Mummies staying at Fernvale

hi Sea8, thks for your well wishes! My mum-in-law helping to look after my kids & nieces..and cook for confinement..there's a helper at my place..and my father-in-law also drop by to help out during this period. On partial breast feeding cos supply cannot meet demand..tried to total breastfeed for about a week, but gave up and now on partial BF.

Crayonmum & Irin, hope your kids get well soon..

Wow, I think I really cannot stay at home for the whole month planning to go shopping within these few days lio..but kept raining..heehee
So u all meeting for kopi when?

he finished all his jabs liao. The fever's caused by stomach virus. Had recovered liao, the last few days were bad but luckily he's back to norm again.

wanted to meet tomorrow morning but seems like only you, me & Fi leh. Next week we'll have crayonmum & Vivienne with us. So shall we arrange it next week?
dun gave up, keep latching ur bb or pump out ur milk, the more u do the more milk u will get. once introduce partial FM, ur supply will drop even more. Tell urself at least total BF for the 1st 3 mths. Ur bb will get all the antibodies and nutrients.
Jia Yu...

thks for ur concern..

Ian is still coughing badly... just started anti-biotics today.. so hopefully he will be better soon. the vantolin seems to help.. he doesn't sound like he got lotsa phelgm now.

he actually got stomach flu last mon and we brought him to KKH at nite when he puked coz PD is closed already.. we were there for abt 3 hrs.. coz gotto wait for him to pee to get urine sample. 2 days later.. he came down with flu and cough... PD said he probably contracted the virus while we were waiting in KKH coz it was full of sickly kids.. so ironical! :p

PD din give anti-biotics then coz it was just mild cough.. but today he coughed so badly until he puked so went to see PD again.. actually on Sunday nite.. we went to the A&E of Mt A coz he developed little red spots all over his body.. buy luckily it was just viral rash.

Sigh... when the child gets sick.. the parents also suffer... me and hubby are lacking of sleep now. :p


yah.. next week better.
thank goodness ur boy is ok liao.


I was in the same position as u... milk supply not enuff and i supplemented with FM... mostly becoz my mum and MIL keep pressurizing me to do that coz they scared their grandson not enuf to eat! :p Din want to start world war then.. so gave in.. and it was a BIG mistake coz from then on... very hard to go full BF liao. I tried for 1 week after the PD advised me to go full BF coz my boy had very bad rashes when he was going to 1 mth..and he suspected he cld be allergic to the FM.. but my boy takes 1 hr to suckle and it's like within 30 mins.. need to feed again.. very tiring for me.. so i also gave up on my part.

so like wat sea8 said.. must Jia You!
sea8-izzit? means not worth to get from her now??

Irin-if next week, maybe I can make it.

Irin,crayonmum-I don't know any KOUFU apart from the one near PRIME. I don't even know got Fernvale point. hehe.

crayonmum-I TOTALLY understand, my boy been through sick, hospitalized, well again and sick again on and off, due to phlegm, now he is still using the ventolin too with the inhaler, he is ok now but don't know why so much phlegm also haiz thus doc say still give him ventolin, giving him pearl powder, hope it helps him. doc say as long as phlegm not in his lungs then still alright.
you must really take care, rest while Ian is sleeping or else you wont have the energy to take care of him. Btw, you have been going kk to see PD ah? quite inconvenient to go there if dun have a car rite? Have you tried other PD at neighboring clinic? I always bring my bring to see Dr Saw (PD) at hougang, I can say he is good, my aunt have been bringing my cousins to see him since they were young. He is experience.

I am thankful that my family & friends gave me support and advice during and after my confinement. Initially my supply also cant meet demand and I dont know how much he have drunk if I latch him, so I express out the milk. Have to be hard working lor, express out every 2hrly if possible. Nite time I will just latch him, easier. At first, I will wake up and feed him in sitting position, and then slowly I change the feeding position to lying down. He gets his milk, I get my sleep. keke.

Its still cheaper to get from her compare to getting from NTUC. Hey, which part of SK u staying?

ur part time helper charge you $40 everytime. How many hours she usually spend to complete her tasks? What task u normally give her?

Fernvale Point is next to Fernvale LRT.. near to Jln Kayu side.
Come and visit us sometime leh.. hee

Yah.. the PD also said as long as the phlegm is not in the lungs.. it's ok. Wah.. it must be very stressful for u when ur boy was hospitalised.


No lah.. last week was the 1st time I went to KKH... coz it was 9 plus at nite and PD is closed already. Ian puked twice and quite a lot.. so we tot bring to KKH better.. in case need to hospitalise. My hubby drove us there... quite fast by CTE.

Ian's PD is from S'pore Baby and Child.. used to go to the AMK central one.. but they r always very crowded.. I called in the morning last week and they said they r booked until evening! Then I called Kidz Clinic at Rivervale Mall.. also lotsa pple...So I tried the branch at Mt A for the 1st time last week.. and it's not crowded there.. so i think I'll bring Ian there next time.

But for his jabs.. i just bring him downstairs to Fernvale Clinic... save $$.. hehe..
Morning mummies!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Another cold windy day!!! Need to check census wif u all. Irin n I thot of having a christmas party for our little ones to mingle... Hehehehehehe, regardless of race or religion or sex... HAhahahaha... Wan to noe if u are keen, n if so, whr? Multi purpose hall or someone's hse? N wat dates? 23rd Dec gd? Posting on behalf of Irin... Hahahahahahahaha.... Btw, who wants to dress up as Santa???
Halo morning Mummies!!!!
Thought of organising a Xmas party for the Fernvale kids. (Of cos Sengkang kids are welcome too, hehehe.) We can either arrange for mini catering/potluck at tea time around 2-4pm or at dinner time around 5-6pm. Then we'll have gift exchange for the kids.
Places in mind would be those multi-purpose areas or someone's place (anyone wanna volunteer their house?)

Anyone keen huh? Can have more suggestions/ideas for it.
you are faster than me??!!! hehehe, should have told me you posting mah then I won't have to type such a long post. chey!!
Irin,Fi-hahaha so dramatic, of coz must include SK kids, if only FERNVALE kids then my boy not eligible liao ler. hehehe.
Haha Irin & Fi, u r really funny! Xmas party is a good idea! I'm on for it!

Sea8 & crayonmum, yap, I wont give up this time!
As tis is my 2nd bb, I alrd know my milk supply is not high..last time supply also cant meet demand, I was inexperience, got stress & so tired .. so did not pump diligently to keep my milk supply, in the end, BF bb for only 3 mths. This time round, learnt fr previous experience, tried to latch on for 1 wk plus, bb kept crying after feeds.. So in order not to get myself tried & stress, I dun insist on direct latch on, now have been pumping ver diligently every 3hrs..I feel more relax now and can take care of bb better..
Haha Irin & Fi, u r really funny! Xmas party is a good idea! I'm on for it!

Sea8 & crayonmum, yap, I wont give up this time!
As tis is my 2nd bb, I alrd know my milk supply is not high..last time supply also cant meet demand, I was inexperience, got stress & so tired .. so did not pump diligently to keep my milk supply, in the end, BF bb for only 3 mths. This time round, learnt fr previous experience, tried to latch on for 1 wk plus, bb kept crying after feeds.. So in order not to get myself tried & stress, I dun insist on direct latch on, now have been pumping ver diligently every 3hrs..I feel more relax now and can take care of bb better..
Haha Irin & Fi, u r really funny! Xmas party is a good idea! I'm on for it!

Sea8 & crayonmum, yap, I wont give up this time!
As tis is my 2nd bb, I alrd know my milk supply is not high..last time supply also cant meet demand, I was inexperience, got stress & so tired .. so did not pump diligently to keep my milk supply, in the end, BF bb for only 3 mths. This time round, learnt fr previous experience, tried to latch on for 1 wk plus, bb kept crying after feeds.. So in order not to get myself tried & stress, I dun insist on direct latch on, now have been pumping ver diligently every 3hrs..I feel more relax now and can take care of bb better..
Haha Irin & Fi, u r really funny! Xmas party is a good idea! I'm on for it!

Sea8 & crayonmum, yap, I wont give up this time!
As tis is my 2nd bb, I alrd know my milk supply is not high..last time supply also cant meet demand, I was inexperience, got stress & so tired .. so did not pump diligently to keep my milk supply, in the end, BF bb for only 3 mths. This time round, learnt fr previous experience, tried to latch on for 1 wk plus, bb kept crying after feeds.. So in order not to get myself tried & stress, I dun insist on direct latch on, now have been pumping ver diligently every 3hrs..I feel more relax now and can take care of bb better..
halow mummies ..

wow didnt log in since sat till now and the thread is moving so fast.

Apple .. continue to latch on lar. no problem one. mine also same .. but latching will increase milk mah .. hey check with you is your massage lady call Sue?

Crayonmum, hope ur boy is fine now. Your PD @ Mt A ? Mine too .. under wonderland clinic Dr Tan. same?

Party party .. when ? where ?
party's on the 23rd Dec. Location either at those multi-purpose areas or someone's place. *Any volunteer?*
Hello mummies,

Crayonmum - Yah, Dr Saw is very good n experience. My 3 kids also go there. But it's up to u to choose.

Irin - Coffee nx wk which day? Mon or Wed?

apple - Keep it up! Latch on ur baby.

Sea8 - She cums at 9am leave at abt 1 or 1plus. She will wash the toilets, cleans the kitchen, ironing, sweeping, mopping, etc. Whatever u need to do jus tell her.

Irin & Fi - X'mas party at the multi purpose hall will b better so that there will b more space for the kids to run around & enjoy. I think catering will b better potluck cannot my cooking so so only. Hehehe!
coffee next Wed morning?

re: x'mas party.
we were thinking it'l be more convenient for nappy changing or feeding at someone's place than the multi-purpose hall cos might need to use the washroom/water. I also felt that catering is better. Cos might be troublesome to prepare food & bring kids. I can arrange for the food but must let me know in advance cos some of the Xmas' goodies/food have to order early.
me stay 403C Fernvale.

Irin & Fi,
Christmas party on 23rd....i shld be able to make it.
If the caterer cant cater for small group of ppl, then maybe we can list down the food and each of us go buy a few items.

u also bring ur boys see dr saw ah. the one at blk 681 hougang rite?
hey, so ur part time helper on average also charge around $10/hr.

Anyone interested to get BN avent 260ml bottles or BN Pigeon bottles? I have some to let go. I also got BN sealing disc but not in packaging. Let me now ya.

Anyone interested to get nepia size S diapers? Hv 2 packs of nepia size S(w/o nepia seals) to let go at $14 each. Selling 2 packs for $27. Collection at 407B.
Good morning mummies,

Irin - Wed kopi, sure n marketing too if needed. What time?

sea8 - Yah, normally i will bring them to that clinic if they r very sick if not jus downstairs will do. Also lazy to travel. Hehe
Yup it's $10/hr on average.

oh..we go to the S'pore Baby and Child Clinic (SBCC) at Mt A... din know there're other children clinics there... hee. Usually we go to the AMK SBCC but the last 2 times we went.. waited for more than 1 hr..and I'm very paranoid one.. think that the longer we linger at the clinic... the more germs and viruses we r being exposed to.. hehehe.

Since last week we found out that Mt A is not crowded.. so I think we will just go there next time. Dr there is ok so far.

Xmas party --- I'm keen if there's one.
I think catering is better... there's mini catering for 20 pple kind.. food is in plastic container kind.

Kopi session --- i really hope my boy is ok by then. Supposed to bring him back to the doc on Tues if he's not recovering.

Vivienne, sea8,

Dr Saw is gd ah? gotto wait long long one? How much does he charge for consultation?
Oh... any mummies here give pediasure to their babies? Gd? Abbott called me yest... wanted to give the free Gain IQ sample.. then they asked for Ian's weight.. and the lady on the fone said he's underweight and so she's going to give him pediasure...

feel abit sad that he's underweight...
Crayonmum- I gave pediasure to Dan when he was sick n not eating.. Seems ok. Dun be sad, as long as he's healthy.. Or maybe he lost weight due to his virus recently? Check wif ur PD as pediasure is normally recommended by PD or nutritionist...

Kopi- wed is good..

Welcome to our "Fernvale Mummies Club"....

I'm the centre operator for the thread.

But, heeheehee, too busy so didn't update the data list for all mummies. Will try to do it asap as now abit settle down wif my job!

I'm staying the same blk wif crayonmum, Blk 405C, with 1 boy, 6yrs old and 1 gal, 6mths old.

Vivienne, yr 2 older boys they r in Paradise and the oldest going P1 nxt yr?

My son also at Paradise and also nxt yr P1.... maybe they are classmate.

Which P1 school he's going nxt yr?

What's your son's name?

glad to see the good response for the X'mas party. Not to worry about food, I can do the ordering from NTUC for Xmas food like turkey, ham, beef, salmon or log cake & get mini party catering for meehoon, chicken wings, fishballs & things like that. We set the budget at $10 per person? Let me know if too much or too little cos I just anyhow put a figure. hehehe. Will probably need to collect the $ 1st to prevent poor attendance. Else Fi & me will have to eat the Xmas food for the whole week/month. Hope can understand.

re: Wed kopi
meet at Koufu at 9am?

you can take LRT to Fernvale point if you can make it on Wed. But I don't know what's the station's name. Anyone knows?

you try to wake up earlier, k? Cannot meet too late else mummies cannot do their marketing & cooking in time.

Too bad, I'm working liao, if not, will sure join for the morning kopi session aft putting my boy to sch.

Xmas party? I'm "ON"..... catering is fine with me. Let me know again.

<font size="+1">Fi,</font> my sis wanted to get 1 more tin of FM, Let me know if you are ordering. You can sms me if not later busy with work didnt login to chk the thread. Sorry to trouble you again.

Her boy already 2yrs+ and furthermore, now he's in childcare and are on soild more then milk so dont really take much and no point for her to stock up like previously.

Thanks alot.
long time never see you around. Must be very busy with work? We'll count you in for the Xmas. You can join us for kopi next time when you on leave? No worries, lots of chances.

So, how's all mummies? veri quiet fm Hashisan mummy??? Didnt see her log into the thread? Dunno is it busy wif her facial courses(if i'm not wrong).

Oh ya, Vivienne, I need the following infos fm you. Kindly provide me, so that I can try to consolidate and email to all asap.

<table border=1><tr><td>S/no</TD><TD>Nick</TD><TD>Your Name</TD><TD>Address</TD><TD>Contact no</TD><TD>Email address</TD><TD>Occupation</TD><TD>No. of Kids</TD><TD>Gender</TD><TD>Child's Birth Date</TD><TD>Date of Birth</TD><TD>Milk Forumla</TD><TD>Diaper</TD><TD>Hospital for Delivery </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Vivienne</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>Boys</TD><TD>7yrs old / ? / 7mths</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>MOUNT ELIZABETH</td></tr></table>

And any mummies who hven provide me yr data, pls do so as well as updating like, Apple_d, I needs yr latest info for yr gal. As well as myself, fm SAHM to FTWM <font size="+1">

Pls email me at [email protected]

Hi all,
Can I know who are joining for the party so can plan the menu?
Pls include hubbies & indicate which are the older kids that need to be included for food.

Xmas party
Date: 23rd Dec 07 (Sunday)
Place: TBC
Timing: 5pm?

1) Irin + Hubby + 2 babies

$10 budget is fine.

Kopi session.. will try.. coz i wake up when my boy wakes up.. hehe.
Can PM me ur mobile no.? How long r u gals having kopi till? I think i shd be able to make it around 9.30am to 10am if my boy wakes up at 8am (which seems to be the case these few days) ... gotto bathe him and then feed him.. feeding him takes the longest time. :p


yah.. ian lost abt 500g since last he's only abt 7.5kg now... it's like between the 10th to 25th percentile only.

i guess the abbott lady who called me is the nutritionist... will ask the PD when got chance.

Xmas party
Date: 23rd Dec 07 (Sunday)
Place: TBC
Timing: 5pm?

1) Irin + Hubby + 2 babies
2) Crayonmum + Hubby + 1 baby
no problem. We'll wait till you come. hahaha! My number is 98482883. You can call me or Fi. You have her no., right?

Will chk with hubby if he's working on that day and let you know.

1) Irin + Hubby + 2 babies
2) Crayonmum + Hubby + 1 baby
3) Doreamon + 1 boy(included for food) + 1 baby


WAH!!!! I see my name big big!!!! Doreamon, kekekekekeke, will sms u. Getting my supply on saturday. Mit u then? Hws wk? Gd? hehehe...

Irin- wah if have to finish up ALL the food must start dieting fr now!!!

Kopi at 9 sounds good..

1) Irin + Hubby + 2 babies
2) Crayonmum + Hubby + 1 baby
3) Doreamon + 1 boy(included for food) + 1 baby
4) Fi + 2 babies
Hubby dunno wk.g or not..... Hey wats the time ah?? Or am i blind?
look at my last last post.

"Xmas party
Date: 23rd Dec 07 (Sunday)
Place: TBC
Timing: 5pm? "

You are blind, hahaha!
Crayonmum - Dr Saw is a PD. His charges i can't remember exactly but it's reasonable. No need to wait long long . Hehehe! Dun worry abt ur child's weight as long as he is healthy. That's the most important thing, dun u think so!

Doreamon - Hi, my son's name is Bingyang, going to Fernvale Pri. nx year. What abt ur son?

Enne - The LRT station is Fernvale.

Irin - Wed kopi 9am ok. Oh dear 23rd Dec is a Sun, i need to confirm again cos normally we will hv dinner at MIL hse every Sun.

Can PM me Dr Saw's contact and clinic add?
Maybe next time I'll try him.

I guess i'm a 1st time mum... so abit more paranoid.. hee.. yah as long as healthy can liao.. he still coughing but not like cough until eyes red red and can't breathe.. so i think he's slowly recovering.

my PD @ Mt A charges $40, is it expensive?
just bought my 2 babies there for jab ,, $$$ fly away liao ..

xmas party i check hb schedule inform u all again.

$40 for consultation is quite cheap. My 1st consultation at SBCC was $60, then subsequent was $45. But like last week when I went for follow-up.. she charged me $35.

But usually plus medication and GST, the bill will come up between $60-$80.

That's why for jabs.. I bring Ian to Fernvale Clinic... only when he's sick then i bring him to PD.

Thanks alot.

Work har??? ok la, as a billing associate(under billing dept) alot of things need to be done. see figures until my eyes <font size="+1">@@@@@@</font>
Image, I started worked on 1st Nov, 6 working days later are the billing cycle, I hve to bill and prepared invoices until i work till 10plus PM???

Luckily, I got my hubby to help with my children, if not jia lat. Or I hve to bring my children to any of the mummies's hse and ask you all for help. KEKEKEKEKEKE



My son's name is Bryan. He's also going to Fernvale Pri nxt year in class P1/2. Yours?

You going for the graduation tonite? Me going..... but dunno cant make it on time anot. As last min got meeting at 4pm!!!


9am at Fernvale KOUFU too early for me, somemore I don't know my way there, count me out this time, join the next time round if possible at compass pt la hor hehe.
