Mummies staying at Fernvale

9am at Fernvale KOUFU too early for me, somemore I don't know my way there, count me out this time, join the next time round if possible at compass pt la hor hehe.

afternoon mummies....

wah!!! never logged in for a few days got so many things going on oreadi...

hey count me in for kopi can? wed mornin 9 am.. sounds good..

X'mas party got to count me out cos i have got plans with family members oreadi
kwang kwang kwang....
Enne- we can have it at compasspt if u wan...

Irin-later i see u i smack u!! Kekekekekeke....

Hottiemama- Fernvale mummies happening rite!! Hehehe.. Yesterday shout shout at u n ur gal ah, my hubby say macam makcik beli ikan at pasar!! hehehehe... Gng down today?
fi- yesterday juz cm bk frm cmpas pnt w my mummy, then adlyn saw u n hubby n kids, she ask me if can shout, so i gave her the green light lor...kekekeke wasn't me shoutin, so its mini makcik in the process....kekeke..

ya shd be goin dwn.. got hot story to tell...hopefully it does'nt rain lor...
doreamon - My son in 1/4. I went 4 the graduation yesterday but dunno which is u cos didn't log in yesterday. So did u make it on time?

Fi - So is Compass pt or Fernvale pt?

Hottiemama - Go down where i also want to go Hehehe, n hear hot story.
1) Irin + Hubby + 2 babies
2) Crayonmum + Hubby + 1 baby
3) Doreamon + 1 boy(included for food) + 1 baby
4) Fi + 2 babies
5) Sea + 1 baby
Fi-I know you want the mag, not really want to see me right?? haha.

You all go ahead at Fernvale KOUFU la, don't make me paiseh becoz of me all come to compass. haha.
Enne- kekekekekekekekekeke.... No lah, wan c u, ALL of u... chat here for very long muz c d face oso bah.... Compass is ok, then can go cold storage... Hehehehehe.... All in favour say aye!!!
I'm fine with Compass Point also. We can have breakfast at Ya Kun, Starbucks or Delifrance. Hungry liao ...
Fi can take those at her cluster in her car & I take those over at my side. Macam school bus hor? So Kopi got crayonmum, vivienne, enne, hottiemama, apple_d, Fi & me. Veron? Pls sms me or Fi if anyone didn't log in on Tues.
I paiseh liao la, no compassvale mummy going? If only me odd one out hor, stick to Fernvale KOUFU? 9am is my boy's morning naptime so I don't know I can make it anot, maybe drag until lunchtime then I can go out, don't know u all still be there anot.

Just a thought, if going out to nearby places only, do u all bring milk out? coz I got the practise if going Compass Point only, I will go after my boy's last feeding so can sort of tahan 2 hrs b4 I need to go home, so wondering for this gathering, better to bring milk?

Irin-I thought crayonmum opt for Fri coz her boy got flu??

Doraemon-You are the center operator,you going? u must mark attendance, we don't have each other infos ler. hehe.
Enne mei-mei,
Crayonmum opted for last Fri not this coming Fri. You blur liao.

I'm a very bo-chap mummy, I don't bring them out based on their feeding or nap time. I'll just let them drink/eat or sleep outside. Hard to accomodate both their timings. Normally I'll just bring milk & biscuits along. If I'm going back home soon enough then will just give biscuits 1st. If not then feed them outside lor.

yah I meant last Fri... hee.

I'm also like u... will only go out only after my boy has his feed.... but I still bring milk along coz there's this 1 time when my boy wanted milk after his last feed 1 hr ago and we were out already and i din bring milk out... so we had to buy milk powder in order to prepare his feed.. luckily I brought hot water so no need to try to find hot water. :p
afternoon mummies,

very hot story...kekeke...
crayonmum- go down to our playground . smtimes i mt up with fi @ the playground in the evening..

me ok @ koufu or cmpas point..

Enne- For me, you can cal me ks mummy, whether or not my gal had her feed, i'll still bring all her necessary milk powder, 1 bottlt half filled w h2o, hot h2o, diapers & snacks.

if she haven't had lunch, will oso bring when she was younger... now she basically eats anthing so everythin else still bring out except for her meal...

me like irin, i dun care whether they nap or eat.. if i got appointment or feel like goin out, ijuz go.. they have to follow my timing... eat n sleep outside the pram..kekekekeeke

hi-5! Think it's like that with 2 or more kids cos can't accomodate their timings else we'll never get to go out liao.
Me bad mummy, sometimes I'll just wake them up from their sleep just to go out. hahaha.
Hi all mummies,
are u interested to have this ?
i am giving it away for free but post in fernvale thread first.based on first come first serve.let me know how many u want.

self collection at my blk.

Irin,crayonmum,hottiemama-haha coz mostly when go to further places, my HB be the one carrying diaper bag with all the necessary BB stuffs, without him, handling the diaper bag with my boy in his stroller is quite a challenge, especially at times he wanted to be carried and don't want to sit inside. wa I am a WEAK mummy.

Fi-I am not the same "mei mei" as u, ur "mei mei" is pretty pretty, mine means small sister. haha.
all the training from bringing your boy out alone will make you a strong mummy.
I thought I could go join the weight-lifting club liao. hahaha!

I can full understand ur situation coz I'm like u!! The diaper bag is so heavy leh... so need another person to carry.

So I also go out alone wif him during the "window period" of after his last feed and b4 his next feed. But my boy wants to be carried to sleep one.. so when he starts to be cranky and wants to sleep.. he will wail and wail and refuses to sit in the stroller. :p Which also explains why I seldom go out wif him alone.. ahahha.

So gals, is it compass pt or koufu on wed? like wat i said.. i dunno wat time my boy will wake up... if compass pt.. still 9am?


Ya, I went, but was quite late, as my meeting ends at 6.30pm.... by the time I reached there was abt 6.50pm or 7pm liao....

So yr son's is in P1/4 with the twin brother, wei kang and wei jian rite?

shld hve ask for yr no. and sms you, so that we can meet each other on that day.

Enne-i tink we r d same mei mei, small sister... kekekekekekekekeke... Come lah, i pick u up ok? tell me whr u stay coz oni gt hottiemama in my car...

Ok, compass pt at 10 ok for everyone???
hi mummies,
good morng. Anyone giving away NTUC points with diaper as a token? looking for some more points for my mum.
let me know yeah. Thanks Thanks.

Hey, how I wish I can join the kopi talk on wed. sighz...have to work.... work work sianz..... keke.
I'm fine with 10am at compass point. 'School bus' going off at 9.45am at my cluster & Fi's cluster's carparks. Let us know who's meeting.
mornin mummies,

irin-ya , sometimes i do tat only when i'm pressed for time.. most times i try to plan then juz go.. cannot wait for hubby...initially wen there's only adlyn easier for me cos she eat sleeps in the pram so i was quite lucky.. carry a napsack on my back and with aqeel , still the same but a little bit tougher but still go..kekekekeke

Enne- dun worry lah.. on tat day your kid sure will have lotsa fun cos there'll be so many friends..we help each other join us?

sea8- cumlah.. take another leave...kekekekeif cannot then we drink kopi for you k.. kekekeke

irin, fi - me okie with cmpass point @ 10. hubby on leave so can go alone if i want to.. but i think i will bring adlyn oni.. aqeel will have to stay home..
Hi mummies,

Hve a few things need yr recommendations:-

1) Any good $10/hr part time cleaner?

2) Where to buy cheap and nice Adult cum children Vietnamese clothings?

3) Where to buy adult bodysuit(like baby romper, wrap with buttons at the bottom)


yes.. packaging still in the pic on my post. will pass to u on Wed.. or if u need urgently.. can collect today or tmr fr my place.

Ur car got space for my boy's stroller? or u gals not bringing strollers?
hi sea8 ..

how many u want to exchange ar .. i like for a few pcs @ home .. must check it out the qty then inform you. can?
Good morning ladies, ok so change to CP on Wed. Where to meet, haven't seen u all b4 ?
As for X'mas party, I'm sorry, can't join u all.

Doreamon - Yar lor! Same class with the twin bros. Mayb we can meet on the first day of sch. Hehe!

Cottoncandy - No, thank you.
Crayonmum if Irin gt no space 4 ur stroller, u can use mine. Single maclaren like urs too.. Always in the car...

OK, mit up at compass pt starbucks at 10am on wed am ok wif every one??
Crayonmum, usually i mit up wif my gfs at holland v coffeebean.. Usually 3 of us n 4bb chairs.. No lap buisness, coz my children wont sit still.. But often if place has no bb chair, then in ur stroller. N my gfs bbs r ard 17-19mths, so they r more active, my gfs juz strap them in wif a toy or straws n let them amuse themselves.. Otherwise if we mean buisness, then no bbs. We try to mit up when our bbs r napping...Easier... at least we can breathe..
no prob, my car's able to fit in another stroller. Actually hor, thought of going to the last day of the FOX sale after kopi so might dump the kids at home. hahaha!

Oic... my boy can't seem to fit baby chair very well.. too skinny.. esp those without harness... hee.

yah... when i meet up wif my gfs, i dun bring ian... will usually ask my mum to babysit.. and most of my frens hve no i dun think they will want a baby screaming away while we r chit-chatting.. hahaha..

wed last day ah?? i haven't even gone! hmm.. u just planted an idea into my head.. hehhee.. maybe i ask my mum if can come over and babysit ian.. then i can go wif u... kekeke...
10am tomorrow at starbucks in compass pt.? Eh got enough place for mummies+babies anot? will mac be better? no need dress up la hor? our dress code-AUNTIE ok?? else I stress liao. haha. who else stay compassvale want walk there 2gether?

hottiemama-ok then u must share ur HOT story ok?

Vivienne-don't worry, I haven't met them b4 also. haha. BLIND DATES.

Fi-xie2 for ur offer but I stayed compassvale, I can walk walk to compass pt much faster wor. hehe.

crayonmum-I same worry as you, my boy might be taking his morning nap that time ler.

Irin-I think u overspend a lot hor, saw u selling ur bb clothes and that time u go fox sale buy so much and now gog again? haha, must exercise self-control ler. haha.

Doraemon-You din see my last post? ARE YOU JOINING??
mornin mummies,

ya okie will share the "hot story" wen we mt up k..dun need to dress up lor, but i'm goin to make my son's passport after our mt ups, so pls x-cuse me for dressing up a bit hor....

its okie, wen you arrive @ starbucks, you'll definitely know who we are.. duno if Fi bringin her twins or not, irin too, so you'll see pretty ladies w kids n tat will definitely be us...

My mum can't babysit for me tmr.. she's going to do her hair. :p
So can't go to the sale wif u and Fi. Save $$ lor... hehe... my mum always complains i keep buying clothes anyway.

So where do me and Vivienne wait for ur "school bus" tmr? Will be bringing stroller along.. in case my boy gets cranky halfway... i can take LRT back wif him. Will PM u my mobile no. later.


I'm prob wearing shorts and Tshirt....hehehe..
