Lovely JW Mommies

HI to all pretty mums,

Im a newbie here.. 1st MTB and now in my 24 wks, expecting a baby boy. My EDD is 18 Dec 09.

Im staying in JW, near to Pioneer Mrt. Nice to meet u ladies here *)

<font color="0000ff">pinky66,
May I know who your current gynae is? Dr Eunice Chua?

How to get rid of white hair and to prevent them from growing?</font>
we can do both... if still got time then we also do cheesecake.. :p

congratse and welcome to our thread.. quite a few mummies staying around pionner mrt...
yokogi: my hb havent give me the email details.. but how many need to order then i send email to you once i get it from him.
baby, cannot find chance to sneak leh.......

manda.........u mean i v pai or v chao geng? kekek

hi daphane, welcome to our thread.

candy, gam siah hor! quan2 kao4 ni2 le4!

I am 2 train stations away. haha

Welcome here to our thread. Hope you can come in and chat with us more often or join our gathering.

Are you a working expectant mum or SAHM


Im thinking to make both leh.. Snowskin and bake skin moon cake.
baby, i realize nowadays u v greedy tam jiak leh! 1 day wanna make 3 cakes, now 1 day wanna make 2 types of mooncakes.....kekek
i think it's next wkend. who's going? i wanna buy blanks and multimedia player (the type YT showed me), 2 nos si beh big ext hdd and hb wanna buy canon all-in-1 printer leh (has 2TB come out already?)

*sounds like i'm going to change/convert my job soon hor? kekeke*
sme cheese cakes gt to be left in e oven to sit for bout 6hrs b4 ready to serve de.did u place in water to bake?wat cheese cake did u bake?do u nid to beat e egg white til standin foam?my 1st cheese cake oso beri wet inside.den i realised e way i beat e egg white is wrong.den i tried another recipe e 2nd time n was successful.i oso wan2 go on e 12th!bt me stil CF!CRY!!!y nt aft my CF...

what's the method of beating the eggs? Is wendy having the same receipe as you?

Wendy use water to bake the cheese cake.
bbloh,my gynae is L N Sim. Sim Lee Ngor at 4 level in tmc.she's gd n gentle.usually they say female gynae will be rough she's gd n i'm beri satisfied wif her.
saw advert for dyeing with herb. only some colours to try. Tot of trying cos hv lotsa white hair too.

we can try both type of mooncake. Yes!
mine is chantel smetin or new york cheese cake. Me nw restin in rm.later den i post for u guyz okie.dat time i try e japan cheese cake,dat one gt to use mixer to beat til e egg turns into foam.i dono wat recipe is wendy using.cheese cake gt to be placed in water tray to bake de.den wn't get burnt easily.if gg to burn den cover wif foil to prevent burning.sit in oven 1st for few hrs den tk out to prevent crackin.
i heard eat black sesame paste desert will prevent white hair leh...dono hw true.

Jopep,cn i pop by awhile if i'm bored? ;p keke

I tot those forward email i received has been alter before by emailer. So is the true that prc really do direct translation. hahaha
May, good luck to your job hunting.

Pink, my gynae is also LN Sim leh. She is very good n caring. My 2nd c-sect, she still say my first stitch not nice she will 'cut' away the old scar n do mei mei for me. Now I see my stitch is juz like normal handcut scar. I even took photo that time when I m on confinement. Hahaha.

Yokogi, my advice is get those media player with HDD better. Did I show you the website which my friend last time recommend me? I got mine at the IT fair which my friend bought for me. I think $79 but no HDD.

Jopep, if I dun have any appt on 12 Sep I will pop by can? Juz next door. Hehehe.
post phone la!wahaha til end of e mth.

Yt,so ur 1st oso diff gynae?she was recommended by my sis fren coz she was in serious condition during e laz coz of dr sim she managed to pull thru.i oso induced wen I had shanny coz i wanted to noe if she delivers rili gd.coz she had to go c e uni wif her gal dat i'll go bac to her if i preggy again if she's rili gd.
tmd drafted a long msg but no network to post end up gotta restart phone.

Pink, u dun mind having #4?? pei fu pei fu!

YT, yes u showed me before.
i don mind having #4 if i cn afford la.but i don wana wrk liao.if possible,i hope i cn stop wrk soon.c hw la.mayb tired liao den don wan lor.
pink, she is my gynae for 1st &amp; 2nd boy. It was recommended by my family doctor. At first, my mum insist me chosing the gynae at gleneagle but I dun like that guy gynae. He see 2 patient at a time lor. Although yah he is famous n have high tech equipment. But what I want is assurance n concern from the doctor. Dr Sim is very patient and not pushy. She will advice me what type of test is need or not a must. I also remember after I went back to remove stitches, she ask me to go back for pap smear test and I ask if I can go back to my family doctor as its at Jurong only. She say its ok. Btw, my family doctor know her and I think they are friend. After my first c-sect, in fact I find my scar are ok just alittle skin but its mei mei one. When my 2nd c-sect, Dr Sim ask how do I find my 1st scar I say ok leh. She say Hmm abit thick so I 'trim' for you. I was blur for a moment. So after 2nd c-sect, my scar indeed is alot nicer than the 1st one. My family doctor saw and say she see so many patients only Dr Sim patients c-sect scar very nice n neat. Hehehehe.

Yokogi, ok ok. Me old liao forget if I have show you before.
is one no nid to beat egg til standing foam.juz tk out e cream cheese fm fridge to soften den will be easier to mix.add in wif milk will be easier to mix.i pre heat my oven at 240 den bake at 230.tis recipe is qte easy to boss told me pheladelphia cream cheese is gd for bakin cheese gt at ntuc.
wendy, got free delivery uh?

wendy, have i passed u WW already? actually i lost track who gotten it who hasn't liao.

pink, mayb i drop by your place dis wkend ok? a swift visit ;p
wendy,i wan! but don tink cn collect fm u nw la...its time u bake den gimme k...

yoko,if u're bz den it's okie i've to pass u hw mny cds in total?let me noe.thks
ooppsy daisy, if wendy cant make it then we got to change date liao cos need her to guide us n need to borrow all the baking utensils from her as my house got none!!! if u gals r ok on the 19th sep then me will go back kulai on 20th instead since mon is also a ph... how how how???

sorry for replying late.. if tomolo still have then me go take tomolo :p
i use mixer to mix lor.i mix cream cheese wif milk till all dissolve den add sugar etc.vanilla extract cn oso gt fm ntuc.

My Jayna's full mth will be done on e 19th sep leh.
Good Morning to all,


I sms wendy ytd, she say if we wanna do it on a friday night?

19 and 20, i cant leh.. im going berkok(yong peng) but is to be confirm again


Why is the full month celebration so early? how come not on 26 or 27?
Morning Ladies!

Yokogi, late then transfer the money to u. Did it this morning. Amount $31.38. But I forgot to take down the ref. leh. U check and let me know okie?

Ya.. if financially allow, I would want to try for #3 and stop working. My ideal is to home school my own kids. But seems like I am only dreaming leh, so far away from it. hahaha.

Thanks for the info abt the popcorn. Hmm... must take note when i give pop corn to my kids now. The thing i dun like abt popcorn is the husk cos sometime it can just stuck in mythroat for few days.
