Mummies staying at Bt Batok/Gombak/CCk/BP/Teck Whye

Dear Mummies,

Just a quick one before i leave the office.

I will mass sms all once i have gotten the eclairs. Just wait for my sms. When collection for eclairs, <font color="ff0000">please kindly bing your own bags</font>.

Once i have send out the sms to you all, mummy pls let me know if you'll like to come up my place to pick it up immediately, or to wait till i organize a meet-up at the coffee shop at 395A later that day.

FYI, I live Blk 390.

Have a good weekend!

By the way,

Any extra trays of eclairs will only let go after all the mummies have collected their eclairs. <font color="ff0000">It will be @ $4 per tray.</font> I will post in the forum for updates on how many trays left on Monday morning when i come into the office.
Hi Mummies,

GoodView Garden Mummies pls take note!!!

There is someone going around stealing clothings in our estate. Please watch out for a suspicous woman hanging around your corridor. She just tried to steal my clothings at about 12pm today.

As it was raining this morning, I left some of my clothes along the corridor. My wooden door was left open and my hubby and my elder gal was in the living room. I happened to walk out of my room and heard something dropping onto the floor outside my house. So I peeped out and saw a woman wearing a cap, wearing all black with a big bag standing next to the clothes. I shouted at her and asked what she was doing. She heard me and quickly walked away. As I was opening the metal gate, she came back again and tried to take(or put back) the clothings then quickly ran down the staircase.

Hearing the commotion, my husband came out and asked what happen and I ask him to take the lift down and wait for her since she will take a while to go the 1st floor as I am staying on the upper floors. This stupid thief took the lift down and got into the same lift my husband was in. He took a videw of her in the lift with his camera phone and this woman took out her cap and put on a pair of glasses. According to him, she looks like a Filipino in her 50s.

When the lift was reaching the 1st floor, he asked what is she doing in the blk and she say she is looking for a friend. When asked why is she behaving so secrective, she quickly walked away towards the direction of Blk 390. I stay at Blk 387.

So all mummies, take extra care when you hang your laundry along the corridor and watch out for this woman. My maid had told me sometime back that she lost quite a few of her clothings as she will hang them outside at night. But this has stopped and now she is back again. She was trying to take some of the kids t shirts and the bras.
Hi Mary,

Thanks. Got your PM. How can I contact you before I drop by to collect? Can you PM me your contact number?

wayne's mommy/starfish
paiseh, i mixed up! thght i was supposed to meet starfish (i copied the wrong number into my phone!), so din msg wayne's mommy!

wayne's mommy:
hope u din spend too much time waiting for my sms this morning!

thks for the awareness.i did heard my neighbours complain that they lost some of the mummy nice clothes as they always hang along the corridoor.
the other oso complain that they lost their sandals. But my neighbour say the thief must hve came in the middle of the night as he came back quite late that day & found it missing the next morning. (from BB 394)
Hi ginger,
I just spoke to Wayne's mommy and she said she did not wait long. So no worries

Thanks for the voucher

Eclairs are great! Thanks Pauline!
Hi Wayne's mummy,
thks for the explanation with regard to nepia seal.

Hi starfish,
agree that the elcairs is great esp when one freeze it and then consume it. just like a ice-cream. hubby and I already finished 1 tray liao today.shd have order more but for the next order, the price seems increase a lot.
Hi Pauline,
Thanks for orgainising the BP. Sorry, didn't reply to your sms as I was in Malaysia that day. Hope I did not create too much trouble for you. :p

Thanks for helping me to collect the eclairs.
Pauline: Thank you! Sorry saw your SMS only so late.

I finished 1 tray while on the way home ;P

Now got sore throat , later will eat some ... cold cold stuff will help to ease the pain!
Dear Mummies~

Hope you have enjoyed your eclairs. Thanks for coming to collect so promptly.

So sorry i missed out another 4 trays for you.

No problem.

Mrs Lai~
Hope your sore throats gets better!

Me enjoyed the eclairs too. In fact, i also ordered not enough! I tried to called up Sat am to add order. But their office was closed.

Please kindly get in touch with me asap.
Hi Pauline!

So sorry for the missing in action. I just came back from an overseas trip. Just realised that I have forgotten to give you my hubby's hp number before the trip. Can I collect the eclair from you tomorrow evening?
Hi all

I just returned from overseas. Staying pretty near Bt Batok. May I ask if you have any PD to recommend in the area? Have 2 boys, both 9 mths old now. Thinking of bring them for their assessment. Thanks!
u finished all trays of eclairs huh? hubby is busy eating the eclairs man...haa..we finished 2 trays liao, later gg to open another trays. so tempating can't stop eating once consume...:p

no lah, dun have next order.

u are welcome. hmm...nice to meet yr gar (hubby tot she is a boy, ai-yo...) anyway, yr gar so quiet that day. bb tx dunno why so happy to see u..haa.she will normally stare hard at stranger when visitor came.

The Mrs Lai, finishing one tray while on the way hm...that's fast. so yummy right, can't resist to stop once open. :p

yr boys a twins??yup, polyclinic do a assement review. I will be taking my gar for review next mth.

why not look for the PCF infant ctr at blk 395A, just on top of the coffeeshop. of cos infant care is expensive. but this PCF is under PAP, shd be cheaper than private.
Hi Afcai,
Aiyah, tot got another bulk purchase. Me bought 4 trays. Gave 2 to MIL, left 2 trays. Me and hubby slowly eat so can last longer hehe. We still have 1 precious tray
Hi Pauline

NIce to see you here!! Cay and Jay are doing well, enjoying their cereals, porridge, fruits, vege and meat! How abt your Cayden?

Hi afcai
Yeah, my twin boys..hehe.. fraternal..

Hi all
Will go polyclinic for assessment then. But do you all have a PD that you bring your babies to, should they fall sick etc? Tot this is better than bringing to GP right, esp when they are still so young??
Hi JoviaGer,
oic. see u purchasing the playyard hor.where's u stay cos did not see yr name in the list?

Hi mummies,
Giving away a tin of unopened Nestle brown rice for 6-24mth (expiry date is 9/11/07) and also got a few small packet of Nestle rice fish porriage for 8-24mth(expiry date is 14/04/08).interested, pls pm me with contact. I might delay in reply yr email cos not online often.

collect at gdviews garden, gombak or bt batok mrt(sat evening only), clementi.
<font color="aa00aa">Hello all,
In case you are not aware, our homes locality are still one of the dengue hotspots in Singapore though the total no. cases have dropped. In Bukit Batok, a total of 77 cases have been reported so far.

Clusters with 10 or more cases

Bt Batok St 31 (Blk 360, 362, 363, 354, 369) / Bt Batok St 34 (Blk 337, 339, 340, 341, 342, 344, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353): total cases 50
Bt Batok St 33 (Blk 319, 322, 330, 332, 325, 329, 331) total cases 16
Bt Batok Ctrl (Blk 225, 226, 227) total cases 11

Do watch out for yr family members if they displayed symptoms of dengue such as high fever and red spots on the body.

My Cay just started on his porridege in fact. Cos earlier on he refuse. Now start to enjoy already. I also want bring my son go for the assessment leh.. very curious whether he got gain the right weight anot.. Wonder if need to call to make appointment? When u going?

The fish porridge sachets still available. Reserve for me if available. Thanks. If not, nvm.

<font size="+2">Eclairs</font>

<font color="119911">My fren from SingaporeBrides Forum organising BP for eclairs. But It $4 per tray. Do let me know if anyone interested, i let you tag on my order.. Cos i ordered 10 trays from her. She will be delivering it to me this weekend or next, depending when she will close her orders.

Any mummies interested, same la, just come pick up from me after she have sent it to me lor.. You might be curious why i still have to order from her right? Cos my own trays of eclairs has been bought over by my neighbours!!!! How to refuse when you have got nice neighbours right?? Now i haven't satisfy my own cravings! Lucky hubby never realised fridge was so packed previously... hehe </font>
Hi Pauline,

I am interested in 2trays. Collection and payment where and when ar?

Btw, last week I was down with fever and muscle ache, and went to see the doc @347. Was also told our area is dengue hotspot cluster. Lucikly mine was the normal flu fever.
Hi afcai

Yeah, interested in getting a playyard for my twins. What list u talking about? I did not know of any leh..

Hi Pauline

I called to make appmt for this Fri at Clem polyclinic. If u can also make it same time, our Cayden can meet up! hee...

Are our boys the youngest here? They are only 9 mths old....

So sorry didn't manage to order any for you the last time.. This time round, you're the earliest! hehe! You sure 2 trays enough anot?? Very yummy one leh!

I'm not going to organise anothe BP so soon, better stock up on your eclairs! My fren will send the eclairs to my place during weekend. So, same lor, just collect from me when the eclairs arrive.

Dunno if i want to collect cash on the spot or ask u funds transfer lei.. cos i no time to track my bank a/c for the transfer... I think i will see how is the response first. If many people tagging on order, i will go by funds transfer. If only a few, i still can fork out cash for you first...


Aiyah, i cannot make it on a weekday leh. Cos me working. Would absolutely love to see your boys! Where u staying? By the way, u called for appt, what you tell them huh?
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Jovia|Ger,

You may want to keep these pd's contact as a reference.
The Baby & Child Clinic
Blk 644 Bt Batok Central #01-66 Singapore 650644
Telephone: 6569 0981

Baby N Kids Specialist Clinic
458 Up Bt Timah Rd The Rail Mall Singapore 678073
Tel : 6767 6383

My kids used to visit Baby N Kids. These days we normally sees a GP as pd's consultation charges can be pretty high.</font>
Hi Pauline,

I also bringing Wayne for assessment tomorrow at Bt Batok Polyclinic. Now then I know it is free, should have schedule earlier.

You can call and make appt.


Nice to meet you here. I love your twins, they are so cute.

And hor, I think I meet you before at the torture chamber at TMC leh...I mean treating engorgement for breast at TMC. I came in the last one.
Hi pauline, thks for the eclairs! They are really yummy. Sorry if I imposed on you too late in the afternoon as I was out since early morning.
Hi JoviaGer, I bring my kids to the PD for jabs when they are still babies but when they are ill, it's usually the GP.
Hi Pauline,
Yalor, I was gng to order from the BP site but saw ur calling here! kekeke.....lagi better as more convenient mah. Ok, I think I will take 3trays instead. My fridge not very big, so cannot put too much also. You have my hp no. right? Can sms me when to collect.
Hi Wayne's Mummy

U saw my twins before meh? Yar, I went to TMC for treatment once or twice b4, though I din give birth there. U can recog me meh? Heehee...

Hi Jan and littletots

Thanks for the info and contacts. Most of my boys' jabs taken overseas, in total, only cost us less than $200 for both boys' 5-in-1 jabs etc that they took up to 6 mths... i thk SG medical costs really really overpriced...
Wayne's Mummy~
Tomorrow working leh.. you let me know how it goes when you come back tomorrow ok? How u ask them when you call for appointment huh?

No worries.. Finishing your eclairs already? hehe..
Hi Pauline, finished one tray already, mainly it's only me eating! V tempting leh, I think and think and decided!! Can I ride on your order for 4 trays @ $4 each. Then I can be good girl and give the precious remaining tray to my mum.
Let me know when to pay and if you need my hp no. again. Thks tons! yummy....!
Hi Pauline, ok will let you know tomorrow. My appt is in the afternoon. I just called their hotline and say I want to book appt for the 9th month assessment, it is free.
Hi Pauline, how many are there in 1 tray?

Suddenly pop in like this, hehe... Sorry hope I can join you all here, I stay BPj.
<font size="+2">Eclairs</font>
<font color="ff0000">$4/tray</font>

Ice Queen - 3 trays
Jan - 4 trays
LB - 4 trays

Anymore mummies wanna ride on my order?

Hi t_tottot,

Still waiting for your confirmation. Pls let me know when can u meet me. Thks.

Sorry for the rush cos some vouchers have expiry date. Therefore, i dun want u to miss it.
