Lovely JW Mommies

manda your new banner will be specially couriered to me these 2 days. let u know when it arrives ya.

chelsi, not tiring meh shop whole day?

serene/jopep, i'm back! hehee
On leave today cos going daughter's sch to meet her teacher.

Any recommendation where to buy good backpack sch bag?
Nope. It's plastic , red & 3 tier too. V cute n nice. At least to me.
Actually didn't shop whole day. 1/3 at playground 1/3 eating n 1/3 shopping ... Lol
i just ordered some cupcake stand to sell. cardboard/foam type. ;p

so today what u doing? update me if got interesting thing to do ok. i bring kristy tag along heheh
<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">16 May to 17 June 2011

Free Pap smear screening
will be offered to all female Singaporeans and PR, aged 25 to 69 years old at
participating clinics island-wide at no cost (no consultation or procedural fees).

Pls email me at [email protected] if keen to see the list of participating clinics. Attached file is a pdf i can't post here.</font></font>
Yoko ... Went my girl Sch n then mac at central park tdy . Haha
Those Disney character type ? I bought one can keep type . I kind of like it v much
<font color="aa00aa">Thanks for the free pap smear lobang &amp; clinic contacts.

Did know the Frontier clinic offers such service. Don't know if the doc got good bedside manners or not.</font>
你喜欢就好了 only telling u i bought afew to sell and u can have another one if u wan. only for u darling!

venus, thanks for posting the clinic address! *muakz*

anyone done pap smear recently? i hate doing it. tink every 6mths must do rite? sigh..... just heard a fren's fren recently done and detected no good results with pre-cancer cells. lucky quickly treat now.
Morning, serene never bump into you yesterday leh. I was at taka whole afternoon, so many toy stores at level 4, really a good find, mostly habo toys and Papo figurines bought a toy boat and some figurines, bought some new Japanese food stuffs at basement. Must have taka card every store asking for it. Too long never shop, really enjoyable. Got shopping session for mothers, I wan to join too!

im in v bad mood today.. ytd argued with hb.. today quarrelled again over my son.. i really dun know how long i can take it..
the same.. my issue has been bothering me for long long time.. jux that i always tell myself to endure for the sake of my boy.. but to be frank, sometimes i feel like give up.. cox im v v tired.
serene what happend?

btw im getting a foreign domestic helper, any one can recommend me which agency and what to ask ? I went to one agency at bukit timah plaza, got one staff there very fierce, i myself scared of her, after she introduced two transfer maids to me, i buay tahan her attitude and left, then not many agencies are very helpful, except one at beauty world called nora agency, but dun have transfer maid only new ones and i need to wait for 2 weeks like that.
im on leave on wed and thursday, accompany my son to new childcare, you all got any meetups ? wan to hang around safra jurong for a cuppa kopi?
wendy, i had wanted to call u to pick up chelsi's ON order on sat. i think is it ok for you or jopep to arrange to pass to jopep cos i tink it'll be easier for her to meet jopep since she's not working?
i thought is 6 months?

i wanna watch xmen leh. must find if JP have sat slot at early mrng eh. now cc sat both until 2pm, got extra hr there i so happy. rofl
yoko is at little skool house, same as kristy but in Nursery class

venus cos got experience in sg and no need to coach alot, can directly just interview on spot and no need to wait for passport

i wan to watch panda and xmen too....
thanks snowy!

i always hv prob with hb and it seems like it is too straining for me now..

i long time didnt watch movie le

yoko, how was ur genting trip?
ah dai called me the other day. she's now working in Jordan as office clerk! and got hp liao. said her boss treat her nice. her sis brought her there to work. happy happy for her. kristy still remembers her but i guess no more miss liao ba.

klite, got referral discount u know? $50x5 months for referree and referral. have u put someone already? i chop u first! rofl
serene i also so long no watch movie. can't even remem wat was the last show i watched with hb
i tink it was xmen 2

genting was fun! didi knows how to play liao. and i discovered this taiwan restaurant at KLCC (see my photos) so nice!! whole set, under S$10! wahhahahaha i happy like bird wanna go back again. the KLCC aquarium worth a visit too!
yoko: in office never check my personal email mah, that y never know that u reply me liao. Though you missed out on my earlier post. Sweet! Thks for helping me to order from taobao. The wooden sorting box is the only one that u post in the facebook right cos I only want that leh!
Let me know the total cost for the 2 items and I pay you. Muacks!
Yoko... Wendy really Mia Liao

Totally no reply to my message.

U v bad leh... I want to go genting but Bo Lang go wz me lor !!!!

Gg universal studio next week ! Stress Liao... All e walking, carrying &amp; sweating !!! Lol

Btw yoko, u still let kristy sit pram anot har?
morning mummies

bb chelsi,
if u go genting, ur hb not gg meh?

my last movie was astroboy or some cartoon with my son..
i emailed u for the list of clinics, pls send me.
baby chelsi: u can rent the stroller at the Universal studios. There are 2 types that you can rent, I think I rent for $10.00 for the whole day if remembered correctly the amount when I went last yr and my gal just sat in the stroller most of the time, no need us to carry
morning sweeties!

got any free USS admission pass?? hehhehe

serene i sent u yest liao u didn't see ah?

chelsi, yes i brought my bigger pram to genting so the 2 of them can sit inside together when tired. thank god for prams!!

when u going USS? with who? yyy n jio me?

<font color="aa00aa">Pap smear, I think for 1st 3 years it's done yearly, thereafter, perhaps once per 3 years? I did one last Sep.

Pre-cancerous cells -> I had that too a few years ago and I cried big time over it. After discussing the options with the doc, I decided not to seek any treatment and to monitor, and the cells disappeared on its own when I did another scan 6 months later.

This can happen to anyone, even to virgins.</font>
