Lovely JW Mommies

May: Huh, what is that, I only heard of AMS filing for US, now got such thing call ISF filing? I haven't received any news on that leh, later I go check it out & let u know.
ya lor, from the web, the cup looks big leh, if really very small, very be disappointing man. U want to pass to LSH then I collect from there? How much should i pay you?

Yokogi: saw Kristy & your hubby this morning at LSH when I went there to pay school fees. Kristy is really very guai

so tire and sian.

i think Alvin will be interested. how to go abt registering?

me sama sama, no mood to work & feel like shopping.
I bought the tics at Jurong spring cc Mac. Not sure other Mac selling or not.

See if other kids are interested too, then I can help to go and buy
snowy, may, how to make kristy more daring huh? She luvs to sing n dance alot. But ask her sing infront of strangers she dun dare but she dare to talk to strangers. Sun dinner my mil so proud dat she can sing the song for x2 multiplication table. Go n tell nxt table ppl. Den ask her sing she dowan. But she walk around disturb the few other tables sitting around us.

MFS opening new br at my void deck in JW lah! :p hahaha.. although alr registered both my youngest one but very tempted lor.. hehe


My hubby family of 8 came over for 9 days hoilday in sep and they totally enjoyed it. Cos very relaxed trip.. no packed itinerary everyday.. I planned only 1 activity a day. Guess its the company that matters. And the BEST part is, my sil finally conceived after TTCing for 1+yr! Hooray!!!
yup, just now cannot post

yokogi: my gal same as your gal, at hm or at my parent house, she can sing & dance, but in front of other pple, she very shy
I will be going kitty lab this sat.
Wow..super ex leh $38.
But heard it is a big exhibition as all the halls in EXPO are used for this event.
wah serious ah! dis kitty lab such a big exhibition?!

soft, i thot u already found total 4 pax to take taxi wif u liao? HAHAHA

i just now finished massgge den ki tao hong again. start to throw away alot of things. esp those stupid ornaments 5yrs never touch dat kind. and i still found more letters n past bills accumulated over the yrs. where to burn them off huh?? alot of credit card bills leh.
i was thinking whether to do mac bday party for my kids next year. hmmmm... the nearest closed door one is west coast right?
I also very excited leh. My auntie help me book online, we going together. The website say cannot bring stroller and children under 3 advisable not to go in. I call them up, they say bcos the exhibit got alot of staircase going up and down, alot of amusement rides. So not advisable. I tell her if I bring carrier, can? She say ok.

There is Hello Kitty Show also, Must try to catch. I will be going for 1pm showtime. Heard from my auntie, if u keep the GV ticket stub, got 20% off for the show.

I went to the website, there is a movie clip showing Hong Kong Kitty Lab. Looks very interesting leh. Think Jamie will enjoy this exhibition!! hehe...
i got free tics to watch astroboy @ GV vivo. so im not sure if can use the tic stubs to enjoy the discount leh
wats the hot topic abt te hello kitty lab??? pls fill me in...
reading what u described, my heart flies to kitty lab liao...oh no, really no more mood to work. im watching movie at Gv tonight so i can keep the ticket sub for kitty lab tickets? yes yes, i think the kids will love it but too bad my boy can't go cos he's below 3 - not recommended.

Good. Good. so we can share cab ya.
Donmummy, serene, candy n soft- just nice!
YOko, 4 paxs to share cab liao... :p

y u got free tickets?
Hi Sharon,

Nic emeeting you for the first time on Sat.

Today on leave?


Yup i think only west coast mac has the room for celebration.
hi baby,

nice meeting u i only recogniz u, poshies and wendy...very confused about the rest..cos too many children and pretty mummies around
im on MC
cos tonsilitis so came up wif high fever yesterday...2day no fever, but very bad throat...
i once had tonsilitis, can't eat or drink cos it will make my throat very painful, even swallow saliva also painful. i was admitted to hosp for drip and was in a unconscious state due to the high fever. Pls take care.

RE: Kitty lab
when shall we go? 18 nov, 23nov, 25nov? i prefer 23nov.
thanx baby!!! oh yeah, i read the past posting from yez and u were asking me abt the nursery program of MFS rite?? im not too sure either, but tink i'm gonna check it out too...
oh, dat sounds bad...tink mine is still not too bad, mayb i went to the doc in time b4 the widespread, so still can control wif antibiotics..but all the med is making me feel weird and sick...kinda gastric n nausea leh...
i mean i got tics to Astroboy movie so i hv the tic stubs. do u think it can be used to discount for the hello kitty lab.
i dun 1 2 bring my boy along, doubt he likes it. moreover if bring him along, i cant enjoy myself de. keke..
babybarney: u thinking of getting it for your hubby? Actually I was also thinking of getting it for my hubby but he said no need to waste $$

snowy, wenever i'm down at hm, she'll get to enjoy stayin with mummy...dats her bonus time
and we both enjoy our accompaniment
taking her to safra for a swim later
