Lovely JW Mommies

hi yoko,
thanks for the article on popcorn.... oh dear.. .the recommended age is 4... my gal is eating away... luckily no a lot..... haha coz the kor kor eat more...

When can my baby eat popcorn?

Expert Answers
The BabyCenter Editorial Team
With its sharp edges and kernel flakes, popcorn is one of those foods that can even get caught in an adult's throat, causing gagging and choking. "I'd say 4 years is the youngest age when you should let a child eat popcorn," says Susan Moores, a registered dietitian in St. Paul, Minnesota, and a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association. When your child does start eating popcorn, take the bag or bowl away from him after the fluffy stuff is gone. The unpopped and half-popped kernels that fall to the bottom can get caught in your child's throat and block his airway.
harros all

i also din noe abt the danger of popcorn. It looks so innocent! And hb only just bought a packet wanna do for kristy to eat. He also thought of renting popcorn machine during didi's baby shower. Now better not.

I discovered dis whole popcorn thing last nite when ah dai was telling us it was mentioned in the baby book dat she's been reading lately. Den she forgot wat page. So i google lo. Not bad huh, ah dai?

Den she also say wat baby cannot play with car key..... And dunno wat crap.

actually your ah dai also not that bad lar. Really dun wan to keep her huh.


Im thinking to make both....
I know abt the car key thing.

There is this mummy, she drove out shopping with the baby. Baby is in the car seat and sitting on the front passenger seat. Then after parking, She pass the key to the baby to play. Hoping to get him engage to something while she offload the pram. She went behind, off load the pram, close the boot. Was walking back to the front to open the door to carry out the baby. And the baby PRESS the car key and the door auto locked. And poor baby self-locked himself inside the car. The panic mummy got no choice but to get help from passerby to get the baby out. I can't rem if they call police or break the glass of the driver's door to get the kid out.
I think Ah Dai not bad also. At least she read up things and willing to share with you. Cos she is concerned abt Kristy. I dun think there will be much maid bother to do that.
yokogi thumbs up for your helper yah...
Im feeling sleepy and tired today. No mood to work.


i think pink have the recipe leh. you sure wanna try at home? or wanna bake it with us?
I would like to join leh. But no where to tompang my meimei. Was thinking of doing it with Jamie. Maybe I go buy mould first.

Ur buddy shop got cute cute mould like Hello Kitty or Mickey? Ask him to reserve can?

Too heaty will cause menses to delay de meh?

i dun know whether im that tooo heaty anot, cos recently, i have two big uclers in my mouth. Stress, dun think so leh. I have never encounter so late menses before leh. the most is oen day late only.

No leh... i was also scare i tio first prize but ytd i check liao. Dun have leh.

Eat watermelon can anot?

but ytd i ate alot liao leh.
Change of environment will caused delay of menses. No worry, it will come eventually.

Eat pineapple got use meh? I rem that time when I had Jamie. I didnt know I was preggie. I ate watermelon and pineapple in order to make it come leh. End up 2 weeks later go check with kit then realised preggie.

this is the first time i encounter this leh, i change so many jobs din have delay like this.

Sorry leh.. i can't find the xuan from the archive thread... all the chinese words missing and become this 静愃.
barney - dun worry too much. no menses. not preggy oso. just wait lor.
or your menses normally very very on the dot one?
may last time i wan to make it come faster so can go swimming, so i at nite 10pm eat half of the whole pineapple, then next day lunch eat another slice, and evening really came.

i just ate few spoon of ice cream ytd only leh.

Ya, my menses is on the dot de.

Dun know if i shld go see doc anot or myself too worrying liao?

you really ah.... can eat so muhc pineapple. i very scare of eating pineapple de leh.


what flav you got ytd?
baby dun worry the more you worry the more it wun come haha.. but i was thinking if i joined a new company and wihtin the probation period i found out i was pregnant, will they sack me or i dun have maternity leave?

The company will find reason to terminate your service lor.

One of my friend, who was pregnant during her last month of probation and the company find excuse to ask her to leave. They pay her additional one month salary also.

I was wondering abt my job also, if i were to be pregnant during my service here, will they terminate me as well. cos im on contract basis.
my cousin colleague cheated her co.
She already preg when the co wana to employ her.
I tink she wana work beocs she is preg.
The co gave her the ML. Now back from ML soon preggie again. haha..
she just keep quiet lor.
and her hb is the chaffeur for the big boss.

I tink these people just wana take advantage.

Then she consider heng lor, the company didn't find excuse to sack her. Cos when she reveal how many months she is the HR can calculate de mah.

See if there's any camping for her to go.
<font color="0000ff">honeymummy,
Woah, your cousin is very fertile ya.

How many days is your menses behind schedule?</font>
oh ya barney - possible to be preggy. inital stage the hormones level low so may show negative.
my 1st preggy i tested twice.
