Well-Known Member
Thanks for your prompt reply! I did a search too, but can't cfm too..
Maybe stay out of it if you are worried.
Thanks for your prompt reply! I did a search too, but can't cfm too..
Could you share the brands for some of the items?
Actually it was nice to not feel ill and I figured I had better get my admin sorted while I could!Wah! hard working!!
I bought steam because I plan to wash my things (hand or dishwasher) and dump into the steamer to clean. Do not want to wait till dry then UV sterilise. So steam, open, cool to touch (or body temp) then use immediately.Interested to know what type of bottle sterilizer u bought ? Steam or uv ?
Wow that is fast!
I still cannot figure out what is what and the difference between each brand..
I sewed mine but i used this shape. boppy pillow starts using maternity/nursing pillow? any brands to recommend?
What exactly are you choosing between? I think get what features you would like and what works for everybody would be a bit different. i chose things that allow me to have the lifestyle/convenience i want.
eg, my pram is huge. some people prefer the small form factor, - fold-till-tiny kind of pram.
I chose a huge stable one that can take rocks and curbs because I like to walk outdoors and want a pram that can handle rain and some mud and some jogging. and can take from newborn till rather large toddler size as i do not want to buy another one.
my friend did not use a pram at all. she slung her baby everywhere
For baby bath, i think the hospital gives a free one. I bought one that is free standing and at chest height. like this one
You are really great!
I don't know what I want actually, like, everything people recommend also sound/look good.
Stroller is tie with lifestyle i feel.
I brought a aprica air for my #1 becoz its super light and i like 1 hand mechanism of compacting the stroller.
Very light also means its more unstable when you hang heavier things at the back.
I change to a cheap "Yoya" when my girl got bigger becoz we wanted something tt folds down to a cabin size.
In fact... i use my carrier more than my stroller when my girl is below 1.5yo. Its difficult to wait for lift in the malls.....
I use stroller more now as I can't carry my coming to 13kg girl anymore, so its easier to get her to sit in the stroller and she is willing to sit inside now.
Hi5!! I also bought an aprica for my #1. I feel aprica is more stable than combi brand after testing at baby fair. But she hates it so I babywear her everywhere when she's younger.
But subsequently I bought yoya from qoo10. So cheap but we bought it for overseas trip coz scared aprica will get spoilt ($500+ not cheap) but turns out she actually likes yoya more and willing to sit in it. I think it's been more than a year since we used the aprica. Will just take out from storage and wash it for newborn....
Does anyone know if marigold yogurt is pasteurized and safe for consumption during pregnancy? I've read that dairy pdts if not pasteurized may contain bacteria which are harmful to the baby.
Hi mummies, for those of u who're suffering from morning sickness, are your still having it? I'm 17 weeks tmr and I still vomit from time to time, about once or twice per week. My appetite is still poor although overall it's still better den 1st trimester. I'm worried that I'm not eating enough for baby and so far there's no weight gain yet! Can't wait to see doc next week..
Hi mummies, for those of u who're suffering from morning sickness, are your still having it? I'm 17 weeks tmr and I still vomit from time to time, about once or twice per week. My appetite is still poor although overall it's still better den 1st trimester. I'm worried that I'm not eating enough for baby and so far there's no weight gain yet! Can't wait to see doc next week..
i am at 13wks+ now.
My morning sickness sort of disappear already... but i gotta control my eating.... I have gestational diabetes during my #1 and now doc want me to take the OGTT test at 15wks.... OMG.
Don't worry about weight gain as long as bb is growing accordingly to their age. I gain around 8kg in my last pregnancy as i am overweight and doc give me a strict no over 10kg limit. I limit my carbo and my #1 is happily taking up most of my weight gain. i hope the same for this pregnancy.
GD is another thing to worry after the detailed scan at 20w
Now also watching out what I eat despite poor appetite.
Just don't eat for 2 and take too much sugary stuff.
I have a sweet tooth for this #2.. its a struggle!!!!!!!!!!!
Hahaha I can't even eat for one now..
So 1w+ more to your OGTT test.
Bear with it first for now?
I will have to retake at 28wks. hahhaa
I think i can tahan.. i felt i like starving in my 3rd tri for my #1.. now i gotta start starving earlier.. hahha
Is spotting normal at 13 weeks?
Hi I had pretty bad morning sickness (in fact it lasted for the whole day) during my first trimester. I'm entering my 14th week and I am definitely feeling better now. Still feel nauseous at times but i have kind of stopped vomiting for now. My appetite is also better than the 1st trimester but still not as good as pre-pregnancy. Yups I had lost weight in fact but I try to eat everything in moderation ( e.g. Having fruits n veg everyday, soya milk regularly cos I don't drink milk). Hopefully my appetite can recover more in time for my holiday trip in Oct!
Morning sickness +1.
Lousy appetite +1.
The only difference is that, I was and am still unable to throw up which make me feel even worse
And I am having headache constantly.
And I get bloated VERY easily.
Seen my gynae last Friday and was told that these symptoms may subside from week20 onwards..
I am 4kg lighter than my pre-pregnancy weight.
My gyane told me should start eating more
Don't worry too much, baby carries his/her own "lunch box" during the first three months (yolk sac) hence will not be affected. I am 15+4 and my baby was 2 days ahead. Jiayou okay? *hugz*
Morning sickness +1.
Lousy appetite +1.
The only difference is that, I was and am still unable to throw up which make me feel even worse
And I am having headache constantly.
And I get bloated VERY easily.
Seen my gynae last Friday and was told that these symptoms may subside from week20 onwards..
I am 4kg lighter than my pre-pregnancy weight.
My gyane told me should start eating more
Don't worry too much, baby carries his/her own "lunch box" during the first three months (yolk sac) hence will not be affected. I am 15+4 and my baby was 2 days ahead. Jiayou okay? *hugz*
Are you working? If yes, how do you hande @ work? My previous pregnancies, i had nausea every morning but a very mild 1. This time, my nausea will start morning till after lunch. then it will come back almost dinner time. I don't throw up too..i just feel like lying in bed all day!
My appetite is worse this time too, i see picture of foods, i feel like vomitting...i always feel hungry, but no appetite to eat anything.![]()
Oh dear, unable to throw up can really make u feel bad. But good thing is u can keep the nutrients within your body hehe. Previously my doc said symptoms should subside by around week 14, but dun seem to be happening for me.
I'm now trying to take in as much nutrients as possible by taking chicken Essence and prenatal vits, eating as much and not throwing up..!! Haha![]()
i am at 13wks+ now.
My morning sickness sort of disappear already... but i gotta control my eating.... I have gestational diabetes during my #1 and now doc want me to take the OGTT test at 15wks.... OMG.
Don't worry about weight gain as long as bb is growing accordingly to their age. I gain around 8kg in my last pregnancy as i am overweight and doc give me a strict no over 10kg limit. I limit my carbo and my #1 is happily taking up most of my weight gain. i hope the same for this pregnancy.
Maybe can control sugary drinks, desserts and carbs? I'm finding myself drinking more coke den I ever did beforecos it makes me feel better lol. But now I restrict already.
Yea I really hope baby is growing accordingly to their age.. I will be able to find out soon!
Yeah, I am working.
In fact I don't feel that bad when I am at the office, probably because I have something to keep me occupied and people to talk to? I feel even worse when I was on MC at home.
MY MS started as soon as I opened my eyes in the morning, till the moment I fell asleep at night, anytime, anywhere. Lying on bed making me even more tired. Very emo period.
I got disgusted by the photo of gourmets as well - I don't feel hungry all the time, only have craving but I couldn't even finish the normal one portion of a meal.
Bear with it my dear.. We will be fine and back to normal very soon! *hugz*
Maybe can control sugary drinks, desserts and carbs? I'm finding myself drinking more coke den I ever did beforecos it makes me feel better lol. But now I restrict already.
Yea I really hope baby is growing accordingly to their age.. I will be able to find out soon!
I sewed mine but i used this shape. boppy pillow
I don't feel like talking in the office. My colleague feel something wrong with me. But i just said, nothing wrong.
Ohh yes2!! I can't finish normal 1 portion meal too!
The laziest pregnancy! hahaha thanks!!
Talking to them when dealing with works lor..
'cuz when I was staying home alone, I got nothing to do, too lazy/tired to do house chores, very emo.
I have got kaypo colleagues as well who kept hinting me before I passed my first trimester, I just denied and walked away. These people are so annoying lor.. Ignore them!
And if you ever feel like talking, this thread is the ideal "place" for you.
We are all @ the same boat, let's jiayou and encourage each other!![]()
Thanks3 for the encouragement.
Yes! Im very lazy with house chores too! when i hv the mood, 1/2way thru, the nausea came...then i need to stop! haha.
The only person I can talk to now is my husband as I have yet to break the news to anyone. Planning to do so once we know the gender which is in nov...
You can talk to us here! *hugz*
Oh you didn't do Panorama/Harmony uh?
I got to know mine weeks ago when I got my Panorama result.
Only informed immediate family member and my bff, oh and my boss (before I passed my first trim 'cuz need to prepare him for the upcoming absence).
I also didn't announce officially and thinking of doing so after the detailed scan at 20w.
Nope, we decided not to do Panorama/Harmony.
I think the worse person i got to tell is my superior as I don't think they will find a substitute during my maternity. Furthermore I'm working in an all male environment, quite hard for them to 2cents only though.
Maybe can control sugary drinks, desserts and carbs? I'm finding myself drinking more coke den I ever did beforecos it makes me feel better lol. But now I restrict already.
Yea I really hope baby is growing accordingly to their age.. I will be able to find out soon!
You can talk to us here! *hugz*
Oh you didn't do Panorama/Harmony uh?
I got to know mine weeks ago when I got my Panorama result.
Only informed immediate family member and my bff, oh and my boss (before I passed my first trim 'cuz need to prepare him for the upcoming absence).
I also didn't announce officially and thinking of doing so after the detailed scan at 20w.
My whole company know that i am pregnant by 5 weeks as i was schedule to travel the week after. Can't hide coz its a big company event and a lot of us are flying so when i can't fly every one sort of knew y.
My office is a fertility fountain... at any one moment, we have around 5 pregnant women in the whole company.
Eh coke+1 too!
Carbonated drink really make me feel much better, but try to avoid coke and substitute with 100+ or Sprite or Root Beer that do not contain caffeine.
When's your next appointment?![]()
I don't drink carbonated drinks usually, but this time, yes! coke! even my elder daughter was shocked, "eh, I thought u don't take gassy drinks?" hahahaha
16 weeks already but:
- Nausea +1
- No appetite but still have to eat +1
- Cannot sleep well at night +1
- Realized the magic of Coke +10
- Kena scolded for drinking Coke +16489789451
Ya man! I super wanto drink seasons ice lemon tea also but tcm said no no! maybe sometimes can negotiate for a few sips here and there? Hope we can feel better soon and start eating properly..!!
16 weeks already but:
- Nausea +1
- No appetite but still have to eat +1
- Cannot sleep well at night +1
- Realized the magic of Coke +10
- Kena scolded for drinking Coke +16489789451
Ya man! I super wanto drink seasons ice lemon tea also but tcm said no no! Walilei.
Let's grit our teeth n tahan thru this 2gther! Grrrrr.
Yea sometimes I try to substitute with 100 Plus instead cos can hydrate. But somehow I find coke have the shiok factorlol. Next appt is on wed.. soon already..!!
Kena scolded by friend and SIL. Husband will frown and try to gently dissuade but he knows to approach with cautionHahaha..
Kena scolded by husband?
Mine didn't dare to, he only tried to persuade me to lessen the intake of coke.
I told him that's the only thing that make me feel better although it sounds nonsensical.
He's seen how bad my days were, so yeah..
Jiayou together!![]()