Negative Harmony Test Result


Any mummies here had a negative Harmony Test result for DS n yet had a positive amnio test result?

Am currently 15+ weeks. Gynae called up yesterday with my Harmony Test results and totally shattered my world to pieces. He said based on the results, there's 99% chance of my boy having DS. He's proposing us to go for amnio test next week when my preg turns 16 weeks.

Lots of thoughts hv been gg thru my mind since gynae called. Why this happened? What's next? How do I go thru the MTPT? How long will the entire process take? Will it be as painful as full term natural delivery? Why can't we hv epi for the pains? If doing it in a non-single gynae ward, does it mean not laboring n delivering in dignity n privacy w ppl walking in n out all the time? What happens to our bb after we deliver (hospital throws it away or we hv to arrange for the body to be handled)? So many qns running thru my mind...
Thanks very much Timmerin for the glimmer of hope u've given me thru your article. Yes I'll be gg for amnio test soon.
