Lovely JW Mommies


ya lor.... i agree with you. Maybe you can check out those cc if they have course speech and drama anot then can let your ger learn if she's interested.

barney: ya.. me n my gf suan them back.. not only that we hit them back too since we're in the same halloween party bus.. haha.. i'm not sure of attica cover charge and drinks leh becos that time it's my gf's fren brought us in with free flow of moet and channon champagne. But not sure if tonite got such lobang or not..hehe..

Same same like my hb. But this time i started a cold war. He knows but choose to ignore then i got more frustrated.
seriously sometime go club, u see our age the men and women, the women still put effort to bao yang & dress up but the men our age all .... :S
I dun like cold war cos I will be the one suffer the most. The more the days the more frustrated u will be. So i dun chose cold war. Bo hua. hahaha. Then sometimes need to communicate becos of kid too.

u wan let charlene learn abacus. I tinking of letting chloe take it during sch holidays

I agree with you. Cold war, i suffer most. And in the end im the one who break the ice.

Oh ya... he mention something i being a mimosa. and he hate it. what does it mean?

Im quite interested to let her learn after heraing comment from donmummy. The abacus taken during holiday is how much? at where?

how to kok when im still not on good term with him yet. You know ytd i dream that i slap him many times on his face but always unable to hit leh. I was so angry.

You can imagine how frustrated i am.. even in dream also want to hit him.
baby i tink i need to kok your head otherwise u fall asleep liao den your boss scold u.

<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">wahahhahaa</font></font>
shld be lo. cos another name for mimosa is touch me not.
I hv not go find out abt abacus course yet. maybe now! haha

Ms Yokogi - Our LJWM Kok head in-charge.
yoko- the weekend is my breather.

Btw, i want to get pj and other apparel from ON/GAP. Remember to incl me if u spreeing
really pek chek with the new avent bpa-free bottles! Leak leak leak leak leak. Anyone using n facing dis problem? I feel like calling philips n ask for exchange!

Now ch 8 talking abt the danger of diving....
wendy,i cn't find cornmeal leh.hw cum nw evry ware don hav.i tried evry ware i go bt to no avail...

Yoko,i wan e on nw surfing wif hp cn't view.will do it tml.u strt spree thread liao ah?

Mummies gg to Regan's bb shower will gt to c my new hairstyle...i'm so satisfied wif e stylist leh!i juz riched hm at bout 9+.breasts soo beri engorged!painful leh... Nw oso so to slp liao...cya tml!

Oh..,i tink i 4gt to answer smebdy's qtn on e bill for rasa sentosa rite?

Sorry. I paid bout $541 for 2 nitez n 3 daz. Its e stayvacation promo online package.i took sea view so its mre ex.if u gt hill view or pool view den nt so ex.don scold me for replying late k... ;p keke
pink, y nvr bring pump? U everytime liddat will end up with lesser supply leh.

I din get to cut my hair today. =(
may, did u notice the threading is different for each white collar? Den become the bottle keep leaking? By the time i tested not leaking anymore, 100ml already left with 90ml.
I placed PJ order in ur BP thread liao.
If u see this thread before u go stadium, u can bring along my stuff. My hb OT last night so that today no need to work in order to go for Regan's party. Hehe..cos I grumble say got to bring 2 gals walk so far. I can take from u later.

So u can see my hb later liao.
Haha.. Chin Leng is fast.
I wrote to SMH to tell them to archive our thread so we dun have to scroll so much. hehe.

Nice meeting the mummies today at Yoko's Regan party.
morning mummies

Nice to have u gals at the party yest. and Thank U bery much for the gifts!

Yest i tink didi slept too much again. From the daytime he sleep, then all the way reach home then sleep until 10pm leh. In between wakey abit drink milk change clothes nia. Then 10pm onwards i jialat, 2+am he still tekaning me....
