Mummies staying at Fernvale

we looked around for you when we were going off but can't find you. Guessed you were busy 'digging' somewhere so we went off 1st. Thought your hubby was with you? Or you arrange to meet him outside the place?
Sure, will include you as well.

Irin-nope my HB don't 'onz' this kind of things, that's my friend who went with me coz he got a baby and I 'jio' him since he at safra. I din know u be there else I call u direct when I lost. hehehe thx hor next time got free shuttle liao. u and Fi got get more stuffs?

Vivienne-I think u shd go, got many rompers cheap cheap for Yuxuan wor. hehe.
crayonmum-I think more varieties and colours for girl clothings, I din see much to buy for my boy, only got one 24M romper and 3 tops(18mths), but I think rompers were cheap 5 for $10, but my boy seldom wear romper so I share with my friend, he bought 4.

Fi-remind me of the mags if ever see u again k!

I din see the 5 for $10 rompers... r they placed outside? I only combed the racks inside... coz it was a super hot day on Fri... and Ian and hubby were waiting for me in the car.. so I just "chop chop" chose the clothes.

My hubby hates non-aircon places... in fact he just hates s'pore weather. :p
oops, sorry. I made a mistake, thought that's your hubby. :p The place made us 'deaf & immune' to the outside world so didn't really catch it when you introduced your friend. And I simply assumed that's your hubby, hahaha!!! So sorry ...
Actually this time round they got more variety for boys than girls cos 1st time I'm able to find more things for Reyden than Reyes. haha.

I got to know about it from another thread in this forum.
The rompers are inside on the racks too. But you got to dig for it. Next time don't bring your hubby along cos ... men aren't suitable for sales. haha!
Irin-haha I think so too, I didn't even thot of asking my HB to go but I got 'scolded' for spending again coz my boy's wardrobe got a drawer of new clothes that he haven't wear yet. hehehe but don't care la, I can't help it also, hahaha!

crayonmum-I think with HB around hor, hard to spend time rummaging and finding what we want, guys only want chop chop then go, don't like to 'tu' around hor. hehe. next time we go together la without HBs!!
Morning mummies!!! The sale make ppl crazy man!! After i noe Irin, i went to more sales than i ever had in my life.. She's a lobang queen!! Hani, if u r reading this, tink straight, not crooked ah... Hehehehehehehe.........Agree, hubbies r not gd wif sales stuff, oni gd for dishing out the moolah.. hehehehe... Rather go wif gfs n dig like aunties....
Good Morning Mummies,

Haiz, din get to go wasted.
SALES...... IRIN, FI I WANT TO GO.......... Next time, I mustn't miss the sch bus. So, when's the next SALES? Kekeke.

Agree go shopping cannot bring kids n hubby, then can chop chop chop mah.
Vivienne- Me n Irin bought enuf to clothe the whole kampong!! Wahahahahaha... u r welcome to take some of mine if u wan.. Got loads!!
Fi-wah sure? I never get anything more than 24mths, feel now still too early ler. haha. u got anything sleeveless nice nice one? I din see any nice ones though. I usually let my boy wear sleeveless when the day is hot.
don't put the blame on me hor. It takes 2 hands to clap. I posted the sale here also but nobody as crazy as you to go for the sale with me for consecutively 3 days. hahaha!

you looking for something for your Yuxuan ah? We can arrange to meet up for some "sales exchange" session but I don't have as much as Fi. She really got alot. There are some which I realised I had gotten the same thingy on the 2nd/3rd day. :p

I got some sleeveless tees leh. Though not very very nice but 3 for $10 still quite worth it lah. I got like 4 of the 1st 2 in the pixs in different designs. But the thing is I realised some of it are 2T when I came back & sorted them out. hehe.

ya lor, all 2T. That's why went back on 2nd & 3rd day to get somemore smaller size sleeveless tops.
Irin-must be u taken all izzit! hehe I din see those designs that u posted, only got sleeveless rompers but don't have sleeveless tops.
hi crayonmum,
oh really ah??me oso blur blur, din c u...
hb was away whole of last wk, so m the oni 1 takg care of 2 kids myself for whole wk!! really exhausted...
ya, she's used to Appletree Playgrp liao..wl go into class herself w/o cryin nw....hooray!! :p
my tiles all done up, bt got patches e'rywhere! HDB officer juz came to chk on it and contractor wl b comin ltr to c hw to rectify it...
Hi carmen,

wah.. u must be so exhuasted last week!

gosh...wat do u mean by patches everywhere? hope HDB will be able to rectify it soon.

I can't seem to find the Appletree entrance.. is it located within the RC?
As i am writing this, i am fuming mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As i have the unfortunate luck of staying on the 2nd flr, my 17th flr neighbour has been washing her windows by throwing out a pail of water fr her hse!!! Can u imagi8ne many pails of water cascading down fr the 17th flr??!!! As it reaches my hse, it has spread n lands in my hse wif a whoosh!!! Worse than rain!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which person in the right mind would wash windows in tht manner?????? I wenrt down to find out who the culprit was n found out it was fr 17th flr!! Knock on her door n nobody wans to open!!! SOOOOOOOOOOO ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When i was downstairs, i even saw their immediate downstairs neighbour popping her head out to see wats gng on.... Wat kind of person would be washing windows in tht manner????!Even my helper has more sense than that!!!!!!! Wats worse, they dun wan to admit their mistake n rfefuse to open the door!!! SOOOOOO MAD!!!!

I think u shd complain to Sengkang HDB branch office. Email is [email protected]. I think Town council only takes care of maintenance of common areas. Called them b4 and that's what they told me and not helpful at all.

I got 1 neighbour who used to throw plastic bottles full of water down as a prank. I made an online police report that time... coz it was so dangerous. :p
hi crayonmum,
yes, u r rite!!

its within the RC...
i was like u too initially whn i wanted to regstr for my walkg round the blk few times and expectg 2 c big signboard - APPLETREE!!! bt no,except the RC...aft chkg w the residents den did i realise THAT is the one!!

oh yes, the contractor came on dat very day and startd cleang my whole hall!!! At 1st i tot he juz cum 2 c hw serious n wl fix a date 2 rectify it...who noes, he so efficient, came w his men all ready 2 get it done for me!! bt i was caught unprepared, n alone w 2 kidz, din noe hw to react for a moment!! finally "chased" my kids in2 bedrm so dat they cn do their work!!
And now, it looks like Brand New hse...hahaaa

Hi Fi,
oh dear, tink if its me, i wl go Bang their door til they open it!! So inconsiderate!!
My neighbor upstairs wl once in a while throw leftover rice out of window n all my cleaned laundry out there wl "collect" all grains of rice!!! And up til nw i stl duno who's the culprit!!!

It's gd that the contractor was so efficient!

I'm considering Apple Tree for Ian next yr coz it's within walking distance and it's affordable. They also have a later timing that starts at 10am.. which is gd coz Ian wakes up late.

Throw rice out of their window??? What were they thinking?? feeding pigeons? :p
Good Morning Mummies,

Fi - Thanks, Luckily, i bought enough money to pay u. I didn't expect u 2 hv a mountain of clothes for me to "shop" Hahaha! So nx time, i dun hv to go for sales jus go to ur hse n can do my shopping liao.
if u intend to put Ian in Appletree nx yr, and u hv preferred time session at 10.30am, u hv to regstr early..Initially i oso wantd 10.30am sessn, bt was fully booked took the 1st session, ie, 9am....wich nw tink bac, its bttr 4 me, aft pic her at 10.30am, my kids wl hv their nap and i cn hv my break too..hehee..

yalor, duno y they threw rice...??mayb they lazy cos our refuse chute is at lift lobby... neighbour upsstairs always do that during rainy days. when the rain is not so heavy already when some people start to open the windows, then they will start splashing water and the water comes with all the dust that is on their window and gets stuck to mine. Some people are just so weird and inconsiderate. wat to do..sigh
Morning mummies!!! HDB emailed me saying tht my neighbours have been repriminded.. Seems tht its not the ifrst time ppl are complaining against them.. Hehehehe..

Vivienne- hahahaha mini garage sale...

Yah.. I emailed Apple Tree b4... coz wanted to send Ian to Playgroup at 18m.. but they only accept 3 year-olds. Then it stuck me that they register kids based on their year of birth.. so by that.. Ian is 2 years old this yr.. even though counting by mths, he's just 13mths old this mth.. coz he's born in Dec 06.

So I'll register him in Jun this yr if I decide to enrol him in Appletree.
Doink- alamak u!! now u planted the seed of doubt in my mind... Hahahahahahahaha... Well if they do it again, i will complain again or bang their door down!!!!! Heeheheehee..

Crayonmum- u still shopping for schools huh...... Hehehehehehe

yah lor... most of the schools start at 8am or 9am... Ian wakes up late at 9 plus. I like Kinderland but their classes are so early. Actually, afternoon classes are better.. but dun seem to have any, except half day childcare which is not what I want. :p
Hi Irin (wiky) , Florence here. I am staying at rivervale and chanced this link. I am interested in your sleeveless shirts. are they still available? And Fi , do you have any more clothes you wanna sell? would be interested to get some for my little gal. I misses the warehouse sales by 1 day. went there on sunday and it's closed!
Hi Florence,
I'm keeping the sleeveless top for my boy cos they are just slightly big. You wanna take a look at some of the normal tops or rompers instead? How old is your boy?
HI Florence,
Sure, i have. But for wat age are you looking at? Sms me at 97918231 if you are keen..

Mummies- maybe its juz my luck.. Today my 4th flr neighbour, dunno if its the helper or kids, threw oil? soup? out of their window n splashed onto mine... Sigh... I juz took pics and gng to email hdb AGAIN... Mayb its my window bah.. Dirty thts y ppl throw things so tht i will clean it...
if you wanna get anything from Fi, can let me know then we'll arrange to meet you together.

seems like we can combine & have a mini Fernvale garage sale.

So isn't that bad to stay on the highest or 2nd highest, right? :p haha. *oops, better keep my mouth shut before she comes after me for gloating over her misfortune.*

My windows are also very dirty.. the last time it was cleaned was b4 Ian was born.. hahaha.

U r quite gd leh.. can identify which neighbour. hee..
Good morning mummies, so busy lots of work waiting for me to finish. Haiz!

Irin - when's ur mini sales? Can start after CNY or nt? Cos now v busy.
fi..oops..ahha..your neighbours quite disgusting leh. throw so many things one. i received fish bones on my window ledge before..;p


i had instant mee packet, packet drink, lollipop, and the worst...... sanitary pad!! so gross rite???? :p

dat's why i dun dare to hang my clothes outside.. and also becoz i nvr knew how to... seems dangerous to hang outside.. like i'm scared i'll be pulled down by the weight of the pole and clothes.. hehehe

Shd have gotten high floor the last time.. at least the chances of littering on our ledge is reduced.
