel that the one at 10-mile junction suits your parents cos LRT station is at 10-mile junction and CCK MRT is within walking distance from your mum''s house. But I can tell you hor, this MMI is very popular, am session all taken up, you must put on waitlist cos I spoke to Theresa (management staff in charge of 10-mile, phoenix and the Rail) said that their children come from as far as Woodlands. And many are siblings etc. Afternoon session I think still got very limited slot. U go take a look this Sat, I heard very good comments on the teachers here too. I chose phoenix cos no-aircon which suits my girl's health. Plus I drive my own car so still ok, but if I don't drive, may be I also go 10-mile. hehe
daec, yup, same here, if I return to workforce, my parents will take care of the boys, my mom belongs to those kind of grandma that will pamper the boys, which my hb don't agree, his thinking is such that boys must be whacked when they are notti but my mom very stubborn she will not bear to whack them
hb very worried about how the boys will turn out to be
If your parents also drive, better still, they can do marketing at Seng Siong and pick up their precious grand daughter. Got food court also. Not bad for them, can jalan jalan at the same time.
i oso like no air-con. cos i dun wan her to b 2 pampered. n i think perspire a bit oso gd. but if ur ger got 4 pm session, means she means her afternoon nap?

ur plan 2 do marketing & food court sounds gd..will try to persuade them if really go there.

else if my ger go to the 1 @pheonix, will b classmate w angel? grin
I decide not to work. though I dunno how we will cope. try and c how heheh. hopefully ok. not only its not gd for the kids. later, the parents and grandparents relationship may be spoilt coz argue over the kids. this wat happen to my sis. had shouting matches. now better, but still got those scars. my sis sad her boy listen to them more than her.
My gal is an early riser, so I intend to get her up by 7am+, drink milk, then eat early lunch then pat her sleep by 11am, then wake her up at 1pm to drink milk then send her to school (ideal plan lar, say say only, today, she nap at 12+, just woke up, i think weather too comfy). I prefer 10 mile location too cos I can also jalan jalan and drink teh tarik. But air con very powerful there last Sat, freezing cold, may be no children there on Sat and Teresa was nice to advice me to go Phoenix after I told her my child's condition.

If you gal go phoenix, it will be nice, but your gal will be at playgroup and mine at N1, same centre but different level. Yours at level 1 and mine I think 2nd level.....I suppose you are looking at am session? Am session is more ex than pm session. But becoz of my gal's eating skills (cannot eat rice and biscuit), the phoenix teacher advised me to put her in pm session as it is less bz for them and they can monitor better.

To me, pm session is also good cos I have after 2pm to breathe, do housework or even go hair treatment or facial....
daec, ya. maybe you take care of her 1st and see how, won't be so bad. Me worse, haven't actually work for 5 years plus
(cause trying to conceive).
You are off work for 5 yrs?? Wow, I thot I am long but you beat me flat ... I stopped work since Sept 04 (the day I confirmed pregnant). I did try to go back to work from Feb-Sep 06 but didn't work out cos my two maids fighting at home and also realised that my gal didn't get the best care despite one maid was mainly engaged to look after her solely.
precious_one, ha ha, me off work to get preggie, but only managed to get pregnant in 2006
so must update all the pc skills etc if returning back to work
rusty liao, also don't know how I while away the time
That center sounds so irresponsible. You didnt complain ah?

Siang is on par with his peers.... So happy for you

I believe when it comes to teaching, nurturing and disciplining, it is the role of the parents.
Chinese have this saying : Yang(3) bu(4) jiao(1), fu(1) zhi(1) guo(4)
My dad till today still constantly remind me this.
I agree with Mummy Lian that Homecare is the best unless really bo bian and have no caregivers to help.
Dun send to childcare for the wrong reason. Look for a school with dedicated teachers instead.
Sounds like Dash is going through the stage of terrible 2.
My boys are also pushing our limits at times... Urghhh
hi mummies,
sorry, so long never post, as quiet busy now, cant stand toolong at pc cos my boys now dont like to stay at babycot too long....
have one news for your....
my boys, 2nd twins bryan , learning to walk, he can walk in babycot now without support, but, like mabok type, will be fall down one...and sometime we let him out and follow him, he can walk 10plus step....he like to stand too, as 1st twins which terry who always slow than him, dont dare to walk yet, only can walk with babycot support or furniture support, buthe was won his brother this time as he able to stand up himself withour anysupport, he open the leg very big, than stand up himself, after that crap his hand, want me to say he was clever.......and laugh after that sit down again....
So., this is the reason that i more busy,,,but i still read the post everytime...
And now a day, trying to learn more cooking, want to change their schedule, cos like no change at all, all the same type of food,,,but, very lazy book also lazy....
i be go back to muar, my mum house maybe next week, will be stay around 1week , will miss your all....
precious one
hehe facial, time to self when Angel go to school sounds really gd yeah ?
me live in the east.

I guess I think if we need to work later, somehow can manage and learn lah ;)
hi mummies,
still remember me? hav been MIA for long while
I've just give birth my 2nd child 3 wks ago. now doing confinement. tis time, i manage to carry the child to over 38wks. thanks god. we r doing fine, except quite tiring due to an active toddler at home to take care of as well.
hopefully jan. not confirmed yet. I waiting for the hse issue to be settled as its under my name with my retired parents hence my cpf paying for it. have to transfer to my hubby name so can use his CPF. was trying to get hdb but our appeal failed 2x so now looking for bank
This fickle mummy now thinking of putting my gal in MMI at The Rail Mall. This is not a childcare centre and N1 class is from 0930-1230 hrs. Only 15min break at 1100 hrs. The fee is $450/- . Class size is max 12 only. So tempted...I think the rate I keep changing my gal end up no school to attend.. hehe
Thanks mich for your advise. Yah, think I will just stay put at tots house, and hopefully my boy will learn something from there. I quite like the teachers there, 1 english, 1 chinese, 1 stern, 1 gentle, just balance, haha! Anyway, got quite good impression of the teachers, though they not very professional but as long as they are serious and responsible, it is fine with me. Just like I am not a very prof teacher myself as well! haha.

Jacelyn, congrats! both your sons are very clever, learning to walk now!
Soon they will be running all over, and you will be more busy!

Wow, you keep changing menu. Not like me, me so lazy, just now, lazy until brought my son to eat outside food (yoshinoya). Me really lazy one lar.

irenelovej, envy leh. I really hope can be like you, post to all mummies about me giving birth to another and carry till full term. A dream that will be too good to be true for me!

didi, precious one, daec, so good, all of you SAHM or going to be. I wish I can be, but being a kiasu mummy who likes to send my son for enrichment, and buy this buy that, me really dun think I can. Anyway, me very lazy one, today care for my son for a day, I already doing nothing with him. We will just laze around in bed (luckily my son loves to), and do nothing!
i going to see DR Audrey Chia, i changed liao...hope they dont mind....
Ai ya, i also very lazy one, menu all the same...until dont know cook what...
I never let my boys eatoutside food.. the topic is ard cc/playgroups. I am also sending my dd to half day cc from Dec onwards. I am going back to work in 2nd Jan 08. We chose to put her early so as to be accustomed to school life.

So after school, my mother will pick her up. I am the laziest mother on earth. I choose school nearest to my mum. My criteria is as long as dd is happy, I don't care. hahaha...

Just joking lah. I made sure the school doesn't show her TV programmes to keep her entertain and she doesn't eat their food (dd has dietary issues). The teachers seems to be ok. Because dd will be youngest there, there will a dedicated teacher just for her .... or so the supervisor say lah.

Anyway, I will be doing a one week trial period from next week. I will be attending class together with her but I need to stay in one corner like transparent glass. So that she doesn't cling on to me.

Then this afternoon, I got a call from Julia G saying there is a vacancy for dd from Jan onwards for their bilingual class. Aiyoo....their class so hard to get in one leh. We were on the wait list for like 6 months!!!PLUS, they offer us the Evan Road one which is what I wanted because it has outdoor field.

But I think it might be very shiong for her and us. Weekday got cc. Then Sat got JG. I told DH we try for one semester and see how.

I really hope we survive 2008. *faint*

oh. This is dd's future cc.
Jac, no prob
they won't mind, the choice is yours, Dr Chia is Nice, think you will like her

Stressed, heard that JG at Evans Road is Good, is it near Botanic Gardens ? just once a week ?
Hi stressed, JG called me up too, but not to say got vacancy but to say my son still on waiting list...haha.

But anyway, whoever comes first, JG or Baby Jumper, I will just take up.

Jacelyn, dr chia is nice. Wow you never let your sons eat outside food, not like really lazy. But I know not good for kidneys right because they still so young. But the food I chose is as suitable for him as possible, like spagehetti, rice, salmon that kind.

Guess what! I didn't sleep well last night! I had two dreams about PSLE RESULTS! One is my class scores the lowest in chinese in my school! The other, I couldn't find the form teacher anywhere in the school and I am late!

I think I am going crazy!!!!!!!!!

This is my first batch of P6 students, I think I am more excited and worried than them. Honestly speaking, I am not one of the chosen teachers to teach P6, I insisted I want to teach morning this year telling them I need to bring my son for medical checkups, and then they gave me morning session. Thruout this year, the principal kept saying I looked stressed lar, and tend to stand outside my class to look. This really gave me double stress.

Anyway, I really hope I dun disappoint the school. Fyi, my school always has 100% passes in chinese, and 70 plus % students going special/express. I cannot afford to spoil the trend!
think each mum do wat best for e kid. whether its SAHM or working mum. up to u lah. Its up to each person to work out a lifestyle that works for the family
Eitherway all of us made adjustments/sacriface in some way for them. think u a hardworking mum who always try to figure out stuff for Dash's health/improvement!

Congrats on ur baby's birth ! fullterm birth too wow!
irenelovej, so fast, u r a mummy of two already...

no lah, din complain abt the childcare as my son was graduating then but i guess i wun put bern there....hahaha..the cc invited me for their cc graduation ceremony..but i doubt i wld be gg..dem sian...

wah, you all taking abt cc, cannot join in the fun yet. soon soon. at this time last year, i was still happily pregnant!
how time flies.

you dun worry lah. your students in good school, will do ok...
hi ladies,
didnt log in for few days miss u all.cathrina now is on bottle feed and her drip has been removed
so happy.any way to increase our breastmilk supply?my ger has been drinking alot hehe.
Yeah!!! My students results are not bad!
Most As, few Bs, 1 A* for average class, good enough! yes!!!
u must be busy wif wk last few days...

vy soon it wld be hami's turn...

congrats.....u can get promotion time dun need to say "want my life"hahah
hahaha. kkf, very good. now can realli enjoy holiday.

me not that busy at work lah. busy munching snacks trying not to fall asleep at the computer, haha.
Come and be my gal's private tutor for mandarin can? Gong xi gong xi.....

Drink lots of fluid to increase milk supply especially nutritious soup.... yummy plus enough rest. Stress will result in lesser milk too. Cathrina is doing so well....

I thot you said you wanna lose wt? Munching snacks?? haha....

U eyeing the yellow bag ah? 'm eyeing another school, no more MMI, will go and racky on next Mon. Then tell you more. hehe
i am lidat one. cannot stop munching. so losing wt shall be a dream. haha. until i can find the way and motivation to exercise off my mumchies.
how u know i'm eyeing the yellow bag? grin

will b on leave frm fri - tues, temp SAHM haha. but this SAHM cannot stay-at-home 1. alrdy plan to go out liao haha. anyway, may not hav time to login as often. will update u on my sch hunting after next mon
