LO squirming and grunting


New Member
Hi to all mummies & daddies,

My LO is coming to 1 month and currently on BM, EBM & FM.
He had started to squirm & grunt after every feed despite us burping him. And sometimes he will squirm until face red red. We have told the polyclinic DR about it and she asked us to monitor his condition as he doesnt seem to be in pain and neither was he crying. My LO farts out frequently and poos once a day.

He is taking Similac at the moment so should we change his formula?

We realized that our baby was grunting all the time when he slept at night, only after my CL left after a month. We just thought that he was a bad sleeper, until we mentioned it to our PD who said that he was colicky and it usually gets worse at night. She gave him Ridwind (which can be bought off the shelf from pharmacies) and he got better
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I did use "Ridwind" and we changed to Mamil Gold Step 1 and he got better. So i'd guess Similac was too "strong" for him.
