Lovely JW Mommies

yaloh...i actually wanted to ask why so exp leh..hmm..think i will later when i fetch my boy loh...what will Charlene be performing?
What time u gg for the Army Open House later? Maybe can bump into u ^_^

wow..ur mil so jialat?? Even if she's working, also no excuse to be sooo lazy...but honestly, i'm surprised that she would want to look after your kids..given tt she's like dat...
snowy, tell them u wanna cancel your current card with IMMEDIATE EFFECT. they ask why, tell them their credit card no use cos don't have chip. u use other bank one better.
I put it in your letter box yest..according to e unit no u sms me leh. but when i pushed it in, seems like a lot of letters in ur mabbe stuck in between?
oh no, iv my letterbox is opened everyday one leh. so can't be difficult to push thru cos i also unlocked the junk mail latch.

anyway, u can come and take the WW and LF anytime this wkend if u want. just gotta sms me first cos ah dai won't know which ones to pass to u.
baby - next fri one i'm still 'working on it'... *wink wink*

i cut the sugar by 25% liao. mayb next time cut 50% lor.

i prefer bake cheesecake btw.
may, mil rili steady leh!haha den ur hb's family cn tahan meh?nobdy do anytin ah?laz time u pak tor wif ur hb gt smell nt?haha juz jokin.

Lucky my hb don mke it a muz dat i gt to visit my in laws evry wk.he's nt around den no nid to visit.den if he around oso may nt visit.coz they sty tampines n mil wrkin off day is on our timings will clash.unless i tk leave lor.lidat oso gd la... Cn maintain gd relationship. Wahaha ;p
is your mango pudding ready???

anyway, last night i REALLY had the intention to DHL the cheesecake to u (also to collect ww) and pink.
but my kids no co-operative so only DHL to jopep. :p

I dun mind bake chesse bake also.


you still leg cramp ah? you got drink more water these days?

Im thinking when we shld go sakae sushi to eat again. I have dates in mind which is 26 sept or 3rd Oct. hwo do you girls think?
Think my MIL really very good until cannot find one. I tell hubby my life very suay.. work so suay, got this kind of MIL also suay. He got nothing to comments abt his mum lar.

1) Drill to put sarong
She insist to do it so that my gal can sleep when we go there on Sun. So I am very grateful that she want to do that for my gal. Shocked to find out. She drill it in the way that the sarong is hanging in the centre of the Queen Size Bed !! I have to climb up the bed and put my gal into the sarong. I fell onto the bed with my gal twice. Reason she give for doing such SMART thing is : If the spring break, baby will drop on the bed. I just can't understand why she cannot drill at the side, at least I can sit on the bed and rock her and carry her up easier, at most put a mattress on the floor to prevent accident lor.

I go lunch.. later share with u all more interesting story abt my MIL ah.
yoko,i gt mke a post so e mornin ma.nw gt to wakie early to put jayna in her $400 bed. Haha 48 hrs for 400 so beta mke full use of it.else if jaundice level don go dwn den extension is $107/day.she too comfy in e bed leh.slp til dono wen to wakie for milk.u miss me ah?haha
may, mil rili steady leh!haha den ur hb's family cn tahan meh?nobdy do anytin ah?laz time u pak tor wif ur hb gt smell nt?haha juz jokin.

Lucky my hb don mke it a muz dat i gt to visit my in laws evry wk.he's nt around den no nid to visit.den if he around oso may nt visit.coz they sty tampines n mil wrkin off day is on our timings will clash.unless i tk leave lor.lidat oso gd la... Cn maintain gd relationship. Wahaha ;p
baby, 26 sept i shd be ok for sakae.

wendy, i thought i passed u the WW liao leh. then later i thought i never passed to u. dat means i never put inside the honey jar plastic bag when pink came to collect for u lo. cos i keep count count count how come i still got extra sets but i donno for very sure who i've passed to. ;p

pink, i every sun goto MIL hse. every now & then i will find excuse not to go. cos once go there is few hours nothing to do except read papers and surf on hp. quite sian for me leh.

me also will try to avoid going to mil house.I do the same thing as you lor when i go over, play hp games or read paper or watch tv.

But my case hor very jia liat, i go over only 3-4 times a year. Lately this two years she have been asking us to go over for lunch or dinner then i will try to find excuse not to go.

I very bad hor.
kekeke...i collected my WW already leh..but i really put tt disc into 11-313 leh...dun tell me wrong? Sheesh..nvm at most pass to u personally then...
last time when i was preggie, also wake up several times w leg cramp..pain like hell...but yet to cry though.

Did u ask Charlene to perform some moves for u 2 c..must be soo adorable
yokogi/may : LSH not closed on 1st Oct

yokogi : haha, if I tell my hubby, he sure will say the same things. Was thinking whether the ocbc branch at JP can help me anot cos there is this guy who helped us to open the acct for my gal who is very helpful, everytime if goes there, he sure will help if he is ard.
iv, aiyo so sorry. then it's ok lo. forget it. so the earlier message should be meant for michell (jenie?) lo. so sorry i keep mixing up leh. baby eat my brain!

snowy, no need to go down personally. that guy also not credit card section, don't think can help u much la. just call and tell them. nowadays credit card so hungary for us to use their cards. i cancelled the DBS woman's card, they cancel liao still keep calling me ask me which card i interested in, no need to apply, they will send to me.
Pink Thanks for your effort.. i really touched.. but where to find COOKED/FRIED GLUTINOUS RICE FLOUR ? what is SHORTENING ?
same for me lor...go to in laws plc oso watch tv nia.den my mil lke to talk alot.she'll juz continue to talk even nobdy listenin to her.haha she beri cute hb will tk mattress out den me n hb slp mil still will cont to talk!wahaha den maid look aft kids.we wakie liao den will go hm.haha bt my hb tho bochup,he rili dotes on his mum de.juz dat tis is his family culture lor.which is beri different fm mine.haha initially i wasn't used to nw i luv it.keke coz no nid to owaz travel soo far.
think my family culture a bit different

my ils owaz drive from their plc in TPY to our home here on sun, sometimes weekday oso.
either to play with kids, help us babysit when hb and i go jogging, or mil cook and bring over to us (wekend)
well, my hb ONLY CHILD ma.

i go to my mum's plc every sat for lunch.
hi pink thank you for the recipe.. i like the part when need to add green tea powder into the dough.. it sounds neat..
wei!my posts seems invincible leh!hw cum u guyz kip tinkin i'm nt around?haha i post soo mny posts liao leh...

Klite, u gt to ask wendy ware to buy e shortenin n cooked gluthnous flour liao.coz dat time she passed me hers to use.keke

I know liao.... can give you a belated bday clelebration. If you dun mind, cos on the 19 th Spet most of them are not free.
26 sep me stil cf leh.u guyz rili mkin me vomit blood leh?killin me wif all tis programmes dat i cn't join!!!

<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">Barney!i don lke u!!!</font></font>
so now i know all mummies r abt the same. i used to think last time im 1 of the few who goes mil plc sit there like goondu. 4 me, i go there read mag/book, or play hp games as there no pc for me to use. then as they usually talk in hokkien which i only understand abit, i keep quiet. anyway also got generation gap like tt, no topics to talk leh.

Wah you frighten me with your red big wordings. haha..

You still can come out join us mah cos the difference is by 2 days before your real cf end.... i tot you will be joining also leh.

If not we can change to another date also no problem de, I listed 2 dates in mind mah. 26 sept and 3rd oct.

no angry lar, pls like me...

wendy thanks for the info.. they got conduct classes too..

baby haha yah you all can celebrate without me .. usually sat cannot need to go back mummy's place

re MIL even to my own mum i also dun have much things to say, haha
