Lovely JW Mommies

Morning mummies
another rainy day...hmm..rather worried that it will rain tomo during e bbq leh..if so, what plans do we hv huh??

sad to say..dunno anyone frm there..else can go to seek shelter at their place hor..hee
paisey..yet to tt $10..think i pass to u tomo instead lah.

Gam xia..i received e bag oredi..they left it in the shoe cubicle..I was wondering why there was a plastic bag in the cubicle..tot someone accidentally left things there..then the teacher opened for me to c..then I realised it was frm u..gam xia again!!

I want Yummies!!!!! Hmm..let me c whether I hv ur email..else pm u..heheheh....cant wait to eat them up again!!

aiyoyo...but u oredi eating in the evening eat lesser then can sample e mooncakes loh..heheh...

RE: Toilet Training
I think my boy will take a while b4 he can be fully toilet trained...heheh..cos e urine in the morn is soooo much until it overflow & cause him to wake up early..hmm..btw, any gd absorbent diapers to recommend for night use??

RE: Maids
Hmm..somehow..I dun hv e luxury of having a hub is against employing a maid..he prefers having his parents staying w us rather than engaging a's why i stop at one..heheh..cos at least for now, I'm still able to cope w one..cant imagine having another one

just sent u a pm..heheh...dun faint when u see e no. of packets I'm ordering..btw..confirm can collect on 22/9..cos my sil needs it..
Hey mommies, enjoy your BBQ tmr. Hope it'll be a cool but not rainy evening so that you gals can stay til late.

I hope to join next time, i promise to cook bee hoon so that you all get to sample my cooking. heheh
Oh btw i do weekend catering too in case you gals need Halal food for parties etc, can let me know.
collection on 27 sep saturday last day to confirm order is on 22 sep.

feeling better now?

me still cannot lah will pass u mongs no tml
My girl (4yo) using Huggies pull-ups (XXL) at night. It can last whole night and I normally put on for her at around 10 pm and she wakes up at 8-ish next morning. So far no leakage but not sure if boys pees more than girls..
wow..u also do catering huh? Impressed! Hee..
I was thinking of getting better brands like Pampers or Huggies to see whether it overflow..cos now using NTUC brand..heheh..but XL size..tot can hold e urine more..

Oic..ok..still in order 6 packets..not 5 hor..hee..gam xia gam xia!!

Maybe you can try using huggies ultra for night use. Think is better and comarable tyo pampers brand.
i love cooking la so catering is like a sideline cum hobby and i basically do for friends and realtives. Biggest order was for 100 pax, last year.. and i was 7 months preggy then! hahah.. crazy huh!

I use to buy Mamy Poko for overnight use when Lis was smaller but now no size to fit her le.. so Huggies pull-ups is a better, more comfy option.
enjoy urselves at the BBQ tmr,we will be going to malacca to attend friend's wedding n only be back on sun night

sorry to hear u r a single mom,u r very strong
good morning mummies,

iv, my boy using mummy poko L size for night and so far no leakage yet. my boy has also tried the pull up pants from mummy poko as well but i find that it's not as good as the diaper...

i have just started to train him for the night as well. will wake him up in the middle of the night to go pee and hopefully it wont be long before he is fully toilet trained. have also bought a packet of disposable absorbent pad from guardian to place under the bedsheet so as not to wet the bed in case he pees before i wake him up...

bringing my son to watch thomas musical at expo tonight.. anyone going as well???
baby, will msg u if going ealier for the swim, think my son will most probably be sleeping aroung that time... :p btw, since i stay opp sheng siong, u want me to buy the drinks instead??
soft, must go eat the chicken rice ball and nonya kuei when u in malacca.. cant remember what else to eat liao.. :p
Wow..7mths preggy & still cook for 100 pax..indeed very capable..think i'm unlike u..very lazy..hee..didn't even hv side lines...

RE: Diapers
Thks mummies for the recommendations..thinking mabbe go to NTUC later during lunch to see whether got any suitable ones..

Jopep 74
how old is ur boy? actually I'm thinking of getting e waterproof mat protector, which Babybarney mentioned b4..bought frm an overseas spree frm this forum, but u gave me a better idea to use e pad..but how was e absorbency? I purchased that in the past when I was pregnant..heheh..scared waterbag burst & spoil my still one big packet at home!

Sofpillow long never see many lobangs..go here & there during our gatherings..
i draw strength from my girls

and of course family and friends support is a blessing to go with too.

i forgot we stay near to each other.. i'm now staying with my parents also nearby at 275A
actually that time my friend asked me a favour cos the caterer she engaged earlier was down with viral flu and had to cancel 4 days before her function. i didn't cook much dishes as she only ordered fried bee hoon(white), fried macaroni (spicy), chicken curry, fishballs and fish nuggets and samosa.

Must go eat the lok lok as well. very delicious.

iv, i bought water proof mat liao but yet to use cos i lazy to wake up at night to bring her go pee.


You are one capable woman.I really salute you!


is okie i have order the drinks from caterer le. anyway tonight or tml need to go buy other stuff as well. Thanks for offering.


Did someone say wan to fried bee hoon?

Tee, you cooking fried rice hor?

Can you let me know the total amount to pay for the stuff? thanks, i will pay you in cash tml.
U better now?? What happened??

My! I didn’t know u hv more than 1..who’s helping u t/c of ur girls when u are working? Ur friend must be really glad to hv u as a long did u take to cook up the dishes??
U r indeed a strong & capable lady! I take my hats off u! I guess sometimes circumstances forced one to be strong & capable..

How big is the mattress protector? I’m still thinking whether to get..but think I’ll also try to delay his toilet training..heheh..definitely not now when his diaper is always so wet in the mornings. Btw..just bought Pampers Active Baby..cos the ones u all recommended weren’t available!! So expensive!! $20!! Hmm..but then again, if it’s useful & can hold all his urine..I dun mind..

Glad tt ur kiddos r recovering..where is this Rainbow Fish show u r bringing them to? So nice hor..hee..seems like ur kiddos always hv many places to go..unlike me..hehehe…lazy mummy & daddy..always at home else shopping centres..hehehe..

Althought ordering from BBQ wholesale but im not ordering the fried rice from them cos theirs is not nice.

If not conveience to cook, i'll order from Nor.


How much are you charging for fried rice?


Sad to say. I haven open up the protector to see how big. Think i might wana let her try go diaperless tonight but again if im not lazy ...kekekek

i also envy your kids. You always have so many idea of place to bring them.

I have run out of idea and recently very lazy.
Sometimes circumstances force us to do things we thought we could not be able to do before. But I believe God will not give us something we can’t handle, there is strength in all of us that we do not know, because we have not ventured there yet. To be honest, I amazed myself sometimes cos I never realize I can do some things on my own.

I'm currently staying with my parents and I have a helper to lighten up my mom's chores. I'm planning to get my own place near my mom's. Its best to have our own place as the girls are growing up. Looking at a block or 2 away, walking distance so that i can still put them there when i work.

On the catering
I will normally prepare the ingredients 2-3 days before hand so that all are ready on the day. I started at 5am and my fren came to pick up at noon as I had no strength to drive after cooking everything that day.

For fried rice, I charge $15 for 15 pax (min). Self collect.
Please indicate what type of fried rice/ bee hoon you want:

1) Non spicy fried rice (with vege, fishcake & eggs) - suitable for kids $15 for ~15 pax
2) Kampong fried rice – spicy (with vege, ikan bilis and eggs) $15 for ~15 pax
3) Pineapple fried rice – mild spicy (with vege, chicken/prawns and eggs) $20 for ~15 pax
4) Fried bee hoon – white (with vege & seafood) $18 for ~15 pax)
oh ya, jopep stay near by you. wendy also stay near by hor.


any problem collecting the fried rice for me?

My ex-colleague told me that becoz they found the soup tasted funny (got urine taste) and decided to check on her and saw she actually added some urine to the soup. I think she's fm Indonesia.
have plenty of rest and hope you get well soon!

oh my! the maid is so sick!! i heard of another case where a maid spit into soup/ food that she prepares so that the ppl who eat it will listen to her. dono how true this story is la..

Me too, I dun hv the luxury to hv maids. My hb also against the idea of having one coz he doesn't like to hv a stranger to live in the house. He said will cause alot of inconvenience coz no privacy. But he always help me with the housechores lah.


Thanks for the well wishes. In fact I just woke up.. heehee! Slept fm morning till now leh. So tired and whole body aching.
