Lovely JW Mommies

morning all, IT's FRIDAY!!

May, how come i come out liao u not around anymore? Din see u bring jamie to school too. She ok? Your hb v tall like mine too hor?

May, snowy - have u gotten back the points credited into your safra account? I only got back july i tink. Jun like no sound no news? Every 500 pts is $20 voucher rite?
I cant confirm on next fri, cos hb might need to go for course and I will need to bring chloe to her class.
Then u gals make, i eat can le. haha
Morning Mummies !!

I am late for work so suggested hubby to send me to work first then send her back to sch. Just got a call from him that her temp is normal, they allow her to go in le.
Ya.. hubby is tall and explain why my gals are so tall also. Next time I will be the shortest in the family. Jamie looks like daddy?

Pink and Baby's hb guessed correctly.. she tied on the hair!! kekeke
Ya.. I was laughing very badly in the toilet that time. Then I tell her.. "What if u want to change bullet and the string entangle ah? U going to get scissors to cut the hair urself?" She is at the loss of words.
morning mummies

yokogi : haven't check whether the safra points credited back anot, will ask my hubby to check it out. Oh, by the way, we can't use OCBC credit card to pay for the school fees leh cos the credit card dun have the chip, so can't redeem the happy days treats voucher from ocbc liao.

jopep : i want to join in the baking of the mooncake but Friday always busy dun know can knock off on time to go over anot, will confirm again

yokogi : that time you mentioned that the name lable for Kristy, you done it at Beach road, may I know where exactly is the place and any unit no cos I want to do for adora since now she is on full day and on wed (her first full day in school), the school put the wrong bottle cap on her milk bottle and we brought back without realising it. Then yesterday when my mum informed the teacher, the teacher said no other child use the same milk bottle as my gal so the cap is correct. My mum wants to faint liao when heard that
So far no misplace of Jamie's stuff in school before. But I pasted stickers on the milk bottle and every other places. So u might want to highlight to teacher C about this.
snowy, the name label (for clothes) i didn't do at Beach Road. My dad brought it to somewhere in Bt Batok $1.50 each name. The name labels the other gals are using, are iron-on bought from (.au?)

As for name labels meant for milk bottles & drinking bottles, etc, i just ask my MIL to print out using those typical office labellers leh. it's sticker type. I paste everywhere on the milk bottle except the teats.

What brand is adora using that is so unique whole school don't have?
snowy, wat do u mean by now cannot use OCBC credit card to pay and claim for happy day discount? all along my hubby has been doing it leh.
U so funny. Paste everywhere except the teats.

It is me that says got pple do it at Beach Rd. I think there is a level where they sell Army stuff? There are shops that help to do the name tag to sew on Army Uniform. So can try asking lor. I tried the iron on from the AUS webby, not very good leh. Yoko saw the quality this morning. I got problem ironing the uniform, scared melt the iron-on. So best is to get it sewn.
may, u need to iron the shirt on the reverse side den won't damage the label. eh, u so eng iron school uniform ah?

i paste names on everywhere ever since the 1 time i brought home somebody else's bottle cap & collar & teat.
may/yokogi : scared later her uniforms also get mixed up and bring back the wrong size, so thought of buying the label. But paste stickers on the milk bottle, wouldn't the sticker come off when washing? we write her name on the bottom of the milk bottle but never write on the bottle cap, then who knows wrong cap comes back. Also the pillow we brought over on wed, comes back no pillow case cover then my mum asked the teacher then the teacher said cos the cover wet so took out to dry for us. Yesterday brought back the pillow with the pillow case cover.
Haha, adora is using common brand - pigeon milk bottle

yokogi : can find out for me the shop at BB is at where?
yokogi : cos when i went to pay the school fees on wed by using the ocbc credit card, jeffine asked whether got any other credit card anot cos the credit card i gave dun has the chip on it so they can't do it. Sob sob, how come your hubby ocbc credit card can do it,mine cannot
I everyday iron school uniform one. She got 6 sets in total. That's explain why I have to spend 2hrs every sat to iron the whole basket of clothing. Haha.. must make sure the clothes straight straight. My MIL heard I iron shopping clothes and uniform. She even ask if I iron home clothes and underwear.. urgh.. make fun of me.
snowy, i try huh. everytime talk to my parents, they only know the place, they don't know the address. sometimes talk liao = no talk. the army shops that May mentioned, there's also another one at Chevron Jurong East. My hb brought his army uniform there to sew. Maybe u can try your luck at Chevron too.

i sew on her shirt n skorts also.

did anyone hear of LSH going to change uniform soon? I thought i read at a WTB/WTG thread that somebody looking for LSH uniform cos she go and buy uniform at end Aug, only bought 1 set cos the staff told her they're going to change uniform SOON?

Thanks ah.. you always have so many good lobang. think the sheng siong one is good for me.


The excuse the teacher giev is very common among cc. hahah...

My ger always coem back with different uniform. Milk bottle come back with different cap name. Im use to it liao.

Tell you all hor, i haven do the iron for my gers every since i bought leh.. hehe.. cos i always forget to iron on when im doing ironing for office wear. kekeke....

Maybe you can call up OCBC to change your credit card to a chip type. non chip is the old one i think.


I have a favour from you.... hahahahah
*lol* may, the school uniform no need to iron for that kind of material la. u nothing to do find things to do huh? kekekek

i'm one who hates ironing big time. if not for ah dai, these 2 yrs i wouldn't have bought clothes that needs ironing. all these yrs i never do ironing one. last time my sch uniform my parents also find for me the materials no need to iron one. my house curtain too. i so happy! *lala*

well, my MIL does iron home clothes. last time i stayed with her for half a yr, she wanna iron my jeans and those beach shorts for me. i say nonononono no need don't waste time. den she go and iron hb home t-shirts too.
Morning mummies
wow..nice weather to sleep in! Btw..i'm gg to Army Open House later...anyone went already? Worthwhile gg???

Kekeke..i never put any names on my boy's uniform leh...thankfully, *touch wood* so far, yet to lose his fact, brought back an additional set instead...I cant even rem how it came abt somemore!
However, few occasions..his cc didn't include his milk bottle/water bottle back also..but bobian, so many children sure mixed up now & then.
snowy, ask for replacement card. i go back check my hb card see if it's got a chip or not. i havn't paid my sch fees yet.
U gg for the concert? How much is ur costume cost? $50 also? So exp hor..:p
Sad to say, both days I cant make it...:p
Dun scare me leh. I bought 6 sets liao then tell me going to change uniform. KNS. If really change, I am not using iron on liao. Going to get pple sew on for me. Easy to iron and faster for me.

What favour? Iron clothes ah?

Army open house got what to see? open house for career fair or what? Need to pay to go in?


your mil also so nice leh, will iron for you. hahah


How you know huh? ahhahahaha
yokogi / may : i also hate ironing so nowadays i only buy clothes that dun have to iron. My dad will iron my gal's uniforms leh cos all her uniforms over at my mum place.

ivfamily : was asking my hubby whether want to bring our gal to the army open hse, but he said dun want leh though i'm interested to bring my gal there. U go liao then let me know whether interesting to go anot

yokogi : ya lor, will check with the ocbc. That day i thought can use then i want to redeem the caltex $5 voucher, then end up cannot use, sigh
May, i also got scared. cos i bought 6 sets too. I don't care, if they change, i'm just going to buy 1 new set. Everyday else wear current design.
baby, yalo. my MIL always find things to do one. cannot stop one. i stay with her i never do housework also. only sometimes happy then cook dinner for all and wash plates. happy hor? but not my own mother leh. so i paiseh also. not so good for long term.
free admission. No need to pay...basically inside got lotsa army equipment for viewing..heard from one of my friend early birds might also get to ride in one of the helicopter (not sure of the name)..erhh...but not confirmed news lah

sure...provided i get a chance to loggin tonight/tomo ^_^ cos usually no access to internet during weekends.

RE: Ironing
I also dun fancy ironing..but bobian, tt's the only household chore i do..kekeke...

Yup, Charlene is going for the concert. The costume is indeed expensive. The one i bought last year only wear once at the concert lor. A bit wasting money leh.

and i have two gers, both also cost me 50 bucks. CC really suck our blood dry dry leh.
My MIL is extreme. All clothes want to wash to be dump in washing machine. If she see full liao then she press button to wash. After washing, just open the cover and AIR dry. Want to wear, take urself from the washing machine. If got clothes to wash, she will take out those "DRY" one, sort them out and dump into individual cupboard. NO FOLDING ONE hor. No iron in their house also. I almost fainted when I stayed at her place for 2 wks while waiting for my house to renovate finish. Towel 1 mth wash 1 time. Bedsheet 1 mth wash 1 time also. Urgh..

I never want to step into her kitchen. It is terrible !!! The house for ants, cockroaches and spiders. Hate to go there.

Aiyo.... how come your mil like that one.

AIR dry the clothing in washing machine? the clothe must be damn smelly lor. Is your mil a housewife or still working that she too busy with household chores?
barney - tonight no mooncake/cheese cake session.
but i think jopep wanna make on her own. i told her can get the extra biscuit crust from me.

army open house - we gg on mon 7 sept.
my son is looking forward to sit the tanks and shoot the guns.
She is working but I dun think this is an excuse to do housework in this manner. She still insist she want to look after my gals. NO WAY LOR.

better not let her look after. Eee.... have your hb tok to her abt the clenaniess of the house before?


How abt next friday?

I feel like trying the recipe from the FTWM which you post ytd.

Her oreo cheesecake is not bake one.
baby/yokogi : call up ocbc to check out liao, the conversion period is over so if i want to replace the card with the chip on it, have to take the form and apply as a new one. Stupid right

iv, was it u who told me u put a blank cd into my letterbox yesterday huh? or was it michelle? so sorry i keep getting mixed up.

i didn't see any cd in my letterbox yesterday leh. got pur wrong box?
