Lovely JW Mommies

Haha.. In genes lar. Mummy is fat n got big backside. So both gals also. Hehehe.

Ur gal very shy n gentle yday. She very good in talking also hor. What ur hb say when she say that?

pink, i also want to buy vacuum cleaner leh. My hb dun want to go. He say sure very crowded. What's ur original hair length ah? Ur new hairstyle very nice. I want to perm but scared too short perm liao not nice. Ur length just right leh. Nice curl.

may, length was near to waist.trimmed perm is digital perm.

I tink i'll go to e electrical shop at jurong west 500 plus there.i bot my freezer there.e aunty beri gd.she offered me e lowest price coz i went to qte a few shops to compare price.i bot e freezer at 650.harvey norman n best selling bout nearly 900.i oso wan2 buy a stand fan too.
What is sparkling boiled water?

i agree with yoko leh. Got 女人味. I want to perm cos my bro wedding in dec. But my hb say she dun like me in curling hair leh. Think he is worried abt his pocket. How much u spent? my mum went monsoon perm,colour and highlight cost $350 liao. Her hair is short. I scared if i go with my length, it will be a bomb.
may- i cannot recall what he said. Too bz laughing.

Yoko- kristy is 1 of the prettiest and cutest kid i've seen.
Morning Mummies.
Me also very tired, how I wish I am still temp SAHM. Urgh.

I was surprised that last night while the gals are sleeping, hubby was thinking of Kristy !! He say she is so guai and cute. So well-behaved compared to our monsters.
drinking kopi-O, hope it will keep me awake but after that sure gastric acting up.


I agree with May saying. Kristy is really one adorable girl, she's beauitful,cute and unique. i like her char siew bao also. hahaha
may, sparkling boiled water is water put inside my cup washed clean clean so sparkling lo. ekekkek i one month nvr drink water leh.

wendy/may, thanks for complimenting kristy! hahhahaha....

re - goody bags
i donno how come i end up having > 10/15 bags of goody bags brought home. anyone didn't take any? i can only account for 4 kids who didn't come along with their parents leh. now the goody bags put on my dining table, kristy everyday ask me "is it my birthday?" *lol*

everything was so messy on sat and i ate v little food only. got mixed reviews on the food.
u all havn't seen kristy's real pattern yet leh. all the senseless crying and screaming cos she's not getting wat she wants....... hahah!

baby, u noe u will get gastric u still go and drink kopi O?

Bo bian leh.. i very very sleepy. cos i LS a number of times last night, kieep waking up. Due to i ate raw oyster at a hotel buffet.
jialat.......just read teacher Y's update. gotta bring along a BLUE SHIRT/DRESS/BLOUSE for Funky Friday for watching Little Mermaid. err....kristy only has pinks & reds i tink(!)

may/snowy, teacher Y also mentioned "Special Holiday Activities" and no more curriculum updates from next week onwards. what is the "Special Holiday Activities" about?? u gals know anything?

for the PTC, every parent will get 20 mins of communication time (10min from chinese teacher, 10min from eng teacher).
yup, i know you told me mah.... very yummy.

Overall the food from elsie is acceptable. My hb say the vegetable not very nice.. he say the vegetabel very "lao".

your sis is the long hair girl, right? quite pretty.
<font color="119911"><font size="+2"> Mommies, who are on TBC, Please confirm it soon by 30 Nov 2009, becos we need to prepare the food and goodies bag for kiddos</font></font>

<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">LJWM BBQ Party
Date:19 Dec 09 (Sat)
Time: 4pm to 10pm at Safra BBQ Pit #3A and #3B
Activities: Swimming, Gift exchange, bbq and 38 session
All costs to be split.
Things to bring: Xmas gift for exchange( kiddos only) and 3 条 (total 18 bao) packeted drinks of any flavours.

1) wendy + 2 kids
2) donmummy + hb + dondon
3) babybarney + kids + hb
4) manda + hb +chloe
5) snowy14+adora (hubby TBC)
6) baby26+2kids+hb(tbc)
7) jenie1979 + 2kids
8) may + 2kids + hb (TBC)
9) yoko+hb+2 kids+ah dai
10) candybon+hb+1kid
11) pink+2kids+1helper(tbc)
12) poshies+2kids+ mother
13) jopep74 + hubby + 2kids
14) Teddyboy+3kids
15) Softpillow + Boy (TBC)
16) serene + boy (TBC)
17) teacher sharon + zorae + hb
18) klite + son Ryan
19) bbloh + hb + 1 kid (TBC)
20) Bb Chelsi + 1 kid (TBC)</font></font>
Morning everyone!!

Barney: I tagged you the photos taken from my best friend's hp liao.. Btw, we're thinking to go this friday.. becos we still got coupons to finish before this mth end.. you on? Wendy, you on?

Hmm.. the picture din appear on my fb photo leh. nvm....

This friday going to drink the martell king? hahahha LOL
morning mummies

babybarney: guess you &amp; your hubby are alright already.
as for the Christmas party, mi &amp; my gal sure going but i dun think i can confirm my hubby attendance by end mth leh cos he might be outstation again in dec but dun know when can confirm when he is going and when returning back.

yokogi: no idea abt the special holiday activities also as haven't been receiving any update from teacher c since adora is sick.
Oh btw, last sat our meet up with peng lao shi with regards to the PTC, the timing is more than 10 mins, guess sat nobody ard so can talk abit longer with peng lao shi. She was supposed to pass me the info on enrichment programme but end up never gave me cos the programme she had was on Speech &amp; Drama which according to her, its for higher level kids, not applicable for Dunya &amp; Zemia class, so dun think our kids will be attending the Speech &amp; Drama programme
barney: ur fb is cindy chin rite? dun hv meh? i will re-tag again.. me n my gf need to go supper club and some pubs to finish our coupons first.. we're looking for rich men to sponsor our drinks.. wahahaha..
morning mummies
last night boy wake up twice in terrible angry mood - cry &amp; scream and kick, duno wad he want! 20min-half hour later then can pacify. sunday night he always ham bin! play too much over the weekend. :S

Me and hb ah.... is better le but im still feeling angry inside me leh. That i keep suan him to go marry a fish rod better.

Heee..heee... i might be able to get a LV bag from him next year. Hope when he give me the money i will not 舍不得to buy.


what curriculum does MFS have? do they have phonic and speech and drama?what other special programe they have for nursery class which is beneficial to them?
candy your hubby v handsome leh. 郎才女貌。 I should have find chance chat with him hor since he's diver got common topic. Haha *dun kok my head*
anyone knows where i can still get Leappad books?

barney - where did u got for the hotel buffet with oysters?
may,snowy i got a neighbour downstairs in gaia class. Kristy doesnt noe her name leh.

Also teacher Y says now kristy's class has 17 kids already! Got new english teacher - stephanie who had helped out in jun as well. Dunno she good or not leh.

Baby, i though earlier u considering ntu cc rite? Your hb so good to u also ma. Forgive him la! Make him swear dis is the last time he can go holiday alone.
wendy still tinking abt your oysters ah? See leapfrog website? I thought i saw either alot of leappad books or little leaps books on clearance lately.

I went orchard hotel ytd night at level 1. Think you have to call up and see when do they have international buffet. Their food is not bad lor. The oyster is very fresh and sweet that i ate too many. In the end, LS. I think the price is at 46+++,

Shangarila also have oyster, international buffet but price is a bit more. Think is 7O over+++
yokogi: Thanks.. that's why i must always up keep myself.. haha.. ur kristy is soo cute n kwai.. my hb also like her.. he love daughter than son lor.. no problem.. chat with him all you want.. my gf n her hb jio him go diving at australia before but my hb say no $$ leh.. so he din go.. haha..

wendy: why u can't drink martell? allergic? that martel king is my best fren's guy fren one.. haven't open and he gone case liao.. wahahaha.. my best friend and i haven't decide venue becos all her kakis can't confirm yet.. usually we confirm very last min..

yup, im on a waiting list at learning vision NTU but heard that even in year 2010 also no slot for me. They give priority to Professors and lecturers. So when will be my turn?

we din tok anything leh... he just verbally say sorry to me, i forgive him half heartedly cos in the end he will still be going mah. Haiz....

Im beoing the martell king leh.. hahahhaa.....

But i cant confirm with you yet. I feel like making him angry to go club every friday leh but then hor i will feel bad for my kids.
barney: u can still make him angry but make ur kids to sleep before u go.. and nx day u hv to sacrifice to wake up early to keep ur kids accompany..
Babybarney: so gd, can get LV bag from him, then go ahead to buy, dun think too much whether want to buy anot.

yokogi: i vaguely still remember what I indicated in the enrichment programme survey for adora. Think you can check with Teacher Y or jeffine on the enrichment programmes that you indicated if you really cannot recall at all.
Think Zemia class has 18 kids leh if I remembered correctly what peng lao shi mentioned last sat. Zemia class also has a malay teacher to help up since dun know when. But I never seen the malay techer before

Ya, i wanted the LV bag very much but if i take the money liao hor i will 舍不得 lor. so much money leh, i can buy alot of thing for the kiddo.hehehe...

Huh... make the kiddos sleep, dun know what time liao... my kids sleep very late de.
Everytime i will sneak out when i go clubbing. But heng heng last friday, dun know how come the kids will sleep early by themselves. Maybe is becos they din nap in cc.
babybarney: since you have been eyeing for a LV bag for so long, then just buy it to pamper yourself lor.

candy: u so bad leh ask babybarney not to let her kids nap in the afternoon in school, hehe

morning all

yesterday The Frontier got opening ceremony, took son there, got very hot belly dancing performance.
