Mummies in Pasir Ris

hi pinkie, yah, my darlings heads so round after sleeping in sarongs! :-> guess if you dun rock it's fine, since the sarong will sway gently on it's own and the baby will be lulled to sleep naturally. mine getting mobile already so we also keep an eye when they are in the sarongs lest they twist and turn & fall off!

just returned to work after a week's break! funnily when I left the house this morning, my boy didn't cry, think he knows I'm going to work so he was okay. Let's see if he'll be like 3M when I return home tonight!

Hi pinkie, lucky me, my boy's neck was rather strong even few days old, so he can turn left right very early so no flat head problem.

hi mbb2, i'm sahm with occasional assignments, can get very bored and stressed when boy doesnt go to school. I'm also very strict, can see the results as he gets older at least he knows there's a time for everything. No need to argue over bath, meals, sleep, etc.
your boy is 3 yrs old right?
i guess i need to wait till my ger is older to see some results (fingers crossed).

ya lo....bored n stressed coz runs out of fun tings to entertain my ger.

so how? your boy boy got 3M you tonite?
mbb2 ur ger almost 13mths? think will show already. i feel very proud of him when i come back from short holidays and my sils compliment that he's got good habits. U feel that all those time and insistence on the the strict rules are paying off. But of cos, now he's 3 and beginning to have a mind of his own, he can argue and bargain. haha. My boy got stubborn streak, so i cannot imagine if we werent firm, he'd be totally outta control by now.

What do u do with ur ger? I can steal some ideas from you. hahah
:) both terrors were already asleep when i reached home last night so he din have a chance to 3M me and i escaped out of the house just now when he wasn't looking!

no time to spend with them at all since am out of the house for long hours.
maybe should just get a part-time or home-based job, else i'll be missing out on their growing-up years...*sigh*
darlie, i can understand how you feel, cos thats what most parents in spore faced, LONG working hours!!! My hb works late too, so he's glad i'm home for the boy as we're not pro maid and have no parents to fall back on.

Is a joy to watch him grow up. although i face him almost 24/7, when i look at old pics, i still feel that it is so fast and there are some parts i may have missed. ok perhaps is the getting old syndrome hahah. But of cos, staying home have to cope with the single income and loneliness, no social interaction with others at same level. Sometimes i feel that i'm losing my vocab.
hi mbb n welcome... hee...

hi all...

mia for so long... was down with cold last week... my boy oso sick... high fever... hope he recover soon... heartpain see him suffer for so long... think he losing quite a few grams...
*fingers crossed
aiyoooo...wat i do with my ger is pretty boring de.
i sing, dance, play and read to her lo.
now teaching her to draw (scribble) but she is not interested....

i dun allow her to watch TV until tis week. i also dun get to watch TV. tats why life is VERY boring at home.

morning still acceptable coz busy with hsehold chores but after her afternoon nap, the time stay still!

tats why i come into tis thread to look for kaki.
at least in the evening time, can meet up once awhile for chit chat/coffee.

i also dun pro maid n have no parents to fall back to.
now am thinking abt getting preggy again. soon i might be full time SAHM.

pat pat...i tot you went on hols.
hope Ethan get well soon.

Josephine n i mg meet up ard the 20th. you interested bo?

sian hours nowadys juz get longer.
my hb nowadays only get to sp 30 mins max with my ger daily
sad.gif so long.
Hi Mummies,

I am also staying at PR (St72)
Anyone nearby?

Am looking at ChildCare for my todd, she's born Dec2005.

Any mummies got any good recommendation?
mbb2: what's FTWM?

juxta: yeah, i'm thinking of doing it your way so maybe juz buy the sarong stand without the auto rocker..
Welcome fluffy, there are some threads here that talks about childcare in pasir ris.

mbb2, I do let him watch cartoons, feel that a kid wont be a kid w/o tv esp in the morning when i've to go thru the laundry and stuff. After cartoon time then i'll read and play with him. Ya, i also get time out when he takes nap. Evenings either cook or visit in laws.

Is ur ger chatty? my boy is so talkative and hyper i'm usually drained by evening, he talks and moves non stop.

pinkie, my fren let the baby sleep in those rocker? fisher price with auto rocking kind. Ended up the girl so dependent on it, they've to lug it ard. But some kids are generally more adaptable lah.
FTWM is full time working mum

my ger is super hyper!
cant sit n lie down for more then 1 min.
tats why i am also very drained by evening.

true la. kids are kids.
tats why i let her watch half hour of TV now.

are you planning for bb no 2?


i am at dr.4.
my ger go to the nanny when i need to work (my job require me to travel).

so far so good la but certain tings must close one eye de.

hope tis info helps.

may i ask you how you handle tantrums?
my ger starts to throw alot of tantrums lately.

i normally use distraction and when she settle down, i try to explain/reason with her.
wanna intro naughty corner but she dun sit still le
pinkie : if u nid the sarong stand i hv one not using liao..... sell u cheap cheap hehe......

mbb2 my boi also same problem...... he another one... throw temper like no one's business..... w me he guai guai when dad n gramps ard... he doubles the temper... twist them ard his little pinkie..... think i hv another spoilt brat in the making sigh
mbb2, at the rate i'm going i think i'm not going for bb2 liao unless accident happens. haha.

i made him stand against the wall when he's abt ur ger's age. I think so far the best is this "time-out", make him stand at his naughty corner and i wouldnt get so mad also. He knows i dun entertain him he stops in record time.

Dun bother explaining when they cry cos they not listening and all the more u talk/scold all the more they cry!!! haha. Sometimes very hard lah so mad.

Sheris, my boy also knows when/who he can throw tantrum, with my mil he knows can get away with murder. Then he knows my mil will save him when i punish him and i give her face. I make him stand at the wall again when we get home if he misbehaves there, after a few times he dun dare to try.
ohoh, i feel like i'm very lax in my discipline after reading!! har har har! that's what happens when i'm not around 24/7 to keep an eye.

tonite my girl refused to look at me when i reached home cos i carried kor-kor first. alamak, she gave me the cold treatment! dun want me to carry also.
Hi mummies,

Been busy shuffling from home to school and vv for the past 2 days, ensuring my child familiarise with the school bus, environment. Glad he's adapting well, pity him his school bag seems to be very heavy. Maybe, have to consider invest on a lighter weight school bag. Any recommendations? Thanks.

Hi Zion,

Oh dear, hope you & your ds have a speedy recovery! Take good care as we're the pillars of the family.

As i read thru replies, I was thinking maybe we should create a list of mummies with kid age/sex and st add. At least, it'll come in handy when comes to bp in pasir ris. But I'm not IT savvy. Just my suggestion.

Sarong Stand
All my children have not slept in these before, I don't feel safe even with assurance from my mum that it'll helps the child to sleep longer/better. After witnessing my sister kids struggling without a sarong to sleep and behaves fretful. And hospital safety reminders to parents that falls incidents is high. I'm their comfort pillow when they are sleepy. : )
dear all,
thanks for all ur well wishing... ethan and i have recovered... it seems dat the doc we went to is not very competent... told us he had prescribed a stronger fever med, made us so scared of overdosing... supposedly have to feed ethan the med very 6 hrs... 1 whole day past liao temp still up and down... med oso finishing soon... by night really very high liao mil so fed up she feed ethan 4hrs after the last feed... immediately temp drop... after 1 more dose no more fever liao... appetite improve n looks more active... now can concentrate working liao... hee...
morning morning....

yup, very keen to apply naughty corner/time out area.

oh, i normally explain to my ger when she calms down. last 2 days, i kinda see result

aiyoooo...heart pain pain hor?
it's lidat de.
from time to time, when i pick my ger from the nanny's plc, she will give me cold treatment.

good idea abt the list.....too bad i am an IT idiot

are we conducting any BP?

tis thread is really quiet le.....pasir ris so boring huh? or juz full of shy shy ppl.

i sms you wen the timing/venue is fix.

wanna join us bo?
dun be shy le....i met Zion twice nia and the other mummy, i haven meet her before.

lets start the meet up club rolling la.

anyone else interested?????
hi zion, i've seen doc that are afraid of overdosing the kid. So i stick with the PD, when there's a fever he said 4mls every 4 hours. GP only prescribes 3.5mls thrice daily. so can see the difference.

Darlie, my boy also gives me cold treatment when
my hb is ard, like i'm totaly transparent haha.

Sincerity, whats bp?

mbb2, ya when just start anything new is hard, afterawhile they get it then is easier. When u guys meeting up?
heh heh, heart not so pain lah, cos she 'recovered' very fast, after a while she can start playing with me already. heartache part was when my boy started wailing at midnight and i tried to soothe him without success. he was crying and crying and looking around for my DH and the moment she carried him, he stopped. wah piang.....

by the way, he cries a lot at night, sometimes like he's having nightmares since he continues crying with his eyes closed. he'll cry at least once each night. something wrong? my MIL went to the temple to get talismans for the babies when they were younger to keep them calm and quiet. but of course i just kept them lah. now so tempted to use it on him! har har!
u believe in mediums? cos my fil is one... mb u wanna come over n ask wats wrong with ur boy? juz a suggestion...

I meant Bulk purchase lol. If have, will jio all.


Hmmm, can get those jade and let them put on, alternatively sealed in red packet and place it under the mattress (to avoid choking)

Just my suggestion, can try to spend individual time in a seperate room with toys, books and music that your DW won't be playing with your twins. A seperate set for you & hubby to play with them. This is to distinguish them from DW and yourself. Mummy games/songs is different from DW. You can also observe how she calms hims down as he's used to her way of soothing and assurance. Can understand your predicament. That's why, i took care of my twins and DW roles are more on housework. Unless i need her assistance to feed or change the diapers etc.
wahaha ok bulk purchase.

just sharing my experience with my boy. He used to wake up EVERY night as an infant. my hb slept next to the cot and would immediately carry him and then the boy ended up on our bed till morning. I was not comfy with it as i feel he should sleep on his own bed and know how to soothe himself back to sleep plus is disturbing our rest.

So i changed sides with hb and told him not to wake up when he cries, i just patted him and told him is bedtime, it only took a few nights he never wake up again at night and even he does, he knows we're ard, he'll play by himself until he falls asleep again. Is like a habit and bio clock, there's this period of time i'd wake up at 5am to go toilet and is very on the dot whether or not i'm feeling urgent.

i was never superstitious b4 but somehow it seems to work. Nowadays whenever my boy wakes up in the night(touch wood!) and starts crying for dunno wat reason. We'll bring him to the temple and it works. My mom gave me something to put under his bed.

i'm also a PR mummy..
Staying near the PIE PR..

my boy is 21mths, #1 is coming 3wks..

hope to join in for more outings/ gatherings..

yah, their talismen also sealed in red packets, i also dare not open and see what's inside! choi choi! that's why was wondering if i shd place his under his cot lor. am not superstitious but sometimes feel better after doing it, know what i mean? at least mind more at peace lor. :p maybe i'll try tonite. formerly he was sleeping under a beam, then we shifted him. it 'worked' for a while, now back to square one again. my MIL thinks that he was badly frightened when younger so now always like that. but frighened of what??

oh yes! i love BPs!!
need lobangs for diapers and FM. looking for toys' BPs as well.
welcome Rach!!! I'm SAHM too.

darlie, i totally agree, is really just a peace of mind.

there're 2 medical halls at west plaza that sells diapers and FM cheaply, should be parallel import. my boy using huggies pull up, cost $4.60/pkt. i think NTUC sells it at cheapest $10.50 or more for 2 packets. Although like not a lot of diff, but in the early stage saved me alot of money lah, went thru lotsa diaper. I never tried the FM though, but see lots of ppl buying by the dozens.
u stay at st 12 right? there is one medical hall near the 7-11 there selling diapers quite cheap... i used to buy FM from there oso... the rice cereal oso cheap... can go see...

me FTWM, at st 11 with a boy coming to 13mths...

goody goody, another SAHM. more kaki liao.

very likely meeting on the 20th lo coz Zion n the other mummy is FTWM.

actually, i prefer gathering on weekdays coz i like to save weekend for hb.....

i like BP toooooooo.
any lobang for Dumex huh?

btw, anyone tried Nepia pullups before?
any feedback?
hi rach, forgot to welcome earlier :)

mbb2, am also looking for dumex lobang. i saw on the WTS threads that some mummies have 400g tins to sell, 1 person even had 20 tins! how and where do they get so many?! the dumex nutritionist only called me up to offer 2 tins (i told her i have twins then she gave 2). can KEEP CALLING them to ask for samples meh?
cannot la...tis Dumex very very stingy with their sample de.

before, i used to buy direct from them as they hv promo for buy 3 get 1 free. but now bo liao.

i tink those ppl tat hv so many tins must hv gotten fr PD/clinic.

i dun bother to buy the 400g liao coz my ger finito 1.8kg in 10 days time.

ok, if i got lobang, i info you and vice versa k?
maybe she's a clinic assistant!! They get plenty of samples from supplier.

mbb2, I'd also prefer weekday. Weekends normally is family time, have to do my rounds with parents also. Maybe we can meet up on weekdays first if u're keen.
dumex milk gd? me onli try enfa b4 n struck to the brand for the past 5 years..... but burning big hole in my pocket coz ex siaz......

ur fil is a medium ah at whr ah? relationship problem can ask or nt
Hi mbb2 and darlie,

Am keen if there's lobang on Dumex with immunofortis step 3 or step 4. Have tried the satches which Dumex have sent, I find the nurse advisor friendly, they gave me 2 sets of step 3(cos twins) and 1 set for step 4 leh. Currently, they are on grow and pediasure. Kindly contact me. Thank you.

I used to buy from Jin tai tong medical hall at west plaza. They also have branches (ren tai tong medical hall) opposite 7 eleven store. Now, I buy from (tong xin tong) medical hall at Loyang Point cos the boss can help to upload into car with his trolley. Yup, i buy dozens.

Usually, purchase from PD clinc, have better offered price. But timing wise, very rush, have to pick up as soon as the carton are there cos they don't like their clinic to turn up to store room. I can't afford the time to pick up. I don't mind sharing the transport with anyone so long I can save costs. So got lobang, can jio me too : )

Fever medication,

From doc advise, fever less than 38.5, administer paracetomol every 6 hours, dosage according to child age and weight.

Fever more than 38.5, administer napan (stronger fever medication, it may comes in diff med terms) every 6 hours, paracetomol will be administer every 4 hours. Suppository inserts can only be given every 12 hours. Again depending on child age/weight, half or full bullet.

Am scared of overdosage too, but with doc assurance and explanation, we learnt that napan and suppository belongs to the same medication, you can only administer 1 type at one time. Paracetomol and napan or ibufren belongs to diff medication group, so can be given at alternate prescribed timings.

Keen in meet up but my timing very tight. Here it goes for my weekdays schedule,

8-9, get twins ready to cc
9-10, revision for my son
10-30, prepare lunch,
11- sent him to school bus
11.15-12-30 finish up the chores
12.45 fetch twins back and feed them lunch
2pm - nap time for twins while I finish my never ending task
5-6pm Playtime
6pm - Prepare dinner
6.30- Bathes and feeds them
7.30- Fetch son back from school bus

By the way, lights off at 9pm too. Mummy & Daddy needs a rest.

So hope everyone's maintain good health all year around and eat lotsa apple. (just kidding)
i bought lemsip from the med hall at loyang point when i was down with a cold 1 month back and guess wat? the first sachet i opened had a solidified lump of brown solid! OMG!!! u know the usual is yellow powder crystals right, wah, goodness knows how long this batch been displayed.
needless to say i threw all away.

that's why am not so keen in getting FM from med halls lor. haven't had the chance to complain to the boss though!!!
may i know which PD helps to order?
i dun mind ordering in bulk too coz my ger still drink alot of milk.
how much is the step 3 1.8kg?

the cheapest i can find now is $40.8.

cant wait for Dumex to have promo n foc delivery to the hse.
so regret i din order more the last round

tis is my weekdays schedule (when i dun need to work),

8 - feed bb
9 to 10 - hsehold chores
11 - feed bb lunch
12 - nap for bb
2:30 - feed bb
3 to 5:30 - playtime
5:30 - feed bb dinner
6 to 7:30 - evening walk (tis is the best time for me to meet mummies)

but i dun mind to disrupt my gers routine once awhile la. coz need to have my own life too.

i am keen to meet you on weekdays

but i have to work from tis monday (7th) till the 18th. after tat, i will have one week off.
wanna date me then??

Dumex is so far so good for my ger lo.
guess there's no best FM. as long as our child likey then it's the BEST

My gf got lobang at Orchard area. Usually, FM companies only deliver to bigger and more popular clinics. Those selling at pasir ris pte clinic, prices not attractive.


Ai yo yo, should bring back to boss and exchange for something else mah. Will be around your mum place tomorrow. Need to bring my child there for lessons. Still considering whether I can bring 3 to swimming or not. Need to bring swim vest and kick board. Pengz.
Hi P1nk1e,

I think should be abbreviation for

FM Formula Milk

DFW Domestic Foreign Worker

DH Darling Hubby

DD Darling Daughter

DS Darling Son

hehehe. and so on.
heh heh, sincerity, if ur gf can get cheaper prices for dumex, pls count me in! step 2 with imm :)

hi pinkie, FM = formula milk; DW = domestic worker (cannot call them maids mah!); DS = darling son; DD = darling daughter

hehe...count me in also wor.
i need step 3 witn imm....muck muck muck.

how r you?
all ready liao?
Haha, thanks for the indepth explanation - sincerity & darlie!

Hey, darlie - I saw you have many things to give away, any baby boy clothes to spare?
Hi mbb2,
Me due mid Feb, but still not ready - physically or mentally...
Haven't found a nanny, and also worried abt the labour pain *sigh*
hows your CL? good bo?
my fren looking for CL in apr.

how's bb? boy or ger?
post pic le

lets meet up after your confinement.

dun worry/think too much.
enjoy the last league, cny celebration and then go pop.

when are you supposed to go back to work?
it may be too early for you to comfirm a nanny. the last time, i start to scout for nanny after my confinement.

hee heee...if i get preggy then i can trf my nanny to you
hi ladies...
am new to this thread.

just like to check whether you know where is the cheapest place to buy Dumex Gold Step 1? I am currently buying from the medical shop at West Plaza $26 for 800 grams or at Giant ($52 for 1.5kg).
