Mummies with 2007 babies in Sengkang

Welcome littleoink - I'm oso from Rivervale cres, which blk are u staying?

Mattmum, Enne - same here, hb travels often too. Know what u mean...

Bunnybluey - I am keen in ur sprees too...will check out the websites...

Halo everyone,

Hope you all enjoy gathering... Gg to bring my gal to bathe the buddha these two days

Any1 gg to FO GUANG SHAN temple at punggol???

yup yup, ian's a vesak day baby

his 'ang moh' b'dae is 31st may 07.

sure, will try to join u guys next outing.
christine, children's plc & GAP closed liao, oni left pumpkin patch, seems like not many pp like it, maybe no disc, tha y, hahaha...

florence/enne, we still gather?
florence, haha... then e 2 of us gather lor. i'll sms enne tml & c if she ok mah.

christine, join us if u can lah. u standby at hme or in opic?
Lynn-I be going to 'fo tang' tml but not the one u mention wor...

bunnybluey-sorry just saw ur PM only.. no time to on pc when at home... my inlaws last min say need to go 'fo tang' tomorrow, I see what time I reach home then join u all if can k? but u all don't mind hor, coz no time prepare anything... heee....

SK Mummies with 2007 Babies Gathering #1
Date: 19 May 08
Timing: 3-5pm, Hi-tea Potluck
Venue: My place at Blk 245, Compassvale Rd

1. Jen (eclairs & drinks)
2. Littlefly, bb & helper (donuts)-no more joining?
3. Florence, Hazel , keith and helper . ( suger rolls and egg tarts)[email protected]
4. Mattmum-coming???
5. Enne (hopefully can join)
6. Christine???
Hi Enne & Mummies for first time gathering - sorry I can't join this round. I better stay away from young bbies coz I oso caught the flu bug from my boy. The only one uninfected now is my maid. Very bored staying at home oso

Anyway, enjoy ur yourselves this round - i forward to next round instead.
bunnybluey : I guess we have to give the gathering a miss le. hehe next gathering on weekends ba. My keith also went to the temple. Me and hazel and helper at home!
hi bunnybluey,

u still have the desitin creamy and original?

if yes, i wld like to have 1 each.

pls let me knw, sms me at 97848194 yah. thanks
hi bunnybluey,

sigh... was so busy during the weekend & holiday... can u imagine dat i'm oradie in the office liao? i'm so sleepy now... heehee...

sorie dat i wasn't able to join the gathering. hw was it?

n gap spree closed liao? aiyah! why so fast! sad...
nebermind, will wait for the next one!
Hi SK Mummies,

I'm mummy to 13+ mth old gal and residing in Anchovale Drive.

Bunnybluey: Am interested to in the Tumbletots trial class. Wondering whether is the appropriate age group for my gal?
Hi Littleoink

I'm stayg at 157. Is urs the same block facing Rumbia? R u SAHM or FTWM?

I am planning to throw a small party for him. Should be doing it at home (lazy to go out). Then just order a cake with Pooh print. Sound like v simple, will sweat when it gets nearer. Haha.
Hi Littlefly,

You are living near the temple, right? My blk is diagonal opposite the Rivervale Mall.

I am a FTWM. I will send my boy to nanny place a few blk away.

I also thought of a small cake cutting and mini buffet with own families only. I am too lazy to organise a big party. Too many works and coordination to do. heehee !
Christine-the gathering was called off.. initially I reached home then saw Florence posting so I sms bunnybluey so she say if like that then call off lo.. hopefully next time round we can all gather together..
Hi mummies, I'm back after a tormenting weekend. Mattheaus has bronchitis and we've been to the PD twice in 4 days. In the end, we also didnt manage to go anywhere on Vesak Day, and my parents came over to help me take care of him. He was on the nebuiliser yesterday at the clinic, and screamed his lungs out. Fever and running nose still there after so many days. Really heartpain. He's now on antibiotics and 4 other kinds of medication. And my hb is still not back.

Littlefly - can understand what you mean. I also have to force feed Mattheaus his medicine. Each time he cries so pitifully, but no choice, the medicine has to go down. Like you, I am also sick...having a bad cough, after surviving on about 3 hours of sleep each day. Prob caught it from Mattheaus. You take care yar...really lots of babies sick these days.

bunnybluey, Florence - hope we can organise another gathering next time...maybe PH abit difficult cos everyone gets tied down by family plans somehow.

Peggy - welcome!
Hello Mummies!

I see, the gathering was called off. Never mind, there's always another time. Thanks bunnybluey for making the effort.

Welcome Peggy & littleoink!
hi mattmum,

oh dear, hw's mattheus now? hope dat he's much better! ya, now weather is not bery gd, so alot of babies & kids fell sick. take care ya! u muz hv more rest too...

hi enne,
so the gathering was called off? i c... nvm, there will always be chances! bunnybluey, thanks so much for all the coordination & efforts!
hi Mattmum,

maybe u can try TCM for yr boy? Ian got bronchitis and was admitted in hospital too.

then i brought him to EU YAN SEN clinic at rivervale Mall, nw he is so much better.

babies too young, take antibiotics no good.

take care yah
Hi Mattmum,

SK Mummies: I have registered my gal for a first session of Level 3 Gymboree @ Harbourfront next Tue (27 May) at 3pm. Just wondering whether there are any other SK babies in the same class?
Hi Merkon,
Yup, Am a SAHM. How do u find the trial class? R u planning to continue?

Hi Platsplat,
Level 3 is for babies 10-16mths. I was told that the trial class is S$34 for a 45min session.
gymboree trial class quite fun ... think it is good for kids to learn some class structure to prepare them for school later on. my boy had a little bit difficulty following the structure but i believe they still young, still can ingrain in the minds ... wait till older like pre school age, may be too late liao ... my opinion lah
So looks like I should bring my boy down for a trial. Actually I really just need to bring him somewhere to expend his energy. He really drives me crazy everyday and I always wonder how is it he never ever gets tired!
Hi Lynn,
Guess u could check with Gymoboree :)

Hi Nate_mumsy,
Thanks for sharing. I agree with u. It's good to start them early; to socialize and interact with other babies.
Littleoink - yes, i am staying near the temple but my block is the one facing the car park.

Mattmum - hope little matt and urself have recovered by now. When our tots r sick, we tend to get their viruses coz we're constantly by their side and oso stressed and under-sleep. My boy recovered from the flu but mine got worse over the week - but i de-stress by joining bunnybluey's sprees...

Hi Platsplat - long time since seeing ur last post. Ur little boy still as active
? I also share ur tots - i am searching for a toy to exhaust him out. Mine just fell from sofa - my hubby bbsittg him and walk away to get toys for him. Then he hurt his little ankles when his feet almost got trapped in the walker when he was racing across the hall. Hv u tried putting him in jumperoo ?

Hi Peggy, i wanted to try gymboree too but think our tots fell under different levels. Mine is level 2.
Little Fly
Yah, haven't post in quite a while. Being a SAHM takes quite a bit outta me. My boy is like a monkey, he just learned how to climb down the bed backside first. Quite cute. But he's fallen off the bed a couple of times before as well, I believe that they have to fall in order to learn to do it the right way. Haha. He's already outgrown the jumperoo since he's 7 months and recently the walker. He used to be unstoppable on it! Now he seems to want to be carried all the time and refuse to crawl on his own and its really exhausting me!
little fly,

Hope you are recovering from your flu.
Do you feel hot at home? I feel warm and hot like a oven ... becoz of my window facing west. Sometimes, I cannot stand the heat ... went to Rivervale Mall with HB and my boy to enjoy the air con there ... heehee.

My boy is also very active. He likes to crawl and move around. I am still using walker but seem like he going to outgrown it soon. Oh dear ... you baby want to be carried all the time ... is it a stage that I will also experience it soon?

Hope you and your matt are well. My boy prompt to fall sick once a mth and I always have hard time feeding him medicine. It is not an easy task.
enne, paiseh... gotta call off e gathering since florence aso can't make it & i start to cough, now still coughing & getting worse.

mattmum, how's ur boy, better liao? even if not PH, tink pp aso got family plans on weekend.

bunz, i replied ur email abt e desitin & 1st teeth liao, u saw my email?
they outgrow their toys so fast, *sigh*. Whether your baby wants to be carried all the time soon, well I guess remains to be soon. hehe.
Platsplat - u SAHM too ? how do u manage such an active boy on ur own? My maid returning soon (claimed her mom had stroke and she had to return to take care of her) and I will hardly hv time to login after she leaves.

Littleoink - yes, i felt like being roasted at times. Ur boy is about 1 mth older than Lex. I fear he will outgrow his walker soon coz he will try to climb out these days, bending over. Now Lex also wants me to carry him often and he already resist his walker by using his feet to deter from being placed inside. I am thinking of getting a playpen to place him in when i do my chores...
Bunnybluey, seems like there's flu and cough bug flying around. My family almost all down - flu, cough and pleghm. Take care and recover soon.

Mattmum, didn't hear from u. Hope Matt is ok now.
Little Fly,
Yup, now a SAHM. Sometimes I think I will go crazy but I guess it gets easier to handle after a while. But still at times I really feel like killing my son.
Haha. Luckily my husband do help me play and bathe him when he gets off work everyday.

I also put him with my mum sometimes so that I can do my freelance work or when my husband is overseas and dump him with my ILs for 1 weekend afternoon so that I can have a bit of rest time for me and my husband.
Dear all, how's everyone and BBs?? my boy also down with flu and cough, then need to inhale the 'ventolin' to open the airway.. do hope he gets better soon, my HB be in reservist for 2weeks plus, be back nxt week, so everynight is me and bb alone only wor..
hi all, I am a Sengkang Feb 2008 mum, seldom come in....

I have some frozen breast milk pump in March. Assuming that it can be stored till June, it is going to expire soon, thus I am wondering if any one of you will want to get from me...

Only need to pay me for the milk bag and nothing else.... Please PM me if you want. it is free from dairy products and nuts.

good morning mummies,

Ian's is turning 1 yr old, am thinking of his FM.

any advise of which brand's FM is good? currently he is taking FRISO.
good afternoon mummies,

need to ask all of u a stupid qn... how to make bb eat more arh or gain more weight arh?

cos my bb's weight has been more or less constant for the past few mths... his weight actually dropped from the 75% percentile for his age grp to 3% percentile now...

he only at 7kg now (which was his weight when he's 5 mths). he's 8 mths now.

he lost quite alot of weight when he was down with flu abt 2 mths ago & now i dunno how to help him to gain back his weight...

hmmm... i'm not v experienced lah .. but my boy went through a period of poor appetite (about 1 month) but now is finishing his porridge every meal (he's 8months++ now). hope ur boy will find his appetite soon.

what are you feeding him now anyway? my boy gets bored if feed him same thing everytime so we have many pattern one ...
eg. porridge+fish or porridge+carrot or porridge+carrrot+fish or porridge+cabbage
porridge+spinach or plain cereal, carrot cereal, pumpkin porridge/cereal , brown rice, biscuits, bread ..that's for my boy lah ... jus share share only
I think most importantly is for your boy to be healthy and happy, he would slowly gain his weight.

My boy has sadly always been in the lower 3 percentile, there was 1 point when he was even off the charts, which got me quite worried and I wonder if I'm not feeding him right. But my boy eats a lot and he eats everything and anything I give him... well except for abc pasta... and he's already 1 yr old and he weighs only 7.2kg at the moment.

Well, not much help eh... hope your boy would eat more and gain back his weight soon.
Hi mummies, thanks for the well wishes

Matt is recovering...his fever has gone after the antibiotics and now left with the cough and stubborn phlegm.

Bunz - RV Mall has EYS clinic? Which floor? What did they prescribe for Ian's bronchitis? I'm tempted to try too...cos I know Mattheaus's phlegm will take a while to resolve...

enne, kikismom - the phlegm problem is quite prevalent in babies hor...somemore very hard to get rid of...very headache man...if only they know how to cough it out!

enne - your hb on reservist ah...I understand how siong it is...every nite with bb alone is quite tiring...somemore you work during the day, and your boy is sick now, plus, you need to rest well more than anyone else...your PIL or parents can help?

littlefly - me same as you...Matt got better but I got worse. I went to a 2nd doctor on Monday - now I have flu with bacterial complications. Not enuff sleep, as you say, and stressed. Luckily my hb came back from overseas on Sat, so now he takes care of the both of us. I am so bored at home...wish I can go out shopping. Maybe you're rite, should join some sprees to de-stress
Also looking forward to the motherhood fair next week....hope both Matt and I recover by then!

Any mummies going to the motherhood fair next week? I should be going either Thur/Fri to avoid the weekend crowd.


Just my two cents worth, cos I am also no expert - I think platsplat is right. As long as your baby is healthy, seems active and happy, I think you need not worry. I can understand how you feel about the weight loss. I also worry when I find Matt's weight going down when it should be going up, but PD always reassures me that as long as he is eating and drinking fine, I don't have to worry about his weight so much.

If your baby's appetite is not so good, maybe you can ask PD to recommend some supplement to boost his appetite? Matt's PD prescribed Appelin B12 for him when he was very young, supposed to increase their appetite.

Hope your boy gains weight soon!
