Lovely JW Mommies

I just transfer my maid out too.. long story la.. I posted in the thread to vent out last month before I left for my biz trip. Anyway, hope this new one is ok la..

I hate to do the orientation, training, get to know stuff and on top of that stil have to fork out more $$ for insurance and 1st month salary upfront to agent! Sian!

But trust is something we can’t do without when dealing with live-in helper. After all they are strangers to start with so of course trust is paramount! It best to get another and build up new relationship rather than endure someone you can no longer trust. Just my 2-cents worth la

Manda/ Joanne
My girl 4 yrs stil wear pull up to sleep at night. She can't do without yet la.. in the morning stil quite heavy.. i really don't know how long this will take..
actually i was thinking of putting plastic sheet under her bedsheet and let her sleep without any diaper to try out.. but stil dare not.. wait leak to the sides jialat!
<font size="+2"> I got 2 $3 Abbott Discount Voucher for Gain IQ and Gain IQ Kids to give away. Anyone interest?</font>
Nor , thanks i understand what you mean. Im very troubled too. Her work so far is okie. BUt i just cannot understand why she can't tok to me if she really in need of anything. I told her im very open.

Manda, That's nice leh. Save alot of money on diaper.

Im lazy to train my ger at night. and also at night she will usually drink two bottle of milk before she sleep that cause her to always wet the mattress.

I was thinking the same like u too!! But I scared if she pee, no doubt the bed won't get wet, but her pants will be all wet and if dun wake her up to change, she might catch a cold.

Dun be so upset lah. I know maids give alot of prob de. Just hope that u can get a better one soon.

Wah, yr girl drinks until 2 bottles of milk at nite??
Sometimes it irks me too about how they can talk so much to other fellow maids and refuse to be open to us even as forward as we can be to them! I found a public phone card recently when I was cleaning up my bag compartment. I guess my old maid (hahaha sorry just sound funny la) was hiding things from me and when I sent her to the agency she didn’t expect it and didn’t have time to pack her hide-away stuff.

Yah exactly! Imagine when pants wet, then hug bolster! Yewww!! So I guess we still have to spend some night diaper money la.. no choice..
i can see poshies got bored of the "dead" SAHM in Jurong thread and migrated here.

i am stalking u back hehehe.
originally i want to join this thread, but way too many mummies here, abit too overwhelming for me. =P
i remember there used to be a thread on St65 Jurong west Mummy... cant find anymore.
toilet training - my son at abt 3.5 yo refused to wear diaper to bed. he can.t up in the middle of the night to go pee. we cant wake up to wake him too. SO, he just wet the bed a few times!!! then slowly he started to wake HIMSELF and ask us to bring him go pass urine. then he was able to holdhis bladder till morning liao.

we are very nuah parents neh. hee.

baby - mayb u shd find out her intention of getting hp. i dun she would be so daring to do anything to your girl. dun be so paranoid.
er... say easy la. i also paranoid de.

Talking abt maids hor... I just remembered one incident that my ex-colleague told me. She used to hv a maid who doesn't like her mum coz her mum always pin-point at her. So u know what she did? Everyday when she cooked dinner for them, she would add some urine into the soup... !!! Horrible rite??!! YUCKS!!

Wah.. like that u must be bz changing the bedsheets every nite loh? Tedious leh... Yah i agree with u... me also a 'nuah' parents... hehehe..
joanne - actually it wasnt very disastrous. there is an extra mattress just beside my son's bed. so wat we need to do is take off the wet bedsheets, change my son's pj, and he can continue to sleep on the extra mattress.

maid - call me prejudiced, but i dun think i can accept them. u never know what they are thinking.
i think as much as i don't fancy having a stranger living under the same roof, its now more of a necessity than a luxury to have one. I need the extra hand to ease out my mom la.. if not my poor mommy will be single handed looking after my 2 rascals and to lug my baby when she sends my 4yo to school transport pick-up point.
nor - i want to handle ALL BY MYSELF. but hb wants quality life. i'm still trying my best.

don - did u just created a fb for don??? hee. u very quiet recently lei. what r u bz with? baking ah? play fb games ah? or cleaning your precious moments figurines???
if i could i also want to take care by myself but unfortunately being a single mom does not permit me that option. so have to make do with a live-in helper lor.
mummies if don't have also nvr mind lar just kidding with u all but if have better lor cos can see our pics inside mah

me busy with office work cos tml wanna take half day leave, u checking my account at facebook har?

Yah, i also heard pple saying that let them wet on the mattress a few times and then they will be able to control their bladder next time.
Chey! I always tot some of u are new mommys, I didnt know some of you were frm SAHM thread, lol. No wonder the nicks so similiar ...

joanne, ey how u know she put urine in it? wat race is she huh, so Rude!
hello mummies.... I feel so chiam... so many days didnt check forum at all. That new job wearing me out sia.... *tears*
Don, wld love to join but cant promise now.
why not go post at the events in FB?

BBQ: I just realized its the ramadan mth to do BBQ lei. Luckily it begins after 6pm or else sure must give it a miss since hubby do fast.
elo mummies...was sick so din cum in.slept nearly e whole day.miss u guyz so much.nobody miss me ah?so sad...

Bubb,did u order for me?me til nw din check email u hav my contact?coz my lappy nt wrkin so din check email.using my hp nw to check thread.

Din cum in lke beri uncomfy leh.
<font color="0000ff">morning.....
wow... the q in NUH is short... but still stay there for more than 3 hr.... ..</font>
<font color="0000ff">hi ivfamily,
had pass ur boy bag to the school...... please rememeber to get it from the teacher hor...</font>
<font color="0000ff">Hi Joannelim,
nice to see u here.... all along ... i'm in both thread..... haha..... too bored over that side mah..... but here also some time super fast....</font>
Good morning all!

yeah both if dont mind. wants to save $$ for next trip. heehee..

Planning to go Hong Kong next yr. anyone know of good hotel to recommend? Quite lost cos never been to HK before.
<font color="aa00aa"> BBQ,

When you reach the guard house tml, if the guard happen to ask you which unit you wanna go. Jus tell them going for BBQ for Block 3 Unit 07-05. Thanks
how's are your children? better liao?? take care, ok.

how come sick? is it too stressful for upcoming the driving lesson/test?

Are you better? Take care wor.


what ballon is manda talking abt?

Don mummy,

Do you have mong's number? i might wan to order cupcakes for charlene birthday. or do you wanna take my order?
