Mummies staying at Fernvale

Vivienne-me 2 like the zebra romper ler but don't know to take 12mths or 18mths coz my boy 10mths gog 11mths, afraid 12mths don't last long but 18mths sounds big for now? anyway I paste ur orders here ok? the BP thread there kinda messy. hehe.

Vineyatd sleeveless romper – helicopter 12m
Vineyatd sleeveless romper – zebra 12m

Carters Romper – Daddy's Team 12m
Carters romper – blue stripes training 12m

Disney Blanket A

Carters romper – fire engine 12m


Hi Enne, thank you v much. I had revised my order i think she hv nt update yet. Thanks!!!!!!
If u take the 18mths, u can wear as a jumpsuit first w a t-shirt inside. Wat do u think?
Good Morning Mummies, pai say, pai say. Hv to borrow this thread for my purchases. Kekeke. My excel program not working so Enne got to post my orders here for me.
Aftnoon mummies!!!!!

Vivienne- sorri ah forgt abt u.... The cool sexy mummy who stil look young... hehehehehehe..I lau liao.... memory no good... wahahahahaha

Enne- see, now u have many many frens at ur area liao..

Irin- hws the photoshoot?

Wah, now all talk abt shopping n bday parties ah.... Concourse will be close aft cny oni..Sidetrack abit, i have clothes fr 3-12mths to be given away.. anybody wan?
Hi, Mummies...

I was thinking to buy few donuts and put it on a cake stand instead of buying birthday cake. Any comments? and anybody here have the cake stand to lend me?
Hi all,

Need some comments and suggestions from fernvale mummies.

I am thinking of placing my gal at one of the childcare centres at our fernvale estates. But i am not sure which childcare centre is better in terms of evironment and teaching.

Pls help to give comments. Pls also consider email to my addr @ [email protected] just in case i have no time to log on to this forum.

Thanks in advance.
we took 3hrs+ for the whole session yesterday. It was tiring but fun.
You gals were right to say that Yew Kwang is a patient guy. At least he didn't throw us out when both of them got cranky towards the end of the session.


The pictures turned out to be quite fun & candid. Especially the last one I post. Seems like Reyes' some rubbish which Reyden can't wait to send off. hahaha.
I ended up with more expensive package.

Very nice pics!!

Wah.. u can tahan 3 hrs plus? hee.. Mine was close to 2 hrs and I was exhausted liao. :p

Chk wif u.. where did u buy the matching tees? very cute leh.

So now, Fi, veron, you and me have family photos of similar poses! hahaha...
Welcome Angeline.

no time to loggin to post thread lately. Busy Busy. keke.

Irin, the pic well taken. you'll wear the same t-shirt. keke. hmm..the photographer make the kids smile or there is another helper to make them smile? how much u paid in total ah?
Irin- so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wahahahahahahahahaha........... At least they ended up smiling....... Y more expensive? How much?

Enne- go take pics oso... then can show us...
Tks Crayonmum, Enne, sea8 & Fi!!!

It was tiring. Face abit numb towards the end. Then Yew Kwang says Reyden looked stone stone liao. hahaha. I got the T-shirts from 1 of the BP here lor. 1st time we wore them together & it turned out quite nice.

me & my helper were the 'monkeys' yesterday. Both of us were shouting, clapping & jumping around to attract their attention & smiles behind these photos. haiz ...

I wanted the $188 with only 20 pixs back, album & 8R pix. Then after all the effort & time there, I felt that it's kind of wasted to just take back 20 of the pixs so ended up taking the $288 with all pixs back & an extra collage. Boo hoo hoo ...

ya, go take your pix too then all the Sengkang/Fernvale mummies will have the same family photo. hahaha!
Fi,Irin-I wish to take long ago liao but my HB not too keen ler
any promos now for bb studio pix taking??

Fi,Irin,crayonmum-u all used same photographer? what's the rates now?
this is Yew Kwang's package. Fi, Crayonmum, Veron & me all took with this studio. Highly recommended.

The basic family and kids photography package is $188 and it consists of:

- 1 x S8R photo with frame
- 20 pcs of 4R in a photo album
- softcopy of selected photos returned
- 2 to 3 outfits (self provide)


- additional 4R photo @ $4 per copy
- upgrade of the photos of the basic package from 4R to 5R available at $40 (total $228)
- additional 5R photo @ $6 per copy
- additional 8R photo @ $12 per copy
- additional 8R photo with frame @ $20 per copy
- softcopy of all unedited photos in high resolution @ $50
- 12” x 15” photo collage @ $120
- makeup and hairstyling service available @ $70

Current promotion:

Family and Kids Photography Package @ $288 (worth $358)
A. Basic Photography Package (usual price: $188)
1 piece of 8"x12" with frame
20 pieces of 4R photos with album
1 CD containing softcopy of selected photos
B. Softcopy of all unedited photos in high resolution (usual price: $50)
C. 12"x15" family photo collage with frame (usual price: $120)
hey thanks for the info, when the promo ends? how do I call to fix appt?? saw in ur previous posting in the end u get the $288 package? $188 package not enuf huh?? I scared can't control just like for wedding package when too many pics to choose from.

so now I wanna schedule a date but maybe not so soon coz now busy with CNY and boy's 1st birthday, maybe in march hopefully the promo still stands?
Irin-I check under the business corner got a couple of other photographer and studio packages but seems for family picture-wise Yew Kuang ones seems nicer?? coz I check out others seems more of bb pics rather than family pics. I like urs, Fi, crayonmum, Veron(I din see hers here) I don't know ler but since u highly recommend think I won't consider others liao hor?? haha.
Enne- i tink we all were offered the same promo.. Its his standard price... u can email him n he will reply... B4 i saw his pkg, i wanted to go to a studio in united square, but their price is sooo much higher and its a very standard timeslot.. For Yew Kwang, he's flexible.. It took us 3hrs to complete the shoot,whereas the united square one oni gave me 1hr slot...
your husband gave the red or green light? Think you typed wrongly. hehehe. *just joking*
You can email him at [email protected] to fix an appointment.

The $188 package only give back the soft copy of the 20 pixs in the album whereas the $288 package gives us back all the soft copy + an extra collage too. We felt that since the effort & time to take the pixs might as well take back all & we can still go develop any one we like.

Fi's right in the timing thingy cos most of the studio has standard timeslot & anything beyond that will be charged accordingly. I think Studioloft or Funshot only gave half an hr slot. Half an hr's only enough to change clothes. hahaha!! Think most of us prefer Yew Kwang cos he's very patient & there's no fixed timing.
Fi, Irin-thanks for the feedback and oops its GREEN light, my english standard dropped terribly. hehehe. can bring how many outfits for adults and bb huh?? I sms-ed him liao, pending his email confirmation.

Fi,Irin,crayonmum,Veron-YEAH I AM JOINING THE gang of similar family pics in SK! hehehe.
Mummies- Questn: Wats the diff between the dumex dugro n dumex mamil? Then nespray? Y r these milk cheaper than, say gain iq? Thx....

I think the differences are:

1)the nutrients they put into the milk powder... Mamil has immunifortis... a proprietary blend of pro and pre-biotics.. so i guess it's more ex since they have to buy the proprietorship...

2) the branding and advertisement cost. Gain IQ has Zoe Tay to advertise mah.. so more ex... hee

3) the country the milk powder is manufactured and packed. there's a difference.. coz for's made in aus but packed in m'sia. i only know mamil coz i was considering changing to Mamil coz of the immunofortis..which is gd for kids wif eczema... but decided to stick wif Gain.
Crayonmum- Thx!! Coz hubby was contemplating to change their milk coz he said it doesnt make any diff... Except price... After a lengthy debate, its still Gain... Hehehehehehehehehehe...Y look for trouble rite.

Pingping-never been thr b4... sorry cant help..

Yah.... better stick to Gain if ur kids love it.

My fren changed her 2yo gal's formula from Mamil to Dumex (coz Dumex is cheaper).. and her gal refused to drink... then she switched back to Mamil.. and her gal still refused to drink. Gotto take almost 1 week to coax her back to drinking her Mamil!
Fi,crayonmum,Irin,Veron-any of u take their makeup?? or makeup at home then go??

Irin-I still thinking which package to get, my HB say $188 enuf if want all soft copies then topup $50 but is the $288 more worthwhile??
Enne- me nvr use make up one lah.. I super not lady.. Oni wear make up n heels during wedding. I tink u put on at hm then go or go thr put oso can? gt mirror.....................
hey mummies ..

posting on behalf of a fren ..

Dryper size M to sell @ $15.40 per pack of 84 pcs.

Anyone interested? I think she have 3 packs available.
can bring 2 outfits for adults & 3 for children. But we didn't bother to bring for ourselves also.
I just felt lazy to compare the prices of the packages so thought will take everything at $288 lor. Should be more worth it bah?
The warehouse sale is tomorrow. hehehe.

Date: 24.01.2008 - 26.01.2008
Time: 9.00 am - 8.00pm
Venue: No 43 Tampines Street
Ground Floor,
Singapore 528887
Brands: Carters, Oshkosh & etc ...
Hi, I have the following to give away..anyone want?
1.Nestle rice porridge(fish) for 8-24months- 1 box, expiry Mar'08
2.Nestle rice porridge(vegetables with carrot) for 8-24months- 1/2 box, expiry Mar'08
3.Nestle Rice and chicken cereal for 8-24months - 1/2 box, expiry Mar'08

I had huggies Dry XL60(Blue) for sale.
Selling at $14.

- Da Chang Jin DVD - $15.

Self collect at Fernvale.


Morning mummies- went to the sale wif Irin yest... Went nuts.. It was gd... Gng again today, this time wif hubby's blessings n money... Wahahahahaha..
Ya, it was a crazy sale. I spent $85 for 25pcs including tops for my maid too. Alot of the tops & sun suits are 3 for $10 & rompers 5 for $10. plus many many other things. More things for boys this time round. Fi & me going again later. hehehe.

I saw u at Blk 408 just now.. outside the provision shop.. but only realised that it's u after I walked past u and tot u looked familiar... hee. U were wif ur boy in the stroller and gal in Apple Tree uniform rite?

I was with my boy in a stroller.

How's ur gal adapting to Apple Tree so far? Ur tiles ok liao?
irin, fi,
wow! so shiok ya, shopping for cny... wish i could go . but i'm still recovering from a very bad fever and flu...hopefuly can go tomorrow...

tell me bout it... the worse thing is my hubby also dwn w fever...he took mc hoping to assist me but in the end he was in lala land b4 i can ask him to do anything

emergency call to my mum.. she took leave today juz to help me to take care of aqeel and some cooking for us....

feeling a little bit better now, fever gone down, but coughing like nobody's business...head throbbing still...

I think I need a retail therapy-lah... wat you think? kekekeke

yes! retail therapy works!!

i used to sneak out for retail therapy when i was on MC from work. :D hahaha....


so coincidental! bumped into u. too bad u were in the car.. cldn't chat. where u going wif yuxuan and hubby? retail therapy? hehehe...
Morning Mummies,

I went to the sale last evening... it was getting crowded coz the crowd is streaming in after work. But the buys were gd. 3 for $10 Circo rompers, Carter's sleepsets for $5-$6. Oshkosh fr $6 to $15. But I think by the time I went, there were not many sizes left.I bought mostly 24m clothes.
Crayonmum - No retail therapy for me leh! Going for lunch.

Hottiemama - Poor u! Take care!

Irin - Aiyah! Should hv gone with u to the sales if i know can lobang mah. Hehehe.
you should have call us. Me & Fi providing "free shuttle" service everyday for the sale. Can you believe it? We went for the same sale for consecutively 3 days??!!! Next time if there's any sale, you gals should call me or Fi to check what time we going then we can organise a SALE trip. hahaha!!!

Irin,Fi-I was pathetic and 'lost', i walked to and fro and can't find the place, finally found it after asking so many people for directions yet only 1 auntie knows lo. You all gone so fast huh, was looking out for you all after I found what I want. I spent $12 for 4 items(3 tops and 1 romper), me friend spent $34 for 9 items.

*raise hand*can include me in the sale trip?? I'm not good with directions.
