Motherhood Life - sucks..

@Victoria : You can buy the Endo Thermal cooker. Wonder japanese device made in China, cook at night and wala when you return home in the evening you have delicious "double-boiled" soup or you can cook porridge, braised dishes or even steam food while you are at work. Save electricity too
Or ... find a CC near your Nanny's place. Let your kids stay in CC from morning till 4pm, and ask Nanny to prepare dinner.
Nanny pay should go down since kids spending less of her time.
Thanks for the valuable advices. I think no.5 will work for me but i can't cook in the office leh. Tongues will wriggled as my office has alot of acid tongue women! I intend to get 1 thermal cooker so i have to wake up very early to prepare then come home perhaps just steam fish. But everyday eat soup and fish is it ok??

TaiTai, i ever thought of this too but the cc near my baby sitter place all cannot make it de loh! Sobs
@Victora: Usually what I do is I wake up 30min earlier to do the cooking of soup in thermal cooker for that day consumption. But every sunday, I will prepare all the ingredient properly, marinate, cut, wash etc properly so when you come home just put into steamer to steam or oven to bake. If not I will cook those 1 dish meal like noodles soup, braised chicken etc...But only for mon to thurs lah the rest of the days we will eat outside...mummy need to have a breather too.

I also cook dinner daily eversince my no. 2 go CC and we let go of our kids nanny. Initially I cook soup and steam fish...but they got bored. So now I will cook soup noodle or mee hoon on alternate days lor...

But my work is flexible working hours so I hv no problem planning what time to cook so I did nt get thermal cooker....
Victoria, same here. I faced quite a fair bit of criticisms when i shared i prepared dinner in the office 3 times a week. That has stopped since when i told HR the reasons for doing so. Thank goodness i had good support who stood by me during the difficult time. Would suggest you to stand up to your actions. Ask these foul mouthed women if your gal is unwell often *touch wood* due to eating outside food and you have no help, will they take urgent leave to take care of your gal then? i'm getting tired of fish, veggies n rice combi too. will try something new soon.
Hi Victoria,

As long as your child likes to eat & no complaint, fish & soup is ok. I know my girl will definitely happy abt cause she loves fish & soup
She is in P1 now, eat outside food alternate day

Some ingredients can prepare first. Like me I will cut & marinate the meat then distribute the portion into 2 boxes and keep in the freezer. So when I need to cook anytime then I just need to thaw it by putting at the lower compartment of the fridge that morning. But usually I only cook meeboon or noodles soup nia, ha ha
If I have enough engergy then I will cook porridge with other dishes...hee hee
